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Everything posted by FemaleIntrovert1995

  1. Interesting. Thank you for pointing those things out. I haven't thought about it that way. I was caught off guard when Starlight did this. I wondered how powerful is she? That's something I didn't think she could do...we need an episode that only focuses on Starlight's past. I believe overbearing parents caused her to snap. What do you think? Also, the reason why I called them "goddesses and gods" was because Celestia is similar to the Egyptian god Ra. Discord is also similar to the Egyptian god Apophis. I didn't forget that this is a magical world. I was just sharing my thoughts on Starlight Glimmer. I was just overwhelmed by the power that this unicorn possessed. I watched as the mane 6 grew up and developed along the way. Starlight is a developing character. I would like to know more about her past. And yes, her creating a cult, due to the fact that her foal friend got his cutiemark first and left Starlight behind, is only part of her motivation. I just want to know how she harnessed these magical spells. Twilight and Moon Dancer went to top notch schools for gifted unicorns, I wonder if Starlight went to one as well...
  2. After I watched, A Royal Problem, I couldn't stop smiling. The episode was hilarious, I couldn't stop laughing! Luna trying to do Celestia's job was comedy gold. Also, we get some character out of Celestia. She likes to cook and is an extrovert. I also liked her dark (well, fiery) side. Daybreaker had a beautiful design. The pacing was excellent, music box Twilight was entertaining, and the giant Twilight, that appeared in Starlight's dream, was pure nightmare fuel. I enjoyed the episode over all, however there were a few bumps on the road. Decent sized potholes on the road. First, I'm gonna get Twilight out of the way. Twilight was down right annoying. Her constant freak outs and "helicopter mom" attitude wasn't really helping Starlight. In Starlight's nightmare, a giant Twilight towered over the unicorn and started to yell at her. Maybe this is how Starlight feels when Twilight acts more like an overbearing mother, than a teacher. Celestia didn't follow or spy on Twilight, so why would this young Alicorn think it's okay to stalk her student and make decisions for her? Twilight isn't new to the teaching world. She taught Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo some basic things, and didn't freak out at them. Yes, Twilight is a worrywart and has anxiety issues, but didn't Cadence help Twilight keep her(Twilight) cool? Starlight on the other hand had me raise an eyebrow. I know she's Twilight's student, but jeez! This unicorn is op(over powered) to the max! Lets list out some thing this unicorn did: Out smarted Twilight when they were in the past. She kept up with Twilight, who's an Alicorn. It took Twilight a couple days to finish Star Swirl the Bearded's spell, it took Starlight Glimmer hours to finish his spell. She can remove cutiemarks. She can make better looking cakes than Mrs. Cake. She can levitate herself at high altitudes without getting tired. SHE REMOVED CELESTIA AND LUNA'S CUTIMARKS, AND SWITCHED THEM. THAT IS DISCORD LEVEL MAGIC. It's more believable when she could remove the cutiemark from Twilight. Twilight has been an Alicorn long, so she's not at her God-mode state yet. However, switching cutiemarks on two immortal goddesses is too much. Twilight even wondered how Starlight did that. The goddesses themselves couldn't switch their cutiemarks. Starlight possess powers of an Alicorn. She could probably take on Tirek if she wanted to. Starlight doesn't have a lot of screen time. Even though she's off screen a lot, characters still like her. Before the rescued, Starlight was friends with all six ponies. Maud Pie even likes her. Even though she nearly destroyed The Castle of Friendship, put mind spells on ponies, help ponies hostage until they join her cult, and went completely nuts when her friend got his cutiemark first. Every pony still wants to be around her. When Sunset Shimmer did something bad, she had to clean the mess she started and had to win back the trust from her peers. While, Starlight is chilling in castle, eating pancakes, and reading books. With all of these things in mind, I assumed Starlight Glimmer was a Mary Sue. However, I'm wrong, I'm dead wrong. "The prototypical Mary Sue is an original female character in a fanfic who obviously serves as an idealized version of the author mainly for the purpose of Wish Fulfillment. She's exotically beautiful, often having an unusual hair or eye color, and has a similarly cool and exotic name. She's exceptionally talented in an implausibly wide variety of areas, and may possess skills that are rare or nonexistent