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Posts posted by blackstarraven

  1. On 3/28/2018 at 12:31 AM, Truffles said:

    He could presumably order guards to physically prevent the teachers and students from meeting, have the Mane Eight thrown in jail, or, if he goes off the deep end, even personally attack the Mane Eight or the non-pony students.


    I can imagine a negative spin that could be put on that: "Princess Celestia fires/arrests head of EEA so favored student Princess Twilight Sparkle doesn't have to follow the same rules for her school as everybody else".

    I actually have a pretty good insite / answer to this.

    The Answer to this is simple: No.. No he can't.

    The incite is also simple: He can't because the school doesn't actually REQUIRE accreditation. It's clearly not being pitched as the primary education of the students attending.

    I'm going to compare this to real schools, I know that's not the best ideal but it has some good comparisons.


    Point #1: If your running a 'school' but its not the primary education for a child or adult. It's not required to be accredited by anyone. This is why Seminary schools don't need to be credited. Because what they are teaching is not considered to be required in education.

    Point #2: At least for the... foreign? Students. They most likely don't fall under any accreditation anyways.

    Point #3: The accreditation would most likely all revolve around WHAT the school is actually giving out. And who actually takes the credentials.


    Example: If I wanted to I could in pretty much any developed nation in the world, start a college, and hand out degrees... With no accreditation. But without that accreditation there just pieces of paper.


    Point #4: You get thrown in jail for breaking laws. Not for breaking rules. Those are two very different things.

    Laws are legal social things with consequences.

    Rules are more or less private rules.

    - Example: If you cheat in the NFL, you legally can't be thrown in jail unless what you did broke a Non-NFL law. So for instance, pulling on a face mask is a rule. Using Drugs is a law.


    Now I don't actually know what angel there going to take in the show. But from a real world stand point. All not being accredited does is make the degree there handing out worth only what people put stock in Twilight reputation.


    Personal Example: I went to the Patterson school of diplomacy.

    Its 100% Unaccredited from a University stand point.

    The only rules it has to follow are the one's put forth by the Patterson Board.


    It is however one of the best Diplomacy schools out there. Hold a lot of weight, but my degree does not count as a Bachelors degree.


    I'm guessing this is the place that twilight is in.

    While yes she has to follow the laws. (Can't beat children, so on and so on) She doesn't actually have to meet up with the boards expectations.

    On 4/9/2018 at 2:07 AM, Slipstream95 said:

    This episode sure did touch on racism, but I can see where chancellor Neighsay was coming from. First, I don't support his actions, he was hasty and didn't get all the facts and these are just my opinions on what I think he thought, not my own.

    With that out of the way Chancellor Neighsay was told the school was created to protect Equestria so when he see's that the school is being torn apart by foreign creatures, you can see where he might disapprove of them being there and want them out, in the end he cares about his country, a country made up of ponies, and he doesn't believe these creatures can co-exist. "The best way to get rid of a problem is to get rid of its existence of being a problem." is what I'm assuming he thought.

    Of course these are just my thoughts and assumptions...

    Well yes and no...

    Twilight never actually said it was to protect Eqestria, She actually tried to correct him when he said it.

    Yes, good political relations is good for the safety of Equestria. but its not the same thing.

    That would be like me claiming that my Degree in Diplomacy was = to a degree in Military Science... (I have a degree in both actually)

    But part of his freak out was that HE assumed something.


    I'm not going to say that I don't get his freak out. I'm going to say that I get it because I saw where his logical disconnect took place.

    On 4/8/2018 at 9:06 PM, PacificGreen said:

    I liked seeing the new characters in this one (love the School/Young Six!) but I think the main conflict was its weakest point.

    By that, I mean that I can't really blame Neighsay for closing down the school when he just witnessed a disaster unfold in front of him that put the safety of others at risk. Instead the episode focused on how racist he was which, while I obviously don't agree with him there, doesn't discount other reasons not to accredit the school (unqualified teachers, the fact that the Mane Six might have to go on adventures which might interfere with the school's curriculum).

