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Everything posted by EclipseNightshade

  1. Heh, since you put it that way, the way you took in this project sounds a lot like how I took on my first project. It’s good to hear you still haven’t quit on this. Can’t wait to see what’s next
  2. Even if nothing gets released from this project, at the very least this was a huge learning experience for yuh. Game development takes a lot of time, sometimes too much time. All the more if you want to make a good game, and/or you’re making this on a minute amount of free time. That’s the thing most people don’t understand about game development. All you can really do is your best, really. Which from what I’ve seen, is exactly what you’ve done, Riki. As long as you’re proud of what you’ve accomplished so far, then that’s a massive win in my book. I guess my only criticism is on the next project you should try to be a little less critical of your work, so that you aren’t re-doing things over and over again. From my understanding, you seem to have put this project through development hell which stems from the developer never really feeling satisfied with their work. I’ve done this with one of my projects, and it’s gone absolutely nowhere because of it. This is also one of the reasons I offered to help you so many times. Having multiple people on a project really helps to define a project’s direction and really gets the ball rolling in that direction. And this effect only grows exponentially with the scale of the project. That all said, I think there’s still plenty of time to finish your game as a sort of tribute to gen4 at the very least. The start of gen5 definitely won’t be a brick wall, so to speak, where anything and everything gen4 must cease development. So you have well over a year to finish this if you feel it’s worth the investment. In either case, fantastic work m8. I’m eager to see what you have next!
  3. OHHHH things are happening! I know you get this a lot but, very nice job on everything you've done thus far. I know I offered to help with programming a fair bit ago, but it's looking like you don't really need it XD. Seriously tho, if you ever need help feel free to ask Cheers, and keep up the good work!
  4. The game engine is Game Maker Studio professional edition, if I'm not mistaken. Not as good as GMS2, but still perfect for what this project entails.
  5. I honestly really like the pixel art you drew of Twilight. Some of the best sprite work I've seen, actually. It's akin to some of the AAA sprites I've seen, and they look 3D! Great to see you back man. Looking forward to possibly being able to help out!
  6. Heya! It's been a while and while I would've liked to see more progress, greatness cannot be rushed. I'd offer my help but I can't do too much since I'm tied up with so many other projects, on top of well, life. Although if you need any small trinkets of code, feel free to ask! That is assuming you're using gamemaker. I remember that correctly, right?
  7. Well, thank you. That's awfully kind of you to do that. Gosh. I feel like I have to do something in return. I guess the least I could do in return is ensure it has a place, even if coopster decides against its use.
  8. To the question of a dev-chat, I'd also say make a Discord server. You can keep things organized that way and even talk to each other through voice channels for better discussions. But ultimately that's up to the dev-team, not me. And holy sh**, HereComesTom. That's some nice work you've done there.
  9. Patience, young padawon.Game development is a very slow process, especially when you want it done right.
  10. @HereComesTom That's entirely possible. It just boils down to which directions Rikifive wants the doors to face.
  11. For code (namely C++) I use Microsoft Visual Studio. For scripting I use Gamemaker Studio.
  12. So, I gave it a few rounds, but in the 3rd I lost miserably. I'm attempting to add a dynamic lighting system into my game, but the shadows portion (which is the only portion left) is kicking my furry end to the curb. My algorithms, which are in utterly proper syntax, look as though they'd work quite well at finding the four points I need to draw the shadow on. First I find an edge, then create two point off it, and have the system circle around until it finds the other edge of whatever object it's near to create the other points. But for some reason, mostly randomized points re found instead. The following shows the result of my system. The green and purple dots are supposed to be the furthest extreme of the shadows, while the blue and red dots are supposed to be where the shadows start. As is plainly visible, the only one that seems to be working at even 80% is the blue. If the dots are only supposed to be appearing at the corners of the blocks and quite a bit past them, then not even 20% of the visible dots should even exist. I'll have a download to my system available upon request. {EDIT} Never mind, I'll just post the code here.
