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Mind Scape

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Everything posted by Mind Scape

  1. I'd say I'm an agnostic atheist. I don't believe in any religion(but maybe there's one out there though that I like) while some could be true, there is no actually evidence to support that God or any other deity exists. If that is scientifically proven, I'll believe it. I used to be christian since it was forced on me by my mother who is christian and I just thought that was just the way to live, but when I was 10 I was really questioning whether or not the things in the Bible are true and actually happened, whether or not God/Jesus can actually see and hear everything I do and say, if praying even does anything....and look, in no way am I saying that it's wrong to pray, follow the Bible and feel god/Jesus around you and believe in all that stuff because if it helps you, makes you happy, and you're not hurting anyone and respecting everyone else's choices and beliefs, and not being hypocritical, I see no problem. Anyways, I decided that Christianity was not for me. I hated how my mom would say that it is the only truth and she wasn't open minded at all to other beliefs, yet told me to be open minded about her religion. So I was just atheist for awhile, and now I'm also agnostic and a strong believer of science and the scientific method. But I'm also pretty spiritual about auras/vibes/souls/hippie stuff and very open-minded.
  2. I really loved that episode. But what always bothers me is why Pound Cake looks NOTHING like his parents. None of the colors present in his parents' designs are present in his design. It would have made much more sense if Mr. and Mrs. Cake just said that they had one of both parents who were a pegasus and a unicorn. That would have been simpler and more likely. But maybe Pound Cake isn't actually their biological child? O.o
  3. Thank you for the apology, but it wasn't all your fault. We all make mistakes, and we learn from them. All that matters is that we admit to the mistake and move on. And you haven't really caused me any pain so you can stay and talk about something else if you want.
  4. I stopped talking since I didn't want to continue arguing, and everything that needed to be said has already been said and there is no need to continue to argue. This whole feud could have been done a long time ago if we all just agreed to disagree instead of continuously trying to prove others wrong when most of the time that's just unnecessary. I didn't think I needed to say this, but some people are just being immature. I am not arguing with anybody on this post, so please don't try to argue and point out what is wrong here because that's being immature and not seeing the point. I'm also not being aggressive. Let's stop pointing fingers and just move on. Actually talk about what this thread was originally about, respect others' opinions even when you disagree, and not get aggressive. I've tried very hard not to be aggressive and I know it's hard for others too, but if we all genuinely tried to stay calm even when something angers us, we could discuss our opinions peacefully. I know there are people who were trying not to be aggressive, and trying to be respectful. Again I'm not pointing fingers, and I know that others have moved on, and I've moved on too. This post should be the end to the feud. I will include exactly why I edited my posts, and I'm sorry If I hurt anybody because I didn't include exactly why I edited it. Thank you.
  5. Popsicles or ice cream?
  6. Shame on me? So it's wrong to admit that I was wrong about something and changed my thinking to something more reasonable? That's the only reason why I edited my post. Not to make you look bad.
  7. We all get it that you don't agree the "Scootaloo is an orphan" theory/fandom meme. You've already made that clear. It is just only a theory even if it has little or no evidence, and the theory became a meme so it's both. If you hate it and disagree with it, that's fine. You've already explained why you felt that way. You can believe whatever you want, but you need to just let others believe what they want instead of trying to prove them wrong. Just accept that unless you believe the tweets to be reliable, it is unknown about Scootaloo's parents. I can theorize whatever I want, and you don't have to repeatedly tell me that I'm wrong. I know that I could be wrong, but I don't care. This. Is just. A theory. Okay?
  8. I've notice that most background stallions in the show have duller or more natural colors with not much variety while mares are more brightly and unnaturally colored. I really wish there were a lot more brightly and unnaturally colored stallions, and more dull natural colored mares. There needs to be a balance there. Any colors can look good on any pony; as long as it's a simple color scheme, the colors fit well together, and it's easy on the eyes.
