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Maple Bat

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Everything posted by Maple Bat

  1. Maple smiled as she walked into the castle. Woody walked up beside Will "You'll love this. " He stated calmly as he followed Maple into the castle, knowing exactly where Maple was going. She pressed a tile on the wall which opened up a room, It looked nice and well kept as if someone had cleaned it, There was a straw bed looking spot in the corner a nice set of candles placed around the room, a table and chair along the wall opposite the table was messy and looked worn. Maple stood there and looked around for a while lighting the candles. " Ahh... Still here... the same condition I left it in. And! "The Guardian" Is still here" Maple picked up a rusty metal bow and examined to closely "This thing... It's what got me my cutie mark..." Mapel started to tear up looking at it.
  2. "Hmm? What do I do for a living? Oh well... I uhh... D-Don't have a job. I can sing but... I'm too shy to actually get on a stage and perform for people. I'm working on getting over it but... well... My appearance... it limits what I can do without being shy" Woody tilted his head "Maple here is Luna's captain. She's really good at it and really stong too! You should see her when she's really trying. It's like... She can't be beat when she's really trying." The draconnequus Booped Maple and she changed back to normal as well since she was too timid to do that. The now Bat pony Maple blushed " Y... Yea. I'm the reason that Equestria's safe at night. Me and the other ponies that risk themselves every night to keep everypony safe. My leading gets them through training. I let them do whatever as long as it's morally correct. However... I guess I need to tell them some things about morality soon..." Maple nervously brushed her mane with a hoof.
  3. "Yes, yes I'm coming. Just looking for something... out there..." Windphaser lowered the Kasa on his head, so it would block the sand from hitting his eyes and stepped toward the others staying close to Terisha "Sorry about not staying but I have my own concerns. Most of them about that machine... I know you understand well though" Festus eventually returned, his fist was bruised and there were dark circles around his eyes, meaning he'd been crying He sat down next to Luna with a deep and long sigh. Evelyn did speak what Jack told her "Guys... The others are starting to move... We best do so as well." She nodded and was hoping the others were paying attention. Celestia nodded "Luna... The spell." Luna walked over to her and the two combined their magic, forming a dome around the group that turned them all invisible to anything other than each other. Maple and Ember looked over at the leader, from where they were they wouldn't have to get closer to see or hear the leader thankfully.
  4. Maple started to hate her own plan, she started to fear it wouldn't work. She knew it was too late to stop but maybe she could change it? No... She was a captain, she knew what she was doing. She turned around to look face the shooter and waited for 4 seconds, turned around and ran again, If they'd took too long standing and reloading then they wouldn't have chased them... But Mpale worried she'd made it too obvious. For now she'd just have to hope not.
  5. "Your plan is sound... Except one thing... We are not the group who is engaging the machine and that thing is with them. We could merge with the other attack group... but that puts us at a disadvantage... one we tried to make an advantage. So, Unfortunately, unless we do want to group up with the other group we cannot say here." He looked out at the desert lookig for other, similar locations to the one they were on now. 'Kiran?' Maple thought to herself thinking Kiran was still there 'Kiran what are you doing? W... What do you mean you're coming with me? Do you mean you're taking over a body?... Hello?' Maple kept looking around she seemed insane until Ember's axe impaled the ground near her. "Hello Maple." Ember said to her lifting the weapon over her shoulder "Decided to come over here. I need a big challenge and that mech is JUST what I wanted so I'm with you now. I know you've got my back." Ember said slugging her metal shoulder Evelyn smiled over where she was sitting 'Oh! Yes I can hear you! Good work on this kid! you did good! Hmm Where... Did festus go... I'd assume he would've been by you. Ehh, he'll show back up.' Evelyn was now distracted from the smallest groups chatter and had her eyes closed too.
  6. (OOC: Yea they'll need to fly to get there) The hunter who fired cursed under his breath as he reloaded. There was another too who fired, the shot glancing Maple's armor with a slight sound. Thankfully for Maple, nothing was hurt. "We need to get as far as we can running so they think they've cornered us." Maple said quietly to Speechless. "Remember we need to make sure they follow us. otherwise, the whole plan is derailed." Maple heard another Crack and sidestepped the shot. "Let's hope they take the bait..."
