Hi everyone, today I'm proposing a discussion that interests me a lot. Canterlot, the capital, but how is this city structured? We, with our knowledge and a bit of fantasy could make a realistic map for Canterlot, with the real Palace and his towers, parks, residences and main structures.
Maybe a lot of you won't be interested but if you are, I hope you'll help this topic grow. I know that in MLP there isn't such a detailed description of environments, but only points where the characters are making their actions.
This is why I want your help to structurate a pretty realistic but also accurate map for the city starting by important buildings such as towers, library or Canterlot's arena.
After this damn long presentation I need a list of important places. I was arrived until 4th season's start but I had a year without watching it so I needed to restart. Things are re birthing in my memory! If there are Canterlot places not listed until 4th season I ask you to list them anyway. Any idea will be discussed!
Without spoilers