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Maple Bat

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Everything posted by Maple Bat

  1. Maple Bat

    private Eternal Night

    @WiiGuy2014 @Techno Universal @dosey doe Woody was happy. Unbelievably so. He teared up but wiped them away quickly. "T-Thank you all. Listen, After all this, I owe each of you something... I don't know what but I mean... I know that this is really important to me. Speaking of useful Mr. Universal, I think I could carry Ms. Song to canterlot so we could fly there and we could be there in half a day. That is if she trusts me enough. I know I wouldn't drop her but I want her to be sure that she, or maybe you 2 as well, think this is a good idea." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @nx9100 Maple heard her name and tensed up, The she heard Nova "Yes my liege!" Maple quickly hurried out of her room to join Nova. She double checked her armor making sure that her flank wasn't visible, to avoid her being traceable. After that and making sure she had her weapon of choice, Her Bow, and then approached Nova. "Ready when you are sir. "
  2. Woody noticed it start to calm down and he started to slowly approach the creature. The melody wasn't changing too much from what it was but Woody was trying to find out what he was looking at here... He'd never seen a creature like this. He was interested in learning about it. He'd write about what he learned later for sure, He tried to examine it from a distance, but in most of everfree, it was too dark... Woody wondered what he could do about that. For now... He was just going to try to get close without getting his head bit off.
  3. No problem. I completely understand. Sorry If I'm not putting enough in some of my own.
  4. Maple rose her spear to face the newcomer not exactly trusting "Who are you?... W-wait did you do this?" Maple pointed her spear up and set the other end on the ground, But was ready to spin it back to face the pony in front of her. "Ok... I guess what I should be asking is... what are you doing here?"
  5. Slowly as he continued, Woody was happier and happier with the singing, it was becoming more flamboyant and extravagant. He had stopped using magic it seemed and was just singing his heart out for the creature in front of him It's nice to have such an interested audience, I'm glad this thing's enjoying. He thought to himself continuing the elegant and slow paced song.
  6. Maple tensed up as the hunter flew by them, she thought he spotted them and was about to attack them. It took 2 seconds for Maple to draw her weapon. She waited stone-still for a moment... "Is... Is he gone?" Maple didn't relax but she moved over to the body, holding her weapon in between her and the hunter. She was examining him for wounds anything that would make him this pale.
  7. Celestia's front plate broke, shards impaling her chest as she flew backward landing on her side, before getting up. "It... Will take more than that." She said with a chuckle. She threw her spear with magic, it, of course, wasn't expected to hit. She flew up into the air firing several bolts of energy, they got brighter with each blast fired. They had a power in them that would shock the cultist, to at least interrupt whatever he was trying to do when it hit. All the while Luna started firing the small beams, but more concentrated so they were slow moving but would do more damage than the first one even if blocked. "Sister... Please... don't try too hard and..." She stopped there and started firing faster out of desperation.
  8. Celestia started panting she used a lot of energy on that blast "That... Is what happens when I get pushed too far... Sick of that cult..." She straightened her posture and dusted herself off of all the sand. She still had an angry expression Luna had quickly put up a shield after the beam got interrupted, She was glad she had the explosion was no joke especially since Celestia had nearly fired it right at her. "Good Job sister!" Luna was convinced nothing was left of the cultist. So she made her way over to Celestia Evelyn stood there for a second completely amazed by the powerful display all she could really formulate in her brain after the explosion was... "Whoa. Awesome." Jack could tell she in truly in disbelief that power like that even existed.
