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Appley Hooves

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Everything posted by Appley Hooves

  1. I like dust bunnies. The fluffier, the better. Bonus points for hair. There's stuff in it too, but the shapes are indistinct under all the aforementioned.
  2. Sewer backup three years ago that required trenching the entire line out to the street for replacement, pretty sure there were lumpnuggets down there older than the Mona Lisa. Having an all-dirt full basement with that was both a blessing and a curse. Most recent was some damage from a house that blew up at the other end of the block this past autumn. Ended up with a couple cracked windows and loads of shrapnel in the roof. The dead house was being reno'd and was empty at the time so at least there was that. Where we're at is a rental, gonna say that's prolly a good thing
  3. Tired enough to want sleep, but too awake to sleep. Makes sense to you? No? Least it's not just me.
  4. Hard Truck 2, well the US version. When you outrun the cops they send military choppers after you to trash your truck, then they still have the stones to ticket you too. Far as I know it works on no OS beyond Windows XP. Lost the CD in a move around 8 years back so no way to check myself. I'd say I would kill for a remaster of it and the original game, but I doubt Softlab-NSK would be the developers this time around so it'd probably turn out to be a dud. Well, that or SCS would do it and we'd just end up with another relaxing if weirdly irritating quasi-simulator.
  5. Nearly trashed my keyboard trying to beat the second last boss in The Greater Good. Nicely styled visuals and a decent if repetitive soundtrack were dwarfed by enemy attacks that sync to your monitor refresh rate. Developer knows about this, claims he fixed it, but I never did finish the game. Once enemies start triple hitting you every turn the enjoyment vanished pretty fast. Well, that or they spin in circles while attacking the backup they brought to the fight. Remember kids, those aren't bugs, they're features!
  6. Playing through Beware of Trains right now, just finished That Old Time Religion (noire supernatural visual novel) a couple days ago. BoT seems to have a pile of broken or not implemented achievements (somewhere around 20), maybe that explains why player unlock stats for them drop off so early. Meh. TOTR was amazing, scratching my head over why it got roasted with negative reviews as it's far better written than 70% of the trashy but highly rated VNs I've tried. Currently reinstalling Forestry 2017 The Simulation while I type this, that game's pretty awful but it's the only simulator with animal-powered equipment so ehh. Gotta put up with the trash to find the treasure, I suppose.
  7. Being run off the road by a Polish bro in Euro Truck 2 multi
  8. Site support doesn't seem to care, decided I'll not wait the 7 days they have to activate their keys and am trying to add the last two who haven't said if their keys were used. One for sure I can buy him his game and just gift it through steam, the other I don't know as I've got no friends from Israel I can try gifting on to see if region locks prevent it. Neither seems to speak english though so I hope google translate does passable english to chinese and hebrew, and that they don't just decline the friend request cuz without that there can be no gifting now. It's always something
  9. Pretty awful, actually. I've had a few dozen Steam game keys lying around since I stopped trading a while back, finally decided to get rid of them via a batch of SteamGifts giveaways. Turns out I got sold a bunch of used keys. Due to regional pricing locks, at least half the winners can't be given the game by my just buying it and gifting it through Steam. So now they got stiffed out of their winnings, and I'll be getting flagged as not sending gifts, temporarily suspended from SG, and probably kicked out of all the mostly private giveaway groups I'm in. Yay.
  10. Mhm mhm, Google for me now is a joke, never find anything useful in the first two pages of results regardless of what I look up. I've also as of mid March become "one of those people" whose Youtube suggestions are entirely videos I watched ages ago, so now I barely use that site. I miss the days of AltaVista and co. At least you'd usually find something neat if totally unrelated halfway down the first page
  11. Finding yourself a good time consuming single player game is a solid bet most of the time. I'll start up something like Just Cause 2 and ignore the boom boom usual stuff, instead play as a bus or truck driver doing runs around the islands.
  12. Some stability at home so I can get my own shit together without worrying what'll be going on when I'm not here.
  13. Finished high school way late after switching to home schooling so we could move at a weird time. Was my first major bout with depression, plus I couldn't find any quiet time to study for finals thanks to grandparents visiting and always blasting the TV volume. Last exam was ironically written in an actual high school as it was a government exam, so I got to put up with looks from kids wondering why someone in their nearly mid-20s was writing a science test. For the break half-way through, I left to get some water and managed to get locked out of the building for nearly an hour, yay me. Came back home to "so you're finally done?" from the grandparents. Was nice. And nope, no college or uni memories. Never attended either.
  14. Mashed potatoes utterly drenched in butter and salt. Turns them into legit candy
  15. "Shocker: The lil' mong actually amounted to something" Cuz honestly at this point if I actually do, it'll have been done by a body double or an impostor.
  16. Pretty bummed out, the site I used all the time before doing surveys and other garbage to get game bundle leftovers, Tremor Games, is going the way of the Dodo come November 25th. Honestly the site's been going downhill since last Christmas, but I didn't think it'd end like this. Turns out more than a third of my steam library came from those folks, so ehh. Kinda bleh about the whole thing. Suppose I should get looking for other similar sites to take my mind off the loss.
  17. This girl I've known for years only opens up to me because she friendzoned me from the start and I somehow missed it all this time. Nice job self. Ya bloody twit.
  18. Used to be chained to my PC from morning til night in jobless loser neckbeard mode, now I do half that and half babysitting a crazy person and trying to break up utterly pointless fights. It's fun.
  19. Ehh, from knowing piles of people on Steam who're regular users of it, I'd say it is somewhat bad. The ones I knew from before they started using on a regular basis were usually high strung but otherwise alright, after 3 or 4 years of it they're mostly snappy, super forgetful, and weirdly quick to anger. Their ages range from late 20s to early 60s. Honestly talking to them now feels like talking to someone with early signs of dementia, which is really not cool.
  20. Probably just skip it again like we did last year, not much in this house to be thankful for anymore. I miss doing the decorating and having turkey though, same with watching old holiday movies. Wish now I'd enjoyed those older Christmases more had I known what was coming.
  21. Dennys. No joke, that place in Canada at least is where you go to buy something cheaper than laxative that does the same thing and nothing else. I've heard the US ones are pretty good though. Is that true?
  22. Ohai waves of crippling depression, long time no see.

  23. Place we live already smells like one thanks to improperly vented sewers so ehh, I'd be fine with it
  24. A Walk To Remember. Watched so many touchy feely movies with Mom and none much bothered me, but this one holy nope. Never again. Ironically I bought it from a bargain bin, having forgotten its name. Unwrapped and let Mom watch it to make sure it worked, it's sat on my shelf collecting dust ever since. Life As A House comes in a close second, followed by The Notebook. Yeah, I also bought those
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