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Posts posted by brian577

  1. Probably been a furry for a good 10 years but until a couple months ago never really identified as such, and have never really interacted with the fandom.  I don't have a drop of artistic talent but I love the art and have always been a fan of anthropomorphic characters.  I'm probably moving a little fast, already planning to attend my first furry con in the summer and I've even commissioned a fursuit as it's the only way I can see myself participating in the fandom in a meaningful way due to the above lack of artistic skill.  I'd appreciate any advice as a new fur and any websites, artists, comics etc to help further immerse myself in the fandom. 

    • Brohoof 1
  2. The Cutie Map, Slice of Life, Amending Fences, Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?, Brotherhooves Social, what do they all have in common?  They all place secondary and or background characters front and center.  This is a season that emphasizes that there is a world beyond Twilight and her friends and that minor characters can have just as much of an impact on this world as our heroes and I think this is going to play a role in the season finale.  I could see background characters being the ones to get through to Starlight, not the mane 6, and not the CMC like some are predicting.  One character that stands out the most is Diamond Tiara, who had the same kind of self doubt that Starlight's followers have had. Who better to get through to her? 


    At the very least I expect secondary/background characters to play a role in her reformation. 

    • Brohoof 1
  3. There is very little difference between the two groups.  Both like anthropomorphic characters, both can very passionate, sometimes to an extreme extent,  both have image problems, and both produce copious amounts of porn.  The only real difference is that Bronies are a little more exposed due to the fandom being centered around a pop culture icon.  But in the end we have more in common than either fandom is willing to admit.  I think some bronies see aspects of themselves and the fandom they don't like in furries and that makes them angry. 


    This makes sense. In the episode "Magic Duel" there is an Alicorn Amulet. This amulet corrupts Trixie, making her crave power and control over others. I am starting to get the idea that Alicorn magic is the most powerful type of magic, but it is difficult to control and can potentially corrupt ponies.


    If we ignore the comics this would also explain Luna's transformation. 

  5. So the lesson for this episode is "Let someone walk all over you and they'll be your friend"?  Are you fucking kidding me?  It's bad enough that Discord's heel face turn occurred so fast it made my head spin but he spent the entire episode taking of advantage of Fluttershy.  Yeah that's a friendship with a great foundation.   

  6. So the lesson for this episode is "Let someone walk all over you and they'll be your friend"?  Are you fucking kidding me?  It's bad enough that Discord's heel face turn occurred so fast it made my head spin but he spent the entire episode taking of advantage of Fluttershy.  Yeah that's a friendship with a great foundation.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Okay, so M.A. Larson tweeted that Meghan McCarthy was story editor for the episode. Unless she does that for pretty much every episode, does that mean anything, and will it calm everyone down about this?

    Actually she's been the lead story editor for the show since Rob Renzetti left the show at the end of season 2. So no, it doesn't mean anything.

  8. The only reason Q stopped being humanity's greatest enemy, is because the Borg took that title.  And guess who was responsible for them encountering the Borg?  Q.


    Not to mention, if Q wasn't considered an enemy anymore, then why would the Federation have warned Janeway to not trust him?


    Bear in mind that there is a difference between being a villain, and being an antagonist.


    No, he introduced the Federation to the Borg before they were supposed to encounter each other and in doing so may have saved the Federation. This was probably his intention all along.  And it's probably a good idea not to trust an omnipotent trickster god who's motives are probably beyond human understanding.  By the end of TNG he's really more of anti hero. 

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Bear in mind, the character that you-know-who is based on never really reformed and actually went on to be an antagonist beyond the scope of the series he was first introduced in.


    No, you-know-who went from being humanity's greatest enemy to it's greatest advocate.  By the end of the series he was introduced in he helped save humanity, pretty big development since in his first appearance he put it on trial.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. On further reflection, I'm realizing that in the first two seasons, it was about the same representative mix of episodes I loved, episodes I hated, and ones that were just kinda average.


