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Everything posted by DJ_Bonebraker
I have 4 cats who, despite occasionally being grade-A twerps, I absolutely love. The oldest is a 9-year old orange & white tom named Bello that my ex-wife & I adopted from the local animal shelter she volunteered at. The second oldest is a 5-year old ginger twerp, er, tabby named Samwise who was a kitten my parents found abandoned in a corn-field near their house about a month before my ex & I got married and we took him in. He's now my best buddy cat & always climbs into my lap, purring, to comfort me when I'm feeling sad, and he's been a big help with me while I've been dealing with my evil harpy of an ex just up & leaving me for a rich old fart (her boss) last year and my finding out just over a month ago that my mom's cancer is terminal and that they put her on hospice care. The other two cats are 5-month old brother & sister black kitties named Jedediah & Luna, that some prick abandoned near my house. I found them scared half to death, half-starved & hiding in one of the ventilation holes in the foundation of my house that is behind my hardy ginger patch. I was able to catch both & bring them into the house to start taming them down & feeding them kitten food & kitten formula. They're now happy, healthy kitties, although due to having to take them to the vet 3 times in the past 2 months, they are currently rather distrusting of me, but hopefully they'll warm up again. Anyways, here's some pics of the whole "kit 'n' caboodle" as it were: This is a pic of Bello & Jed in the front cat bed in my bay window, with luna on the shelf behind them: And here's Samwise on top of the cat tree next to the half-wall between the kitchen & living room, with Jed & Luna lower down:
I am fairly religious, depending on how you define it. I strongly believe in Jesus & the Bible, however, I have come to some conclusions that put me at odds with certain main-stream Christian denominations, particularly due to the fact that I'm non-binary transgender and have come to the conclusion that the interpretations of certain passages of scripture that are used to condemn LGBTQI people are wrong, and have a different meaning than what many modern churches preach, based on historical & cultural context. Furthermore, while I try to let it be known what I believe in and that I do believe it's the ultimate truth, I also try my best to not force my beliefs down everyone's throats, demean others' beliefs (or lack thereof), even if I disagree (unless you believe in something that directly harms other people, then we're going to "have words" as they say). The way I figure it, life's short & miserable enough on this sin-infested ball of rock that I don't want to add to that misery by pointing the finger at everyone & criticizing or condemning them for not being perfect: Most people who aren't complete psychopaths probably already do that to themselves without having some self-important prick rubbing it in their faces (I know I do! ). Instead, I prefer to do as St. Francis of Assisi once said (more or less) to the novice monks at his monastery: "Let us go into the village and preach the Gospel. Only use words if necessary". I try to let the way I live my life & my actions do most of my speaking for me (after all, actions speak louder than words, right?) and practice what I preach. My goal every day is to make this world at least a little bit better than it was yesterday. One thing I would like to note here is that I came to my beliefs later in life than many others have: I was raised in a family that could best be described as non-religious, or even anti-religious theists: My mom was a non-practicing Christian who left the church due to abuse she suffered from it as a girl (although she returned to it not long after I became a Christian) and my dad believed that there was some sort of ultimate creator god, but that all the various religions out there were (a) merely reflections of different facets of said being and (b) mostly just a means for power-hungry dictators to oppress and/or kill people for fun & profit (he ended up converting to Christianity some time after I graduated high school). As a result, I ended up spending most of my elementary school & middle school years denouncing religious people as "self-righteous hypocrites" (granted some are, but not all, by any stretch of the imagination) until one day when I was 13, I was making the same spiel about how "I wasn't some self-righteous hypocrite like those Christians," and it dawned on me: I was being self-righteous in condemning people I deemed to be self-righteous hypocrites, I was being a hypocrite as well. This started a quest for answers that lasted several months, when I looked into various religions and philosophies, and ultimately came to the conclusion that Christianity was the true path, since it was the only one that, to me, both made sense intellectually AND emotionally, although I will admit that Buddhism & Taoism came pretty close, and that's how I came to my faith. Since then, I've been to a dozen different countries on 4 different continents and everything I've seen only helped to confirm my faith. During my travels (thanks to the Navy), I did get to meet people of all different religious backgrounds: Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, Australian Aboriginal beliefs, etc. I had many interesting conversations with people I met from these faiths and the things I learned from each one ultimately helped me gain new insights about my own beliefs, and to realize, that even with all the evil and suffering in this world, just how marvelous & wonderful God's creation really was. You know, it's funny how you bring this up, since I almost became a botanist, but ultimately changed my career path to electronics (in brief, the reason was that most of the biology professors were Richard Dawkins' brand of rabid anti-theist atheists and I figured out that my other long time hobby, electronics, had better career opportunities without any of the religion vs atheism drama). I still am an avid horticulturalist who specializes in growing rare & unusual plants (e.g. I'm growing citrus, bananas & palms outdoors year-round in central Pennsylvania), and I must say that I LOVE my evergreen plants, because they brighten up the yard, but that's beside the point. I still consider them a complete wonder, even though I understand the biological & evolutionary principles behind it. To quote a line from Sir Terry Prachett's novel, The Wee Free Men: "That was how it worked. No magic at all. But that time it had been magic. And it didn't stop being magic just because you found out how it was done..." I find that having such an attitude does wonders for keeping a fresh outlook on life and prevents one from becoming a jaded, cynical old turd over time.