  9. "With pleasure!" Luna didn't hesitate For Jack! She thought as she fired a small and fast beam, It glew brightly making it seem concentrated but it was just a distraction. It wasn't obvious that it was a distraction at that. Celestia, as she continued her slow approach, waited for the beam to nearly hit the foe. As soon as it got close she teleported behind him and fired a colossal beam of magic, He would only see it after he had protected himself from the first beam. Celestia's was bright, So much so that Evelyn and Jack would see it from where they were. "I'm done playing these games!" She roared after firing. "RIght, in that case, I'll tell the princesses to get out of t-" The bright beam caused Evelyn to flinch and protect Jack as an instinct "W-What was that? It was... Quite a lot of energy... But how's was it..." Evelyn couldn't really feel a person's energy like a usual magic user could.
  10. Maple read that and made an expression that read Well... "That mare... I remember her. She has a bite mark. From a none Vampire but they use it to anger towns ponies when they find a vampire, TO run them out of town and away from safety. Yea... She's a threat alright..." Maple's face softly showed anger. She hadn't run into the pony but she received no punishment when the hunter group were caught the first time. That fact alone made Maple's blood boil.
  11. Woody got a bit braver when he saw it listening and not moving away or towards him. He actually chuckled at the creature "Aww... You're just a big softy aren't you. Don't worry I've got more music where that came from." Woody started to sing a beautiful melody, It caused flowers to sprout around him, the kind that bloom at the peak of spring they glew softly with vibrant colors as Woody continued his singing.
  12. Celestia started to charge her strongest spell, The one she had used earlier to obliterate the large spider-like monster from before "You want me to select who survives huh?" She stepped forward, outside of the shield, horn slowly glowing brighter and brighter. "I don't know who you serve but death doesn't stop you it seems. So when you see them again tell them that no matter what Equestria... no... The whole universe, Is now Safeguarded, IF they want to take us down we won't go down without resistance..." Luna put her shield down and readied an offensive spell herself, in Case Celestia would need the assistance "Even if we die here we know that the good will triumph. Equestria won't fall!" Luna shouted to the foe, staring at the 2 of them. She never took eyes off and unlike Celestia, she stayed where she was. 'The man from the arena is back.' Evelyn thought back terrified, 'I don't know what to do, I was hoping you know what to do, I started to head to you in case you needed to be there for the plan Luna's shield should hold for a while. At least, I think so... I'm closing in now, What's the plan Jack?' Evelyn considered the possibility of there being no way to defeat the stranger but she was still trying to be optimistic about it
  13. Celestia and Luna both flinched when they saw him and Celestia kept shouting at him, from behind Luna's barrier "You! You should be dead!" She readied herself for battle once again, Luna, however, didn't like that idea. "Sister you saw what he just did... we need to get help." Luna quietly told her sister, She looked out worriedly. Staring at the purple crystals that had sliced the solders to bits. "We need to take him here, Otherwise he will do, that, to the camp full of people. We mihgt fall here, true... But no matter what we can't let him passed us, For it;s the life of all of them, including Jack..." With that least part of what Celestia said Luna visibly flinced "Right," Luna replied, putting more intensity into her shield, thinking I hope this works. Evelyn watched the two and decided she would head back to camp by herself to get Jack, she didn't really know what to do against him anyways.
  14. "Wrong again..." Maple landed on a roof, trying to prove a point she put her weapons away "Alright, I'll tell you what I know... There's an assassin planning to kill my brother, Who is apparently one of them, While I... am not. I don't know who the assassin is but if not stopped could pose a threat to the other 4 chaos gods in the future. But you know, Your pompous flank won't realize that. If you really care about us not attacking the remainder of your forces, help me as much as you can and I'll call off the others for you." Maple held out a hoof "Deal?" She was cutting a deal with a snake... almost in a literal sense. "What!" Woody flinched and looked back at her with a hurt look on his face, Seeming upset that he had taken sides since he realized he did. "How did she even get there? Salacious I'm sorry about her. She's too reckless for her own good." Woody sighed and tried to locate Maple's life energy through Tartarus. "I feel I should go speak with her... But I don't exactly know where Tambelon is... Maybe I could just bring her here?" Woody started pacing on the barren ground "But then I might be interrupting something... If I don't then Salacious will do something..." He looked out at the open field He nodded, making up his mind. "Can one of you show me how to get her here? I could use the help to clear my visions of what to do with this place."
