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Maple Bat

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Everything posted by Maple Bat

  1. Maple saw the giant Machine now aiming at Ember and a now injured Festus, someone who she'd personally grown to like "No you don't!" She opened her wings, Spurred by the lines of the soldiers She put her jets into overdrive and rushed the machine at full speed "I won't let you hurt them! Not anymore!" She didn't have enough force alone to do anything though... Luna saw Maple charging the machine. She stared at it and used her magic to boost Maple's speed and she also gave her a slight magic shell hoping that it would prevent her from bending her body too much on impact. "That'll save them. I know it." Luna said content that Maple's impact was going be timed just right. Celestia saw Maple charge quickly too and saw Luna, and Jack in trouble she also saw Maple rushing the machine but she knew it wasn't going to be enough to knock it off balance alone. She fired a fast, powerful beam of sunlight at one of the legs the beam wasn't strong damage wise but it had a lot of force behind it. Maple's impact on the machine was extremely strong it had enough force to blow back a lot of sand behind the machine from the shockwave and she with hit her shoulder, Luna's magic took most of it but it bent, not enough to sever any wire connections but enough to affect her movement until it was fixed. After the inital impact Maple didn't let up she was doing all she could to force the machine to fire and miss the army. Evelyn and Ember both ran a good distance, both with similar objectives, Luna following Evelyn keeping up the barrier shielding them. 'How did they find us? Do you think that we were sabotaged? You know... By the one who wants to take out Karthspire?' Evelyn thought to Jack. Ember and Evelyn met up on a dune and Luna exanded the shield "Is everyone alright? Festus? Jack?" Festus gave a thumbs up that he was alright
  2. Maple flinched when Quartz smacked Maple. She did, however, enjoy the complements "T... Thanks and yea I know that from experience how much damage fatigue can do if you let it. I get into a lot of battles up in Equestria sparing to make sure my guard unit is in good shape." Maple explained to Quartz, after which looked at Storm rather confused "Groundhogging? Like... Pulling the animal from the ground or something else? Because... If its animals I don't wanna hurt any innocent animals..." She blushed slightly hoping it wasn't the first thing. "Attack now! Leave citizens alive, Do not imprison them either they have nothing to do with this. You all should show mercy today as I am demanding it. Only those who are a threat should be dealt with and do so swiftly." Woody looked out at the army after him saying that waiting and letting that sink in "You have your orders... Let's show this Lousy Two-tailed god wanna-be the true power of CHAOS!" When Woody finished his speech he turned around and started to sing a mythical but solid melody with a small amount of harshness in the melody. After a second a large vine burst from the ground smashing into the gate. This realm makes my magic really strong... I'll need to be a bit more careful...
  3. Maple relaxed and set the bow aside. "Don't worry I've been awake for a few minutes but I just got out of bed." She was about to mention the reason but worried Midnight wouldn't like it... "Well thanks for bringing those things for me. It was nice of you. And about the hunter... He's going to be there for a very long time. Luna will make sure of it since she knows I and Speechless were hurt by him, she even knows he had the full intention of killing us thanks to him being part of that 'Disbanded' group of hunters." Maple lifted the Naginata and made sure the weight was still good, she missed the weapon a bit she was happy to swing it again.
  4. Maple looked at the house content with it and to her, it wasn't very dirty She'd seen a lot of combat so "Dirty" was hard to hit. "It's nice. Very much so. And thanks for being there on short notice. Magic does usually help keep things clean. Woody and Dad have both proved that" She explained, She giggled at a dumb memory of Woody dressed as a butler one time when he was cleaning since he lost a bet with dad. When Will came in Maple looked over. "The problem is that in fall breezes like outside I'm so cold I feel like I'm gonna freeze thanks to these... Though perhaps I can adapt with them and maybe resist weather? If I could keep them that'd actually be cool. I mean If you have a spell for it Will I'd be more than happy to keep them!" Maple said to him honestly a bit hopeful he did have a spell if he did then she'd be able to detect... and Maybe even USE magic herself since they could potentially be a benefit but she did just like them.
  5. Maple opened her wings, She was about to fight the war machine as she did any other threat but she stopped and closed her wings "I can't... I'm needed." She turned away from the giant "Let's move. We can still get away! Step it up!" She ordered nearby troop "And pull yourselves together if we scatter now we show Weakness!" Luna created a barrier around the trio it was a VERY strong barrier "Eveylen lets move quickly. This can only really take one shot from that thing and even then we'll still get hurt. Hurry." Eveylen nodded "It's a plan then. Lets hurry to where it can't see us then we can take reprise, otherwise, we're done for." Luna nodded "If nothing else I can teleport you two. But right now... Plan A. I promise we'll be fine." When the shot impacted near ember she looked over at Festus who'd been closer to the explosion. "Festus!" She looked around for him as he'd get blown away by it. After he landed on his back, Festus started to breathing heavily. He was charred a bit on his left side but that'd come off, He had just lost his breath. He wasn't going anywhere on his own. "E... Ember..." He managed to say. Ember ran over and picked him up "Are you ok? That was really close to you!" Festus managed a small, weak laugh "Yea..."
  6. Exuse me... @ShadOBabe Are you too busy to take more of these right now? I could use one if you have the time... If you're too busy I understand completely.
  7. T.. Thank you for the follow. 

