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Posts posted by LovingTolerance

  1. My best compliment ever was probably when my older brother told me he wish he was more like me, but it really made me sad too...


    My younger brother is pretty much smarter, more creative, and more emotionally stable than me. I wish I was more like him. The only thing I've got over him is that I'm in way better shape physically.

  2. I'm just curious, because I always try to make others feel good around me both online and off and I wonder what makes people feel best.


    I think the best complement I ever received was that I try hard. That felt better than someone saying that I was tall or smart, because those are just traits and don't indicate any moral value.

  3. Hello, I'm Legate Umbra of the Lunar Legion and i just figured this would be a cool place to meet some new friends and just have a generally good time, hit me up and we could play some games or just chill.

    I currently fail at drawing and music production but am polishing those skills up, however i can write a decent fic or two, might even make a profile on fimfiction. anyways this is getting long winded so yeah, catch you on the other side.


    Same thing for me. I write, but I'd like to draw.

  4. Heya everypony! I'm Brony2004 (meaning that I've been a fan of MLP since 2004)! /)( (:


    I've been a fan since march 2012, but it seems like the fandom has grown in both quality and quantity even since then. It's crazy.

    Oh, and hello and welcome to the forums!

    • Brohoof 2
  5. There are the normal bronies who mind there own buisness, come on the forums and watch the show. Then the others: They go on somewhere like youtube and say something like "I'm a brony and I think this is shit" then it ends up in a massive argument, they also try and force others to watch the show! The point is it gives the normal bronies a bad name which is why we get hate!


    Nobody is every going to take this community seriously. I don't take it seriously even though it's basically the main thing my life.


    Anyone who does any research about MLP is going to find out about Cupcakes and the r34 ponies. There are plenty of tactless noobs in the community too, since bronies are almost all socially awkward teenagers.


    I love it all though. Reasonable people realize that most bronies are just nice people, but most people in the world aren't even remotely reasonable, so there will always be haters.


    This community has always been and will always be controversial, but that's part of what makes it fun.

  6. My favorite pony is Pinkie Pie


    Posted Image

    Pinkie is best pony.

    I find myself saying "Okie Dokie Lokie," though only around other bronies.


    Welcome to the forums.

  7. Plausible, well-written comedies with elements of mystery and "daw" are the best fanfics.


    Romance, sad, and even clop stuff can be sweet.


    Grimdark with ponies can't ever really be anything more than a parody. Parodies can be good though.


    Meta is funny but there's too much of it.

  8. hahaha can i just say that i burst into laughter when i saw this thread

    not because i thought it was a stupid or anything but the just the thought of a Pinkie Pregnant Pie cracked me up :P

    thank you for this :)


    You're welcome.

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