  7. Maple saw something move and she focused on that spot for a while but she didn't for a long time. As a loud *CRACK* Made her push Speechless narrowly dodging the bolt herself. She noded to Speechless and broke into a sprint, heading for everfree forest as they'd agreed upon.
  8. "I fight..." Windphaser smiled and closed his eyes, after removing the Kasa "Well I guess the best way to describe it would be to say that I'm a flowing river in a field, cutting through the field, Swiftly and quietly, The River will flow unbending to the wills of the grass, it will only show the resolve to persist. It will even flow through a large stone should it block the water's path The water will eventually erode the stone yet it never stopped." Windphaser opened his eyes and started to put the Kasa back on "If that makes any sense to you all." Festus frowned witnessing what he did but he didn't really want to comment anything and make everyone panic. He sighed to himself and stood up. He went somewhere private... Once he was alone he pulled out his shield and start punching it out of anger and sadness it was thankfully durable enough not to get dented. He felt so useless, not being able to help but what could he do? Luna Smiled and looked up at Evelyn, she'd already know thanks to the link they shared with the armor "I think she already knows."
  9. When Speechless signaled Maple opened the door, Moving out of it slowly Motioning for Speechless to follow. Maple knew that she'd have to wait until they knew that there where hunters there. To do that they'd both need to be outside, the hunters couldn't risk revealing themselves until they could get both of the vampires. Maple kept looking around waiting, listening, watching for anything.
  10. Woody listened intently "Oh ok. Sorry, I guess I took it a bit too literally... And what do you mean when you say "it's serious"? " Woody turned away for a second looking back with a more serious face. "I am serious" Woody had also changed his voice to something more gruff and deeper. He couldn't fake it anymore and he started laughing " Sorry... I guess it's just... I mean It's hard to find anything that's a challenge... So why bother to take it seriously?" Woody had a dumb grin on his face now it was apparent he wasn't thinking of this as a problem. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maple had been in canterlot when the attack started " Soldiers! We need to move! Take any armed non-soldiers into custody, Protect non-combatants any that seem involved take in. Lastly... Stay safe and live long." Maple said with a salute "May Luna's light guide you." Maple spun her spear in her hooves flying over to the thick of things, Her landing was rough, she landed on a cultist, and rolled blocking an overhead strike for a pony who had fallen, She swept the fighter off their hooves and hit them with the stick of the spear knocking them out. Several of Maple's soldiers got into battles as well defending those who were running, but few had gone into the thickest of things with their captain, mostly out of fear. However, for now, Maple's forces would keep the chaos contained within at least a mediumly sized radius. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- " I agree... Discord would be much more... Open about his worship... This is something different. Once that pony recovers send them to me. I want to make sure I hear what happened from them. That... And I want to make sure they're ok." A glare from outside caught Celestia's eye and she looked over at the window seeing a lot of fire in the city below the castle "Well... This is most certainly not Discord... My loyal captain you know what you need to do about that." Celestia told the Captain with a calm nod. "Bring their leader here... We need to have a chat with them too."
  11. Maple was geared up after her recon mission, nothing interesting happened so she didn't need to re-equip herself. Maple dashed over to where all the troops she'd be with were gathering she ran up and skid into the group waiting for the others to move out. The same went with Windpahser He nodded to Maple and walked away to go find his group, the ones that would be luring the army but not the giant bot. "Are we all ready to move? Or do you all need more time? We cannot afford to fail otherwise it will be devastating... Please if you need more time raise a hand, tell me. Let me know in some way.Otherwise we march..." Windphaser waited to see if anyone needed time or needed to tell him anything Luna smiled at Jack "It is... But My sister cannot move it for you so you will have to just hide under my wing for now" Luna had been walking around with her sister but she'd been very careful with Jack. "Me and 'Tia are just working some things out ok? You can go back to sleep." She rose her head again looking at Evelyn who seemed almost jealous that Jack wasn't with her. A familiar voice was heard before Jack went back to sleep "Hey buddy, you ok?" It was Festus, He looked different now... His scales seemed harder and denser making them darker, and his eyes where a bit of a darker brown but other than that nothing had changed "I was worried about that wound. but you see to be alive so that's a plus."
