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Everything posted by Magic_Spark

  1. Just saw this. I have always wanted to make figures. I have a 3d printer and all the tools required. Just been so focused on other things to make anything. Great job on this and I wanted to say one thing. (Those air bubbles I hear can be popped using a hair dryer.) Anyway I also use Maya and I use Zbrush too. I can make jointed models but have not done so. The most complex thing I ever 3d printed was a horse cart. Everything here was 3d printed except the horse (Bryer) and the metal buckles. Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing.
  2. I am still not sure if your asking for real world physical art or digital art? Can you be more specific please. Thanks.
  3. "Since I was abused, I may never what it feels like to be loved. Plus, I don't believe in the concept of love. It just doesn't make sense, when you take human nature and its sociopathic attributes into consideration... :sunny:" Not every one is a sociopath. Love is something you feel and when it does happen its the most uphoric feeling and you will know it. I was abused as well. I didn't want to talk about it but to your benefit I was also molested as a child. So I am living proof you can feel love even if your "damaged". Do not fall into the battered syndrome. You are better than that. "I'm on a very short time limit. And I think when we see somepony with something we want, we feel left out. And what do you mean, I was "taught incorrectly"? " I do not know what that means a short time limit. And yes you were taught about life in a negative way. I was too. I am not saying your a bad person and do not take it negatively. Seeing what your doing that is causing you grief you then can correct it. "We take subconsciously advantage of others, whether obvious or not. We subconsciously see others as either a tool to manipulate and control or an obstacle to knocked down or destroy at all costs. We're more interested in what we can get from others (money, sex, a sense of purpose and/or worth, approval, etc.) than the individual themselves. It's just how humans are; it's for survival. Sometimes you have to manipulate others and take advantage of them, even it's just for the basic necessities. Desperate times call for desperate measures, you know." Taking advantages of others. Well everyone does this. Its not something most of us are proud of and it happens at times when we are not paying attention to it. This is one of those things that is unavoidable. However you can give just as easily as take. If you view your taking as a negative you can then look to see how you can return something useful to the other party. This is a ballancing act and I do it all the time. I know others want to use me for my knowledge so I set it up so they have to decide what to give me in return. Money, food, time well spent. There is nothing complicated about this and humans have been doing this for years. We are trained at young ages to do this. So do not take it as a bad thing unless a person is attempint to control you and take without giving anything in return. Those people you just need to avoid. Only you can control your feelings and being. There is not magic pill or divine power that will change this. "The problem is, even if you're in a relationship or married to somepony, you'll still keep secrets from each other, whether minor or major. We all have those attributes that we'll hide so our reputation isn't ruined. We're all dishonest about things now again; lying is but a survival strategy, as well as a manipulation and defense tactic." keeping secrets is what we are taught as kids and its to avoid punishment or embarassment. What if the secret could put you in a leagal delima? Well I do not hold it against a person if they willing withold information. I just do not like a willing lie. Everyone lies and if you lied about having cancer to your spouse its not fair to them. Lying is dishonest and you can't have any relationship based on lies. So before you get married or decide to have a serious relationship you need to be assertive that your mate knows that lying is a deal breaker. Just as an example:(Say I met this girl and really liked her and wanted to get more serious. However there seemed to something wrong.) She was reluctant to tell me that she was a guy that looked like a girl. This would upset me as this is a serious lie in the form of looks rather than words. I would not be friedns with a person like this. I am friends with Gay people as I believe that without a body they are generless. But when it comes to relationships I prefer women cause I am a guy. I have pondered the prospect of being with a guy but it just does not appeal to me. So in this exaple even after the discovery I would just say that we can stay friends but I can't go beyond that. Simplely because I am not attracted to males sexually. I would never treat someone who is Gay bad unless they are a jerk to me. "Humans are animals, too. We may be more civilized now than we were a couple millennia ago, but, at our core, we're still wild animals. Nothing can take own natural instincts and biological programming away." Yes I can agree about being an animal. However we have something that animals do not. We can be creative and plan for the future and ponder the past. "I don't care for clubs or dancing, even though dancing is practically the human mating call. But I would love to go to brony cons, where I can meet others that share common interests with me. I just don't have the money or transportation for that. I tell ya, cons seem to be at random locations each year, and that's just an inconvenience." I mentioned the clubs as its how most people get out to meet others. You have to go where the men/women go in order to meet