  15. Fortunatly the two spotted the building, It wasn't in a clearing it was shrouded in the trees Maple landed on a branch in a near it, She quickly scanned the perimeter of the field that served as a training yard, there was a large U shaped building around said yard that was what served as their base "There it is... There's 3 right there I can see them, Not guards but they're armed... 2 more over there... A mare, unarmed and a stallion, armed." Maple kept looking but stopped "That's all of them I see out there. Think we can take on 4 armed ponies? Ourselves? I know I can take at least the 3 but the 4th will cause me problems..." Maple wasn't sure how much strategy Speechless would understand so she just waited for his response.
  16. The overwhelming feeling of fear had lessened from woody and he brushed himself off but he didn't move much to do that, what he did do was try to offer it his paw it was shaking but he still did "Hey there big guy. I'm not going to hurt you... Do you uhh... Want to hear me sing?" Woody stared up a song, it was slow and quiet compared to his normal songs, which was the kind of melody that would allow him to put up a barrier around himself. It was a spell he typically used when scared.
  17. The royal sisters looked at each other confused "What was that?" Luna was the one to break the silence. "And... Can we even trust... whatever that was?" Celestia shook her head but stopped "Well enemy of my enemy, is my friend... so I guess we should be alright." Secretly she was worried about this With how easily they took down those soldiers... No... No, we should be safe. "Hey! You over there! Thanks for the assistance." Celestia shouted to them, using the royal canterlot voice to be heard. Evelyn stayed up in the air, dodging the projectiles heading at her, but she kept herself airborne in case a fight with the strange warrior. "W-Well! Who are you!"
  18. Luna instinctively put up a barrier, "We still got this. I would be scared if they really did anything differently" Luna was confident but she was vigilant, She fired magic bolts at the rockets intercepting them. This is... too easy... I need to be careful, Luna thought. Celestia drew her weapon, the soldier wouldn't hit her behind Luna's shield. Celestia went over the scene with her eyes quickly trying to plan a move of attack the first move would need to be... "Evelyn take to the skies and keep moving don't let them hit you but use your elemental breath to take them." "Oh, I think I've got a new way to use it! Let me try..." She took to the skies hoping that it would work, if not then she would be left open... IT would need a second to prepare
  19. Maple got up and started to examine herself, She was buised. When Luna saw her again she'd see it. " Now... She's g-gonna give me that talk again... I'm just trying to prove myself... I'm not wanting to get hurt, I don't want to constantly fight... It's just... I can do this... All of those mean guards are wrong." Maple decided to do... something about the injuries and goes get something cold to hold against it. Meanwhile, in ponyville, Woody, Who was also 13 since she was the same age as Maple woke up in everfree. HE'd taken a nap there and his nap had lasted a bit longer than he thought. He used his claws to descend down the tree, using his full-grown wings was hard since He wasn't exactly grown into them yet. He started his walk back to ponyville.
  20. Woody started to feel uneasy. He looked around but his eyes didn't meet those of his watcher. "H-hello?..." Woody backed himself against a tree "Who's out there? I'm not gonna hurt you... S-So... P-Please don't hurt me ok?" Woody kept glancing around, but yet he was overlooking the true pair of eyes watching him, they were now lying right in front of him. He quickly sang a melody and his songbook appeared in his paws he held it defensively.
  21. Maple would never forget where the base was... However, she couldn't find it since she had no idea where they were exactly but she'd remember if she saw anything of note, It wasn't obvious she didn't know where they were but she'd find their way, Eventually...
  22. Maple Bat

