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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Hierok

  1. Of course he is part of the main characters. The only thing I don't like is romance between species.
  2. Mijn aandeel in het nieuwe jaar... 66,6
  3. Here, have a wallet to give at person above you.
  4. So, you like perfect characters? Than you also like a show with no development, and a show where nothing interesting happens... You need to have flaws in order to get the show going. I agree the show could have a bit more development, like Avatar the last airbender. Yes, Discord in season 7 was almost there, but now he was back at season 5... I know right... But maybe the other characters drive the show forward for them.
  5. Considering Aliens fall in the category creatures that is. Joking aside, it doesn't really matter to me personally. I don't find it offensive, or cringy for that matter. The thing I cringed by is people getting angry about the phrase...
  6. Filthy Rich? I think he would support them, instead of working against him... I was done with them after season 4. Their episodes are just not enjoyable for me
  7. The weakest is the one from season 1 tho... It is actual a pretty good couple of episodes. Starlight finally learning her destiny was great to see.
  8. See Sombra See Grogar See Luna and Celestia in action Discord finally getting his moment to shine Chrysalis getting her revenge and so her defeat No reformations Sunset coming back to Equestria in the show The sirens return to Equestria A emotional ending of the show Spike moving on about Rarity Rarity getting a boyfriend, stallion The rest is about music: Some music made by fans, like MelodicPony, Aurelleah, Aeplise etc. Returning music from previous seasons Performed by a real orchestra Daniel collaborating with other artists
  9. I really wanted to click Timberwolves, but the Phoenix seems to fit in better...
  10. The Return of Harmony, Part 2 The Return of Harmony, Part 1 Perfect Pear Three's a Crowd Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep Magical Mystery Cure Keep Calm and Flutter On The Cutie Mark Chronicles The Crystal Empire, Part 2 Fame and Misfortune
  11. Merry Christmas everypony!!! :applehat:

    Today the top 2000 has started, so I'm close by the radio!!! https://www.nporadio2.nl/top2000 31 December at 23:54 Bohemian Rhapsody will end the year. :pinkiecutehat:

  12. Don't think so. I think they should have changed it every season as much as the new one though. Now it seems odd they changed it with probably only two seasons left
  13. Feeling lifely, while I haven't done anything today. :mlp_lie: Strange...

  14. I wouldn't even try to run, because you are way to fast.
  15. For always having the same avata... What happened!!!!
  16. That's a very good idea. Maybe even on the level of Thanos. Going to such extremes, the prices don't matter... Maybe it is possible. Listen to this: Realising their quest to bring friendship to ponies will never end, she goes to extreme actions to complete her goal.
  17. I still think Discord is still an awesome character, but he was better as villain (before Twilights Kingdom). The last one creates the problem. Mlp is all about reforming, but the motives to change side are just weak and lazy.
  18. Banned for letting me die from cuteness. :3
  19. I agree on all, except for Sombra, Tirek, etc. return. I really want to see Sombra another time.
  20. Banned because Fluttershy is even more adorable. :3
  21. Banned because Luna is just the best... :3
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