What's Your OC/Ponysona's Sexuality?
DJ_Bonebraker replied to Lucky Bolt's topic in Sugarcube Corner
I already posted some of this in the "Post your OC" thread in Sugarcube Corner, but I'll post it here as well: As for me in RL, the answer to this question for my ponysona, Radar Sweep, is a bit complicated. You see, like me, Radar is bi-gender, but almost exclusively attracted to females. What this means is that when Radar is in Stallion mode, he's straight, but when she's identifying as a Mare, she's a (very girly) lipstick lesbian... Needless to say this pretty much means that any mare (s)he ends up going out with is going to have to be bisexual, which kinda limits the options in the romance department.- 86 replies
- gender
- original character
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Which degree of -human-pony you'd prefer?
DJ_Bonebraker replied to Steve Piranha's topic in Sugarcube Corner
@AlbaTross The late, great Sir Terry Prachett once made an observation years ago when talking about why any kind of "nerdy" or non-mainstream fandom is mocked & ostracized by the general public: "The main difference between Trekkies and Manchester United fans is that Trekkies never trashed a train carriage. So why are the trekkies the social outcasts?" The answer, of course, is that being a loud, drunken, obnoxious, violent football hooligan (or any other kind of rabid sports fanatic) is considered "normal" for some odd reason by a majority of society, so a bunch of rowdy soccer fans severely damaging a train car is more or less given a pass, while the peaceful, intelligent but "nerdy" Star Trek fans are (or at least were) mocked relentlessly by the same majority of society.... As for my own take on this issue, I'm going to first have to make a confession here: *Stands up at the table in the room* "Hi, my name is Laura" *Hi, Laura* "I used to be an Anti-Brony and hater of all things MLP until I finally decided to give the show a fair shake during January of last year (i.e. right about when Netflix finally added Season 5). A big part of the reason I hated on Bronies, and to a lesser extent MLP itself was because around 2011-2012, it was practically impossible to go anywhere on the web or take part in a discussion in any forum without a horde (or should I say herd) of rabid Bronies invading, spamming pics of ponies everywhere, even when the rest of the forum regulars (and sometimes even the moderators) told them to knock it off, on top of which they'd end up dragging the latest fandom flame-war into forums that weren't even REMOTELY related to My Little Pony: Not even Civilization Fanatics Center (a forum dedicated to the Civilization series of turn-based strategy games) or Eurobricks (a LEGO fan site) were immune. I mean do you have ANY idea how annoying it is coming home from your evil, soul-sucking job wanting to chill out on your favorite forums and talk Civ strategies (or post your latest mod, since I was active in the modding community) or check out the latest LEGO creations people posted, only to walk right into a firestorm of people fighting over which pony was the best, spamming up threads with pictures of ponies, or in the case of the LEGO forum, Bronies going at it with the Sacred & Holy Order of LEGO Purists who have declared war on all things Hasbro due to Hasbro having the NERVE to make their own LEGO clone bricks (Kre-O FYI), and they refused to tolerate the existence of anything that mimicked the sacred 2x4 brick of LEGO. (Ok, so they weren't ACTUALLY called the Sacred & Holy Order of LEGO Purists, but they pretty much acted like a bunch of religious fanatics when it came to clone brand bricks). Needless to say, when the site staff finally came in with ban-hammers swinging & cleared out the infestation (until the next time someone posted something Pony related), everyone breathed a sigh of relief. IIRC, it got bad enough that Eurobricks added "My Little Pony" and "Friendship is Magic" to their auto-censor filter and had them changed to something humorously similar just so that none of the forum's threads would turn up in Pony-related Google searches (Note: This wasn't the only time they had to do something like that; They also had the auto-censor change any instance of the phrase "Angry Birds" to "Grumpy Sparrows" due to massive amounts of Angry Birds-related spam when that game was super popular)." "As you can see, those kinds