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Posts posted by MoTusNua

  1. Introduction and prologue:
    Hello, my name is Silens Solis. I've heard that it is popular for Ponies to host "Ask A Pony" sections on this site and have decided to join in on this fun train.
    I am hoping by answering your questions, I will bring publicity to my Village, to my home and to my family and if I can do that, I might finally be able to convince the Powers that be to put more funding into Healthcare and Education. Something, that has been lacking as of late. As the population of the town grows, the harder it becomes to sustain without more funding. But, due to the newness of this village being only a couple years old. Investors are afraid to invest in further infrastructure.

    Hopefully, by answering your questions and bringing attention to my Village. I might finally be able to convince someone to invest a little into my home.

    But I am rumbling, let's open the flood gate and let all those lovely questions through!

    Other Important information:

    You can find out more about Silens Solis at his OC page linked below.


  2. 9 minutes ago, VG_Addict said:

    Do you think the lack of internet back then and the fact that most NES games didn't allow you to save made the games harder?


    The inability to save was a key feature of Arcade Machines as it meant that one would have to pay multiple 1 Euro Coins to have even the chance to beat it and if they couldn't afford to beat it all in one sitting, then they would have to start from the beginning. This philosophy yet again, carried over to the consoles and were a good reason, why they were so hard.

    The internet less so, but granted Puzzle Games or games that have puzzle elements did become much easier when most households got access to an internet connection.


  3. 56 minutes ago, VG_Addict said:

    A number of NES games had absolutely brutal difficulty. It's even become a phrase, "Nintendo Hard". So, why were they so hard?

    Because they were designed like Arcade Games rather than Console Games. The design philosophy for their difficulty was based around the idea, that they didn't want most people to be able to beat them easily, so that they would come back and play it again and again rather than play it all in one go and complete it quickly.

    Why? Because every time, you would play an Arcade Game. You'd have to pay a Euro or a Dollar to play, this means if they can make you die or lose a lot, they can make you folk up more Euros or Dollars to try and get to the ending. Obviously, this money barrier wasn't in Consoles, but because Consoles developers were also Arcade Developers, the Philosophy carried over. Short games with little content, that were so difficult, it would take a long time to beat them.

    Eventually, developers dropped this attitude. They added more content to the game rather than just making it super difficult.

    I could be wrong on this, but as far as I can tell, this seems to the explanation.

    • Brohoof 4
  4. 7 hours ago, Quinch said:

    {OOC thread is this way. The information went data way.}

    Shared pain is lessened.Shared joy is increased.Thus we refute entropy.

    The words stood on a blackboard, occupying no place of importance. Other sayings, some profound, some flippant, others just going for a particularly bad pun, surrounded it, sometimes crowding it, others swam around at a leisurely distance, but there was something about it that said, quietly, that if Everything was erased - not merely everything, but Everything - those would have been the words that mattered.

    As it stood, the blackboard hung behind a portly brown earth pony who was, at that moment, polishing a shotglass behind a spacious bar of a tavern tucked away behind trees and shrubbery of a side street somewhere along the Manehattan highway on a warm summer not-quite-closing-time. Bright ceiling lamps cast a warm steady glow throughout the whole tavern, bravely invading the world outside through stained-glass windows and tragically stopping short of world dominating and having to settle for casting colorful patterns on the small parking lot outside.

    Various knickknacks and picture frames lined the tavern from wall to wall, shelves of memorabilia or reminders of bad jokes, stories of happiness or tragedy and the occasional mementos of an adventure or few complete with a handful of bookshelves piled with Bard Berry, Panther C. Clop, Stanislav Lime, A. K. Yearling and the odd occasional fare that hadn't technically been written yet. And as much as memories filled the walls, the sounds of a Crosswood evening filled the space - chairs scraping against the polished wood floor, laughter and groans, the merry and irregular plinking of a pegasus working an aging, yet lovingly cared-for piano sitting a comfortable distance from an odd, parabolic fireplace with a convenient bullseye that flashed in soft kaleidoscope patterns as the flames reflected and refracted from the yet-unswept shards of glass sticking out from between burning logs and ash.