  13. My next goal will be to get the battle system up and running, although still completely without any focus on graphics. With it, I plan to enrich the horror aspects of the game by showing the player just how strong they can get, but just how hard it will still be despite it. I have always hated how horror games nowadays limit the player to ridiculous extremes, even to the point of not being able to push a table over that's blocking your exit (I'm looking at you Outlast). That said, in order for it to work, the battle system will have to feel fully developed. It will have retain the "sky's the limit" feel or traditional RPG, but in order to reduce grinding, enemies and bosses will have to scale difficulty depending on both character advancement and player skill. I might have to do that with a hit to damage received ratio... Anyways, the system I have in mind will have several ability trees that depend on the race of the OC. These "trees" I have dubbed as "skills" and each "skill" opens the door for a host of learn-able attacks, abilities, and even super moves. The following are just names for what I have thus far on the matter (you'll have to figure out what each of them does, I'm afraid). I am still figuring this out, so I'm open to suggestions, as always, and I will be modifying this list in the future. PEGASUS Universals Rainbow Glimmer Lab Coat UNICORN Universals Spell Book (obvious inspiration) EARTH PONY Universals Lasso Party Cannon Turn Tables {EDIT} I've done some tinkering with the flight system (*cough* rebuilt it from scratch) and included the beginnings of a battle system.The "lighting" system I've included is processing intensive and should really be dumped for one that'll not make your computer want to cry. Nonetheless, I have done my best to ensure the game will run at full frames. In terms of controls, flight now operates with WSAD keys setting the flight direction to their representative positions on the keyboard, and the attack button is "J" for now. But don't get discouraged if you hate these controls for I have also included Game pad compatibility! The various bars on the HUD can also be controlled, although only through the keyboard. HP - "P" & "O" although semi-self controlling Stamina - self controlling Rage - "M" & "N" Fear - "L" & "K" Super - "i" & "U" Also, there is a restart button. Just click BACKSPACE And there's a quit button. It's the END key Here's the game as it currently is. Enjoy! https://www.dropbox.com/s/85w99k413thx58m/A%20Tantalizing%20Reality%20%28tech%20demo%202%29.zip?dl=0 YEAAAAAH I quit on this ages ago...
  14. Depends on what you mean by group chat. Are you planning on setting up a discord, or...
  15. Well, to that end, two of the arguments I put in are named after the player. Instead of the player's position, you could just be all ninja-like and sneak the camera's position in.
  16. Concerning cooperative mode, do you want the sounds each player is hearing to be speaker specific? Like all the noise near player one comes from the left speaker, and likewise for player 2 from the right? Can the players even get very far from each other? Because if they can't I could just set the listener to the point right in between them.
  17. I've got a sound engine that's about half-way coded for your game here. It's got speaker specific audio, that fades with distance, and changes pitch depending on if the player is getting closer or further away from the source of the noise. I'll send it over to you Monday if you'd like to have it.
  18. Well, physics as far as gravity and friction that slows the player down after sprinting. So in all reality, physics aren't a core part of the game, Lol. I just wanted to make sure the game play's nice before I do anything else. BTW, thanks for the support! I will admit, I'm a little surprised that some one looks forward to this despite of the fact that all I have is a basic premise and a starter engine.
  19. {EDITED FOR CONVENIENCE} What is reality? I can’t tell anymore. Out of all that I see, I want none of it more Than it all to end Or for time to bend ~Eclipse Nightshade A TANTALIZING REALITY |Backstory| We have all been fooled. The world is now a living nightmare! Monsters, Demons, and otherwise malevolent forces prowl the land. Once fictional beings of unworldly power and dark dispositions, now very much real. They have bent fate into a grim and twisted abomination, leaving many to question: How could we honestly have believed it would give up so easily? Why would it when it had the power to tear its way into the waking world? Who are we to believe Tantabus so insignificant? |The Goal| A classic take back what was stolen quest. The land of Equestria has fallen under Tantabus’s hellish reign. It is up to you to take it back, all the while evading/destroying any monsters in your wake. |Game Build| The target genre is somewhere within the bounds of a 2D side-scrolling platformer with RPG, Fighting, and (of course) plenty of horror elements mixed in. The current build is in Gamemaker Studio |Planned Features| NOTE: I will be adding more as I think of them •OC creator with as unlimited potential as possible •Inclusion of as many fan-made monsters or otherwise horror-related ideas as can find (more credit will be given than required) •Entirely open-world map •Allies system with permanent death to all characters besides the player’s OC •A wide array of learnable abilities and attacks including some super saiyan level shiznit (all of which balanced to maintain horror aspects, of course) |Allies| NOTE: still planning this section out Currently trying to figure out Demon the Windigo’s story elements for this purpose… ~”I Am Demon” by Aquaman In terms of ally acquisition, each character you manage to save will join your group. Do try, however, to keep yourselves from getting separated! |Monsters| •Candy Mare ~”Something Sweet to Bite” by Knackerman •Nigeb ~”Nigeb” by Aquaman •The “Great Evil” ~”Holder’s Boulder” by Horse Voice •Laughing Jack ~"Imaginary Friend" by MR101 •The Darkness ~”I See You” by Darkest Raider •Corporal Hayden Sparks ~”Anno Domini” by Chromosome •The Blot ~”The Blot” by Flint Lock //~BUILDS~// (Latest - Oldest) //~INCLUDED FEATURES~// (Latest Build Only) //~CONTROLS~// (Keyboard) (Gamepad)
  20. You are limited, yes, but very minimally. I don't even realize this when I'm programming because of it. There's no resource limit. I know there used to be before the GM Studio days, among many other things such as creating your own surfaces. The only thing I can think of the top of my head where you're limited is in the realm of 3D. You can't make a 3D game in a standard liscence, that's for sure.
  21. Actually, you can export a game off a standard liscence (which is free and is what i have).
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