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Posts posted by Adderbane

  1. 1 minute ago, NicoleDubuc said:

    HA!  I wish I could!  When I watched the episode, I looked to see if the line was in the script, but it wasn't!  So it was either an ad-lib or something Jim came up with at the record!

    Does that happen often?

  2. 9 hours ago, Steel Accord said:

    I never even considered orange. Let me see if that works. To Pony Creator! Batman wipe

    :o That . . . is actually a brilliant idea! Mathematical yet beautiful. And something I have absolutely no clue about. :yay: I picked pieces of her character to contrast with the protagonist who is just as arithmaphobic as I am. :laugh:

    This also opens up a potential running gag of her trying and failing to explain what her Mark is to people.  For the record, I have a minor in Mathmatics and still only have a vague idea how the Mandlebrot set works.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Given ponies tenancy for meaningful names, working the color orange in isn't a bad idea.  Might work better in the mane, and give her a less flashy coat since she seems rather quiet.  Depending on the time scale of the story, you could have her mane start in some sort of bun, or other subdued style that she let's down and grows as she becomes more social.

    Coat color could be a softer color, possibly a green referencing her mother.  However, white might be a good canvas if her Mark would benefit from a lot of colors (Such as a Mandelbrot set)

    Eye color should be chosen not to clash with coat and mane (if coat is white you can get away with just about anything). Also, same rules apply to her magic color.

    • Thanks 1
  4. Is the main character the friend who helps Saffron? If not, you might need to involve them more.  There's probably some way to work them in even if they aren't technically necessary for Saffrons arc.  Maybe think less about how the MC contributes to Saffrons arc, and more about how Saffrons arc affects the MC, and how what they learn from it is useful in the main conflict.  In any case, I don't think there's anything wrong with a relationship that spends most of the story in a completed state.  Romantic subplots have a way of swallowing the main story, so there's real danger in trying to jam one in for extra drama.  Also, a decent love interest is a fantastic supporting character that the main character can play off of.

    Its difficult to say more without knowing the themes, tone, and general plot.

  5. They're not particularly consistent with the passage of time.  Example: Rainbow is excited for her first winter with Tank in S5, implying that most of S2, and all of S3 and S4 took place in less than a year, and there was a Hearthswarming (i.e. winter) episode shortly after she got Tank.

  6. 1: A fun episode, but it's not the epic finale a lot of the other season enders are.  It got a lot of build up throughout the season, which is a big plus, since they don't have to waste time with exposition.  

    2: This lacked that kind of buildup S1 had, and it really held back the episodes.  On the other hand, Chrysalis was great for what little undisguised screentime she got, and even as Cadance she was a lot more menacing than a pink pony princess has any right to be.  This episode also has the "This Day Aria" which is extraordinary.  Shining and Cadance didn't get much development, but I really like the concept behind their characters.

    3: This needed to be a two parter, and it shares the problem with S2 of too little foreshadowing.  At least we had Cadance to indicate other alicorns were possible, and some vague hints from the opening, but overall I think this is the weakest of the finales.  Still, it's nice to see a TV show willing to totally upend the status quo once in a while.

    4: In terms of the overarching story, this is what S3 should've been.  This shows the benefit to having the whole season leading up to one moment.  Episodic stories have a tendency to ignore everything in the setting that's not the heroes and the villain of the week, so bringing Discord into the story really makes the world seem more consistent.  The Twilight/Tirek fight was just a fun action scene that this show only rarely gets to play with.  Easily my favorite of the finales and one of the best episodes of the series.

    5: Starlight is a good villain, even if her motivation is ultimately rather weak.  Seeing all the little details in the evil timelines really shows how much effort the writers put into developing the worlds, especially the Sombra one.  Only downside is no Trixie future.

    6: Discord said it best "Well isn't this quite the collection of secondary characters!"  Their little dysfunctional team is a refreshing change of pace from the Mane 6, and they even get to grow a bit as characters from it all.  I preferred the old changelings, but having Chrysalis reject mercy was a brilliant writing decision.

    7: The various past characters could've used a bit more foreshadowing, but overall, this could've been a lot worse.  I didn't particularly care for the Pillars, or the backstory of the Tree, but the main conflict between Starlight and Twilight was decent.  Not bad, but not great either.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. On ‎4‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 9:43 AM, Slipstream95 said:

    Fluttershy not wanting to live and watch as one-by-one her friends die before her eyes, leaving her alone with Discord.

    I feel like Fluttershy wouldn't want Discord to be alone, and would probably put up with immortality for his sake, and Twilight's if alicorns are immortal.

    Alternatively, Discord bequeaths chaos powers to Angel Bunny and travels to the afterlife to be with Flutters.

  8. 18 hours ago, stupe2511 said:

    Thank you very much, you're responses were very insightful. My end result will be an essay so I don't know if you want to read that. 

    I would.  I've seen surveys like this before, and I've always wondered how they turn out.

  9. Celestia's been defending Equestria for the past millennium and then some.  I think she's earned a break for a century or so, especially now that there are three other adult alicorns to deal with things.

    The issue is a matter of writing and worldbuilding, and not something that is easily solvable.  A lot of franchises have scenarios where a powerful character inexplicably takes the back seat.  But if Celestia solved everything, we'd have no story.  Really the only thing we can do is accept that since this is a kids show, it's inevitably going to fall short in subtlety and complexity.

    • Brohoof 4
  10. People's headcanons on this subject vary greatly, including the related topic of the Sister's origins).  The writers don't seem to have any planned guidelines, leading to some inconsistencies.  One of Luna's comments in the S6 premier suggests that she and Celestia are ascended alicorns as well.  Thus, alicorns are rare enough that a lot is unknown about them.  I've always thought that their immortality indicated some sort of second level of ascension, which is also marked by the floaty mane thing.  Twilight came close to this in the S4 finale.

  11. They seem to be actively avoiding saying AJs parents are dead, but still writing as if they were.  This makes me think they're restricted from talking about death directly by the show executives, likely because they think it'll be too dark for the show.  This is unlikely to change. 

    Vinyl is unlikely to talk, since her character is mostly relevant to the fandom, and doesn't need to talk for that.  Plus it saves them from having to hire a voice actor for her.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. Rune Soldier Dan's Principle Celestia Hunts the Undead could work, and a good visual designer could make Horse Voice's The Writing on the Wall incredibly creepy.

    Georg's Trixie and Her Amazing Pet Changeling would be another good choice.

    Turning written work into visual work is always tricky, and you need  the right sort of story that can be conveyed without real access to the characters internal monologue (for example, vdrake77's The Changeling of the Guard would probably terrible animated since so much of the humor is Idol's thought processes).

  13. 10 minutes ago, Total Lunar Eclipse said:

    I feel like it would be a pegasus flier who's just as awesome as RD, but also has similar traits to her. Maybe being in a relationship with someone who likes the same things and is at the same skill level would be good for Dash. She's passionate about what she does, and having someone to share that passion with who is always giving her challenge and vice versa seems like a match made in heven

    On the other hand, somepony good enough to challenge Dash could lead to a lot of conflict if they're constantly trying to one up each other.  She isn't one to take accept second place in anything, and she is known to be a bit of a sore loser on occasion.  One important trait is the ability not to be put off by Dash's ego; she's one of my favorite characters, but I imagine that would get annoying fast.

    My personal favorite is Quibble Pants : )

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