    All in all, it was a night as many, just off the side of a usual, when the front door opened and someone new stepped into the bar...

    Silens Solis after a long day and afternoon at a concert for one of his Favourite Artists, decided to find a place to get a nice drink and a bite to eat before heading off to a Hotel to get a room for the night. Not knowing Manehatten very well, he wandered aimlessly around the dimly lit streets until he eventually heard the Piano Music coming from the Tavern and realized it was open.

    "It looks cozy and friendly enough, plus I am sure I could find someone who could give me tips on where the cheapest place to stay is. I really need to be more organized" thought Silens Solis. As he approached and opened the door, he felt a breath of warm air flow over his body and noticed the crowds of people enjoying a nice cold beverage and having a laugh. "Well, I am in for a good bit of banter" he thought as he made his way to the Main Bar to get a drink.

    He wasn't particularly sure what to order as this was his first time at a Tavern being more used to the cafes back home or the restaurants of Canterlot. He decided to ask the brown Earth Pony what was on offer. "Hello, my name is Silens Solis. I am not very familiar with Manehatten as a city or at being in a Tavern and was wondering what you services and produce, you offer in this establishment. If that wouldn't be too much trouble" he said as always trying to be polite. He greeted the brown Earth Pony with "A smile and caring hand" like his mother always told him to do.

    Silens Solis didn't know what he was in for, but was excited for the new experience eating at a Tavern could provide. Seeing all the happy and content faces gave him a comforting feeling of safety. Plus, he was sure someone here must know where to get the best price for a Hotel Room.

    P.S. = Sorry for the late reply, I was sleeping when you pinned me to the thread, so I couldn't respond immediately <3

  5. Randimaxis is secretly a leader in the "American Communist Brotherhood" and is planning a international coup of America and other American States to put Socialist and Communist parties in power, Randimaxis is not only the leader, but is also the resource manager of the group. He is trying to gather secret aid from China and North Korea. Only one is listening and that is North Korea. The Coup is set to happen on the 4th of July 2020.

    But hey, that's just a rumor! :orly:

  6. Hello, my name is Carrick Edwin Reynolds. I am very interested in playing a part in your Roleplay.

    My OC can be found at this link and follows all the rules: Silens Solis

    The role my pony played in the war is as follows:
    During the Heat of the war, Equestria was calling out to as many Medics as possible. Soldiers were injured and needed fast healing doctors to get them back on their feet. Silens Solis was originally adamant in not joining the War as he knew that his town still needed him. Little did he know, that his town wouldn't last. After, a strike on Los Pegasus, the Villain Brotherhood Army aided Thieves to ransack nearby Villages like his own. His Village was destroyed along with many lives lost. Some survived but only because of Silens' exceptional ability to heal the wounded. Realizing this, once the Royal Army had finally defeated the aided Thieves. Silens Solis was told that they could give him a position as highly ranked Medic. Knowing, that his town was no more and that needed to do something. He agreed, his town may be gone but his Family's legacy will go on, he thought at the time.

    He won many awards at this time for his medicinal skills. He only wished, he could have saved more of his village. Now that the war is over, Silens Solis now burns to stop a War like that every happening again and someday restoring his Village and the City of Los Pegasus to it's former glory. He no longer has hope for the future, but he still must try or his Village would die in vain. Silens Solis, now works as a planning manager for infrastructure in Los Pegasus and as a home call Medic for Royalty.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, Maple Bat said:

    Alright that sounds great. Glad you joined.

    You can totally play fluttershy. But the slots available thing was if you wanted to play as a retainer (if you want to server a cast character.)

    Otherwise I'll need to know which army you want Silens solis to be a part of.

    I had edited my post since with the relevant information included along with grammar fixes as I didn't draft the post before I posted it.
    Just read it again and it should house the information, you are looking for.
    Thanks for accepting me into your roleplay <3

    • Brohoof 1
  8. On 16/06/2017 at 7:23 PM, Maple Bat said:

    Anyone who views this RP Please note that

    You do not have to have any prior knowlage to Fire Emblem to Join.

