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Everything posted by Sunrose Petal
Link to tumblr: https://sunr0sepetal.tumblr.com/
Just thinking...
The final year of Gen4 ponies is quickly approaching...and I've barely contributed to the community I love so dearly, this is my favorite fandom...
I still hope people make pony content, and theres still gen5...
Im just sad in realizing that next year will be the last bronycon (i couldn't attend this years cause of family stuff) and how many bronies will go down in history as the best reviewers, artists, etc. and I've loved them as well as the show...but haven't done anything myself or shared my thoughts in the community (im trying too lately with reviews but they're few and far between) with only one year+ left, I dont want to feel like im riding the coattails and hope the brony community will transfer well over to gen5...I doubt there will be a downgrade in quality after this generation of ponies...
I hope (at least some of us) will take this as a transition rather than an ending.
I know the feeling. Just continue doing what you feel most passionate about and don't worry about what you have done in the community. Just remember the good times you've had in it. ^^
Though I should state; the end of BronyCon is not the end of the brony fandom. There are a number of other conventions out there.
I made a list of my ratings for the episodes so far! It's a bit inconsistent, I know but I'll even it out eventually
Hey guys!!!!
The shop is now open - currently houses my photography, but will be adding more as I dig through my projects folder for downloadables!
I've also connected my redbubble! Check it out!
Hi friends! Review to come soon but I live-tweeted my first viewing of The Maud Couple!!
Hey guys, I'd love it if you checked out my thoughts on the season 8 premiere!
Anyone in the fandom a review blogger? Trying to get into the reviewing community but I'm more of a writer than a youtuber...
Any Disney fans in here?
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@PathfinderCS @Sparklefan1234 @Wannabrony @WiiGuy2014
Awesome! I wanted to ask (and see if there was any interest) if, as Disney fan, would you buy a book with a "collector's checklist" incorporated? Kinda like a catalog of Disney movies but with merchandise taken a little more into account? There will be a page for the movie with a DVD, soundtrack, any kind of books that have been published involving those characters on the side...(sorry this is kind of a jumbled thought :/ ) What do you think?
PS I'm thinking of writing a book...
Just curious, to any Avatar the Last Airbender fans... How would you fix The Last Airbender?
Good Morning everypony! Just wanted to let you know I'm going to start a health hour on Tuesday mornings around 9:30am (Eastern Time) on Twitter where I'll be posting small health tips and such for a new year! If you would like any advice on healthy choices, don't be shy!
(Disclaimer: I am not a health professional. Just wanting to share tips for a simple, healthy and natural lifestyle that maybe people have forgotten amidst all the health crazes we have today. If you have a serious medical condition, mental or otherwise, seek a doctor for help, I'm just a gal on the internet.)
Anime Review - Yona of the Dawn, Part 1
Does anyone have any motivation tips for keeping content consistent while working a part-time job, having an older dog to take care of and just generally being really disorganized with everything? I'm just feeling really overwhelmed but I have a lot of fun ideas I want to expand on but I just have so much crap to organize...maybe time management tips? Anyone? I'd greatly appreciate it. c: I've posted one movie review and am working on an anime set right now.
I can generally relate there. The best thing that helps me is to take everything one at a time. Prioritize things, then go from there. The feeling that you have so much on your shoulders can be overwhelming, and it's something I tend to struggle with myself. However, things like time management and just taking it slow can help a lot; at least from me experience.