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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Nightshroud

  1. hey guy whats up?

    1. Weak Freak

      Weak Freak

      in bed, watching some FNAF videos on YT before sleeping. you?

    2. Nightshroud


      oh not much just got through talking to ex

    3. Weak Freak

      Weak Freak

      cool. hope it goes well.

      X are X, not much to do about that. if you try to have a good or mellow relationship even after breaking up, it´s good to have a mutual ok-feeling about eachother

  2. Any of the warriors games kingdom hearts fighting games.
  3. h-h-h-hello ......... I-I-I'm Nightshroud ive seen you around on the forums...... *hides face*

    1. MissDiamond


      Hello there, friend! :) You don't need to be shy around me, I too am shy so.... I'd like to have you as a friend ^_^ 

  4. banned because you got me a defective metal detector.
  5. I love youre avatar its so colorful

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Changeling Neon

      Changeling Neon

      XD not at all, to each their own.

    3. Nightshroud


      whew so you like anime huh?

      I found me an anime crush next to Sebastian and lunamaria hawk.

      this dude Image result for anime pirate boy

    4. Changeling Neon

      Changeling Neon

      XD I approve sebby is also amazing, but I like Miketsukami from Inu x Boku

  6. are you pagan too?

    just curious..

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. catnet


      You're very welcome! ^_^ And huh, they're looking pretty good! Never really seen them before, are they from some anime/manga? :)

    3. Nightshroud


      I found him on google but hes cute and handsome none the less

    4. catnet


      Oh, I see ^^ Well, he is indeed fairly handsome, as you say ^_^

  7. banned because I'm a sith lord I'm higher up then gobo
  8. hello ive seen you around I'm Nightshroud nice to meet you

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DubWolf


      It's fun and you can be yourself here because mostbeveryone's accepting

    3. DubWolf


      (Sorry :c)

    4. Nightshroud


      yep so whats on your mind.

  9. that's another thing I liked was the whole nature thing it makes me respect nature more.
  10. hello I'm nightshroud

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nightshroud


      nah just wanted to meet a new friend

    3. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Oh, thats kind of you^^ Even though im normally a slightly difficult friend to have, since i dont talk that much but allright.

    4. Nightshroud


      but that's fine

  11. ive played the game its was scary in an awesome way
  12. today I'm thankful for all that mother earth lady moon and brother sun has given us
  13. but its supposed to instil fear into the player
  14. hello ive seen you around on the fourums I'm Nightshroud. nice to meet you,

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. 碇 シンジン
    3. Nightshroud


      I'm a sweet guy so any girl would love me

    4. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      its good to have that =) 

  15. me and my pirate lover make him walk the plank. this is my pirate lover.
  16. Granted you get corrupted. I wish this handsome pirate would take me away.
  17. banned because my pirate boy friend wants me too.
  18. since you asked so nicely *puts it on you* aww you look adorable with it on
  19. I don't think its that bad yeah it was historicly inaccurate but that's not one of Disney's strong suits. the animation was good the colors of the wind was beautiful but the characters aren't that memorable. its a okay movie not one of disneys best but way better then chicken little can we all agree on that?
  20. blessed be your day may mother earth watch over you and protect you in your day. 

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