  9. Of course she has to have somepony to sign school paperwork if Equestrian schools were just like ours, but we don't even know for sure if that is what happens in the pony universe....and I never said they were dead, and of course she had to have parents to be born, and I already said what an orphan actually is and corrected myself.....I'm not stupid.
  10. I never said Scoot IS an orphan, I said she most likely is. Is there anything suggesting that she DOES have parents(in the show besides the tweet)? She could just live in an orphanage (if it wasn't canon that she does have parents). Scootaloo said in the episode Parental Glideance: "You know, some ponies dream of having parents like that. Me. Growing up I'd never thought I'd be the best at anything, because nopony told me." She might have meant that her parents are very very distant relationship wise, making her feel like she doesn't have parents/parental figures making her almost like an orphan. I also thought that orphan meant just not having any parents in general, not necessarily dead, but turns out it means dead. But what other word could I have used? It's obvious that Scootaloo doesn't have parents that have a close relationship with her like parents usually do, making her feel as though they are absent. Interesting. I guess I have to edit my post then. I don't go on Twitter often.
  11. When? Can you send me a link to where they said so? I had no idea of that.
  12. hmm....that's a very interesting point. I've always seen RD having a birthday somewhere between July-September, but her birthday could very well be in winter. Mine is in May which is spring, but I really love Autumn and I think that's the most awesome season xD
  13. I think that the CMC will get summoned to help a pony(or other creature) with a personal or identity problem. They have already helped some ponies(and griffon) so why not the map call them to help more ponies(or other creatures)?
  14. Let's state the obvious first. Scootaloo does not have parents that are really close with her. That might explain why she has trouble flying, because nopony taught her or encouraged her to fly as soon as possible. Her parents may have not even been both pegasi, so even when one or both parents were there they just couldn't teach her. When Scootaloo taught herself or had somepony else teach her later, it may have been much harder. It's just like learning a language. As a baby and toddler, I learned English from my parents by watching and listening to everything they said. I mimicked them. Year or two later I learned some Spanish by watching Dora The Explorer, and some words/phrases stuck with me because I was so young. Now as a teenager, trying to learn multiple other languages is harder, because the words and phrases don't stick in my memory as easily as when they did as toddler. There have been many studies about how learning how to do something at a really young age is much easier and than if said person tried to learn the same skill at an older age, the older the harder. A baby mainly depends on their parents/guardians to learn how to speak. Then comes TV shows/movies, other family members, friends...you get the idea. This could be the same case for Scootaloo's flying. Although, there may be a little hole in this theory. Pound Cake's parents are earth ponies, yet as baby he can still fly. Though I think it was explained in the show that a baby's magical abilities(including flying) go out of control at first as seen with Carrot Cake and Flurry Heart, and we have yet to see if/when they will be taught how to control their flying/magic. Or none of this is true for Scoot because she may be physically disabled. My 8 year old sister has a speech disability, so it's really hard for her mouth to make the certain consonant sounds needed for most words. But she is always singing her favorite MLP & FNAF songs and the songs from youtube videos meant for toddlers, she talks a lot too so each day she is practicing even though it has taken her a very long time to perfectly say a word, and she probably won't talk as fluently as an average person until adulthood. The same can go for Scootaloo if she is disabled also. She has been shown to fly before, so it may just take a very long time for her to fly perfectly like my sister and her talking. But another way Scoot could be disabled is this: for some people in wheelchairs, they can stand and even walk for a few seconds or a minute before needed to sit back down again because of their condition/disability. But sometimes no matter how hard they try to keep standing or to walk, their condition/disability doesn't let them improve. So maybe any of that is the same for Scootaloo but with her flying. I hope that she will be able to fly, and if not, it needs to be explained why. An episode where Scootaloo's back story and who her parents are/were are shown is needed so much. It's one of the biggest questions about MLP:FiM. Maybe it will come in the upcoming episode Marks and Recreation, since that episode is about the CMC, or maybe it will be what Uncommon Bond is about. But I think it is more likely to come in season 8. It better.
