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Everything posted by AlicornSpell

  1. Here's are some examples: I always thought yellow made more sense to go along with red and blue as a trio than green, red, blue do since yellow, red, and blue are all primary colors. .
  2. Also, most people seem to be a lot more comfortable around their platonic best friends than they are around their romantic partners or spouses.
  3. Here's a quote from Rick and Morty that Rick said about romance: "Listen, Morty, I hate to break it to you, but what people call "love" is a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hits hard, Morty, then it slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage. I did it, your parents are gonna do it. Break the cycle, Morty. Rise above. Focus on science." You can watch the clip here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rWunrNejmA What Rick said about romance is true.
  4. Also, platonic relationships and romantic relationships may be two ENTIRELY different things, but that doesn't mean they are equal when it comes to the amount of love giving in them. The love in platonic relationships seems to be way stronger than the love in romantic relationships are since platonic relationships are not fragile like romantic relationships are. Also, platonic relationships also seem to be a lot more intimate and comfortable than romantic relationships are. Also, a lot of people are pretty much comfortable enough to be naked around someone and have sex with someone that they have no romantic feelings towards. So to a lot of people, sex isn't really a thing about romance.
  5. This is not a debate. This is just people just giving their opinions about it.
  6. Women aren't usually prohibited from participating in men's sports. Women's sports exclude male participants, but the rules generally allow a girl or woman to play on a men's team if she is talented enough to compete. In fact, a girl won the boys' North Carolina high school wrestling championship last year in the 106 pound weight class. This was allowed even though being female actually gave her significant biological advantage, specifically, making weight. Fewer than 1% of adult men can weigh less than 106 pounds without being considered dangerously thin for their height. About 30-40% of women can.
  7. I have seen girls wrestle boys and win. So as long as they meet the requirements, I see no problem with females playing in male sports.
  8. I personally think it's wrong when babies are circumcised for no medical reasons. I think it's a human rights violation, and so I have an ethical problem with it being done to infants. However, I do believe that if an adult wants it done, he can have it done.
  9. I personally don't care for it. It seems like a lot of the community is not good on that website.
  10. Most romantic relationships seem to end while most platonic relationships seem to stay. Have you read my other posts on here about why having a platonic best friend is better than having a romantic partner or spouse, and have you read my others posts about why romantic relationships is not actually a good thing? Having someone who's like a sibling to you is a lot better than having a romantic partner or spouse is. And you will most likely have a much stronger bond with a person who's like a brother or sister to you than you would with a romantic partner or spouse. Also, you're going to have a much deeper spoken understanding and connection with your best friend than you are with a romantic partner or spouse. And also, with the whole father thing. There's a lot of fathers who won't let their daughters date while they are in high school or when they are still living with them. These same fathers will however let their sons date while they are in high school or still living with them. So it does seem that most fathers do hate the idea of their daughter loving someone romantically; the same thing with brothers and their sisters too. I'm not saying women are some kind of property, but there are a lot of dangers when it comes to dating and romantic relationships, and that's why I think humans (both genders) should stop being in romantic relationships. So I think the concept of dating and marriage should be ditched. How is it natural? The concept of romantic love seems to be a man-made thing.
  11. Also, if someday that the human race ditches the concept of romance and romantic relationships, and got rid of stuff like dating and marriage, fathers and brothers would be happy about it since they wouldn't ever have to worry about their daughters and sisters ever dating if that ever happened.
  12. How is it pretty awesome? As I said, domestic violence happens in a lot of romantic relationships and marriages, and a lot of people who are in a romantic relationship or married cheat on their partner or spouse with someone else. Bad stuff like that happens in a lot of romantic relationships and marriages. I have had bad experiences with romance before and I have seen people have much worse experiences with romance than I ever had. So romantic love and romantic relationships don't actually seem like a good thing at all. There's a lot more worse stuff that happens in romantic relationships than it does in platonic relationships. So now I'm aromantic. And also as I said, it seems that fathers usually hate it whenever their daughter gets a boyfriend (even if the boyfriend is a good guy), and it seems that they often hate the idea of their daughter dating, and many fathers seem against the idea of their daughters dating. There are even shirts made for daughters that say "I'M NOT ALLOWED TO EVER DATE" and shirts made for fathers that say "DADS AGAINST DAUGHTERS DATING". Brothers also tend to act the same way that fathers do whenever their sister gets a boyfriend (even if the boyfriend is a good guy). It seems brothers (like fathers) hate the idea of their sisters dating. So it seems that most fathers don't ever want their daughters to find love and be in a romantic relationship with someone, and it also seems that most brothers don't ever want their sisters to find love and be in a romantic relationship with someone. So those could also be other reasons why the concept of romantic relationships isn't a good thing because of how protective fathers and brothers tend to be whenever their daughter or sister dates someone.
  13. But (as I said) there's a lot of bad relationships and most relationships end in either break ups or divorces. Also, humans are animals.
  14. Who cares if it's fun or not. It's not going to matter in the long run when a woman gets pregnant. And we can go against our nature instincts. We are the most intelligent beings on this planet.
  15. I hope that someday that the human race ditches the concept of romance and romantic relationships. The human race can still breed without romance or even without sex. There is a thing called artificial insemination.
  16. Still it seems like stuff like that happens in romantic relationships a lot more than it does in platonic relationships.
  17. I have a hard time believing it can be the most wonderful thing in the world. Just remember that domestic violence happens in a lot of romantic relationships and marriages, and a lot of people who are in a romantic relationship or married cheat on their partner or spouse with someone else. Bad stuff like that happens in a lot of romantic relationships and marriages.
  18. I have known many hippies who often said weird stuff that made zero sense, Honestly, I didn't like being around them because of it. It seems like hippies have a tendency of saying things that don't make sense at all. Go visit the website "Hip Forums", and look act some of the topics there, and you will see what I mean.
  19. Also, you're going to have a much deeper spoken understanding and connection with your best friend than you are with a romantic partner or spouse.
  20. Also, here are 13 reasons why your best friend is more important than your romantic partner or spouse is: 1. Your best friend has seen you at your worst and they still love you. They have no need to see you looking pretty or together all the time. You could show up in curlers with the biggest pimple ever and they’d still accept you. 2. Your best friend has probably been around longer than your partner. They are reliable, loyal and entrenched in your life. 3. You don’t necessarily have more fun with your best friend but it’s a different kind of fun. It feels more relaxed and honest. 4. You don’t have to impress your best friend. You can be yourself. 5. Your best friend will drop everything and come rescue you and you’d do the same for them. 6. Your best friend will understand you and not judge you. You talk to them and feel totally understood for once in this big, bad world. 7. Your best friend has probably known you when you were a grungy, gross middle schooler or when you puked all over yourself freshman year. They’ve known you through every phase of your life. 8. You’ve always been sure about your best friend, but you sometimes doubt if your partner is really “the one.” 9. You never fight with your best friend the way you fight with your partner. 10. Your best friend is there for you after every breakup and through every awful ex. They will put you back together when you’re hurt. 11. You know if things get tough you and your best friend can run off to Mexico and go on the run. 12. There’s nothing sexual going on so you can cuddle up and watch TV together for hours and there’s no pressure to do anything but that. 13. Your best friend has probably done more for you in life, in terms of favors and life experience, than your partner has. You should show them more appreciation.
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