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Haven Celestii

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Everything posted by Haven Celestii

  1. That's normally the assumption, yeah. Which, is why you prove otherwise. I wasn't either of the two at all when I was young and i'm pretty sure the first one didn't exactly exist back then. Facebook and Myspace were the only real social media areas back then that were actually spammed about and I don't think it was anywhere near as fucking stupid as it is now-a-days. You're on point about the second part though. I only just now realize what this actually said as the alchohol kinda made it shoot over my head. Still confused, but at least I saw a neat little live performance. x)
  2. I (sorta) saw that, but im still not really sure what it's supposed to mean. lmao
  3. Actually, im pretty sure you still did it wrong. "aye u iz qt wnna ntflx n chll ??? "
  4. His poor soul. Also, nice. I'll prolly give it an actual listen sometime later once I have some headphones on.
  5. Drink energy drinks or take a (some) nap(s) during the day whenever you feel tired. Might not be the best for a sleeping schedule, but it sure does help with the first bit. Second part you just kinda gotta be used to it, really.
  6. Your friend must be made of money. Just cause they give you a starting idea does not mean you'll actually be able to fluff it up all the time, that's what I'm trying to get at. And if you just so happen to hit a blank during those 3-4 hours then what? They just get whatever you managed? That would make for some angry people. I would sure be mad as hell if I paid money on something that ended up like that, that's for sure. Hell, if I ask for a request and it for some odd reason looks to be a decenty bit less quality than others around it I'm going to be mad even then. I just won't say anything about it. You've already heard what I have to say on that. I wouldn't be doing it at all at this stage. I've also gone into the thread part before too, so wheeee. No one said you didn't have the experience for it, but experience doesn't save when it comes to a blockage.
  7. Get the audience first before trying to charge anything. You need to actually have some type of following that would show people it's worth paying for something like this or you won't get anyone at all. Unless you get lucky and get those one or two people you find that like to try out things on a whim, but yeah. I also meant to post this yesterday and thought I did, so oops. Umm, you do know that's stupid hella expensive, right? For a starting up person and whatnot, that's a lot to just invest into and I honestly feel like setting a hard limit of time also makes it worse. You only work on it for 3-4 hours. If you dont get any ideas going in those hours, then what? They just paid that much for nothing? There goes everything you wanted and then some cause that's prolly going to spread terribly. Do. Not. Charge. Anything. Yet. You. Don't. Have. The. Ground. Which, is why im saying to start out with something like I suggested above. And I also meant to post it yesterday, but this still needs the effect behind it. Also also, do mind you this is coming from someone with a good bias towards your stuff, so there's that too. I cannot confirm nor deny whether I know any secrets like that.~
  8. Just open up a request thread and let people post stuff to ya for ya to do, but set a hard limit on how many you can have at a time. Like, maybe a list of 5 or so to keep from being overwhelmed. Could also maybe do what ive seen some people do and when they open up, they strictly tell people that while it is a request thread, it is free and you are going to pick and choose which requests you want to do. If it doesn't interest you enough, it'll be overlooked. Something like that might work too. I've thought about doing the same, but like, I know how terrible i am at actually working on anything properly, so I kinda strayed away from the idea. Though, it would prolly actually help in the long run. Hmm.
  9. As does yours and every one to come, sir. Even more so since you felt the need to quote a dadgum four year old post for whatever reason. Ecks dee.
  10. Oh dear, Ganny went boom. Welp, better put him back together, I suppose. x)
  11. XIV is ok, not too bad in terms of mmo's but eh to me. It's fine in most areas, but combat really lacks a lot. That and I want to say story, but like, I've never been a big story person when it comes to mmo cause their is just too much to take in. I've also not played any other FF games at all since most don't really pique my interest, so hey.
  12. lmao. I know of his push power since that's half the reason I ever played him, but bot lane was never for him due to mana problems before with his push as well as easily being jumped on and promptly deleted by any gap closing sup--...Everyone. Literally everyone last I remember lmao. But, hey, I'll wait till I see it actually happen. Considering how low I got tossed due to season start up, shouldn't take long and I wont be as surprised to see it now. x)
  13. Building a pc isn't really hard, it's like, getting all the right parts that work with each other that's the worse, tbh. At least, imo. Piecing it together is pretty easy peasy, especially when your case has a mini guide on it all. It is really fun to do though. As for driving, it's hella fun most of the time. Ive never really been bothered by it more than an irritance due to not wanting to leave out again, but that's more me against having to do stuff than really having to drive. also, congrats, wheee.
  14. Both. I've slowed down a lot from my usual (almost completely clean of it, yay!) and as far as I can remember, Ziggs wasn't anyone to be afraid of at all.
  15. I personally like Punic Punch the best, but only because im weird about word looking "right' and for some reason I always want to make your name into two things.
  16. hoofed for using "rad" and whatnot. The other stuff does indeed sound damned terrible. In the least, the computer will still get there and nothing's wrong with it, so that's not all bad. The other stuff (or at least just the being pissed off part) can be fixed with some rest and a new day.
  17. For some reason I read your name as "Sir Punicpunch" and now I cant stop thinking of you as a knight. I wanna be a knight now. /random. Also, hai and im sorry you feel down, yo. Maybe fun can bring you up some? Or maybe a good nap.
  18. Why would you ever cower from Ziggs, what. Ziggs should be cowering from anyone that gets next to him and can remotely move side to side.
  19. Just a little bit. It'll prolly wake back up eventually. Maybe.
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