in the canon setting. She also lacks any realistic, or at least story-relevant, character flaws — either that or her "flaws" are obviously meant to be endearing. She has an unusual and dramatic Back Story. The canon protagonists are all overwhelmed with admiration for her beauty, wit, courage and other virtues, and are quick to adopt her as one of their True Companions, even characters who are usually antisocial and untrusting; if any character doesn't love her, that character gets an extremely unsympathetic portrayal. She has some sort of especially close relationship to the author's favorite canon character — their love interest, illegitimate child, never-before-mentioned sister, etc. Other than that, the canon characters are quickly reduced to awestruck cheerleaders, watching from the sidelines as Mary Sue outstrips them in their areas of expertise and solves problems that have stymied them for the entire series."(TVtropes) Starlight is not just overpowered and loved by every pony. She also has a dramatic past that makes no sense. However, Starlight's flaws keep her away from being a Mary Sue. Starlight suffers from anxiety, anger issues, neglect, and maybe depression. She can be very deceptive, controlling, and cries easily. Out of all of the mlp characters, Starlight is more human than mystical creature. Behind all that power and friendship, she's just a sad unicorn looking for a purpose. I don't hate Starlight Glimmer, but she's not my top ten favorite characters either. I'm fickle with her, so I tend to leave her alone. I just hope she doesn't turn into an Alicorn, and if she does: thanks for reading!
  3. I wish I could give you more than one brohoof...
  4. A Flurry of Emotions (2017 Hasbro) was an okay episode. In my opinion, the episode was basically, "Baby Cakes 2.0". They both have similar setups. Parents need to find a last-minute babysitter, the baby(s) become living nightmares, their abilities make them overpowered, the baby sitter freaks out, some pony ends up crying, the sitter and baby(s) forgive each other and bond, and every thing is peachy keen. However, this episode had more rights than wrongs. Flurry Heart has character. She seems to inherit her mother's caring personality. Flurry Heart is also very intelligent. She noticed that the demons Baby Cakes were fighting over a toy. She flew over to Spike, so he could stop the fighting. While Spike was digging through the toy box, Flurry Heart took the matter into her own hooves, and tore the toy in half...witch got disastrous results. That moment inside Sugarcube Corner, confused me. Flurry Heart stood out like a sore thumb, when placed next to the Baby Cakes. But, that is not the issue.The Baby Cakes and Flurry Heart around the same age. How? The Baby Cakes should be toddlers and going to preschool by now.The baby cakes should be at least three years old.The show had three Christmas specials, 6 days after Hearth's Warming Day, the new year begins. Horses remain pregnant for about a year. The Baby Cakes were born before the first Hearth's Warming episode. It is safe to assume that Mrs. Cake was pregnant with her foals in season one. Since these babies are around three years old, shouldn't they be much bigger, starting to talk, and go to preschool. Also, Pound Cake still uses a pacifier. The appropriate time to remove or limit a pacifier is when the child is around 2-4 years old. Pound and Pumpkin Cake shouldn't need their pacifiers. This got me questioning their ages. Well lets look at the "real world" point of view first. The Baby Cakes appeared in season 2, Flurry Heart was even a thought back then. The reason why Flurry Heart and the Baby Cakes are the same age here, is because of plot convenience. Kind of like how Kion (The Lion Guard) just got tossed into the Lion King timeline. Also, in the world of fiction, real world time doesn't effect them. Now, for a theory I brought up in the in a YouTube comment section. Some Bronies have actually proven that most mlp episodes aren't in a consistent timeline. It is possible that Mrs. Cake and Cadence were pregnant at the same time, but didn't give birth at the same time. Let's start with the episode, The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows. As Pinkie Pie and Mrs. Cake are talking about Cadence and Shining's unborn baby, Pumpkin Cake is seen riding on her mother's back. Also she wasn't wearing a diaper, her brother wasn't wearing one either. This could indicate that the Baby Cakes don't need diapers, since they were potty trained. Flurry Heart was still in diapers. However, Flurry Heart is around the same size as the Baby Cakes, she even walks on all fours like the Baby Cakes. She also knows how to communicate. Flurry Heart has very advanced thinking for an infant(she's an