So, I was watching one of the episodes in MLP, and I though: Are ponies way overpowered compared to humans? I mean, sure, we have access to nukes, missiles, jets, tanks, warships, and explosives, and intelligence.
However, in one scene in MLP, Starlight Glimmer and most unicorns showed the ability to teleport from one location to another at light speed, something which humans haven’t even invented yet. And, Twilight Sparkle and other unicorns have showed the ability to spawn and transform items from cups to birds, out of thin air. Pegasi, on the other hoof, have the ability to control the weather and create natural disasters like tornadoes, hurricanes, lightning storms, and typhoons. They also have the ability to create rainbow nukes, as seen from Rainbow Dash in one episode, and the ability to summon lightning from the sky. Also, there are ponies like Princess Celestia and Luna who are capable of moving the sun and moon with a bit of power. Besides, in a fanfic, Fallout: Equestria, the main pony, Littlepip, who is a unicorn, showed the ability to lift stuff like train cars, which weigh 30 tons, while the most strongest man in the world, only managed to lift close to 6 tons. She also is capable of lifting stuff like huge rocks, bookshelves , and wagons, and has shown the ability to create weapons out of blood, which apparently is impossible on Earth. The other characters, have also shown to create magic shields, and have the ability to fly.
Soooo, what do you guys think? Are ponies really wayyy powerful than humans, or are humans more powerful than ponies? Tell me below!