    I can just explain or help if something seems confusing to you I don't mind.


    Name of character: Silens Solis

    Race: Unicorn

    Slot you want if any are available: Lunar Republican Army

    Another character I would like to play are: I would also like to Roleplay as Fluttershy. As I believe she is Character, I could pull off well. I am able to refer to Discord and Fluttershy being married and will keep not safe for work content out of the roleplay.

    Character page link (or description on this OOC):

    Preferred classes: The Two preferred classes for my Character are the Strategist and Troubadour.


    • Brohoof 2
  9. 18 minutes ago, Widdershins said:

      Let me just say first, that you have no idea how good it does my heart to finally see a pacifist OC. Especially one that does seem to be indirectly RPG/combat leaning!

        Man, I can tell you put some genuine heart, effort & feeling into this and it really shows! Of what few problems I have, like the poster mentioned before me is that your Pony Creator picture is rather bland. In contrast to @Metalloriff I kind of prefer solid color ocs, its so rare to see these days. If anything, I feel that its alot easier to screw things up with a striped mane. Twilight's one violet strand amongst so much purple sticks out something fierce & don't get me started on the eyesore of Rainbow's mane! Yours does need a little bit of variation in color to it, but I can't put my tentacle on what though. Mane doesn't match the tail though, goes from curly to straight.

      The name doesn't seem quite as descriptive/pun-based as pony names tend to be, but I still get that feeling that it does mean something so I'm fine with it!

       One of the bigger issues, but one I"m not going to harp on, is your grammar. I can tell its something you're working on, but all the same it does get a bit dodgy in some parts where its enough to set aside time to think about what your getting across. Not bad, I still get your idea, but something to work on after all!

      I loved what you did with your story! You actually did tell a story that both described the character and his environment without leaning to heavily on either as is so often the case! I do have to wonder the plausibility of some group just randomly thinking "Eh, let's go start a town of our own." I'd like there to be a reason they left, but the way you put it does sound quite grounded and it would be hard to do it any way that didn't sound like persecution.

      Hee, I find it funny how much I appreciated you telling us what he's not an expert in! Ours certainly is a fandom that lends itself to Mary Suing, what with all the "natural talents."

    I have taken your comment to heart and corrected many grammar mistakes, I missed on my first re-drafting. I have also added an explanation to why they decided to settle this town in the first place. Thank you, your comments have actively made this a better OC and it's very much appreciated <3

    • Brohoof 1
  10. Hello! My name is Carrick Edwin Reynolds but people on the site know me as MoTusNua.
    To give you some context. I was an old user of the forums, three years ago until I left the fandom to deal with emotional problems, I had at the time. I am in a much more emotionally stable state and have been getting back into the show and fandom. I am self-writer which means that I continue to write Poems and Stories and share them with my Family, Friends and Teachers. However, I have not publish any of it publicly on the internet.

    I used to Roleplay back in the days when I did use the site and I am very excited to start again, however, as perfectionist and due to my want to improve my work. I've decided to allow people to criticize my OC before I use it for actual Roleplays. If you could tell me what you like and dislike about my OC. I would be extremely grateful as I can use that to improve the character and my writing.

    Here is a Link to my OC:

    Any criticism is welcome and don't worry about going harsh on me. I would like to know, how people actually feel about my writing and my OC. So, just give your genuine feelings on my Character, so I can learn from that. Thanks!

    • Brohoof 2
  11. Hello, my name is Carrick. I used to Roleplay a lot when I was younger until I distant myself from the internet for a while to deal with emotional problems, I had at the time. Now, that I am in better shape, I have been wanting to get back into Roleplaying again. So, I decided to create a new OC. It's been a while since I've created one and I was wondering if you would mind having a look over it for me and to give me your honest opinion on the Character, I have created.

    Give me a few criticism and things I can work on with the Character to make them a better character overall and I will be very grateful. Thanks <3!


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