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Posts posted by lunarkitty

  1. On 5/15/2017 at 0:57 AM, Kyoshi said:

    I apologize for taking so long to update anything here. Thread is still not organized, might not be for a good while. I did add some new avatars though, mainly for Starlight and one new signature, a duo sig for Trixie and Starlight.

    That is all for now. Hopefully I can get more added soon. 


    Thank you so much! :D I love them. <3

    • Brohoof 1
  2. On 5/5/2017 at 8:45 PM, Derplight Sperkle said:

    Hey there @Chaotic Overlord,

    The first post was meant to be an OOC thread (Out of Character) and belongs in the OOC area which I will be moving for you.

    If you want to start the RP with Lunarkitty, you will need to make a RP thread in this section with a link to the OOC in the first post and a link to the RP from the OOC thread.

    If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.



    Oh, okay, so we need to make a thread for the actual roleplay? :) Has this been done already? Sorry I'm bit confused, I haven't had the time to be around here lately. :(

  3. Not at all, I'm liking it more and more to be honest. If you couldn't tell (lol) I really like Starlight's character and especially seeing her with Trixie and Maud was absolutely fantastic. I also think that it's good they focus on new characters because all these ponies are characters with characteristics that are, well, quite extravagant if you get what I mean. This is what makes them so loveable but this also makes it nice to see others. ^^

    • Brohoof 2
  4. 4 minutes ago, Chaotic Overlord said:

    Yeah it'd be awesome in fact. I declare the idea of a RP on the subject who's with me? 

    Me! :D


    1 minute ago, K.Rool Addict said:

    Isn't that exactly what happened in The Cutie Re-Mark? :P Albeit for short snippets of time lol

    Basically yes, only we are talking about a longer period in time and having all those villains take over at once. :)

  5. I personally like to think that Discord was just playing around letting his body in this pony universe be turned to stone while he himself went back to the Enterprise to mess with Picard. xD Then when he felt like returning he just broke free from that statue. Perhaps everything is not how it seems. :) Bear in mind that we are seeing everything from the pony's perspective, it may be different if we knew more about the other races in the show.

  6. I'm asexual. :)

    On 4/21/2017 at 5:14 AM, FlutterDash99 said:

    Just say your bisexual, if you're attracted to both, we don't need these special names. All we need is Gay, Bi, and Straight those are the only sexuality I think that we need.

    Oh and those of us who don't experience attraction? :/ I don't see why you'd need to limit your terms. If someone is happy using a more specific term for their sexuality then let them be I say. :)

    • Brohoof 2
  7. 13 minutes ago, Kyoshi said:

    Lovely eh? You flatter me. X3 There is quite the absence of Glimmer avatars, I will try to alleviate that. ;)

    You deserve it. ^^ Your collection of avatars and signatures is remarkable and thank you so much for it. <3

    Thank you! Let me know when you added some please. :D

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Thank you so much! It has shown up now, :) I just have a different problem now. I added the image I wanted to use and clicked save. However it's not appearing under my posts?

    It's just this cute free to use image of Starlight Glimmer from a request thread.

    Edit: Aah that's not showing up in posts either, hm. Starlight Glimmer SIG 5 Standard Size.png

    Edit edit: I think I got it, brb

    • Brohoof 2
  9. LOL I never realized that but indeed the Elements of Harmony have so fair mainly been used to get rid of an enemy easily. In a way I'm glad they no longer do that, it was far more interesting how the Changelings were defeated this time than let's say Discord in the second season. :)

  10. I'm sorry if this was answered in the FAQ or recources because neither of those links seem to be working. :( 

    I was wondering how to add a signature? I've tried to search for the answer but the answers I found seem a little outdated.

    Thank you so much for your time. ^^

    edit: I got it now, turns out I needed a few more forum posts first. :)

    • Brohoof 2
  11. Thank you very much everyone. <3

    10 hours ago, Fluttershy Friend said:

    I have just read this sentence. Total truth. About the same I thought watching this episode for the first time. There are too many similarities to think it's just a coincidence.

    Glad I'm not the only one. ^^

    • Brohoof 2
  12. I thought it was a pretty odd reason to have everything go wrong to be honest. I think it might have been better if it had been caused by a chain reaction of various things that went wrong and thus that it was noone's falt per se. That the only way to uncover the full story would be if Twilight would get the three of them to talk together without exaggerating or blaming the others.

  13. Ooh I would absolutely love to see the pony equivalent of Europe! I do agree that Equestria seems to be North America. I have also always wondered if some of the ponies are from outside of Equestria and have a different first language than whatever it is the ponies are speaking when they speak English. Because I have noticed quite a few foreign accented ponies and it would be strange if they grew up in Equestria and yet had a foreign accent because everyone in Equestria seems to speak the same language.

    • Brohoof 1
  14. Thank you everyone! :D

    YES I loved the season's finale!!! I haven't seen the first episodes of season 7 yet but now that I hear that I can't wait! Oooh MLP/Les Mis! That's perfect! Thank you! 

    Heehee, thanks Lyra. <3 Well, we do have something in common. A lyre is not that much different from a harp. ^^

    Of course I'll like staying here! Nopony who has come to your town has ever wanted to leave. (LOL) Oh, that was just because her village reminded me of a pony equivalent of the Soviet Union. ^^ This originally caught my interest but it wasn't until her reintroduction when she got more character development that she became my favourite. I also LOVE timetravel so I adored those episodes as well. <3

    • Brohoof 3
  15. Hi :D How cool that you are Italian! Do you mind if I don't specify? I will say I'm from the North but the South like Italy is absolutely beautiful as well. I just love Europe with all my heart. <3

    • Brohoof 1
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