    private Eternal Night

    @dosey doe @Techno Universal Woody listened to the two and sighed a response "It's been several weeks, Maple's never been at canterlot for more than a day at once. Well... There was one time but she sent a letter. Maybe we could go talk to Luna and see if she made it to Canterlot at all! I never realized that she could've been intercepted along the way! I could make a flight to canterlot but I figured, You 3 might want to come to. It's a long flight there but Ms. Song here doesn't have wings, So we'll take the next train to get there." Woody started to sing and several of his notes along the wall levitated over to his side "The train won't really arrive for a long while so if you all want to get some things... I-I mean if you want to go of course, After that threat I imagine that you both are intimidated," Woody then whispered, "Not that I could do what I said anyways..." Then went back to talking normally "I just didn't want more ponies to think she's dead. That's all, Sorry again for scaring you "
  23. "Yea, a likely story... Where's your evidence, You complemented my coat... So let me guess you were going to shave it off of me? Right? Keep in in a dungeon for you to toy with." Maple drew her knife making a plan but not doing anything just yet, Afraid of her plan failing and something really bad happening, but doing something like what she planned well it was hard to predict. "You know... Lying's not a good look on you, But I'm willing to forgive you... If you help me. I'm looking for an assassin. One who's thinking of challenging one of the Chaos gods... Maybe it could go for Serpent... My point is, I was sent here with a mission. I should just leave... YOu're nothing but a waste of time anyways" Secretly Maple was just hoping the deer would lower his guard, Or... well she'd actually not fight him if he was willing to help. "That... Makes a lot of sense..." Woody said, Ignoring his own self-pride and possibly Sally at that. "Like I give What I create the ability and after that, I have no way to manipulate what they do from there. It's really not a matter of perspective... More of letting go and trusting." With a small amount of effort, Woody undid What salacious was doing his realm fell under his manipulation the easiest after all. "I thank you sister, But I think I need to do this one. On my own." Woody moved a good distance from the 2 of his siblings. He closed his eyes picturing something for a long time. He dropped his idea, distracted by something "Hey... Sal... Er actually Pest... could you ask War something... Where's my sister? I knew she was in her realm last... I've just got a bad feeling in my chest..." Woody turned back to the now open dirt field again concentrating.
  24. Maple Bat

    private Eternal Night

    @WiiGuy2014 @Techno Universal @dosey doe "Wish song. I like it! Well, you seem to be just as special as I am, Judging by your, little trail there. Not many know me since I tend to be either here, or in Everfree protecting it since it's too dangerous for most to safeguard. Seems you have quite the knack for nature yourself " He said with a smile across his face. " O-Oh right... My sister. Maple... Anyways you two." Woody was happy, now that he had 4 ponies helping him look for Maple. He was practically bouncing from excitement. "The last time I saw here was a few weeks ago, She left to go to her work, She's the captain of the royal night guard so she was probably leading an engagement, I assumed that she went to Rainbow falls... I also think that at some point she got hurt and can't find a way home. I marked a few places but... Well, It's only the work of one pony. Anything you two would like to add... Before you both answer..." Woody's anger flared up at the thought of something. Something that he would hate. A magic could be felt from him by everyone in the room "If either of you says that she's no longer with us I will blast you into an alternate reality..." After which Woody instantly returned to his normal, happy and cheery self "Now, Anything you two think?" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @nx9100 @dosey doe Maple was still in her room, Sse was staring at canterlot. She was planning certain things for when they took on the castle, She knew it both inside and out so planning this was only a matter of time... Time... Maple thought that and started to get reminded of her brother. She sighed, This was for their benefit. For everyponies... Maple went back to planning her invasion, for when it was time. "Might be best I resume my training..." She said to herself not moving just yet.
  25. "Life risking is a rather common occurrence here isn't it," Luna said chuckling trying to be light-hearted about it all "I mean, There's not much we can do at this point, right? We can only do our best no matter what that may be. It's just, Up to us and I know we can win the fight. It's just goint to be a lot of work to do it without sacrifice." Luna had high hopes. Achievable, but high. Celestia returned to the others, ready to go now. "Well... Shall we move out then? I'm ready I belive the others are too." Evlyn popped her neck. "Never been more ready. I'm jsut waiting on you two to get your royal flanks in gear." She said light-hearted and laughing. She meant it as a joke but the two alicorns took it a bit seriously "Hey!" they said in unison as the trio started to walk towards the other part of the army.
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