    Why'd you follow me? If I may ask.

    1. Mirage


      Because you're positive and I appreciate it.  :D


    2. Maple Bat

      Maple Bat

      Thank you. I try!

  8. "Oh sure I don't mind!" Maple said to him "Mom told us about how she fell from Cloudsdale.She actually landed here. Which is why Woody likes this spot. From the story we could tell after she landed she was carried a ways by butterflies before she started to help animals scared by a huge BOOM. After which she earned her cutie mark. We both knew she didn't go back to Cloudsdale since she had a fear of flying." Maple booped Woody's snout "Go on. Add something." Woody was, Needless to say, upset by the boop "She didn't know why all the animals she helped freaked out all she knows is that she heard a boom. Or at least she didn't remember when she told us. She also said that the animals where really responsive to her at the time it was a very happy time for her. What did your people see?" Woody booped Maple with his tail laughing quietly to himself
  9. Maple moved Woody to the ground and they both sat there. "Don't worry it's alright you had no idea. But yes that seems like a good place... Don't you agree bro?" Maple spoke softly and calmly to Woody giving her the feeling of almost her being like her mother who looked at her and nodded quietly "Alright will. Go on ahead. " She finished with a smile to Will.
  10. @Capper Maple lost her balance when supersonic flipped the transport. She jumped out when it landed on it's side ging high into the air with her wings and firing 3 quick shots at soliders positioned farther from the transport. Hit, Hit, Miss. Grr... Not good enough. You're kidding me! Those where 2 out of three and not only that it was still a really hard shot I mean you're really far from them up in the air like this. Doesn't matter... I could still be doing better. Maple fires another shot and hits the target she'd missed a second ago. Better
  11. When Will talked about Discord's imprisonment Woody tensed up visibly moving his legs closer to his body not only that but his pupils shrank " Let's... Uhh... N... not, please. I hate to be a killjoy but..." Maple stopped him "Woody's had several nightmares about suffering the same fate as our father. He does like to talk about it... as you could imagine." Maple sounded genuine and judging by the way Woody looked it was clear he wasn't lying about this. Maple put a hoof around Woody which caused him to release some tension but he still looked rather nervous about it. Maple looked at Will "If you could start when mom was a foal."
  12. "Yes, sir." Maple said with a nod. She opened her wings and flew over to some of them who were moving slower "Hey. Are you all sick? No? Then why aren't you moving there's a giant war machine behind us that we need to get away from. Pick up the pace. Do it for your friends or your loves that are waiting back in the city for you. Do it for the planets yet to fall to the infection. Do it for anyone still left." ---------------------------------------------------------- "The problem with teleportation is I have to know where I'm going,..." Luna started to explain calmly to Jack her composure faltered, however. "I didn't know were you, not Maple where because of the storm... Which I knew was a potential danger of the sandstorm... I didn't try to find your jack... I was so worried about you... and Maple too. but I knew she'd be ok... Now because of my stupid actions, I'm going to lose you forever..." Despite all the sand flying in her face Jack could see tears start to form in her eyes.
  13. Maple released the tension on the string without firing the arrow "Sorry. Since that one hunter found us, He's been harassing us... But now He's in prison. But... you never know..." She set the bow aside and removed the arrow "Nice to see someone friendly around here. Come on in." Maple stepped out of the way of the door "My uncle's not home right now. He won't be back until really late. I was about to fix some breakfast if you wanted some." She said to her. Midnight could notice that Maple looked a little worse for wear though mostly because she'd gotten up only about 30 seconds ago.