    It's always different when you're in the middle of the season waiting a week or two between episodes, compared to when you're reflecting on past seasons. Kind of like how every year everyone thinks The Simpsons or Saturday Night Live were better a few seasons ago, even though there was always bad mixed in with the good.


    I'll give this another thought a few weeks after the end of Season 3. See if it has the same place in my nostalgic memory then. If it were to have an awesome two-parters season finale, that would certainly help :)

    It also doesn't help when you only have 13 episodes this season, meaning there are fewer episode you can say you really loved. 




    1: The re-use of effects. Subtle but a pet-peeve of mine.

    2: The lack of letters to Celestia??

    3: Dat spitfire voice. I disapprove.

    4: The episodes are dull, lacking of any point, and this is the main reason for #2. There is nothing to write to her about! It's embarrassing how bleak the episodes are coming to be. S3 has its ups and downs, for sure. But the downs outweigh the ups.



    1.  That's gonna happen in a flash show. 

    2.  How is that a bad thing?  Moving away from the standard forumula should be a good thing. 

    3.  A silly complaint that has no bearing on the quality of the show, it's not even a different VA. 

    4.  Lacking a point?  Every episode has had a clear lesson, even if it isn't spelled out for you at the end.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. I understand not everyone agrees with me, but I don't particularily care what you think of my opinion and I'm not going to get in a petty flame war. You have your opinion, I have mine, not everyone thinks the same way. Respect that, please.


    When you say things that blatantly aren't true specifically that AJ who has gotten more screen time per episode than any other season isn't getting enough attention to say nothing of being the only character to actually talk in every single episode thus far.  I'm gonna call you out on it.  Now how is she not getting enough attention this season? 

  12. I've disliked it a lot so far. I feel like they're making it more kiddy. Obviously this is a kids show and there's a reason for that, but a lot of the morals and stuff are things that everyone already knows or are now redundant.

    The writing is cheesy as hell, the characters are even more one-sided than the first bit of S1, and they've made Pinkie even more irritating somehow. I didn't even think it was possible.

    There's also the fact that again, they're overlooking all the characters that I like (namely Rarity and Applejack.) They rarely ever have roles.


    Kiddie?  Really?  Dead parents are kiddie?  Bullying is kiddie?  Rarity is getting her own episode as all the characters are.  Meghan McCarthy stated as much.  Applejack getting overlooked?  She just had two freaking episodes dedicated to her!  Don't know what show your watching but it's not this one.

    • Brohoof 4
  13.  I mean, look at Merriwether Williams. Most ragged on her until she hit the ball out of the park with Wonderbolt Academy. This cold be Polsky's turn to win back the audience.


    There were a lot of mixed responses to Wonderbolt Academy.  From Spitfire's voice, to her conduct and seeming approval of reckless behavior until Dash called her out on it, to the ambiguous ending that was only up cleared thanks to a released alternate ending to claims that Lightening Dust was dealt with too harshly to Pinkie being at her dumbest.  I thought it was a fine episode with the exception of Pinkie, but not everyone felt that way and I would hardly call it hitting it out of the park. The only time I truly felt she truly put out a top tier episode was Putting Your Hoof Down. 

  14. The problem with using Dave Polsky for this episode is that he is best at comedy.  As far as I'm concerned he does Pinkie better than any other writer on the show.  This is a world building episode though, the kind of episode that M.A Larson and Megan McCarthy are best at.  Larson would be preferable because he wrote the Return of Harmony and knows Discord best.  This is also a Fluttershy episode, a character he has little or no experience with.  In his last couple of episodes Fluttershy had very few lines and seemed almost dead to me.  Back in season one he wrote Over a Barrel in which Fluttershy cracked a joke (huffy the magic dragon) and even jumped on Pinkie when she and Dash returned from the desert, behavior she is not prone to.  Polksy does not know how to write Fluttershy and has zero experiance with Discord, this is what concerned.  His previous attempts a world building have resulted a Pinkie's questionable Pinkie Sense, a couple of controversial morals and a Deus Ex Machina in the form of an unexplained book that has never been brought up again.  He's a bad choice all around for this sort of episode. 