    Basically it felt like "Strawman Has A Point: The Episode" and the moral came off as more like "if you mess up your first chance at doing something important to you, screw the rules and authority because you're doing what's right".

    Agreed, Starman does have a point.

    But I do get the point of the episode also...

    Twilight should never have even worried about the accreditation. She's not providing a primary education here....

    No one is going to take a degree form this place and try to get a job with it. (Unless maybe its in diplomacy or conflict resolution)
    Point being.


    This is closer to doing to a Seminary school then a High School or University.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Good answers for the most part...

    Except for the one about Amy Keating Rogers... Honestly I don't really care what she has to say about it.

    Also I don't care about my grammar that much, I'm not doing a academic paper. I have degree in science, not English. I know how to spell, I'm just dyslexic and I'm not pending 2 hours checking my forum posts.... No really that's how long it takes me some times....


    The storm king was actually something I was thinking about. But to be honest.. I'm not buying it. I'm saying that one is... less then cannon...

    If he was slinging a full sized Sun around like that, it would have actually been worse then slinging a rotating the planet around... So I'm saying none of them are true.


    As to the point of the sun/moon being the same size.... And the ideal of them just being magical dots... no....

    Because again, its clearly stated that the gun is required to grow crops...


    The model given by me is the least problematic one.. not perfect, all of them have issues.

    I mean aside from the concept of them actually being totally detached from physical law. That is to say it is possible in universal that the sun really is some kind of disk thats not that big, not that far away and gives off the right energy / warmth for the world to grow food and what not. But that actually reinforces my point.

    Its ether totally detached from the way physical law works. Or my model is the least problematic one...


    As to Amy Keating Rogers... Again I don't care what she had to say unless its in line with A: Faust. B: A consistent line from the entire production crew.

    She's done some 17 episodes of the show.. most of them not that good by the shows standard. I like some of her other work, and I'm not saying anything bad about her personally. But she doesn't strike me as a great world builder in her work.

  3. Note: So...  I AM A SCIENSTIST.....

    No really. I got a university degree in "General Science"

    Then a Masters in Geography. Then a PhD in Geology. So I'm literally a student of science in general with a focus in Earth Science. And like most people with a heavy focus in a academic area, I have some times get a little OCD when it comes to watching something and trying to apply "My rules" to it.


    So this came up when I was watching a few episodes of MLP:FIM. I had a Epiphany....

    The sun in My little pony CANT behave like our own star Sol.... So let's asses a few things.


    #1: Yes, It is totally possible that none of the following numbered points are true, it is possible that this is a VERY Abstract world. But then the world would not really operate in other ways that we see it does.

    #2: The natural laws of Eqestria are at least formally similar if not close to our own. That is to say... Gravity is caused by mass, motion causes inertia so on and so on.

    #3: It IS possible that the sun is much smaller then our sun and that Eqestria is much closer.

     But the sun does shed light that grows plants. And it does give of heat. So it is most likely a star.

     It also would need to be very close if its not stationary for the scaling to work, close enough that it would most likely wonk up the planet/moon/sun orbital model.


    So because of this I came to the conclusion that the following is the best explanation for the way that Cosmology works in FIM.

    #1: The sun is in fact stationary in FIM.

    #2: Eqestria itself is naturally tidal locked. (With one side facing the sun and another way all the time)

    #3: The moon is more or less a normal moon.


    With all this in place that would mean that Luna does in point move the moon.

    And that Celestia actually uses her power to rotate the planet, not move the sun. This is actually pretty accurate with what we know in the show also. Because she is never stated to move the sun, she's stated to 'raise the sun' and sun rise in our own world is simply earth rotating....

    -At one point Unicorns in general raised the sun with there magic.


    So Celestia moves the planet so that more then just a thin strip of the surface area is habitable.