  14. Maple looked up and jack her expression was blank but that was her bodies fault "I... I understand that... Jack, I'll bring her back... I promise. I won't rest. I won't... I know now what you mean... I swear I'll do everything I can." Jack could tell there was determination in her "I'm just worried about you ya know... I don't want you to... well... Look like me... Not that there's a cure anyways... I'm sorry but Jack It's now my one goal to get your sister back." She nodded to him and ran over to karthspire "Excuse me... Can we go over the plan of attack once we arrive again. I wanna make sure that we cannot fail." Luna watched her head off. "She did want to do what she thought best... Forgive her for those things she thinks with her heart, not with her head. Though is she sure that it's infection... When Maple was she didn't show that... I think it could be something else... Maybe to do with the weather?"
  15. "Start chronologically" The siblings said in unison Woody was still sitting on his tail but Maple came a bit less prepared She elected to fly up to the tee line and hang from her tail again as she refused to sit on the ground. Her long mane moved down as she flipped over and caught the branch with her tail. "There we are. Much better. Go on I do wanna hear about this." "One thing. It doesn't both me or Maple that you know more about mom than we do. I mean you've been around her... How long again?" Woody asked raising a paw while asking. The Wills noticed the gray streak in his hair had grown a bit and was longer than the black of his mane the gray was in front of his eye a bit but it seemed to not bother him.
  16. Mapel steps out of the room but only after she says "I'll go make something... I was thinking-" She then heard the knock. "Oh. I'll go ahead and get the door first." Maple walked to the door and was cautious thinking that it could be another hunter. Seh grabbed her bow and pulled the string back standing on her hind legs while opening the door She meaningly glared at the pony or ponies at the door not sure who they where
  17. " Well... Guess that means we'll be waiting then... Actually, I bet she's at that stage... It's where most activity is at at least the activity that requires planning as far as I'm aware. Might be our best bet. Plus Woody's to perform so we might as well stay for that. " Discord said laying on thin air like a hammock Fluttershy's expression showed concern. " Well, It's not like he performs soon. It's still a ways off. He was shy so he elected to go last but I don't remember if Twilight gave him the last spot... Though maybe a bit of music will get our minds off of what Pinkie said... At least... I think so." She smiled at discord and the 2 headed to the stage Woody had arrived at the stage and saw the crowd that had gathered to see others perform and he felt intimidated... to say the least " Well... too late to back out of it now Woody... Once you're up there just sing your heart out like mom said and everything will be fine... " He was talking to himself but who really cared. He was a draconequus he didn't have to make sense. Maple stopped walking and focused all of her energy into the spell she'd be preparing. The slight trail of red was now fully visible " Sorry, All the trouble you went through to get me and I have to leave so quickly. But I don't believe you all have equestria's interested 1st in your mind. After all, you wouldn't have kidnapped me had you truly had good motives. Right now I have better places to be so... Chao!" Red energy veiled Maple's hoof and she tossed it at her captors it caused the ground to surround their hoofs going up to about their knees. "Well... not what I was expecting but that works... I'll let you out of that but in exchange... you let me leave." She could just blast a hole in the ceiling but then she'd feel weak for a few hours since she'd drain her magical reserve so this was our best option
  18. Luna flinched "Is... That what I think it... is?" She stepped away from jack tears forming in her eye "No... Please... Not that..." Evelyn after hearing Luna freak out turned and saw it too her puplies shrank in fear "Jack I think-" Maple then interrupted her "That confirms it... Jack we need to get you out of here and to a doctor ASAP! YOu've been infected and I can tell by looking it's BAD get off the saddle and I'll take you back to the city... Iknow this is your sister but you won't make it there... not in that condition... I'm sorry I should've made sure you didn't get hurt... " Maple didn't look up from the sand with her head but her monitor eyes flickered up to him. "And now you're going to meet the same fate as I did"
