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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by KTAG

  1. Night everpony. i'm going to bed. Im trying to have a lucid dream. I've tried so many ways, but none work so far. If I can then even the toughest days won't get me down, because I know I'll have a new day. In my head.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MaryxMelody


      KTAG No problemo

    3. Johnny1226


      Good night KTAG

    4. GenderIsAnIllusion


      In my dreams my mind is foggy..... its hard to form coherent thoughts, and even harder to focus them.... I imagine to be able to lucid dream on a whim, you'd have to train your brain extensively

  2. Hello everypony. Sorry I haven't been active today. I finished school super early today and ever since 12:30 p.m. I've been recording.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. KTAG


      First off. Thanks. I've seen better reaction channels I can recommend a couple if you'd like.


      Second. It's a reaction to Friendship is Manly, and Equestria Girls.

    3. KTAG


      Sorry I meant Equestria Men

    4. Johnny1226
  3. Night everypony. See yall in the morning. Tommorow is Friday, so YAY.

    1. Johnny1226


      Good night KTAG

    2. leonbrony17


      Good night and sweet dreams ktag :)

    3. KTAG


      Thanks you too :D

  4. First off I want to say that NO this isn't sponsored, I just think that this is super cool. If you have a facebook account and you want it ponifyed the check out this link. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ponyhoof/efjjgphedlaihnlgaibiaihhmhaejjdd?utm_source=chrome-app-launcher-search

  5. Night everypony. See yall in the morning.

  6. Hello everypony. Got some "news." I bought a $25 amazon gift card and Imma buy a couple pony related stuff with it. First off thanks to somepony on facebook I will no longer be reaching for that hat. They showed me an image of a hat that I don't have to cut the tail off of. It also has ears. It's super cool. Id say 20% cooler than the other hat I was gonna get. I also bought a Trixie figure. Not a plushie, but still pretty cool. When I get the stuff I'll take a pictur...

    1. Johnny1226


      Good to hear KTAG

  7. Just something to say before bed. I was watching the first Halloween Special in season 2 of MLP, and Pinkie Pie looked so cute as chicken. All the characters have those moments in the show ya know, and Pinkie Pie has her's in a chicken costume.

    1. leonbrony17


      Good night ktag. :)

    2. KTAG


      Night Leon :)

    3. leonbrony17


      I said good night to you because you said before bed.


  8. Night everypony. Sorry I wasn't on at all. Today was a strange day.

    1. Johnny1226


      Good night KTAG

    2. KTAG


      Night Johnny :D

  9. Welp Imma hit the hay. See yall tommorow. NIGHT :D

    1. Johnny1226


      Good night KTAG

  10. Anypony else here hate the news. It's all depressing stuff everyday. There's no local man saves cat from tree. It's always local man puts cant and owner in tree.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KTAG


      YEP. Not to mention those disgusting ads that play. Advertisements are bad enough, but when I eat I don't want to hear those disgusting ads.

    3. The Diver

      The Diver

      News people need more pony princesses in their lives.

    4. KTAG



  11. Hey I finally got my first video up for my second channel. Here is the link. For anypony who Can't type, or highlight links let me know and I'll DM you the video.

  12. Afternoon everypony. Anypony else notice that in season one there is SOOOO much bon-bon in the background. For example: In the episode Running of the Leaves in the stands in the race there is like 10-12 of bon-bon.

    1. leonbrony17


      Good afternoon my friend. It's the same with lyra and berry in many moments. It's very funny.

    2. Johnny1226


      Good afternoon KTAG

  13. My swag when I go to Bronycon (2022 and 2023) Rainbow Dash cap, Twilight and Fluttershy rubber braclets, and Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Apple Jack socks.

  14. Night everypony. See yall in the morning. This week of school is gonna be tough, but if I can get my lazy hands on that Rainbow Dash hat, then it'll all be worth it. Also sorry I keep mentioning the hat. Don't worry though when I get really excited I talk about it for the rest of the day then stop. The next time I mention it will be whether or not I get it. Then it'll be done.

    1. Johnny1226


      Good night KTAG

    2. leonbrony17


      Good night ktag. Hope you get that hat.

    3. KTAG


      Thanks man. I hope so too.

  15. Ok now I'm really regretting not getting that Rainbow Dash hat. There is literally no other MLP stuff in Bullhead. I walked down one of the girls isles in WalMart and I didn't see any MLP. Might be in another isle, but it'll look kind of strange seeing a 15 year old male walk down the little girls sections. When I buy that hat, Imma record it for my second channel.

    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. KTAG


      Laziness and no friends. When was my life story told on the internet.

    3. KTAG


      Night man. See ya tomorrow maybe. It's school tomorrow so I gotta get ready for bed.

    4. Johnny1226


      Good night KTAG

  16. I just got done watching the 22nd episode of MLP from season 1. I keep hearing these strange things that Celestia could do to them. Like banish them, or lock them in a dungeon. What was Celestia doing before the show started.

    1. leonbrony17


      Getting into shape with her hair.

    2. KTAG
  17. NO WAY. I was at Joann's (fabric store) and I HATE going there, buuuuuut I did find something that I wish I would've gotten then. A RAINBOW DASH hat. My eye's lit up when I saw it. My family and I might be going back in a few days, so hopefully it'll still be there.

  18. Morning everypony. How yall today? I'm doing fine. I would love it, if MLP spread to everypony that's not in the fandom and everypony in the world would start saying everypony instead of everyone.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Emerald Shine

      Emerald Shine

      On your about me, you mentioned acting like youtubers or anime characters for a day or two! :D

    3. KTAG


      Oh I thought you were talking about on this status update. Yeah characters that I think are cool I tend to start acting or talking like them without even reaizing it until I've done it forty times.

    4. Emerald Shine

      Emerald Shine

      Haha, it's alright! Yeah, I do that too.

  19. Just a late night status update. I didn't get to watch my MLP marathon so I decided instead of watching a horror movie, I'll watch some MLP. YAY

  20. Night everypony. See yall in the morning. :D

    1. Johnny1226


      Good night KTAG

  21. Looks like my MLP marathon will be delayed till tommorow. I got distracted recording, and editing. I'm almost done with my first video for my second channel so I'll put up the link if you're interested.

    1. leonbrony17


      It would be great :) :) :)

  22. Well I did a reaction to the Equestria Girls movie Friendship Games. I'm not surprised by this, because it's a movie, but it got...banned world wide. At least I have the other reaction video non copy righted so yay. Still I can't believe I didn't think about that being a movie and the BIG copyright thing on movies.

  23. Welp I just finished recording. I didn't get any videos done last night, personal reasons, so I did ALL of my recordings today so it took like 2 and a half hours. I recorded an episode of UnderTale, and I did 2 reaction videos for my brony channel. I reacted to Equestria Girls 3: Friendship Games and Top 10 MLP Ships by WatchPony.com

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. KTAG


      Might wanna type it into google, because youtube won't put my channel in the results.

    3. Johnny1226


      It is hard to find

    4. KTAG


      I had an Idea. If I PM you one of my videos it should show up. I'll do that.

  24. Welp today I will be recording for my new channel. I hope it works out well. It will be a reaction (maybe gaming) channel. I plan to upload my first video today or tommorow. Hopefully today, but I'm not sure. I'll post the link once I upload it for anypony who wants to check it out.

    1. KTAG


      Also sorry about this status update thing. I'm not one for self advertisement so much, but I really hope this channel can do what my first channel is not doing so well on doing.

  25. Morning everypony. Welp it's time to start my MLP marathon yay.

    1. Johnny1226


      Good morning KTAG

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