    Now the biggest issue with this is that if you just rotate the planet all of the sudden it would throw everything in one direction, but we do see if the show a few times that the sun does not just go up and stay there until its moved back down. Lesson Zero (Not the best example) does show that the sun moves in a arc over the surface of the world.

    We also see sun dials from time to time, something that would not work if the sun did not move in a arc.


    So next point to be made.

    -The rotation of the planet done by Celestia is pretty gentle. Its actually more possible that she simple uses her magic a little bit every day to KEEP the planet rotating at a constant or close to constant rate. And that without doing so it would eventually become tidal locked again.




    A quick side note.


    Looking at the art map of the show... I really have to wonder how BIG the land known as Eqestria is. Not mind you the planet. (Which is unnamed) I know a good number of fans want to call it Equis. But I don't like that.. It's basically pooping on all non-equine creatures in the show.

    The map is clearly not to scale.

    -If it is mind you, Ponyville is larger then Canterlot, is the same size as the entire every free forest. And it should take as long to get to appaloosa is walking across ponyville three times.

    So all that in mind, we can figure out roughly now far apart some things are in the show based on how long it takes to get to / from some places by train.

    The train is clearly a steam engine, so 45-65mph is about as fast as it will be doing. I would say on the lower end.

    It takes less then a day (Maybe a hour or so) To get to ghastly gouge.

    It takes a overnight trip to get to appalousa.

    You can take a to Mainhattan and back again in one day...


    This all seams kind of... Inconsistent.. And it clearly is.


    But you know what else takes about the same amount of time to get around?
    The UK or France....

    If I had to guess Eqestria is about the size and dimensions of France...

    It would also be totally possible to have the different areas that are on the map in a area that size accounting for elevation.

    • Brohoof 2
  4. Image result for toph break some rules


    Also... Brain pony.....


    Rolling Thoughts as I watch the show...

    #1: YAY! brain pony! Really.. that's not just the same voice actor... That's basically Brain as a pony.. This is part of a plot to take over the world....

    Actually I kind of get a Servirice Snape feeling off this guy.

    #2: I don't like the first song... Like.. I don't like it a lot.

    #3: I'm not sure that I'm sold on these characters so far. (The students that is)

    End of first Episode... I can already kind of see where this is going....


    Episode 2.

    #1: Pillow fort Twilight is adorable....

    #2: I'm really enjoying Spike in the last few season. I like more assertive and snarky Spike. It also enforces my thought on what his role has always been.

    I.E.: Spike is the younger brother in the story, but he's clearly the younger brother that's old enough to actually be in the group.

    #3: The perpupine things are actually kind of neat...

    I really feel like they should guard that castle better.....

    #4: 2nd song was... ... No really I'm listening right now...

    -And... I have to agree with Ember on this one.. I wasn't that impressed.... Really Both of the songs where total misses.




    Side note: Guidance counselor Starlight.... Umm... I approve but not in a great way.

    Side note: Got it.. Beat us over the head with the Racism.. Um... Species-ism? Plot.


    Well I liked it better then Season 7's... Opening.. Episode. (Or two)

    It was good for world building if nothing else. And this is a pretty hard sell to be honest. Because its basically a complete direction shift, which is hard to do. I mean there basically making a two season spin off at this point...

    Which brings me to a interesting point...

    Are we just not going to get the new season eight opening? Or maybe they are saving that for episode 3 and later?
    I feel like they might have openly scrapped it because of negative feedback.. maybe, maybe not.


    3 out of 5.. On par with the weakest starting episodes in the show. but that's still not bad for a Cartoon to be honest. Again even Meh Episodes in this show are better then good episodes in most cartoons.

    • Brohoof 2
  5. Random thoughts...


    #1: Cows having a Wisconsin accent is adorable.

    -But this does make me start to wonder in the show about how many of these darn animals can talk... I mean we see a mule talk later...