  19. Maple looked around in the sandstorm she also was thank. "Wait? They saw us... It... It was because of the tornado, wasn't it... Of course they did I shifted the winds so much..." Maple lowered he head. "I'm sorry... It was my stupid move..." Luna looked at Maple and sighed "Well if that was it you and Jack are safe and we can still get away from those things... Don't punish yourself too harshly for this Maple..." She moved her cooling spell onto Jack worried he was hot "Is everything alright? You seem... unwell..."
  20. When storm pulled Maple close she chuckled, Storm was almost starting to remind her of Woody at this point though perhaps a bit aggressive. "Alright. I get'cha..." Maple said with a nod before she started to stretch "But... I could use a bit before the next one. Get the wind knocked outta me and I wanna be absolutely sure I can beat whoever you pit me against... I'll probably be ready by the time you find someone though." Maple looked at the bleached bones of her fallen foe Does that happen every time? Is it from the magic the brings fighters back to life? Woody had been so lost in his thinking he didn't notice Grim nearly eat the pony he tossed over his shoulder "Oh? A boring meeting? How about we go and share some fun with them in that case!" Woody looked to the cathedral to see if he could see it and started to ponder potential spell he could use to start the show. Since this was the first time that he'd be publicly known this was kinda where he made his statement and protecting nature was something he did a lot in Equestria so He elected to use nature magic. He nodded to himself still humming that tune "Alright, I'm ready when you are Grim."
  21. Maple, who cared about speechless too much right now, didn't move out the hug, she kept clinging to him as if she'd almost lost him "You know Speechless? I think I'd like that." She said with a smile. "I'm already planning out the training in my head." Maple got out of the hug, stood up, and stretched "Care for any breakfast? I'll bring it to you here since you can't exactly walk easily."
  22. Luna ran over to the trio "Is everyone ok?! I worried when you 2 disappeared... You had no idea..." She was clearly worried it was easy to read on her face that she was plus she looked like she was crying... Though the sand could've to dine that "We're fine Luna," Evelyn said with a smile "As far as I know there are no injuries." She said completely oblivious to Jack's wound. "Yea... We need to get out of this sandstorm before someone else gets blow away like that." Maple said not wishing to mention jacks wound.
  23. "Yea Maple you can relax that was like 4 years before I was born. And you where born nearly a year after so don't worry no one's watching us Maple." Woody reassured Maple "Portals are child's play for the prince of chaos!" He chuckled Maple slung her bow over her shoulder "Right... As for me... I still do have those things." Maple willed forth the Magic mirror and it spawned she looked at it and became a pegasus That means we'll be in populated areas... Ugh... I hate still being inside big crowds despite not being a bat... Oh well it'll be worth it." Maple laughes. "I bet some of them are tourist hotspots like really popular ones!" She laughs.
  24. @Fennekin @WiiGuy2014 " It's a nice place. Pretty average but that's not a bad thing... It's weird being in a house without animals everywhere." Maple chucked and then relaxed "It's good to be out of that autumn wind though give these stupid things. " She said referring to the deer horns she got a good look at the place and smiled content with it. " Now.. We wait for Will to get here with that stuff I asked for then I can think about getting these horns off."
  25. Maple didn't want to worry Jack about it so she'd just head with him and Evelyn until she could get a Syringe from someone... But she did want to get or try to use one in this sandstorm but she wasn't going to forget about that wound not after what being infected did to her. She hoped it wasn't infected but that's all she could do since it was already there. She'd probably be crying if should could, just out of fear, confusion and a bit of self-hate for not keeping him safe. After Jack was safe on the saddle Evelyn started to head to the rest of the group followed by Maple
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