  15. Nah, It's not wrong to pity them, cause I do a bit too. It must be hard to be that ignorant, though I feel bad that they had to see ponies being violent and sexual when they didn't want to and they didn't mean to stumble upon it
  16. The dumbest thing I've ever down was making my own OC an alicorn. They weren't royalty or anypony really important, and their hair was rainbow and white (hot pink-white-orange-white-yellow-white-lime green-white-blue-white-purple) and their coat was light pink with light blue eyes, oh it was just so mary-sue. I don't even remember their cutie mark, I don't even think they had a cutie mark because "my style of ponies don't have cutie marks" hmm...yeah right... I actually think before that I had an OC who was "the long-lost twin sister of Vinyl Scratch" and they were basically a recolor of Vinyl but a pegasus with hot pink hair and blue eyes.
  17. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING AT THIS PERSON WHO CLEARLY HAS NEVER WATCHED THE SHOW HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...... *Clears throat* Okay, so I found this petition to cancel MLP:FiM just because of the brony community: https://www.change.org/p/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-bronies-cancel-the-series-my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-to-end-the-brony-fad?source_location=minibar Don't worry, it's from 5 years ago, It's closed, and it didn't get all 100 signatures needed for the show to immediatly be canceled forever or as someone thought. This person states that bronies are "a very hostile group, verbally attacking and harassing anyone who doesn't agree with them." and "do not let your children search for "My Little Pony" on the internet...These bronies twist the cartoon in ways to suit themselves and their disturbing desires..." and my personal favorite, "On the very surface, they can be nice and friendly, especially in public. Online, they will be careful about what they say and how they act around parents, trying to explain that they only like the cartoon in sweet, harmless fun. Don't you believe them for a second. " Obviously this person is only looking at a minority of the fandom, the bronies who make very violent and sexual content; and an even smaller part of the community: the bronies who are constantly trying to convert non-bronies to being bronies, and will harass and send death threats to anyone who disagrees. But literally any fandom has those people, and also rule 34 happens. This is just a classic case of "i've only seen this one minor group of a community, so every single other person in the community is exactly that". Also the person mentions a disabled pony being in the show who is fan-made, but when this character didn't live up to some expectations of the bronies they sent death threats to the creators. When an online user shared their opinion about the disabled character, some bronies sent a bunch of death threats and hate to the user. I was very confused about this fan-made disabled character. It took me awhile to realize it was Derpy Hooves, but she wasn't fan created. She was just a background character with an animation error in her eyes that made fans adore her, and the creators acknowledged this kept the mistake in her eyes and added her to more episodes. Of course some people may not be happy too about it, just like literally anything, but clearly who made the petition clearly hasn't done any proper research. If you read what they say exactly they are over-exaggerated things. Yeah, sending death threats to someone is a big deal, especially if the person targeted didn't do anything wrong, but the creator of the petition had it in their mind that every single male fan of the show makes violent, sexual content, are pedophiles, into beastiality(this is all said by the person), are very hostile, hateful, intolerant perverts and each and every one of them send death threats. Talk about over-generalization, geez. Links to very violent videos and p0rn are listed below the article, along with a picture of a supposed swastika in the show which doesn't even go to a picture, just more links to that picture that you have to download to see. The person as stated more stuff about very violent videos and p0rn websites, and a personally encounter with a brony that didn't go well... True fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic will know that FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC, and listen to the friendship lessons by actually watching the show, and actually genuinely like it because of the characters, storyline, and lore. At least, I hope so. This petition may have been already posted about a long time ago, since it's been on the internet for a while, but I just wanted to share how ridiculous and hilarious this petition is especially to those who haven't seen it. Hehehehe. P.S. I did eventually stop laughing xD
  18. I didn't mean a show that was violent, but I take it that an adult MLP:FiM show would still ruin the original family-friendly shows's innocence and would be a bad idea. That's fair I guess, but I wonder if any other cartoon originally for kids got a spin-off series for adults? Though there may be none for the same reason there shouldn't be one for MLP:FiM.