    -Hehe... Single Hoovefidly.

    -The ponies in ponyville are just as freaked out by the bunny stampeed as the cows..


    #2: Twilight being interrupted is golden.

    #3: Drunk Applejack is great... I mean tired Applejack...

    - As a person who has went without sleep for a VERY long time.. even having auditory helocinations. I can say I was never quite that bad...

    #4: I'm starting to think that all ponies have the ability to levitate things.. and that it just only works on specific things for earth ponies/pegasus... Those apples are crazy accurate when kicked off trees.

    #5: BigMac actually has a perfectly good two sided discussion in this. I kind of wonder when the makes actually got to the point where he was basically going to answer is yes and no.

    #6: The face planting joke for Applejack trying to launch Dash is pretty funny.. but....

    -- Applejack and Dash Ignore the law of Conservation of Energy.....

    --- Dash should get no more energy from Applejack falling then applejack imparts to the surface she hits...

    In other words. Dash should have been launched no higher then Applejack fell from (Adjusting for weight) I mean... Unless applejack is made out of freaken dark matter or something.....

    OR... Rainbow Dash might be comprised of something much lighter then we think... This would support my theary that Pegasus don't weight all that much, and are maybe filled with some kind of lighter then air gas... Like some kind of horse meat Zepplin.....


    #7: Horses... And all equine in fact. Lack the ability to throw up.

    #8: Upright sleeping applejac is adorable with her little neighs when snoring.


    Twilight: Your applebucking hasn't just caused you problems. It's over-propelled a pegasus, practically poisoned plenty of ponies, and terrorized bushels of brand-new bouncing baby bunnies.

    What exactly IS In a zoo in Equestira? 

  6. Two answers. The first time I subconsciously felt like a adult. And the first time I knew I was acting like a adult.


    #1: My father became bedridden when I was 13 and I more or less had to take over doing most of the stuff that a adult in the house had to do. I first felt like a adult when I figured out a year or so later that he totally resented me for this....


    #2: When I first had to give a direct order to my men that they did not want to do, while in the Army as a 2nd Lt. So... About 23?


    (technically this is just me scripting for a you tube video)

    The 2nd proper episode of the show. Ticket Master.


    So I know more then one person In the community that point out, not totally invalid issues with this episode. But over all this is a pretty solid episode.

    And I'm going to address the issue that people have with it before actually point out the issues I have with it.

    But I just want to make it perfectly clear... I like this episode a lot. Like 4 out of 5 like it.


    First up: "The ponies are not acting in character or are acting "against there elements."

    Second: "Twilight was being a bit dense in this episode."

    Third: "Why didn't Celestia" Hail Princess Celestia! "Send enough tickets."


    I have pretty simple answers or at least thoughts on all of these.

    1st: At this point in the show we don't actually know a whole lot about the characters, its actually rather hard to say what is and is not in character... and even with what we know later, none of them are really doing anything out of character.

    Twilight Can be a Spazz. And is Spazzing and not thinking strait. (Which is really the answer to the Second point also)

    RainbowDash Can be over competitive and stubborn.

    AppleJack can be opinionated and stubborn.

    Rarity can.... and normally is a total drama queen.

    Pinkie is often thoughtless.

    And Fluttershy... Well actually flutter shy really dose do much to pressure twilight in this episode. I actually think she kind of forgot that she actually was cleaning because she wanted the tickets.

    #2: I actually just addressed that... Twilight was panicking and not thinking... she does that a lot.

    #3: And this one... first off I would like to just say..


    Also. A point that I actually thought of the first time I watched the episode.

    We don't actually know that Celestia was not sending tickets to everyone.

    We just know that she sent twilight two tickets by way of spike... She might have been sending the others tickets in the mail.

    She might have also just assumed that twilight would ask for more if she needed more.


    Now onto the thing I actually did have issue with....


