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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by genessee

  1. Will be out for a week due to visiting a family member

  2. @Blitz Boom Lance nodded and trotted towards the kitchen, keeping an eye out for Alonsus or his Pegasus friend. I wonder what Straw wants to ask about. I hope it isn't bad. Lance didn't like the idea of going on more deliveries-- if he went alone, he'd probably get lost. If Berry accompanied him, she might dig deeper into exactly what Lance needed... Oh, no. If Berry tells Alonsus that I was asking around, I'm screwed! But if I ask her not to, she might think I'm a spy or whatever and tell Alonsus, but if I keep quiet she might think I'm plotting something. Crap, what am I supposed to do? By the time Lance had reached the kitchen, he was beginning to panic. However, a staff member might think he drank some of Berry's coffee and pass it off as a rookie mistake.
  3. @Blitz Boom Lance would remain silent for a few seconds, but quickly shook his head-- he didn't want to look like he was spying. "Hey, Mr. Straw. Are there any other deliveries today?" He decided not to ask further about Alonsus right after he had said he wouldn't. Plus, he needed some time to think about this.
  4. @Blitz Boom (( Sorry about lateness of post, flu )) Lance gave Berry a look saying something along the lines of 'You are one weird pony.' "I'm pretty sure if he threw them away-- whatever. I'll keep quiet about this, thanks for the info." If he had fingers, he would probably be crossing them behind his back right now. Sure, he wouldn't go around town telling everypony on the street that Alonsus is on parole, but he definitely wasn't done sticking his snout into this. I might be able to help him. Or at least figure out what's going on. He tried to make his way out of the claustrophobic closet and make his way towards Straw's office to ask about any further deliveries, though Berry or somepony else could stop him on the way.
  5. @Blitz Boom Lance followed Berry to the back room (After taking the coffee she had given him), and looked around rather suspiciously. This reminds me of that alleyway, all cut off from everything else. "Uh... alrighty." He spent a few seconds surveying the room before he would start to talk, so Berry would get a chance to speak before him.
  6. @Blitz Boom Lance didn't speak up until he was sure Alonsus had left the diner, and even then, he spoke in a low tone. Just in case. "Something happened... I'm not quite sure what it is, though. Hey, quick question; was Alonsus ever on parole?" He felt a bit bad for talking about this behind Alonsus's back, but his curiosity outweighed the guilt.
  7. @Blitz Boom Lance trotted over to the nearest seat and sat down, just to go over mentally what just happened. It looked like Alonsus was about to rob me out of nowhere, but had second thoughts. Lance glanced around the diner as he thought. Wait... He noticed the Pegasus. After we ran into that guy, Alonsus started acting weird. Why is that? And didn't he say something about 'parolees together'? Why would Alonsus be on parole?.. It felt like a big puzzle to Lance, and he had just found a piece-- not that it was useful right now, but still! Huh. Maybe it was more than I thought. I'll have to talk to Berry about this, I'm certain she'd know more about this than I would.
  8. @Blitz Boom Lance read out the address and got on his way, hardly waiting for Alonsus to follow. He just wanted to finish up the route and take a break just to digest what Alonsus had told him and what to think of him now. Lance still kept an eye on the bigger pony, just in case he decided to pull something behind his back.
  9. @Blitz Boom "H-hey there! My name's Lance. It's n-nice to meet you!" Lance tried his best to keep a cheerful look going as he took the bucket and handed it to Mrs. Raspberry. "There y-you go."
  10. @Blitz Boom Lance felt a pang of guilt for saddening Alonsus, but any guilt he had was quickly smothered under a blanket of fear. He remained dead silent as he followed Alonsus. Maybe Ponyville isn't as good as I thought.
  11. @Blitz Boom Calling Lance 'terrified' was a massive understatement. He visibly trembled, and was sure he was about to get beaten to a pulp. So, Lance's expression changed to a somewhat relieved (thought still fearful) one when it seemed his face might not get rearranged. "I w-wouldn't dream of telling a s-soul. Promise." I knew something was up with this stallion. For a minute, a part of Lance said, I should ask about it, but was quickly silenced by the thought of I like being alive, can we keep it that way? He waited for Alonsus to say something else. It was clear Lance was no longer even remotely in charge of their deliveries.