Alicorn, duh). Since she can stand on her own, is fully aware of what's going on, and recognizes danger. In season six, there was another Hearth's Warming episode. Flurry Heart was probably born some time in spring or summer. The baby Alicorn was probably 6 months old during the holiday season. Flurry is seen once again, in season seven. It appears to be spring or summer in this episode. Which means Flurry's birthday is coming up or they had her birthday off screen. In conclusion, Flurry Heart is around a year old. What throws this off, is the appearances of Pound and Pumpkin Cake. They are still in their old newborn design, their manes didn't grow out, they still have tiny beady eyes. The image below is a five year old Sweetie Belle. A three year old foal, should look like this, only a little smaller. Going back to the "real world" point of view. The writers, animators, or the director, probably forgot that the Cakes had children, and didn't bother to change their appearances, they aren't the main cast, but merely background ponies. Going back to my observation, the reason why the Baby Cakes still look like infants, is because they aren't 3 yet. They are probably 1 1/2, 2, or 2 1/2 years old. Some parents potty train their children around the age of two, that is why they are no longer in diapers. Now we know their ages; Pound and Pumpkin are 2 years old, while Flurry Heart is a year old. The Baby Cakes were on the brink of turning a year old when Flurry was born. Now, here is where things get confusing. When the Baby Cakes were born, Twilight was still a unicorn. When her niece was born, she was an Alicorn. Was Twilight an Alicorn for only two years? Well, maybe. Since mlp episodes are put in random order, it is possible that Twilight was turned into an Alicorn after the Baby Cakes birth. This might fit, but I'm not sure. A month passed by and Mr. and Mrs. Cake are looking for a last-minute babysitter. When they ask Twilight, she's in the middle of organizing things. When she's done, she tries to help Pinkie Pie, but the pink pony shooed the unicorn away. When Twilight got home, the spell that Star Swirl the bearded didn't finish, appeared. Twilight of course brushed it off after feeling a little annoyed with Pinkie's backlash. Some time later, Twilight finishes the spell, restores cutiemarks, and Celestia turned her into an Alicorn.Twilight was probably turned into an Alicorn in summer. The next Hearth's Warming episode appeared in season five. Twilight had probably been an Alicorn for about 6 months. When Flurry heart is born, that marked down a year of being an Alicorn. Season 6 Hearth's Warming added another six months. When Twilight saw her niece again in season 7, that would mark down another year of being an Alicorn. I hope that makes sense. I want to know what you think about this weird time gap. Does my theory hold water? Do you think this form is a bunch of junk? Do you have another explanation? If so, please reply. Thank you for reading and have a nice night.
  5. I respect your opinion, I'm also not trying to change your mind either. Yes, it is possible that Applejack's parents are still alive. However, I think Hasbro is going to try the dead parent direction. They've shown how dark mlp can get. In the episode,"The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone",Pinkie Pie and Gilda rescue Rainbow Dash in the windy canyon. While they all try to climb out of the canyon, Gilda spots the dead body of the cyclops. They show the skeleton on screen too. "The Cutie are-Mark", is the darkest episode so far. The apocalyptic timeline had no signs of life. No plants, no trees, no vegetation, and no ponies of any kind. Sure, some ponies left to find a place that has food. It's also safe to say that many ponies died as well. They either died from starvation or were killed in the crossfire. King Sombra was also blown up into smaller pieces on screen. Disney's main target is children and families. They even sell merchandise, and create tv shows and movies. However, they aren't afraid of killing things off. From The evil queen being pushed of a cliff, to Scar getting eaten alive by hyenas, Disney can get dark as well. They've been doing that for years, and no one complained. Even the good characters died: Mufasa, most Disney mothers, and a villiage was burned to the ground, some villagers were killed in Mulan. "The Lion Guard", even should a dead elephant on screen. That spinoff was made for small children. Small children watched Simba attend a funeral. That episode was recent. Pixar even killed of characters. If Disney can get away with it, than why can't Hasbro? Mlp is not a "little kid's show", it's a family show. Mlp isn't full of rainbows and sunshine either.
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