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Everything posted by LightningGearV3.01

  1. This may lose points because its a mobile game, but swordigo. No other game has made me more angry than this one. slippery controls, boring plot, boring gameplay after a while, unfair platforming and enemies, repetitive music, blocky graphics, HELLISH DIFFICULTY SPIKES (the ice level boss literally made me throw my iPad at a wall and break it) and people are hailing this as the Zelda of mobile devices?! Somepony punch me.
  2. Sounds interesting. Ill keep my eye on this.
  3. Those were your actual thoughts? I'm glad I was so accurate.
  4. I'll just leave this here: They know better than anyone on this site that if they lose the bronies, they significantly cut down their profits and watchers by more than 60%. They need us or they lose money, and that's the language corporations like them understand. So that's why they took the intense and adventurous approach and outright stated on the pilot for season 4 that twilight won't become a Mary Sue. That's why they didn't get rid of derpy. That's why the show continues to try and appeal to both us, and the original targeted demographic. Because they need us, and with that in mind, they take every, single, complaint into account, and try and find a middle ground. However, they are still a corporation. Quite honestly, I see all of this as a huge chess game, or a love hate relationship. The reason why they aren't raining flaming apples on top of us (and they can, at any time) is because, despite them wanting absolutely nothing to do with us, they need our support to keep the show alive. So they need to play their pieces right. Take out the ones that are trying to overstep their boundaries so that there isn't someone else harvesting our wallets for MLP content or rising beyond fan art. Fan work and such won't be touched, as they are relatively obscure, and away from the prying eyes of the original demographic. But if something like jananimations comes up, and it's an intense of a hit enough to be seen by someone else BESIDES us, they have to take 'legal' action. Because we all know what happened when us bronies were put into the spotlight. Do you see what I am getting at here? They may be angering us, but it is for our own good. If the brony fandom gets spotted by the original demographic in its fullest, hasbro will have no choice but to obliterate us from the face of the earth and leave no survivors. They are trying to PROTECT us. Not destroy us. If they wanted to destroy us, they would have done so by now. But there is one thing I still fear. I fear that this will share the same fate as youtube: once they have enough money from us to keep the show running for the amount of seasons that they want to, they will crush us like ants underneath their heels, seeing us as a means to an end and nothing more.
  5. The only thing I would bring is this little beauty. You know why? Because you can do this with it. http://file.netgame.com/avatar/1278775073_1000710523.gif
  6. What I believe in..Is myself. And god. Why I believe in god, I ask? Because god interacted with me. Its a long story. Lets just say stuff happened that would only happen in the bible and leave it at that, okay?
  7. Kingdom hearts. I mean, really? Disney and Final Fantasy thrown in a blender? I cant even believe that it worked long enough to get multiple sequels.
  8. you finally beat a game that has royally destroyed you as a kid.
  9. I usually go for normal, as it's a fair challenge that I enjoy overall. I raise the difficulty after I clear the game.
  10. Lesson Zero and Mare do well. All of it. because for some absurd reason, someponies WANTED Twi to go back to magic kindergarten because fetish art. don't look that up. also, insensitivity and up front BACKSTABBING behavior from her friends. I liked the mare do well character, but not how she/he came to be. Rainbow was also cringe worthy throughout.
  11. Race against the princess! Are you faster than the sun and moon? ....... god help us.
  12. I became a brony by complete accident. I didn't find the show, the show found me. But when I found out about it, I didn't look back.
  13. Race: Unicorn House: Something not too fancy. maybe a simple little home in Manehattan. Pet: Not sure yet, so for now, none. Job: Repaircolt, and on the occasion, Royal investigator (like an undercover officer.)
  14. It would make sense, and considering modern companies like to grind buck in little effort, its the perfect setup.
  15. Generation 4 has grossed more profits than generation 1, 2, and the generation one must not ever speak of or risk insane agonizing flashbacks combined. Being a company, they will milk every opportunity to keep this gen running, so I think this gen will continue to go until about...season 7? 8, tops. but if they do generation 5, I'm thinking it will be most of the younger chars in generation 4, only much older. Twi may still be there, I don't know. But they now know what they need to do to make sales skyrocket. If they did it once, they may do it again.
  16. Its Dark. Its very dark. She's perfect. this game made me think twice before shelving cartridge games. High res textures, really good frame rate, FULL VOICE ACTING, secret agent epicness, and all of this was on, what, the nintendo 64? Sign.. Me. UP.
  17. Just got back from watching Edge of tomorrow. Ending was a little unsatisfying, but it was still incredible nevertheless. Its the first movie I have seen in a while that DOESN'T commit the usual movie cliche sins.
  18. *COMING UP ON YTV: DRAGON BALL Z* Huh? Hmm...haven't seen this before...looks interesting- Le me during all of it:
  19. "Behind the skin, it's all the same." -Timmothy, The Cay. "Fear is the one thing that keeps us from doing the impossible. Overcome fear, and you can overcome anything." -Anonymous
  20. My eyes are similar to the color on my avatar. I can't give out a picture (privacy and all) but they are kind of like Zero's eyes from the Megaman Zero games: a very dark and intimidating navy blue.
  21. I'm going to do the smart thing and stay out of this. The last thing I want is to get caught up in potential online religions/cults. I'm already catholic as is.
  22. Party of one. Because it spawned the cult following and mindset that pinkie is a psychotic killer, and quite honestly, it makes me sick to my stomach, especially for my second favourite pony that simply isn't like that.
  23. Sorry for the sub par title. Couldn't think of a decent one for this issue. So I recently watched the season 4 finale, and, sweet celestia, did the show take a turn for the super saiyan. I loved every single second of it. But...there was just one thing that bothered me about it. Actually, about some of the other episodes overall. I don't know to explain my concern, but I'll try my best. We all know that twilight is the crown with the other five being the jewels. It always has been from the start. But in this recent finale, it just felt that the other elements of harmony were just there because the show demanded it, and the episode needed some damsels in distress to pull of the "I'll give you X for the one thing that I need to take over the world" cliche. I mean, think about it. We are talking about the ELEMENTS OF HARMONY. A herd of ponies who single handedly saved the crystal empire, defeated gods, dragons, pulled off impossible feats, fought changelings, saved Canterlot, Ponyville, and sometimes, each other. And they all so happened to get captured by a metal cage, and give off no resistance as their abilities are taken from them. This kind of thing has happened on multiple occasions. Pretty much every episode that either isn't exclusive to one of the six characters either ends up being A: all of them being defeated and twi has to go in and save them, or B: having some super natural occurrence or the princesses swoop down and fix everything. This problem was also present in the inspector gadget cartoon series. I'll pretty much sum down the line. Villain appears --> Mane 5 get defeated easily --> twilight fixes everything in the end \ or Twilight gets defeated --> princesses fix everything. So, in short, in ever episode where one single main character isn't highlighted, the mane 5, who are supposed to be the wielders of the elements of harmony, gets defeated for the count by the most ordinary, plot-demanding, or predictable way possible, making absolutely no attempt to try and fight back.Twilight, every single time, usually ends up having to fix everything on her own. If she goes down, the princesses fix everything. If the princesses go down and twilight is down too, then equestria blows up. It just ticks me off that the mane 5 are held within the same relevancy and mortality as background ponies, when, with their achievements in mind, should at least but up some kind of resistance to the bad guys. Call it nitpicking, but I had to get this out of my head. Criticize as you will.
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