Dear [oc name],
If you are receiving this letter then you are one of the few chosen to attend our new school! Do not fret your feathers just yet, you are not being forced too! Sign below on the dotted line, and promptly wait on your local docks come midnight! Dont be late~
-Signed, Headmaster
Congratz! You have been chosen to go to Lakeside Academy! A school for only those deemed worthy! If you chose to sign the entry letter that is~ The Lakeside Academy is known for producing some of the finest ponies of modern times, including exceedingly excellent fliers and powerful wizards, even some of the most powerful earth ponies! This school stands out from celestias magic school as this lovely academy takes all types of ponies! Including non-ponies as well! However, this school isnt for the lighthearted, mysteries lie in wait for you to discover. Come down to our school for a thrilling year you'll never forget!
Now that the basic story is overwith (sorta) welcome to my roleplay! I wanted to create a free for all roleplay as iv seen very few that allow- well non-ponies! However, all roleplays have to include rules, or things will fall majorly out of place- so I shall list those now!
No OP ponies, all ponies have a weakness even those who come from our great and powerful school! (pun intended) I know I said I allowed non-ponies, but no alicorns please! Teachers are welcome to be played, as the school teaches almost anything You can have as many characters as you can handle I would like at least a pharagraph (3-5 sentences) per character you play! No one liners or replies just above the 20 character limit. More rules will be added as time goes on <3
Small spot for my Characters <3