of things, my perception of the fandom was skewed towards the negative. What finally started getting me to come around was meeting some fairly chill Bronies who were cool with me not liking the show & didn't try to force it on me. Other things that started warming me up to the show was the fact that, during lunch break at work, I'd usually browse TV Tropes rather than talk sports with the other guys in the shop, and it seemed like every single Trope page linked back to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and even just the examples from the show on the individual trope pages got me to thinking, 'Well, now, this show might be reasonably interesting after all'. What finally tipped the scales and made me decide to start watching the show to see if I liked it was the fact that I finally realized that ALL fandoms have their nut-cases (e.g. the "Sacred & Holy Order of LEGO Purists who even bug most of the other LEGO purists with their over-zealous attitudes towards LEGO-compatible building bricks). I wish now that I had been willing to look past the more toxic elements in the fandom & given the show a fair shot much sooner, since I'd have probably sought out help that I needed several years ago, instead of just last year...." So there you have it: I'm a former hater who hated because I allowed a vocal minority of toxic fans (i.e. the types that "Fame & Misfortune" gave a well-deserved skewering to) to color my perception of the entire fandom, instead of trying to reach out & try to understand why someone would want to watch a show with a bunch of pastel colored girly-looking ponies. Ever since, I've tried even harder to not let the fandom of a particular book or show color my perception of it, but rather to give it a chance to stand or fall on its own merits... But yeah, in conclusion, Bronies being extremely far outside what many people consider to be the "normal" audience for a show of this type, coupled with certain elements within the fandom helping reinforce those prejudices (i.e. "All bronies are psychotic man-children") tends to turn some people off. The thing is, you shouldn't let that affect what you like, or turn you away from something you might like, because what they think doesn't amount to a hill of beans in the long run.
general Can you speak/understand/spell another language besides English?
DJ_Bonebraker replied to The Equestrian Brony's topic in General Discussion
Well, I'm reasonably fluent in Japanese, though somewhat rusty since I was last in Japan 14 years ago (I can still ask for & follow directions, order stuff of menus, read road signs and that kind of thing as well as hold a reasonably in-depth conversation); I can understand enough German to read most Wikipedia articles in German & generally understand your typical Rammstein song or understand the German dialogue in Battlefield I without subtitles, even if I can't speak it super great; I can kinda fudge my way through Spanish (it helps that there's a significant Hispanic immigrant population living in the downtown area of my town & I like to go to the Mexican/Caribbean markets in said area to buy ingredients, due to Indian cooking & Mexican cooking using almost the exact same spices, not to mention that I also like malta, and you can only get the really good stuff in those types of stores: Walmart & Giant only have the American-made Malta Goya stuff which just isn't as good as Malta India or Supermalt); and finally, I can read French well enough to, again, understand most written instructions/warnings and generally understand French Wikipedia articles. I can also sorta follow Latin due to it being related to Spanish & French (and about 60% of English vocabulary being of Latin origin) as well as due to my extensive scientific background (particularly since I was originally planning on becoming a biologist/botanist before deciding on electronic engineering instead). I can also read the Greek & Cyrillic alphabets, even if I can't understand what the actual words mean.... Less so for Greek than Cyrillic, since a lot of scientific terminology that isn't of Latin origin is based on Greek instead. -
THANK YOU!!!! I've been about ready to pull my hair out trying to figure out why I couldn't make a status update, and had no idea that you had to actually ENABLE it in your profile settings until now (somehow I managed to scroll right past it without noticing it).