    All the ponies reasons for going to the ball are stupid.... Or at the very least not good reasons. even if they are not bad reasons.

    Now before starting this list I'm going to point out that... Yes this is a kids show... and no not all of the ponies would know this, but at least one of them would.

    But I use the test of my Nieces for this, and while they didn't point the flaws in all the ponies reasons, they point them out in some of them....


    AppleJack: No pony pointed out to her that the event is catered? No Pony? Really? I mean come on.. I can see that she might not know that, or that she might still think there was a chance for some profit, but really? (7.5 on the dumb scale)

    RainbowDash: This is less dumb and more... OK its dumb. I would think there was some kind of rule / law against interrupting a flight show... While this is dumb, its also very.... Rainbowdash.... (7.5 on the dumb scale)

    The Pink one.... It hurts me to say this... but pinkie actually has a less stupid reason to go then most of the others. I mean she should really know that its not that kind of party. But she seams to have fun the 2nd time around,  when she does know what kind of party it is. (4 out the dumb scale... + 4 because she's the pink one)

    Rarity: Wow... just wow rarity... even my four year old niece (At the time) Was like "That's a dumb reason to go." I mean there is no way that rarity should know that they stallion is a huge jerk. but just... Wow... I'm.. yikes... (10 on the dumb scale. The WORSE POSSIBLE REASON EVER!)

    Fluttershy: OK so first up on this one.... Way to be rube Rarity... But I hate to say it, this is the biggest issue I have with the whole Episode.

    If flutteryshy wanted to go see the garden... She could.. you know... Just ASK.. I'm sure that even if Celestia wasn't going to invite her she would have been like "Oh, hay your that friend of Twilights! You know one of the ones that saved the world.... Sure you can see the gardens on that night. I'll have a guard show you around so no one bothers you, it will be great."


    Which brings up the real issue... The Idiot ball....

    If you don't know what a idiot ball is, go on other to TV Tropes and Idioms and look it up. Its a great website to kill time at... actually don't. I have most likely wasted a year of my life there...

    Idiot ball: A moment where a character's stupidity fuels an episode, or a small plot line. If multiple characters have the Idiot Ball, it becomes an Idiot Plot. Temporary (or permanent) Genre Blindness is often a cause of this trope.


    And this IS a idiot episode.... But its a fun Idiot episode. Because in real life I have seen groups that do this.. I've been in groups that do this. Get so hung up on part of a problem that we don't see the answer looking at our teeth... HA! Pony pun.....

    So over all, really fun early episode.

    I must say however this episode does feel out of order. Like this feels like a light later episode and not the first one after the pilot. but I think it was put there to have more of a start - end feel to the season.



    Alliteration: Wow... There is a lot of it in this episode. Grand Galloping Gala... All that P's in pinkies bit. "Girly Gala Gunk".

    Pony Puns: Goodie Four Shoes! Well Wallop my Withers! 

    I love what a bad Liar Fluttershy is...

    I love the bit where Twilight eats the peddles... because... you know.. shes a pony...


    Rainbow Dash was napping.. very honest.

  8. Also as a general note. Your best hope is actually that FiM continues in some other form.

    We are already pretty sure it will keep going in comic format. (There is no reason for it not to)

    You might... And I mean might convince Hasbro to do some netflix stuff with FiM every now and then... like a 90 min thing every year or soemthing.

    In the end it will all be about where the money is.

    If Gen 5 blows. I fully expect for there to be a swing to a 4.5 spin-0ff.

    Actually I would not mind a Gen 4.5 Spin off as a netflix show.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. On 1/18/2018 at 2:27 PM, Steve Piranha said:

    Well, I understand from the leaks that the box office wasn't really that good, and they outright cancelled any plans for a sequel  :sunny:. I hope China make them change their minds

    Again the leak actually does not make a statement about box office, we don't need a statement for that. The box office was 54.8 million USD. That actually makes it better preforming then a lot of movies that where considered to have done very well this year. Again if the other leaks (I would remind us all that 4/chan leaks have about a 50/50 accuracy rating because a lot of times it just hasbro kicking stuff around and some times the leakers are making part of it up also, the season 5 episode names where leaked and the first half was correct and the second half was not even close) But if the leak was correct that the cost of the movie was 30 ish million, the I'm just going to tell you all that included everything, distribution, production and marketing.

