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Everything posted by BlueStreak98

  1. Merry Christmas, everypony!

    1. Twily sparkles 16

      Twily sparkles 16

      Merry Christmas to you to.:twilighthat:

  2. Band I'm fond of in a bar in upstate New York in 1992.
  3. Skyrim. For all the hours I've played it, I've never actually made it all the way through.
  4. Technically, yes I can. I'm just not very good at it.
  5. I took great joy in getting a new apartment before my ex did, even though she had a one month head start. Most petty I've ever done? No, but it's recent so it's fresh in my mind.
  6. I'd love to take Twilight to a place with a lot of museums. Washington DC, perhaps. I love museums, and the historical artifacts of a foreign culture seems like just the sort of thing she'd adore.
  7. Love the tribute to Weird Al on his big day!

  8. I'm certain that the organizers of the con (and most cons, for that matter) have taken the recent waves of violence into account and are taking necessary precautions to keep congoers as safe as they've been up to this point.
  9. Rainbow Dash. Don't know if it'd work out, but I'd try!
  10. Yup! Can't afford treatment, either, since it all goes to my insurance deductible.
  11. "One of these days letters are gonna fall

    from the sky telling us all to go free,

    But until that day I'll find a way to let everybody know

    that you're coming back, you're coming back for me..."


  12. This reference might go past some of you, but if the early days of internet message boards were Woodstock, then 4Chan is Altamont. I'm not even really sure how to characterize it beyond that, but it feels like it's managed to capture most if not all of the bad elements of the internet in one place.
  13. I suspect there are some, yes, though how many and how dangerous they may be would certainly be up for debate.
  14. I have, though not in quite the same way as some folks here. I worked for a while in a former mental hospital that has been closed and partially converted into a museum. Besides the building looking like a stereotypical "insane asylum" the museum has a number of artifacts from the old hospital in their possession, including the device that was once used to perform lobotomies. Pretty wild stuff.
  15. It goes in waves. I'll eat fast food regularly for a while, then not at all for a month or more. I'm on one of the droughts right now.
  16. The fandom may shrink, and it may change in scope. But the end of new Star Wars films (before either of the new trilogies) didn't kill the fandom surrounding it. I suspect brony will be much the same way.
  17. Discounting the cheap low-budget monster movies and such films, I'd say the worst movies I've seen were Waterloo Bridge, This Is The End, and Hail Caesar.
  18. My mother would spank me occasionally when I was little. Other than that, it was mostly groundings and timeouts. I was a pretty good kid, though.
  19. My headcanon for her avoidance of Sombra was the potential pain of confronting an ex who had been consumed by evil. She'd step in as a last resort if she had to, but if Twily could handle it, Celestia was going to let her. Beyond that, I haven't really thought about it much.
  20. Honestly, I kind of agree. I didn't like bringing back all the legends of history and piling them together in one episode. It's hard to do time travel and make it not come off weird. Bill and Ted did it well, but Twily isn't Keanu Reeves. The episode felt like a fanfic I wouldn't have read.
  21. If money were no object, I'd do what I want, when I wanted too, all the time, forever. Go to New York? Sure. Pony cons? Here I come. Sleep in until noon every day for a week? You betcha. My dream, more than any one thing, is to have that kind of freedom.
  22. I had a pair of jeans rip at school once. Fortunately, the day was almost over so I was able to conceal it fairly well.
  23. There are a few I like, but if I had to pick just one it would absolutely be Twilight and Sunburst.
  24. Actually did some writing again! Non-pony, but nevertheless!

    1. The_Gobo


      OOoooh, what about? :3


    2. BlueStreak98


      Horses... :dry:


      It's different, I swear

    3. The_Gobo



      Like the ones in Gulliver's Travels? :3


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