others. Does not have to be a dance club. Could be a hiking or rafting one... Just ask some people you like talking to where what your looking for like to hang out. Investigate where to go and have fun at it. I haven't gone to cons. To be honest you may have fun there but its not a hookup place. I am not a bad looking guy and I never even came close to finding anyone to date there. So don't hold your breath on them. They are great to see your favorite artist and meet some online frinends but its not the only place to find someone. "That just contradicts your previous point. Unplugging with do more harm than good. Staying plugged in (metaphorically) will increase the odds of me finding somepony." When I said unplug, I did not mean throw your computer away. I menat take some time off and get out of the house. Being around the computer all the time is not healthy and you can ask your doc about that. Just get out go bike riding or walking. Do some type of activity that you can enjoy. Once you get old you will regret not doing that. Trust me or not. Its up to you. "I do want my special somepony to be my best friend. I know a couple that were best friends, and still are, even after they married." Good relationships are a 2 way street. They have to be recipical and you have to have trust. Do not assert what you want and expect things. Be accepting more and look for a friend. Accept that person for who they are more than what you personally desire. If they feel the same then you will have a lasting relationship. "You can transit to an MLP-themed universe that matches your fantasies. I may just do that :P...once I learn how... There are infinite realities, and whatever you can think of, there are infinite universes just like it and then some. " Your imagination can take you anywhere you want to go. Right now you just need a good break. I really do hope you find a special person that can show you what I am talking about and you will be like a million dollar winner. As far as infinate worlds, yes science as touched uppon this subject but untill that time comes where you pass on don't dwell on it too much. You will miss the nice things in this world. I have pondered what if a rip in the universe allowed me to pass into a world where things are different. I found myslef reluctant to go as it would cause my family grief and what if there was someone who is perfect for me here I would not see them. Its easy to get caught up in this idea but the reality is it will not happen according to the majority of science. - Yeah, the blissful are the happiest." My live isn't the greatest but I keep to my ways and I am blissful. I enjoy making others happy and it makes me happy. I give and I do not expect things back. "Being happy is very hard, if not impossible, in the world today, you know. Too many things to worry about and too many things and odds against you. Everything is a commodity, even that simple things we need to survive, and money runs everything. We just can't seem to get happiness, only buy short-lived bliss. The MLP universe does seem so ideal, don't it? Money isn't that big of a deal, and the bonds we have with other is the main concern." The world is full of evil. And you can blame nature for that. All life finds living to be a struggle and the universe is one gigantic experiment. Understanding your not living in a world that is 100% bad is something to consider. Despite the struggles I myself do not think all is lost. I spent 7 months in a war zone. I didn't think I would make it back alive. However Here I am and I am going to make the best of it.
  4. Love is not always what we are told or taught. Love is a feeling we have when there is a special connection between to people. Its also that bond between a mother and child. Its so awesome its almost indescribable. If your in need then its time to go looking. Love rarely falls in your lap. If you are telling others your looking and loathing when you see happy couples then you were taught incorrectly. You need to get out to find that special person. Be weary there are some who would take advantage of you cause they can tell your desperate. To love is to know. How the hell do you expect to know anyone or for anyone to know you. Just have to see what activities are out there that other like minded people are doing. I am speaking from experience. I have been alone for years. I had a very crappy childhood and remained alone cause on one taught me that I need to get out and be seen. I had no parent help me with others. Now I enjoy going places and talking to strangers. You can find someone special by being yourself and not hiding. People can subconsciously see dishonesty. They may not even know it. I know animals can see it right away. So feeling down get out unplug and go to a club or go dancing. At least you can talk to others. Get to know new faces. Who knows you may even find what your looking for. Networking is key. The right person may be a friend of a person you just meet. Never stop looking but have fun int the process. Society doesn't work the way we see in movies or fairy tales. I enjoy fantasizing about a world like MLP but I know that its not real and that talking ponies will never exist in my lifetime. What draws me to the show is the personalities as they are more human. I really like that about the show. I really do hope you find that special person. Its the most joy anyone can ever have. If you commit suicide you will never experience it. So you have a lot to live for. Remember there are folks like me who do care and wish you well. Despite the fact that I do not know you on a more local level. I live to make others happy. Sorta like Pinky Pie, except I do not throw parties and act the way she does. Please do have a happy life. Only you can do that and no one will do it for you.