    Because major animated movies that require outside studies x3 the size of Hasbro using a program I can get for $1200.. Cost about 60-90 million.

    The movie most like cost as much as a season of the show 5.5 million dollars per season by the way.


    They never actually said they where going to make a 2nd movie. but they DID actually say in this leak (Again grain of salt) That they where thinking of a movie to reboot the show to season 5. (I think that's a stupid ideal, if you wanted the movie to do well, you would use it to cap off season 4 and get it ready for -extention-)

    Which brings me to another point.




    Its a common element of shows with die hard fan bases now that they never actually die...

    Buffy for instance, still has comics and conventions...

    IDW and the other comic line both have rights to the comics that will last much longer (If they re-up indefinitely) then the show will. If there is a market for it, netflix might actually pay to have some stuff done also. (MLP FIM was there most watched -not highest rated- kids show in 2017) And EG is getting 22min youtube episodes.



    And then you have the issue of follow up.

    If your a company moving from your most profitable show ever... you don't want to screw the relaunch up... And that goes double if your launching it right after the end of the first one..


    I still say they would do better to do a G4.5 spin off.

    But that's just me... I don't work for Hasbro... I work for that other company... The one that has a standing purchase offer for hasbro... mostly to cut out the middle man on there toys.

  10. Well... There is personality and then there is ascetics. If I wanted to make the cast more diverse.


    Twilight/Rairty: I can see them being White (Or Hebrew if you wanted to get really esoteric) I would also be really interested to see them as South Asian. Like Indian. I have to admit that I am actually pretty fond of the darker skin pallet for Twilight.

    Pinkie: White.....?

    AppleJack: White? I Mean the Ozark accent is so wonderful. (I'm a sucker for a Ozark accent) But I could also go with a Latina accent.. But as I point out to a friend of mine, that would mean that the Latina pony would be.. well picking fruit. And that, might be a issue from a cultural sensitive stand point. But then I have to wonder if saying that a Latina cant be a farmer is like.. double reverse culturally insensitive? I can see ether fine.

    Rainbow Dash: I can see her as Asian or White or Latina. Any works really. I don't know why I never pictures her as being darker, i mean it looks fine, it just never struck me.

    Fluttershy: Asian or white.


    There is that entire discussion of how diverse does it need to be to actually be pandering... Because I'm fine with a diverse accent (that's basically a pony ethnicity) I mean we have seen Indian ponies before. And Asian ponies. And middle eastern Ponies. So clearly there are accent/ethnicity.

    But at what point does it actually become pandering in a story to mix it up to much? I don't know but this is why I would never make it as a network executive and whey they are all crazy...

  11. On 1/14/2018 at 3:12 AM, AlbaTross said:

    Well, I don't have shares in Hasbro so mass appeal is irrelevant to me and I was actually afraid Hasbro and DHX were going to try too hard to appeal to a wider audience and not give fans enough to sink their teeth into.  As it stands, it's...meh for this fan and meh as a general children's flick.  As something to reach a wider, older audience, it's an abysmal failure, but I don't think that was in the cards anyways.  

    As a Brony the season 7 finale appealed to me way more, but to be fair that treaded heavily on the assumption that by this point fans would already know about concepts like the Elements/Tree of Harmony, are familiar with Starswirl from past seasons and had seen the episodes for the other Pillars from the current season.  Of course the movie had to be something even the uninitiated could follow, but that also meant it was never going to get very deep at all in the lore of the series.  In all fairness I can't be too hard on the movie and I did enjoy it.  I just think Hasbro was overreaching if they thought it could make fans out of non-fans, and they had to sacrifice some degree of service to the fans in their attempt to pull that off.