Just recently set up a SoundCloud account & uploaded my first "album" of songs I made about 15 years ago to it. As soon as I can come up with a decent album cover art for the second album of slightly newer songs (made about 12-13 years ago), I'll be adding them as well.
In any case, feel free to give them a listen here: https://soundcloud.com/laura-bonebrake/sets/disregard-the-following
Once I get this out of the way, I'll finally be able to properly concentrate on working on my new stuff... Namely my MLP-remix project/album "Straight Outta Ponyville" and my non-MLP classical/folk/other public domain song remix project that I'm going to call "Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot" (a bit of a US military/veteran inside joke)
@Jedishy & @Penguinbrony24 : *BOOP!*
spoiler It isn't the mane thing about you Preview
DJ_Bonebraker replied to Unlikeable Pony's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
That's why I think this would have been a good opportunity to give Diamond Tiara another spot in the foreground: It would have been a good opportunity to contrast her past behavior with his & have her point out how both extremes are wrong... Of course I'm wondering if Starlight Glimmer might be getting a walk-on part in this episode where she points out to Rumble how she used to think almost the exact same thing and what it cost her & almost ended up costing Equestria as a whole... But I guess we'll just have to wait and see.- 14 replies
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- it isntt he mane thing about you
- pinkie pie
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I live in one of the unincorporated towns that is part of a fairly large town's "greater metropolitan area". The town itself (Chambersburg) has just over 20,000 people living in it, which is just below the usual cut-off for being considered a small city (like nearby Hagerstown, which is a City, but only has about 10,000 more people living in the city limits & isn't much larger, geographically speaking). Chambersburg + the six or so surrounding unincorporated communities have about 52,000 people living in them. I personally like where I live, because I have a decent-sized yard around my house for my experimental gardening, and I'm about 5 min from 3 interchanges with I-81, meaning I can be in Gettysburg, York, Hagerstown, Harrisburg or Frederick within an hour, and I can get to DC, Annapolis, Hanover & Baltimore in 2 hours or less. This means that I can enjoy the small-ish town life while being within reasonable driving distance of big-city shopping & services (love Arundel Mills: They have practically EVERYTHING there).
Christian bronies: meet, greet, and mingle!
DJ_Bonebraker replied to Zach TheDane's topic in General Discussion
Hey guys! Christian Brony/Pegasister here. I'm somewhat unusual in the fact that I'm a bi-gender Christian, so I hope that's not going to be a problem, especially since I've done some research into a number of passages that have been used to attack the LGBT community & found out that such uses are based on gross misinterpretations or even outright mistranslated passages (e.g. the verses in Paul's letters that are often translated as being about gays are actually about pederasts, which I sincerely hope nobody tries to defend). Which brings me to this: Show Stage Guy, As a queer Christian, I'm sincerely sorry that you have gone through all the abuse at the hands of your parents that you did. My own parents are also fairly old-school & and believe that the Bible condemns homosexuality, but they at least, are still willing to love me even after I came out to them earlier this year, despite not agreeing with it. And to expound on what I was talking about earlier, every single passage that supposedly condemns homosexuality either involves situations where the homosexual acts were incidental to the actual evil (e.g. Sodom was condemned, not because of homosexuality, but because the city was full of depraved rapists who'd go after anything that moved and the pederasty in Paul's letters) or was part of some kind of idolatrous act of worship (e.g. the verses in Leviticus, which were added because many of the local pagan religions of the Hittites, Canaanites, Philistines, etc, even the ancient Greeks involved homosexual acts as a form or worship for specific deities, such as the all-female sect of Aphrodite worshipers on Lesbos, which is where we get the term "lesbian" from). Furthermore, nearly every case where the word "Eunuch" is used in the bible, the original word actually translates to some form of what we call transgender today (which makes the choice of an Ethiopian "eunuch" as one of the first Gentiles to be baptized as a believer rather interesting in of itself). Jesus even said in Matthew 19:11-12 that some people would be born as transgender/intersex and that you should accept it. As a matter of fact, there are records that even the Roman Catholic Church performed wedding ceremonies for same-sex couples up until about the time of the First Crusade (which, surprise, surprise, was also when they adopted their anti-birth control stance). The reasoning for this change in policy should be obvious: The Crusades were a complete & unmitigated