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Scavenger Crow

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Posts posted by Scavenger Crow

  1. Are all the FF games connected in a huge multiverse, and all the things we think were simple references to the players nostalgia where actually a clue, the chocobos existence, the legendary weapons (like Muramasa or the Holy and Flare ultimate spells, but most of all THE SUMMONS!!! ) and other elements. Well the answer is in FF: Dissidia a game for the PSP that basically get together  all the main characters and villains of the saga  in a time/space continuous inter-dimension call the Rift, where they don't remember much of there previous adventure (they are all summon in the middle of their main game histories) and in the end they all go back to each one proper timeline. The thing is GILGAMESH, first appearing in FF5 it is confirmed  that he is a dimensional traveler (appearing in many other games after, and in FF Type 0 appears like a boss saying that he doesn't remember anything of being there) his presence in Dissidian is only a confirmation of a common canon factor in the game supporting the Multiverse Theory, there is much more content to the Theory,  I will reveal more if anyone looks interesting. Thank You


  2. Hey does anyone notice that in the second season when Star is kidnapped by the Crystal guy with snake hands, in the cave appears Eclipsa in the back crystallized!! seems that she will have an important role in season 3 she also appears crystallized in the intro of this season

  3. Hey I was into Pinocchio the other day and I realize that Gepetto may represents Walt Disney itself, and Pinocchio is his work, you know is characters and movies, Gepetto put so much love in his creation that it came to life like a son, maybe that's what Walt felt for Mickey and his characters, there's so much love and effort put on all his characters that is hard to believe he never felt that way about them

    • Brohoof 5
  4. I thought that after i completed all Dark Souls plus Bloodborne I was way past frustration, and the other day a Yokai kill me on Nioh and I lost like 33000 Amrita (souls) and i remembered that sensation.... I dint need to have sex because Dark Souls fucks me every day....and stuff 

  5. Hannibal is my favorite TV show, It stay with me long after I saw it, make me think about the persons that were close to my, the way I interact with other persons, morality and other ways to see life, and love, Hannibal and Will characters fall in love, but it not a normal love, beyond what some may call Homosexual, its not it, is about 2 people who are unique, there ways of see life and behave are not the same but are able to understand each other and see the beauty of each other, Hannibal besides being a artful and beautiful esthetic series, wants to explore the mind and the heart of in these case criminal and psychopaths, not us to be like them.... because the main theme of Hannibal is EMPATHY, is about getting the people around you even if they are different and realize that love has no borders. 

    I hope to come across other fans, and if you want to discuss the plot..... be welcome 


  6. Castlevania III, Demon's Crest, EVO, Spanw, Power Ranger Mighty Morphing, Zombies Eat my Neighbors......and stuff  by the way I'm from the 96 so I'm not from the Old Good Days but I LOVEEEE retro stuff, I completed all Final Fantasy Up to FF10 

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