  5. I am not sure. However since that last post I lost my hard drive. I did a data recovery and I am trying to get everything back on track. When I find it I will post it here for you. Sorry for the wait.
  6. Found a resource for the map and its from Hasbro. That way it will be as close to the series as possible.
  7. If you ever need anything small I have a 3d printer and a mill system I can make all sorts of things. Also your dress reminded me of this:
  8. I have looked into this and Gary's mod is nice but I prefer to work with Source Filmmaker. I have seen a lot of fan works come from this. Nightmare Night is one of my favorites and shows what you can do with some time and a bit of talent.
  9. I am working on this. I do a lot of different items. I own a 3d printer and milling machine. I also air brush, and draw when I can. Lately I have not been able to do much drawing. :/ I hope to change that soon.
  10. Here are 2 engravings I did with my system. I used a flashlight to light them up. The size is 50mm x 50mm I plan on making a much larger one at sometime when I get some more plexiglass.
  11. I will need to gather resources then start working out the map where things go and size relationships.
  12. He is not the problem. Most of the crooked ones are massing millions in schemes we the people cannot. They are using the system to their advantage and using inside trading, IPO's and Foundation fronts to rob everyone. They will not make any laws to the contrary. Its not illegal for them to do this and thats one of the biggest reasons they do not want to stop being a politician. Its too easy to make money and you can't make any like that without being a politician. :/ So whats got them in an uproar is Trump didn't make his millions that way and he is threatening their way of life which if we did it we would be jailed. If politicians could not mass so much money then we would not have this crisis on our hands and its also possible that Trump would have never became president. So all this whining about him is useless cause he is not the problem. He would not have been elected if the elite group of jerk-offs did not create the laws and system to protect themselves from wrong doing. Why is it ok for the politicians to mass wealth when we can't take advantage of that same system? Its not and our way of life is in jeopardy if its not corrected soon.
  13. I like to dress up for the kids. Its fun.
  14. I did a quick search for the LED that changes color. https://www.superbrightleds.com/moreinfo/component-leds/rgb-slow-color-changing-led/778/1229/?utm_source=googlebase&utm_medium=base&utm_content=RL5-RGB-ACCS&utm_campaign=GoogleBaseChild&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7fTL_ZSP1gIViISzCh11XwpFEAkYAiABEgLJnfD_BwE
  15. I do not want to be one to tell others what to believe. So.. I noticed that a lot of people use the term Afterlife. Also life after death. These terms are subject to examination. How can one live if they have died? Makes no sense to me. At any rate let me talk about something related but not exactly what you would expect. Here goes. Think for a moment about what we are made of. Matter right? Stuff like bones and soft tissues. Go further even smaller. Now we see atoms and basic elements then we get to electrons and protons etc... We are nothing more than a combination of carefully placed energetic particles floating in a sea of energy. Who is to say what we really are if we cannot really picture everything around us at that level. Also what is the sea of energy? Where does it come from. how does it interact with us? We only have begun understanding some of these things. Also what about dimension beyond the 3rd? Why does it seem that you can never get to the smallest division? Our brains are chemical reactions. What if these reactions are influenced by another type of energy not measured or discovered yet? I do not know what happens when death occurs. I do know from science that its not what we imagine. No one has risen from the dead to let us know. All we know is that the brain dies and is not the same. However if there is some influencing energy then what about that? Would it be us as far as our identity? Could it be that our earthly body is only a fraction of our being? Perhaps we are more than this 3d body we travel around in? These are some of the questions I have thought about. There are thoughts on possibilities that can be explored. I hope there is no heaven or hell as suggested in the bible. I do not want to spend eternity doing the same boring thing forever...