fiasco from start to finish, so the church needed as many warm bodies as they could get their hands on to throw into the meat grinder (I'd say use as cannon fodder, except for the fact that the cannon wouldn't be invented in the Mid-East/Europe until shortly after the last Crusade was fought), so forbidding any unions that couldn't produce children as well as limiting birth control to the least effective type pretty much guaranteed that everyone would be having like 2-dozen kids who the church could scoop up for the war effort. Now I'm not trying to defend or excuse past crimes of the church and other believers, but rather put them into perspective. This is why I've been trying to follow what Jesus Himself teaches these days about loving everyone & not judging (because it is written: Judge not, lest you be judged & the scale by which you measure will be used to measure you). Finally, I'd like to add that, in your search for the truth (and I wish you the best in that), you'll find that every single group, religious or otherwise, has a significant number of self-righteous hypocrites who only want to use the group to manipulate people to further their own ends, even atheists (just do a YouTube search for "Soviet Young Pioneers" if you don't believe me). What I learned to do was look past the human failings of the adherents to a particular religion/philosophy and study the original message itself. That is how I ultimately came to Christ myself: No other belief system or philosophy managed to satisfy my logical AND purpose (for lack of a better word) requirements. Anyways, I wish you the best going forwards, whatever conclusions you ultimately come to.- 3,318 replies
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Do you have bad attitude towards vegans as people?
DJ_Bonebraker replied to SunshineFlow's topic in General Discussion
I generally don't care if people want to be vegan as long as they don't get all self-righteous & up in my face about it. Unfortunately I've had my share of run-ins with those kind of PETA-philes over the years, which has resulted in some people getting blocked on FB. The way I see it, if you're going to go off about "meat is murder", then I'm going to accuse you of gross herbicide, since plants are living organisms as well.... To say otherwise is Kingdomist, and since a distressing number of the self-righteous vegans I've had the displeasure to meet don't seem to have any qualms about killing insects, spiders, worms, etc, then they're Phylumists (i.e. only care about "murdering" vertebrates), which strikes me as extremely prejudiced & hypocritical. -
general Mediocrity That Grinds Your Gears
DJ_Bonebraker replied to AlbaTross's topic in General Discussion
Sounds a lot like a good number of the people where I work... You wouldn't happen to work for the government by and chance? @AlbaTross Boy, I'm not sure where to start exactly, especially since my Japanese is pretty rusty due to not speaking it regularly for at least 13 years. I can still pretty much follow what people are saying when watching sub-titled films and anime before I read the sub-titles (and tell when they've deliberately mis-translated the Japanese in the sub-titles, like this one scene near the end of Jet Li's Fearless). I was completely self-taught, but I happen to have a knack for picking up languages (I can speak or understand Japanese, German, Spanish & French with varying degrees of fluency & only had formal classes for 2 of them). The best advice I can give you is to learn the basic grammar & not rely too much on those books that claim to make learning Japanese "easy" by just teaching you commonly-used phrases and ignoring the grammar. The first reason is that Japanese grammar & sentence structure is really easy once you learn the basic rules: verb always goes at the end of the sentence, most adverbs are actually common verb endings that are the same for all verbs with like maybe half a dozen exceptions, not like English where the exceptions outnumber the words that follow the rules, the subject of the sentence is always followed by "wa" or "ga", the direct object is followed by a "(w)o" unless it's a motion verb, then it's followed by "e" E.g. "I went to the store" = "Watashi wa mise e ikimashita"; "I bought a TV at the store" = "Watashi wa mise ni terebi (w)o kaimashita" Once you get the basics & learn what I call the "dictionary phrases" (a.k.a. phrases used to describe an object, person, action or location), it's just a matter of increasing your vocabulary.... Try to find books that cover stuff like that. Also, at a bare minimum, learn Hiragana as well as Katakana, since pretty much all restaurant menu boards are written in Hiragana and the kanji on trainstations have small hiragana above the Kanji (called furigana) telling you how it's pronounced. Believe it or not, but there's a lot of native Japanese speakers who can barely read Kanji, if they can read it at all. You do want to memorize the kanji for Yen and all numbers up to 10,000, since that will let you count to/read numbers up to 10 million, and you only need to remember a total of 14 characters to do that.... That will let you read the price tags on anything. I hope that helped a bit, but that's pretty much the best I can do without turning this post into a way off-topic Wall o' Text™... -