    I do actually have shares in Hasbro.


    And to the answer the OT question.



    The movie was not meant to be a wide audience movie.


    "Easily the thing that disappointed me the most about the movie is something that really has next to nothing to do with the actual film - that being that it was clearly trying to appeal to newcomers as well as fans"

    I can't really say I'm glad you got this impression..

    But I did not. Nor did any of the other people I went to the movie with.

    Actually a few of them had never seen the show before (Parents taking there kids) And there biggest complaint was simply that it was clearly a movie that required knowledge of the show. Which makes sense. The movie was clearly not even considering that it might pick up people who where never interested in the show.


    Now as to the question of what could it have done to maybe pick people up? Nothing that would have made the fanbase happy, because it would have had to be a 'from the start' story.
    That is to say, the first 2 episodes (The pilot) Work because they know you have not seen any of the world. It explains it as it goes without much of a exposition dump, it lets you explore the story as you go.

    The movie.. Operated on the concept that you already know some stuff.


    First Question from a person watching with me: -About Pinkie- "That's... normal behavior for her? And she has friends who don't avoid her like the pox?"

    -The above is a great example.... Without prior experience with pinkie, she's annoying and its mind boggling that anyone puts up with her. (Seriously she made the events of the movie WAY harder then they needed to be in places)

    Because a new viewer has no frame of reference. They don't know that she's a good friend and comes in handy in areas where others don't.


    Simply put, the movie would need to be a rehash of something fans had already seen.

    Or it would have needed to be a movie where a all new character was the movie, and the cast fans knew where just... there... (Or not)
    And Honestly.. I would have been pissed if that was the case. My nieces would have been mad.

    It would not have been a good movie going experience


    Simply put, If I go to watch a Star Trek Movie with the cast of TNG on the cover of the poster.
    And then find out that 95% of the movie takes place on a Klingon ship. I'm going to feel tricked and mad, lied to.

  12. On 1/13/2018 at 9:41 PM, Steve Piranha said:

    However, these recent leaks apparently shows the cost for the movie where way higher. :huh:



    That's actually what I had been referring to.


    Look, I hate to be that guy.

    But the leaks in general have about a 50/50 record.


    I have said many times at this point, I don't actually agree with or believe the leaks when they state that the movie costed (Something like 30 million dollars)
    That would mean they paid Salaried workers who where already in house, to use a program I can buy for about $1200 to make a movie that was 4.5 longer then a episode to a show that costs 5.5 million for 22 episodes.


    That's the thing, They didn't need to pay the crew anything extra. The only additional cost to the movie was the increased time to draw it. And the pay for the guest stars.

    And if they had to pay the 4-5 people that where extra 25-27 million? That would make those people the best paid actors in hollywood (Some of them anyways)


    If the leak is correct in its 25 million figure. Then I will assume it is talking about the ENTIRE cost of the movie. (That I would believe)

    As in production, distribution, marketing, merchandising production and DVD printing.


    But if your going to count that then you pretty much are nit-picking, because the figure that we have for the box office take would need to include things like the uptick in merchandising. The Movie only Mearch, the DVD sales (Which have not started yet I don't think) And the streaming deals.


    A simply way to look at it is this.

    No one makes a movie to lose money.

    In the movie industry companies more or less say they want at least twice there money on return. (2.5+ is considered good) Hasbro stated they expected a total return of box office of about 30 million.

    No one expects to break even on movies....


    They also said they where very pleased with the 52.8 million they got in returns.

    They where a bit surprised by the lower then expected domestic return, but then overseas where higher.


    As another note... which leak, we now have two sperate leaks I am aware of on the budget, both giving different figures.

  13. Earning on movies actually have very little to do with the total amount of money it makes.

    If I spend 5 million on a movie and make 50. I made ten times my money back.


