My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Twilight Sparkle How did you find MLP Forums?: Searching for conventions on Google.
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: During my divorce it became a show that my two daughters and I bonded over.
I'm an old gamer / cartoon enthusiast. My hobbies are yelling at kids to get off my lawn, complaining about that hippity hoppity music, and napping. And maybe a bit of storytelling . I'm not really that grumpy, but I have an easier time talking to people face to face then I do on the internet like this. The protocols are different. I enjoy reading (fantasy / sci-fi), music of almost all kinds, drawing (horribly), and with any luck this will be my first year going to a pony convention.
It is a pleasure to meet all of you, and I look forward to some good conversations in the future.