  19. Yeah, I'd like to think that that's what happened too, but I think the ponies go through evolution and the generations are different periods/eras in time like life on Earth did. Yeah, it's a stretch, but it's fun to believe that they are all connected in a time line in the same universe.
  20. Okay so I know this might be weird, but hey, we're all pretty weird here....but if there ever was a spin-off MLP:FiM show for adults with adult topics and language, would you watch it? Like when the show ended, and the creators decided to make some new episodes for Adult Swim(That would be a channel to air something like that, right? Correct me if I'm wrong) or youtube or another channel or whatever...basically fanfics brought to 'reality', but all the characters stay the same except they do stuff adults would do and understand like other adult cartoons. Something like this would more likely be fanmade, I'm sure. If this were to happen, I can see the news article titles now: "A My Little Pony show for adults? Something your kids shouldn't be watching!" or "New My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic spin-off show, but for adults" I don't want to go into detail about what kinds of topics this hypothetical new spin-off show would have, just in case someone below the age of 10 is reading this, but just imagine some stuff that happens in fanfics written about a certain ship, I guess . I would watch something like that, but honestly I don't know if it would be a good idea if it were to be an official TV show that airs on TV. Is anyone else wondering the same thing? Would anyone actually like this idea?
  21. I'm not one to be silly, but I do have quite an imagination. The episode "Uncommon Bond" will go like this: Derpy Hooves gets terribly lost while delivering mail, and she wanders super far from pony civilization and discovers Queen Chrysalis. (Que theme song) Queen Chrysalis is so bored out of her mind that she demands that Derpy entertains her. Derpy tries juggling the muffins that she took with her but fails and accidentally throws them into Chrysalis's mouth, and Chrysalis thinks they are super delicious and demands that Derpy gives her more, but Derpy doesn't know how to get back to ponyville to find the recipe. So, the two of them find ingredients they can use where Chrysalis lives and tries to replicate the recipe. She knows that Derpy is the only pony that would ever come to her so Chrysalis tries really hard not to mess with her or suck the love out of her. Right when Chrysalis couldn't stand the temptation anymore and tried to suck the love out of Derpy, she felt genuine love in her heart. No other pony dared to befriend Chrysalis, and experiment with baking muffins with her. Derpy didn't know how evil Chrysalis was, and she didn't care. She just wanted to help somepony. Meanwhile in ponyville, Derpy had actually been gone for a few days. The doctor and other ponies who know her are freaking out, and need to find her to make sure she's okay. They go to Princess Twilight and she organizes a search plan. They all know that Derpy could be literally anywhere, maybe beyond Equestria, but luckily The ponies in Appaloosa saw her fly through the town, and head south. Twilight and the other ponies head that direction, land that has not be colonized by ponies, maybe not even explored. Derpy is found actually walking towards them, and they see her and cheer with excitement but then they all freeze in terror when Queen Chrysalis is behind her. They are so shocked to find her, with Derpy, not trying to kill or suck the love out of anypony. Everypony heads back to Princess Celestia's Castle where Chrysalis apologizes for attacking Canterlot and Celestia. She wants to continue to be friends with Derpy and live in Ponyville with her so she can eat more muffins. Celestia, who believes that Chrysalis learned her lesson, changes the appearance of Chrysalis so nopony is scared of her. Then Derpy and Chrysalis mass-produce muffins and she helps her become friends with more ponies. The End. (Que the outro song and credits)
  22. "Sort of like if Rarity was just called Fashion" that's funny because it's true. You're right lol
  23. Yeah, I was going to mention the other official couples too but my post was long enough.
  24. Thank you so much for the suggestions!! I really appreciate it. I will definitely be taking some into consideration, and I will do some research about the muses of Greek mythology. I never thought any of that, except for "Rainbow Thought", that one was obvious for me and it sounds like "Rainbow Thot" which means something totally different. And I actually am exactly how you described my OC, General Solar Magus. Thank you both so much. I'll still leave this thread open for anybody who has another idea, though.
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