  12. Maple smiled at Storm and quartz "Thank you both. Really I mean it. Now if it's a trap I've got you two to back me up!" Maple then looked t them both. "I'm... glad you're coming. I don't really know where to go for this Portal... Gate thing." Maple smiled to the two of them and she hadn't really removed her own gear, mostly because she didn't exactly trust War's followers, so she was ready to go when they were. Woody watched the battle, Silently rooting for his siblings. His body movements conveyed that he was happy they were doing good. They then got dragged to the ground and Woody cringed He looked at his brother and what he was doing. "Really?! Good job Bro! way to think way ahead. Man not even I would've thought about this." He was trying to make Shadows feel good about himself to Earn his trust mostly. Woody casually walked out of the ring Shadows created "I can't wait to see my awesome bro use his magic!"
  13. Maple nodded to speechless, a tear in her eye. She blinked and shook her head making it go away. "I promise I won't get hurt. You know me. I've got enough training to run away without getting hurt. Once we leave we don't have to run until we know we're going to get followed." Maple told him, since she just wanted to be sure Speechless knew. "They can't know we have a plan otherwise it's pointless." Maple smiled at speechless. "We've got this... You've got this. Ready?"
  14. Maple returned as Terisha left "Ready Wind?" Maple told him, She had her gun reloaded and her claw where sharpened too. the was still broken but at least it looked better since she'd straightened it out. a lot. "Because I sure am." Windphaser examined Maple for a second and smiled "Alright Maple. But I'd recommend not using that big gun of yours unless you absolutely have to. Too much attetion you know?" Maple nodded "Of course. Windphaser, We're scouting. Not fighting You can count on me." Celestia chuckled "Thank you. I'm glad you agree I did good. I'll keep working hard too... Speaking of which I might need to do more stuff I'll leave you with Luna." Celestia saw several soldiers asking for her at the door, she rolled her eyes and went over to them Luna chuckled "Sure Jack. I don't mind at all." Luna opened her wing and took Jack under it. "There we go..." She spoke softly and calmly to him. "How's that? Much better?"
  15. If you're not too busy could you do my Ocs? The Siblings Woodland Orchestra and Maple Bat. Links to images for them are in my signature I LOVE the works you've done and would like to get my Ocs done in the same style. Thank you for the consideration
  16. "Hehe... Funny. I used to know someone like that... I actually have been watching the bat for a long time. I've seen quite the similar spark in her." He chuckled to himself, the Kasa on his head covered his eyes now. Well to anyone but him that was, he could see rather well from under it. He had a look of ancient mastery to his ensemble so he looked much more skilled. "Trust me... We're not going to lose this battle and the same goes for the war. We will win. How? I've got no idea... But we will." "Alright. I'll go with you. I've caused enough trouble by not doing that already." Evelyn said to him with a hint of upsetness "Well you can count on me now Jack!" "Actually Jack. I was working on a new spell! One that can cloak you and all hurt fighters here too." Celestia roared triumphantly! "Windphaser explained this all to me. Ember is going to be with Wind and his group. Meanwhile, Festus will be with us Maple is going to fight the mech. We had talked about it all with Wind before hoof. You just need to rest for now. Focus on that for me Alright? We can't leave the others that's why for the spell." "Sister... Won't you need help with a spell that big?" Luna asked, after tapping on 'Tia's shoulder "Yes and you're the one I need to help me. I know you wish to help as much as you can... but THIS would be the best way to do that." Celestia replied
  17. "Sure thing. I'll try to keep an eye on everypony I can. I just hope I see them before they see me." Woody said eyeing each nearby pony, quickly. " We're cool for now... However... That doesn't mean I'm right on my assumptions. Stay cool for now... But I don't think they'll come for you... I don't think they'd have any reason to target you... Then again your guard has no use for me... But again. Maybe I'm wrong." Woody gave a big smile he'd been very back and forth in that one bout of speech. Though it was presumably normal for a draconequus like himself. Maple and her company arrived back in canterlot, on the way back she'd heard of that guard talking himself up further and further. The stallion had done that the entire trip. He had the nerve to continue talking about himself despite being told off once. " If you think you've got what it takes to lead my army... Then you're wrong! You don't think you deserve my position. You EARN IT. You CLEARLY have failed to prove yourself more so than I. Even less than Moonshadow! Clear your head soldier... I want you OFF the field for a week. Use that time to remember your position in this guard." Maple huffed as the guard, walked off Moonshadow had walked up to her "I know... I hated doing that... He is one of our better fighters but we can't risk this anymore."
