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Status Updates posted by Twilight-Shimmer

  1. By silver pheonix did you mean Foxy?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Twilight-Shimmer


      no I mean when I go to a page it could display posts where I am mentioned first.

    3. Widdershins


      Ah, I dunno... usually when I click on a notification that tells me I've been mentioned it takes me straight to that post. Even then that's sort of a gimmie... so a bit of legwork is likely still advisable. Heh, hey, reading ain't too bad!

    4. Widdershins


      ...recent activity?... feels like there should be a sorting option somewhere...

  2. Boop! So how goes it? I will assume until the forums and such are running 100% correctly all Rpness is on hold lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Twilight-Shimmer


      the revamps also Bucked up the Charactersheets apparently quite badly

    3. Widdershins


      Whal, ya havin' issues thar, partner? Seems its essentially working well enough. Managed to find the OOC thread pretty easy on account of me knowin' the name. Selected Topics on the button to the side of the search bar up there then put in Casual Stroll and clicked on the first thing in the list. Suppose its a sinch that things have been quiet, the two leading the thread are out of commission, one for work and Blitz is hospitalized.

         So, like as which its going to wait until they can get back to sort things out. Way I see things, all that's happening is your character just needs to agree that Group One is headin' off to camp town for the night, mine just nods to go along, and Group Two eventually tracks me down to join up from there. But anyhoodles, you let me know if there be anything I can take a stab at answering for yah.

      ...and you are telling me... I've got twenty-two characters written down over there. Granted, I suppose its only a few minor things that pile up. They took out fonts & colors & even the keystrokes that Enter in a new line, replacing those with command promp symbols. Then, seems current formatting has no lines between things like backstories & descriptions, so it sort of just piles on top of itself into a rather ugly mess. Hmm... also those song links too I put in there, I think...

        It's all still there... just... rather unattractively put.

    4. Twilight-Shimmer


      if you can find my character listing its quite messed up when I look at it is what I mean

  3. The Multiverse. It is a strange place in which there are worlds where things taste like purple and two plus two equals fish and if you divide that by three you get salmon... truly a weird place.

    1. CheeryFox
    2. Widdershins


      Well, and then you get into whether the term "multiverse" only applies to 'planes' rather than dimensions and the different rules governing each dimension, and so on and so forth into ad nauseum!

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