  15. I'd become a pony in a heart beat. Specifically I'd love to be a unicorn, since I love learning and using magic sounds great. Plus ponies are (presumably) free of all the evils that create what we call the human physce, like greed and narcissism.


    Plus to be honest, not many humans care about other beings ponies care about eachother. Some humans aren't bad but a majority just want to use and abuse others, as I've come to understand.


    It's been show through out the show that greed and narcissism exist within Equestria.  However I don't believe a pony would ever take it as far as humans frequently do.  Pony's like Film and Flam maybe willing to swindle others out of greed but they would never goes as far as murder or bodily harm.  Likewise a narcissistic pony like Trixie certainly thinks very highly of her self but at the same time (at least without outside influence) she would never ignore the cries of another for help even if it meant putting her own life at risk. 

  16.  There would be enough peer pressure and world magic to keep us in line, although the mane 6 would have quite the fan club.

    Fanclub is an understatement.  Many bronies would no doubt have "feelings" for them.  Better to send us with full or partial amnesia to avoid them being swamped by proposals.  Not to mention all the disappointment when many bronies find your their favorite pony doesn't swing their way. 

  17. Unquestionably.  There are several factors that make me believe we would all be better off as ponies.  First of all, like all herbivores ponies have a herd mentality vs. our predatory pack based mentality.  Meaning the group is more important than the individual.  Secondly their society was founded on friendship and mutual respect.    I do not believe a pony is capable of cold blooded murder for these reasons, it is simply beyond them.  Sure they'll defend themselves and are probably capable of taking a life if the need were to arise but they would take no pleasure in it.  For that reason I would give up meat, fingers, technology and all the other perks that come from being human.  If only to exist as what I see as a superior life form. 

    • Brohoof 4
  18. Though I imagine that it was not as bad seeing as Rarity had a definitive return date, sent letters, and was not experiencing her life long dream.


    Quote from Rainbow Dash "See you guys in a week"


    She knew when Dash was coming back.  Hell, she seemed to be handling things pretty well in The Last Round Up when they didn't even know where AJ was or if she was coming back


    As for the OP concerns, can't say I don't agree that she has been increasingly annoying this season.  But really, your going to let 2 minutes of Pinkie Pie ruin an entire episode for you?  No disrespect but grow the fuck up.   One Bad Apple was about the CMCs and their conflict not Pinkie Pie.  To complain about about that would be like complaining that Luna showed up at all in A Canterlot Wedding.  It's a glorified cameo for God's sake. 

  19. Everything with RD was great.  However,  as much as I enjoyed the scene with RD saving her friends I really wish they had no involvement beyond the opening. The rescue scene could have worked just as well with the other recruits. This was supposed to be RD's story and the rest of the mane 6 seemed to be just interfering.  Everytime they cut away I just groaned because the story wasn't about them it was RD.


    Secondly Spitfires voice/personality, taking a character who's personality has been well established and turning her into a complete ***** is just plain lazy. Spitfire's is the captain of the Wonderbolt's for goodness sakes, not a drill sergeant. So now's she playing double duty as a trainer and captain? Would it have killed them to create a different character to play the drill sergeant? 

  20. I hate to say it but I agree.  Applejack has always been the boring one to me.  It's not a slight against her, it's just a fact.  She has few interesting personality quirks and what quirks she did have were resolved half way through season 2 (Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 showed she'd learned her lesson in pride).  She has no dreams or aspirations like the others, about the only interesting thing about her is her family.   She may be the most mature but let's be honest, it doesn't make her very interesting or entertaining. 

    • Brohoof 1
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