  16. I have a pony. Well technically she is smaller than a pony... She shows and has won all sorts of ribbons. Her best attribute besides being cute, is that she can make people very happy. Some day I want to have her trained to be able to go into the hospitals and cheer up those who have illnesses that prevent them from going anywhere.
  17. I have a miniature horse. She is 31" tall and ponies are taller than 34"
  18. I have never experienced a paranormal event. I have done remote viewing. I did visit the haunted house in San Diego called the Wailie house. It is said its the most haunted one where people get scratches and feel creepy cold hand on their shoulder. When I was there I went up stairs and sat in a chair there. There were a lot of folks running around with laptops, cameras and other recording devices. I waited for about 20 minutes but there was no activity. I didn't feel anything either. The room I was in was supposed to be the most active. So I went downstairs and people were acting stranger than before. My friend asked me what I did. I said nothing why? He said all the activity stopped as if the house was never haunted. Nothing silent and no recorded activity. So Not sure if I am a person who scares ghosts away or what ever. I just do not believe that they are there.
  19. I am a human. Its the only thing I claim. I do not claim a title. I am equal to others of the same genes. I do not believe in anything that has no good solid evidence. I do wish there was a alternate universe with talking ponies. Would be nice to have a next life there. However reality shows that this does not exist. So I can fantasize and dream but its just that. Fiction of the mind. One of the cool things we can do. My favorite non believer is Christopher Hitchens. He studied things and had more knowledge about things than most of his opponents when there was a debate. I stay away from the religion talk and usually speak about other matters we have control over. I hope to make some good friends here and share some of my thoughts. Thanks.
  20. I am not a believer myself. Some call it Atheist but I do not think that applies to me. I follow others as a person who believes in the provable and I cannot follow blindly anyone one who makes outrageous claims. If you are familiar with Christopher Hitchens then you will understand my position. I do understand that if some one wants to believe in any religion that its OK with me, however they can keep it to themselves and not try to force me to conform to their traditions. I do not and will not conform to any religious beliefs or doctrine. I value others as I value myself and would like to continue to progress in life this way. I am not afraid to sit with others and share thoughts. I do not desire to poke or ridicule anyone about what they believe. I rather accept people for who they are.
  21. Just posted a how to on the horn in a separate thread.
  22. I thought I would share with the group the steps I took to make a unicorn horn. This all started when I wanted to pass out candy to the kids for Halloween. I could not as I lived in a gated community. So I decided to go to them instead. 1.) You get a foam cylinder from a craft store. They are rough and used for flower arrangements. It will be smoothed later. NOTE: You can also use a Styrofoam cone as well but I used a cylinder for mine. (http://www.michaels.com/floracraft-styrofoam-cone-white/M10213118.html?dwvar_M10213118_color=White) 2.) You mark off where you want the spiral to be and use a dremel or other tool to carve it up. 3.) Once you have the shape you like you then carve the middle out. This will make it lighter as we are going to work on the outside and coat it then paint it. 4.) Then you get some plaster wrap. This stuff is great you can cut it then dip it in the water then put it on and use your fingers to smooth the plaster into the pores of the foam. Only put on enough to cover the entire horn. 5.) Once the plaster dries you can sand it then paint it. I used gold leaf for the crevices on mine. 6.) If you want it to glow you can use a battery box in the base and drill a hole all the way up to the tip. Now to make it glow like mine does you use hot glue on the tip while the cone is upside down and let gravity make the glue drip. Once its dry you can then cut it carefully to form a 4 sided tip. The hot glue difuses the light from the LED. There are LED's online that will cycle colors you can get really cheap. Let me know if you need help figuring out how to hook it all up. The last picture is me with my horse leaving to go see the kids.
  23. My favorite character. Great work. If you ever need a new horn let me know. I can even make it glow. See picture below.
  24. I have not thought of what I will do just yet. I have all the tools for doing just about anything I want. If you want I will upload the images that show how I made that. I can 3d print or mill anything I can dream up. I do have a couple of MLP related items I am planning on making. I think they will go very well on ebay. hehe They will not be exactly like the show so I can't get sued. however fans will love them anyway. I would say what It is but I do not want someone else beating me to it. ;P
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