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Haven Celestii

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Everything posted by Haven Celestii

  1. Dude, if that's a23's rifle or whatever that shit is soooooo good oh my god. Legit carried hat everywhere for how it played.
  2. This is why you only RP a little bit at a time and don't overdo it with every minute of your day as if you literally are whatever you're playing as. It's honestly silly when people can't go more than a few hours without trying to rp in some fashion. So, are you going to make Punic just a normal horse now or what?
  3. Ive been ok. Trying to set my life up bit more and move out to stay with a friend so I can actually enjoy life, but other than that, eh. Nah, still same hobbies, really. Well, trying to take up singing now and also trying to get more into my music production hobby, but nah, nothing really "new" for the most part. Anything on your end? I mean, even if is nostaliga mostly, just do it for the hell of it. It's quite nice, actually. But, yeah, its rather..bleh, with all the old peole gone. :z
  4. Generally how game and people work, yeah. But, I mean, complaining about something doesn't mean you dont enjoy the game or that you can't play it or something.
  5. I was not. I was at work and upon leaving I took a friend home instead.
  6. only partially, but really that's more of an insult on the game itself than the player. When a game literally needs mods for people to still find it relevent is kinda bad on its part. Moreso when it turns into that rather early.
  7. Holy shit, when did this place explode. Why does it not notify anyone like it used to anymore. and why the fuck do I still have this quote and message combo here. Did i really forget to send it for that long, holy fuck. I mean, its sorta true when like, you're one of the main ones in a thread for so long and shit and actually get it going. And yes, its been quite a damned long time. Not much on my end. I literally never leave this thread because the place is finally crumbling atop itself. eeyup, thread has hit another dead time somewhat it seems. Very few things actually start up and hold ground here for long it seems. Nothing but little oneshots of what's happened on a certain day.
  8. Only as hard countered as Fizz is stupid/bad considering he can bait anything off her and get away for free. They were actually a slight problem when her range was better cause still free harass. Not to mention when it was cool to start doran's blade just for shenanigans back then. No one expects the doran's blade.
  9. Ohey, the OG god of the thread actually showed up. That's a face I've not seen in a while, nor would have thought to have seen.
  10. Freestyle dancing to a Megaman Battle Network OST. Holy shit that was great. Song in question: I need to do this more often.
  11. I don't even do that when I drink so. also congrats and nice!
  12. Oh, no, not literally. I just kinda mean I stopped paying most things attention and pretty much zoned 100% into my game, is all.
  13. Oh, i am still lurking as usual, but Ive had my nose so deep into XIV that ive honestly blacked out from loss of breath a few times.
  14. This owl, that's who. you were the only one showing having been in Tenneessee at all, so. And it is bad. All of it. This state sucks and I want out. Of course, ive only been around a few of its proper cities, but I mean, I highly doubt anywhere else in here is any what nice.
  15. Why would you ever willingly go to Tenneessee and stay there for any amount of time for any reason. This place sucks, stay away from it. Also fuck quoting things.
  16. Its not. You need to get away from here before its too late. It's its not already.
  17. Uhhh, not at...all? Is that like, a good thing or what? Not sure where you're even attempting to go with that.
  18. Seems that I still do things. Huh, weird.


  19. Just may have to clean it out a bit more than normally is all, but it shouldn't be a problem. Eh, sometimes I think you can be, but Ive really not seen too much of you doing that since I cant say you actually talk about much of that part of yourself. also, I did a thing.
  20. Dust is inevitable just about anywhere, hun. Heat, you just need to make sure you have a good, strong fan in there and that its vents are in an open area.
  21. That highly depends on what size you need to fit all your other parts, hun. That said, I would always go for something that's going to be quiet as it's sooooo nice to sit on the computer all day and literally not hear your pc running once. Only time I hear anything with it running is when nothing else is going on in the room and when my HDD decides to start up, and im pretty sure I can nullify that a bit too if I put my plates back in. This is the one I'm running and I love it so. Mid tower, so its decently sized and quiet as all get out. https://pcpartpicker.com/product/sjX2FT/fractal-design-case-fdcadefr5bk
  22. Eeyup, it all got weird when they decided to change the crap pile a bit.
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