  12. @Blitz Boom Lance had retreated a couple paces during the exchange between the two. He hadn't ever seen Alonsus this angry. I didn't even know he could get this angry. "A-alrighty! Uh, let's go." With that, Lance scurried along. He tried not to make eye contact with Alonsus, in case he would notice Lance's fearful expression.
  13. @Blitz Boom Most ponies that live in this town fall under the 'crazy' category, if I'm being totally honest. Lance failed to notice the Pegasus coming up behind the two. It was a busy street (or, at least, it sure felt like it) so he would think nothing of the nearing pony until he got closer. "Yep, let's get onto the next stop-- here's the address..." He would begin to read off the next address, but chances are he wouldn't finish before the Pegasus got close. Unless, of course, the Pegasus took their time getting to the two.
  14. @Blitz Boom Jeez, what's up with him? I know everypony has their secrets, but I don't think most involve going this far to avoid a certain pony. "That works." Lance continued the trek toward the house, still wondering what Alonsus was hiding from him.
  15. @Blitz Boom Okay, this is getting pretty weird. Lance followed Alonsus without a word and a thoughtful look on his face. But I don't have anypony to talk to. Well, maybe Void. But, I have basically no idea where she is.
  16. @Blitz Boom I'm never going to get used to Alonsus's way of speaking. "Alright, let's get a move on then. F-First address is, uh..." Lance walked out of the restaurant, assuming Alonsus would follow. He recited the first address off the list to Alonsus. Lance hadn't been around town much yet, so he hoped the bulky stallion knew the way. I should explore Ponyville after work.
  17. @Blitz Boom The meaner-than-usual glare that Chop had given Lance had startled him. Did I do something I wasn't supposed to? He took the list and left the kitchen, waiting for Alonsus to follow. I have no idea why he gave me that look. Oh, well. I'll find out soon enough.
  18. @Blitz Boom (( Got a new computer, totally forgot to check the forums due to hype-- my bad )) "Y-yeah, ready as I'll ever be!" Lance didn't dwell on the fact that Chop found the chain before he did. But what did he mean by 'I'll be there'? Either way, he had deliveries to do.
  19. @Blitz Boom "O-okie dokie then. I'll, uh, h-head over there right n-now." Luckily, the dose of coffee had only impaired his speech noticeably. He was able to walk to the kitchen with only some twitching that could, hopefully, be easily missed. Hey, I'll probably be able to spring through the entire delivery. The only problem'll be not dropping the food... He had forgotten his fear of Chow, but that was likely to only be temporary until he talked to the scarred stallion again.
  20. @Blitz Boom "Y-yeah, uh, probably." Lance was able to keep himself under control, with only twitching occasionally and stuttering. Just wait for the crash-- I'll probably just collapse where I am and sleep.
  21. @Blitz Boom Lance tried not to stare at Stare (haha get it?) as she wandered away. Instead, he turned his attention to the drink now placed in front of him. This is probably a bad idea. He took the cup and sipped a bit of the hot, caffeine-ridden liquid. Oh, wow. This tastes pretty good, actually. He downed the rest of the cup, and that was when the buzz kicked in. "T-that tasted great! Geez, dude, I should drink c-coffee more often."
  22. @Blitz Boom Lance looked over to Stare, and responded; "Uh, no, I haven't. You'll be the first to know if I come across a hoof mirror that looks like that, though." He continued to study the strange mare for a second, then turned back around.
  23. genessee

    Gender Race

    1125 This thread was dead for a year
  24. @Blitz Boom "I mean, if you--" Lance nearly jumped out of his seat once Stare began to talk. How did I not notice her at all? For a split second he had a somewhat disturbed look on his face, but quickly regained his composure with a deep breath, and then continued his sentence towards Berry while trying not to let Stare out of his peripheral vision. "If you think it's that good coffee, I guess I'll give it a go."
  25. @Blitz Boom Lance trotted over to the nearest empty table or booth and plopped down. Almost immediately, he began to silently have a conversation with himself. He had a habit to do so whenever he was bored or nervous. So, how do I like this town so far?... It's fine, I suppose. It's really, really weird. Well, why is being weird bad? I feel so... normal, I guess. Too normal, like I need to become more different to fit in. He failed to notice Long Stare.
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