All good things must come to an end. Shows, movies, they all come and go, living on in the memories made by their fans who stuck by till the final credits roll. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic was no different, garnering fans the world over, but that too had ended not long ago. The credits roll one final time, the friendship lessons through, and everyone’s favorite pastel equines at last get their final least that’s what people assumed.
Twilight’s coronation was a complete disaster and yet everything seemed to have worked out in the end. She was now in charge of Equestria, her friends were by her side, and the the greatest villains Equestria had ever known were sealed away. With the creatures of many different lands now becoming regular sights in Equestria a new dawn of prosperity was upon them! Yet even in their brightest hours, ancient threats of all kinds still brew under the surface of Equestria.
As the first year of her reign began to come to a close the eve of the first official “Festival of the Two Sisters” was upon them. To make a strong first impression she and the Mane Six sought to plan the most extravagant event that Canterlot had seen in a century! Everyone who is anyone in Equestria was sure to attend - and even from beyond. For once everything seemed to be going without a hitch, no invasions from airship armadas or suped-up magical threats, but it wasn’t to last.
Just as the celebration had begun to commence with the retired Princesses Luna and Celestia taking the stage the terrifying trio of Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow spring upon the crowd - freed from their prison of stone and seeking revenge! Just before the ponies could rally their forces and make a counter attack a lone unicorn saunters on the stage, a total stranger to all, but as their horn becomes alight in a sinister swirl of black and yellow magic strange rifts in space open up all across Canterlot and begin sucking in anypony who gets too close - pony, alicorn and villain alike!
Those who are left to stand and fight immediately demand an explanation, engaging in a quick skirmish with the unknown assailant, the foe pulling drawing up various portals to ensnare those who would get too close! Yet before the enclosing ponies can get in a decisive blow the unicorn opens one last portal and flings themselves inside, but not before at last declaring their name - Ambient Antique! Leaving no recourse but to either follow in after or stay behind to pick up the pieces.
Life doesn’t present too much variation for the average person. Go to work, do your job, return home and sleep to start it over again the next day. Human lives are defined by repetition and keeping to schedules, dealing with mundane troubles without monsters or magic.
When the day had started out it seemed like it was going to be the same as the last but without warning - all over the world - freak storms swept across various regions. Torrential winds tore down branches and strange lightning flickered in the sky, but as quickly as they came the clouds vanished from sight. In their stead however the storms had left strange people in their wake, with oddly colored hair and complete unfamiliarity with their surroundings. To those who find these individuals it becomes clear that these strange characters are a bit more than meets the eye...
These people claim to be Equestrians, people from a completely different world sent here by a new villain who’s motives remain unclear. Intent to reunite and find a way back to Equestria, it’s up to both the Equestrians and their human allies to team up and find a way home!
Welcome one and all to a revitalization of an older concept - a pony in the human world! I’m very excited to announce this, as I do think there is a need for more large scale RP events on the forum! Hopefully the intro happened to catch your eye and you’re up to giving this a shot. The premise of this is primarily to reunite with your fellow Equestrians and have various slice of life scenarios with the humans you encounter along the way, but that's elaborated on in part below.
Be sure to read onward for the rules, as those are rather important!
Rules for all participants!:
Notes on Character Creation:
Equestrian Application Guidelines
Equestrian Race Distinctions
Human Application Guidelines
Additional Notes:
Application Forms
Cast List
Mane Six:
Princess Celestia - @Limestone-Pie
Ambient Antique - @Limestone-Pie
Misc. Canon Equestrians
Tempest Shadow - @Limestone-Pie
Ember - @Limestone-Pie
Equestrian OCs:
Faris Ritter - @Limestone-Pie
Samuel Lehmann - @Limestone-Pie
Example Applications:
Note: No need to go into as much detail as mine, write as much as you're able/comfortable with. I just really like to fill out the particulars.
Edit: There are some spoiler format issues with the applications, they shall be fixed soon! Just beware, there is a lot of scrolling.
Equestrian Applications
Tempest Shadow
Dragon Lord Ember
Princess Celestia
Ambient Antique
Human Applications
Faris Ritter
Samuel Lahmann