  18. "Y... Yea you're right. Remember the plan. We run to the everfree forest together. Once we arrive there, We split up you going to find some timber wolves and try to either get them to help or lure them to meet me while I lure the hunters away. It's a risk..." Maple looked at her reflection in her armor. "I know... But it's one I can take. If you have anything you don't like about this plan anymore tell me... But We're out of options here... This is the best plan I could think of... You trust me to get this done, right?" Maple had a very determined and stout look on her face. She was ready for this, She knew it would work.
  19. "All of this is helpful... I'm glad you told me that." WindPhaser levitated a small band and tied his hair into a ponytail keeping it out of his face and levitated his Kasa onto his head "You're kit and skills are very valuable if we aim to win here. I know how to utilize your skills quite well! So trust me..." Windphaser nodded determined Evelyn gave Jack a gentle smile "I'm sure Karthsprire has his own plans for things, Celestia and Lunado need to stay with you, no matter what however. I'm sure you agree with that?" Evelyn said barely feeling Jack's grip. Celestia worked fast and efficiently removing the bullet in a matter of minutes "There... Got it..." Celestia said wiping the sweat from her head. "See... Not hard..." Luna sighed "I hope it was... Mostly painless for you..."
  20. During that timeframe Maple had hit Speechless hard several times, Zephyr had been in and out for a number of reasons, but he had been busy as he'd said. So he wasn't in the way when he was in the house he was in his room or the kitchen meanwhile Maple would cook, and they'd train in the main room. "Alright... I know we're supposed to get a move on today... But I'm worried about your father... We haven't heard hide nor hair of him since he left... Nor have we heard from your mother." Maple said with a slight frown. "I'm just... Worried about them... As much as I would my own... I'm so sick of being helpless... We... We have to help them..."
  21. Woody chuckled when Staunch arrived, He'd been waiting outside the barracks for Staunch, sitting above the door, Tail hanging down "Geez you're slow... Anyways... You make a good point. I've got no idea what I'm up against... But really I'm the son of Discord... It'll take a whole lot to bring me down." he said with a hearty chuckled. He obviously felt he was strong enough... for the most part, he was. --------------------------------------------------- Celestia listened closely to her captain's words getting startled at one word in particular. "Chaos? I will have a word with Discord about this... Or his son... Should I see him first. I doubt he's to betray us... not now. Captain, you are to continue investigations on this and report any findings to me as soon as you know... Understood?" She said it gently but with a subtle amount of anger, directed to Discord.
  22. Maple smiled but felt a bit awkward now, since She'd put her hoof on him " Right! I don't mind going back... It was a cozy place back then I might start coming back... " Maple was interrupted as she went through the portal whatever she was going to say the two guys wouldn't be able to hear. Woody bowed to Will and motioned to the portal, "After you, I need to close it behind me anyways." Should Will go through he'd end up in front of the castle Maple about to go inside it
  23. "Just call me Wind... Or Windphaser... No need for the formal title." He held out his hoof to Therisha "Mind me asking... What kinda gear do you plan on using when we move out? I need to strategize..." The half-Raukan pony examined the Full-Blooded, Raukan careful studying their build just wondering how they prefer to fight. Celestia and Luna both nodded in agreement with him "Don't worry... I'll make sure I make it as painless as I can." Celestia told him relaxed and she nodded to Luna. "Yes, This shouldn't hurt as much as me doing it alone..." Luna cast a spell on him, as the spell enveloped him he felt relief wash over him it was just the magic she was using to help him. Evelyn chuckled "Sure think Jack" She smiled when he chuckled, even in pain he made light of the situation
  24. "Yea... We should plan something to do about this... The situation's bad enough as it stands so we should prepare properly." Maple decided that outside the house was safe... As long as they stayed kinda close to it. Maple figured they'd need to leave the house at some point... They where sitting ducks there anyways, "We should wait until we heal then I think I've got a plan."
  25. Well most of his head is a pony but I do have another. I have Maple Bat.
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