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Everything posted by maemaee

  1. Thanks so much! The link is in the first post, but I'll post it here as well! Also, welcome to MLPforums! Noticed you were a blank flank and stuff. Always good to meet new people! https://www.fimfiction.net/story/368718/scootaloos-nuzlocke-adventure
  2. I think that the little belt could also hold his 6 pokemon around him, so that settles it. I think I'll have you introduced by the 4th Chapter, since I'm working on the 2nd now.
  3. That would be fine! I drew a really quick sketch on what it could look like, sorry it's really rough! https://gyazo.com/5a5f9acfad61cb9fbb7be8b12045d2e6
  4. Ah, yeah, I see. Would it be connected to him through his Cutie Mark? Since this is an AU, I could make it so that Mega Evolving ponies comes with the Cutie Mark, which is why ponies usually wait until they're either 10 or have their cutie marks to go on adventures. Otherwise, it can be a gem attached by a normal necklace or accessory. You could have an X-Box controller necklace, or like headphones or something.
  5. I'm glad you like it! I'm really happy to have you on board with this, and I hope that you feel happy about this too !
  6. I can see D-Pad showing up in places, similar to a rival that won't battle her except maybe at the end as a friendly competition. I also have an idea in which D-Pad could help her train for the second gym, and even give her the free Pansage in the Dreamyard.
  7. With further thought to the team, I think that it'll be okay to have all of your team in the fanfic considering your purpose in the story. I can imagine you being a Pony on the way to the Crystal Empire (the location of the Elite Four), educating the three on what to do to succeed. You'd point Scootaloo in the right direction, leading her to the next Gym (Zecora in the Everfree Forest). Because of D-Pad's kind nature, I can imagine you hesitating when they ask you about if the road is dangerous and wishing them luck.
  8. I can include a mega-evolution in the story, definitely! Since this is following the journey of Scootaloo and not my game's protagonist, there's room for change which can include mega evolution. At this time though, Scootaloo won't be going against any Mega-Evolved Pokemon, so you can appear as a side plot! Would it be okay for you appear after the Carousel Boutique visit? The three fillies go to Carousel Boutique to get outfits and matching backpacks for their journey, and after that they go to the gym. I'd really like for your Houndoom to be introduced to explain Mega Evolution to the fillies, if that sounds acceptable to you. If you have any other ideas, feel free to add anything!
  9. Plot Twist: Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are Imaginary friends of Apple Bloom. I could imagine this could be a good episode, however I feel that it wouldn't really have a strong moral to it unlike some of the other episodes (if done incorrectly). It has a lot of potential though!
  10. Whoa, your Big Mac is spot on! You have such a silky voice, even when in character too!
  11. Hey everypony! This is my new crossover fanfiction that I've posted on FIMfiction.net, feel free to leave comments, criticism and suggestions, I don't bite! Thank you for reading. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/368718/1/scootaloos-nuzlocke-adventure/prologue-welcome-to-the-world-of-pokemon
  12. Since I'm using Gen 5, I'm going to have to replace or leave out Primarina in battle. They can still appear in the series, however they're not going to be battling because I'm using Gen 5's logic. Most of these Pokemon will have to be in their basic stages if you want to battle the CMC since we're still in the first few chapters. However, I'm happy for you to have a complete team, fully evolved team if you want to be in a Pokemon Contest.
  13. This pony would definitely fit well with what I've got planned for the first few chapters, especially since they live in Ponyville! I would be really happy to include your OC in my fanfic. Do you have any preferences for types of Pokemon you would like? If not, I'll fill the blanks in and fit you in wherever!
  14. Hi all, I'm creating a crossover fanfic with the CMC starting a Pokemon Adventure and I'm looking for ponies to be introduced as either trainers or important parts of story! I'll be playing and basing this fanfic on Pokemon Black, which has a lot of characters and things to see. I hope that you'll read it :). https://www.fimfiction.net/story/368718/1/scootaloos-nuzlocke-adventure/prologue-welcome-to-the-world-of-pokemon
  15. I think it's truly amazing that we are even capable of thinking this fast, or the fact that we even exist in this era of time in which it has developed so quicktly
  16. maemaee

    Ask Coco

    Hey, Coco! Who's your favourite princess?
  17. This. Any pony that was able to unite others for a common cause (either good OR bad) is definitely a potential antagonist that could cause wars or, heck, mass destruction or genocide. Magic is pretty irrelevant when it comes to charisma, unless your magic deals with mind manipulation.
  18. My OCs Victory Dance and Heirloom got their cutie marks together. Victory and Heir snuck into a Wonderbolt Flight Show and thought that they could become the main event by flying as fast as the firework display, not knowing that fireworks were made of gunpowder and literally explode. Heir was a slow pegasus so she stayed down, while Victory shot up and kept up with the fireworks. He got hit by a firework and Heirloom had to save him, which lead to an encounter with the Wonderbolts. A Wonderbolt dropped a little pendant made of sapphire in the shape of a cloud, and heirloom returned it to her. The Wonderbolt let her keep it, as it was her new cutie mark. Victory Dance got his cutie mark the moment he realised he could fly as fast as fireworks, and got a fast flying firework as his cutie mark. Heirloom got her cutie mark when she pinned the pendant to her sweater.
  19. "...Lion? That's kind of like, a really big cat, right? That actually sounds really cool! Was your mom or dad the lion? Ooooh! I think I'm getting more excited then I should be... Hehehe. Sorry. I think it's great."
  20. Hey, I'd be really happy for you to use one of my characters! I currently don't have a character sheet on the MLPforums (I have to post a bit more), but once I do I'll put in another post! For now, I'll just list the ones that might fit. Echolocation - Bat Pony with horrible sight but incredible hearing, uses echolocation to find her way around when sound bounces off and comes back to her. Winged Kamikaze - A pegasus. A hitpony who's tactic is to fly high and shoot from above with explosives without being seen. Rosie Posey and Peaches Regalia - Brother and Sister, Earth Ponies. Buys and sells wares from all across Equestria at fairly low prices.
  21. Earth Ponies and Pegasi are fully capable of creating conflict through simply disagreeing with the ideologies of the protagonists, but if you are wanting to create a more dangerous antagonist there needs to be something more: Power. Dragons, Earth Ponies and Griffons are naturally strong and powerful without relying on magic, but brute force. If they were to create a scenario in which an alpha rose to power with an army, there would be some potential there, they could destroy towns or hurt other ponies. There are a lot of things that Pegasi and Bat Pony can do as well. In Wonderbolt Academy, two fast flying pegasi literally created a whirlwind capable of destroying a hot air balloon. If a Pegasi army created a whirlwind, who knows what could happen? It's a matter of power, and if a pony with grey morals rose to it, there would be consequences.
  22. Do you have a special somepony?
  23. "Ah, um, hi! I'm Heirloom and I'll try my very best to answer your questions." Ask my OC anything! She's a little shy so she might be a little hesitant but she'll do her very best.
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