general Mediocrity That Grinds Your Gears
DJ_Bonebraker replied to AlbaTross's topic in General Discussion
Since I pretty much ONLY got shore patrol on my duty days the last 2 years I was in Yoko, yeah, I used that trick a lot. And Black Black gum didn't JUST have caffeine in it: I can read Japanese well enough to read most ingredient lists, and it also listed nicotine as one of its other energy ingredients. When I found that out, I didn't buy any more & only used what I had left for dire emergencies such as having to perform emergency repairs on my radar system for 12 hours, followed by the 0000-0600 watch on said radar.... -
general Mediocrity That Grinds Your Gears
DJ_Bonebraker replied to AlbaTross's topic in General Discussion
ST. eh? I used to get the hot Milk Tea & Dydo Energy Gym drinks from those machines, but I hear ya... Which I guess is another thing that grinds my gears: Never had a single vending machine rip me off in Japan, yet I've lost track of how many times vending machines stateside have eaten my money... One of the reasons I don't bother with them anymore unless it's a dire emergency (like the time I hit up one of the Monster vending machines at the S Carolina welcome center rest stop because it was midnight & I still had at least 2 and a half hours left to drive to get to my uncle's house & I was having trouble staying awake). -
general Mediocrity That Grinds Your Gears
DJ_Bonebraker replied to AlbaTross's topic in General Discussion
Nice! The last year and a half I was in Yokosuka, I shared rent with 5 friends for a large (for Japan) house in Uraga. One of said friends (who I'm friends with on FB) went back to Japan with his wife in 2012 and said that house was gone: It got wiped out, along with almost everything else along that street when the Tsunami hit in 2011. TBH, I never really spent that much time in the Honch (I did occasionally eat dinner at this Karaoke bar called Budweiser's & generally impressed the hell out of the owner & the barmaids by singing J-pop songs in Japanese & generally being able to hold a reasonable conversation in Japanese). Due to aforementioned ability to speak Japanese with a reasonable degree of fluency, I was most often found ranging fairly far & wide during my time off: I went to Akihabara a lot (as a matter of fact, I built a fairly high-end PC at the Tsukumo store at Akihabara & am still using the case & FDD for my current gaming PC) as well as the rest of Tokyo, Odawara, Kamakura & Hakone. I even went as far as Atami one summer to hit the beaches. I tended to get stared at a lot when I went to some of the areas off the usual foreign tourist path. I learned fairly quickly to go to one of the ubiquitous vendor carts that you could find along most streets in japan & buy something small & say something to the person running the stall in Japanese... Once the people found out I could speak Japanese, they'd stop staring and come over & start asking all kinds of questions... Great way to meet people. Those were good times. I kinda wish I could go back to Japan sometime. Edit: You should also be able to guess what I did in the Navy based on my avatar. -
general Mediocrity That Grinds Your Gears
DJ_Bonebraker replied to AlbaTross's topic in General Discussion
I hear you (6 year Navy Veteran who spent 3 years on a ship home-ported in Yokosuka myself). Unfortunately there's plenty of mediocrity in the DoD civilian side of the house (been working for the Army on a maintenance depot for the past 8 years): I mean I try to do my best to make sure that the soldier out in the field is getting good working equipment, but it seems like the base CO & most of the upper civilian chain of command are more interested in bean-counting, shoving crappy, pointless (and over-priced) production tracking software down my throat & generally doing their best to keep me from doing my dang job than actually working for the war fighters out in the field. And if that wasn't bad enough, it seems that all too many of the other DoD civilians & contractors are too busy goofing off and/or schlepping out the bare minimum, which means I have to reject almost a third of the parts I get back from paint & cleaning due to the people in those departments not giving enough of a crap to do their jobs right.... But if I can keep up with my quota & make sure that it's done right & not have to work mandatory overtime, I can deal with it. Mostly. -
spoiler It isn't the mane thing about you Preview
DJ_Bonebraker replied to Unlikeable Pony's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
- 14 replies
- it isntt he mane thing about you
- pinkie pie
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While I love the Final Fantasy VII opening (and still get chills every time I hear the intro theme), the most memorable awesome video game intro for me would have to be how they handled the Opening for Battlefield 1: I mean not only is it a playable intro, but it really drives home the sheer brutality of WWI combat & just how expendable frontline soldiers were during that awful war, but the message at the end is a really touching tribute to those who fought & died in that war.