    And it preformed in over all box office as well as other movies of the year that no one calls bad earners.

    The Smurfs
    Tigger Movie
    An Amaerican Tail
    The land before time
    The road to el dorado

    Area all examples (Some of them made more when adjusted for inflation)


    The only reason any one ever considered calling it a bad earner or a flop was because of the stupid 4chan "Leak" Which was/is stupid.

    Sure this movie that was made in house by salaried production company cost six times more then a season of the show... sure.



    The movie most likely costed about as much as a season of the show. And mostly because of paying guest actors. Which is to say 5.5 to 7 Million. Everyone in the industry states that's about how much it costed. And I have gotten no indication that they are wrong.

    Hasbro has stated it made "Several times its cost"

    So for a movie it actually did very well. (They shoot for x2.5 return)


    It did well enough that they have up frunted money for a second movie to be places between Gen 4 and Gen.. (I'm still saying 4.5, but Sure Gen 5 if people want to call it that)

  14. On 12/31/2017 at 12:52 AM, Kreamer said:

    I suppose but it's still an issue for me. I understand it's a kids show but I don't think that excuses it's faults. Also, I'm sorry you have to deal with Insomnia man. That sucks.

    Agreed, in that being a kids show is not a good go to excuse for pacing issues.

    I was more just saying that pacing issues are understandable. Not excusable.

    • Brohoof 1
  15. On 12/29/2017 at 2:14 AM, Kreamer said:

    That's another thing that personally bothered me. I didn't feel like Twilight put much effort into trying to get Fluttershy to rest. I didn't feel like she put in much effort the first time and just left on a flimsy promise. I kind of just wish we could have seen her put in a little more effort. Then later she basically rolls her eyes at Fluttershy not noticing the door handle. Would have been nice if she had at least tried again to suggest maybe they should stop to rest. The only time I felt like she made a good effort was when Fluttershy was sick and insisting on going to the flash bees, though I am a bit peeved Twilight didn't just go with Fluttershy anyway. Her friend is sick and probably going to fail, she knows this. I feel like Twilight should have been assertive and told Fluttershy she wasn't going to let her go on her own and she can protect herself. I mean, we've seen Twilight make plenty of magical force fields to protect herself, she would have been fine and might have been able to protect Fluttershy.

    For me, it didn't make it more effective, and in fact, for me, these are the reasons the lesson felt dull to me. I feel I already stated this and more in my previous post, though I still respect the way you personally see the episode.

    I think this shows another issue I had with the episode. It felt overexaggerated. I've spent my fair share of late nights or just staying up almost all night, yet I've still been able to go to school and do work just fine. And yes, I remembered how to use a door handle. I could accept it if Fluttershy had issues thinking straight or overlooked some details due to her lack of sleep, but forgetting a huge detail like how to open a door seems like a big over exaggeration, especially since at that point she was just tired and not sick yet. I guess it could just depend on the person, but I still would have serious doubts they'd forget how to use a door unless they had gone several days without sleep. Fluttershy only had one sleepless night as far as I'm aware. If she had searched several days I could understand that, but otherwise, it seems like a terrible over-exaggeration.

    You kind of hit on the point for me right there.

    We have no ideal how long all this takes.

    But on a side note.

    I have insomnia and can (Do often) stay up 30+ hours before I can get to sleep.)
    I at one point could do this pretty well (Army) Now however, I am walking into doors.

    Because I'm more or less worn down, yes it took to little time in the episode. But at the same time..

    It is a kids show.

  16. Actually on a re-watch.. well a re-re-re-watch.

    It occurred to be that fluttershy was walking into doors and forgetting how doors worked even by the time she got to MedowBrooks home.

    If we can take any other points form this episode its also just that she was not thinking all that strait by the time she got there.

    Might have taken her less time to actually figure it out. And maybe without mistakes.

    • Brohoof 1
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