Definitely pretzels, and not just because I live about 50 miles from the Pretzel capital of the world, a.k.a. Hanover, PA... Seriously, between Wege, Snyder's of Hanover & Utz, they pretty much have the pretzel market cornered. My favorite type of hard pretzels are the thick sourdough ones that Wege & Snyder's of Hanover make. Those are not only a good, filling snack, but they also are great cracker substitutes for soup, or alternatively, dipping into ice cream or eating with cheese.
StarTrix: Trixie & Starlight Glimmer Fan Club
DJ_Bonebraker replied to Ashen Pathfinder's topic in Fan Clubs
Which degree of -human-pony you'd prefer?
DJ_Bonebraker replied to Steve Piranha's topic in Sugarcube Corner
Are you sure his name isn't Donut Steele? Anyways, here's two OCs that I'm working on (these are the preliminary designs that I plan to finalize once I get a bit better at drawing ponies): Name: Radar Sweep (My ponysona) Type: Pegasus Gender: Bi-Gender (Assigned Male At Birth) Appearance: Haze Gray coat, mane is alternating blue & gold stripes (lengthwise), Blue eyse, slightly taller & skinnier than average, rather androgynous appearance. Tends to wear mane in pigtails (either braided similarly to the mares in Our Town or loose) or a bit more fancy when in girl mode as opposed to the loose style they wear it in in boy mode. Cutie Mark: Gold US Navy Fire Controlman Rating insignia ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_controlman) Hobbies: Messing around with electrical & electronic circuits, drawing, making electronic music (has been known to work with DJ Pon-3 on occasion & has built some of her equipment), fashion, reading, other arts & crafts. Additional Details: Aside from their non-binary gender, Radar is a rather unusual Pegasus, not being particularly interested in sports, and an average flyer, they are far more in tune with the Pegasus race's innate magic & has studied various theoretical treatises to improve their understanding & ability to manipulate weather phenomena & use them for their purposes. One such project was trapping miniature storm clouds in specially prepared jars to act as power sources for their devices as well as a miniature tornado to power a miniature wind turbine for more power-demanding projects. They served for several years in the Royal Equestrian Navy as an artillery spotter (for the shipboard cannons) & messenger. After getting out, they got an associate's degree in applied magic from the Canterlot University & got a job working as a civilian technician repairing some of the more advanced magical weaponry for the Equestrian military. While they currently live in a medium sized-town NW of Baltimare, they do occasionally travel to Canterlot on Business (and to buy dresses on sale at Rarity's Canterlot Carousel) as well as a weekly trip to Ponyville for therapy sessions with Dr. Wolf (no seriously, the dude sounds almost exactly like my RL therapist). Name: Aurora Shine Type: Unicorn Gender: Female Appearance: Sky blue coat, gold mane, gold eyes (I know the pic has green, but I decided that gold would look better after I made this with the pony maker), average build. Tends to wear a lab coat most of the time. Cutie Mark: Black NPN Transitor symbol ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bipolar_junction_transistor#NPN) Hobbies: Messing around with electrical & electronic circuits, books, bonsai, rock collecting. Additional Details: Works as staff for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, mainly tuning & maintaining magical devices as well as researching new ones. Lives in Canterlot, but likes to travel & do sight-seeing in the surrounding area on weekends. Has a rather reserved, polite personality, even if she isn't super friendly due to being caught up in her work most of the time. These are basically the start of the crew for this story idea I've been kicking around called "Friendship is Science" that has the crew using science and friendship (i.e. teamwork) to solve various problems they come across.....