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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by pegapony

  1. Dont think everypony understand the message

    I have meet nice ponys and I have meet "other ponys", in

    different places on the net.

    I once hoped for friendship
    To find a place among my kind

    The best way to survive
    is all alone.....

    I´m just saying good bye to you all,
    Pegapony is folding out her wings and takes off for good.
    I love you all nice and good Ponys, you know who you are !

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tropical Melody
    3. Midnight Blaze 98

      Midnight Blaze 98

      Please don’t go! :(

    4. Hierok


      It will be alright. Farewell and Hopefully till next time. :)

  2. "I once hoped for friendship
    To find a place among my kind
    But those where the childish wishes
    Of someone who was blind"


    "And as you take that first step
    Upon a path that´s all your own
    You see it all so clearly
    The best way to survive
    is all alone"

    Someponys may made me change into
    a Tempest Shadow pony...


    1. Fluttershy Friend

      Fluttershy Friend

      I like Tempest. Especialy since she was reformed.

    2. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      spoiieeerrrr ... luckily i saw the movie already XD

  3. I´m sensitive like Fluttershy, and if somethings scares her she might take off. I have my wings high lifted over my body right now. Criticism is good, but you've missed everything I've written. So 18yars of music, have you ever asked how many years I have behind ? That I had a real work in the music industry ? That I worked with the Fairlight CMI system in the -80s ? Yes I´m That old. And that this piece is not mine at all, it´s Albinonis work, so how could this not be a strict rule based baroque composition ? I have not changed anything, only transcripted it for working out with synthesizers. I wanted it to sound deep synthesisized, that was the point, and it has no chorus at all, it is layered synth pads with lots of auto paning with loads of reverb. Solo violins are edited to every single note over and over just to get it righ, and there is also vibrato if you listen, they are very subtile but I know they are there because that was a lot of work to do. Well I´m scared in this Griffonland, so I take off from the Fan music area, take care ponys.
  4. Nooo this is it, no more internet for today.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CypherHoof


      That can happen. but with a modern phone, you can Pony on the move :D

    3. pegapony


      I do pony on the move too :) But hard to clean out horse stables while ponying on the phone.

      But now I have to go. Work early tomorrow, and sadly I have to sleep. But I dream of Equestria, so it is ok.

      G night everypony...

    4. Fluttershy Friend

      Fluttershy Friend

      Good night! May Princess Luna bring you nice dreams.;)

  5. Ok I know the picture and Adagio is a bad move.... That´s why I wrote that. And for the rest, I feel sad.... maybe you kill Pegapony.
  6. Think this is what´s happening at home, right now, my family thinks I´m gone for good :)


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fluttershy Friend

      Fluttershy Friend

      Word "congratulations" I wanted to write below of  your the first status update of course. And yeah I have very similiar.:D

    3. pegapony


      My RL daughter is older and out of Pony age (how that could have happened ?), that it´s even more strainge for her to accept a Brony dad. Ok, I don´t run around telling everybody everywhere, but my family can´t miss my passion.

    4. Fluttershy Friend

      Fluttershy Friend

      The last sentence I could write myself. :orly:. I like MLP much more than my two kids.:D

  7. OMG ! Ahhhhahhaha ! This IS our Swedish Queen some years ago.... But I know who I prefer...
  8. Oh YES ! Finally I figured out HOW to enable this "status update" thing.

    So here ya go, my first status update !

  9. ....and many many more I hope. So get out of the shades all ponys lurking arrund the forum. The fad will embrace you whoever you are !
  10. This piece is one of my first work ever done in the Baroque style music, and the one that made me interested in the music from that era. The idea was to make a big and enigmatic film score, with a synthesizer based feeling with the solo instruments acoustical. And this concept is what I like, and will continue to follow when it comes to Baroque. So if somepony thinks some parts sounds synthetic and not like a real orchestra, this is intended and what I want to emphasize. Every single note, every single detail is carefully measured to sound the way I want it to. I hope other ponys like it too this way. -I know it would be appropriate to include a big organ sound here, but this version is without, (might come later if I find it interesting again). Why this "dark" music for Equestria ? Actually I have no idea ? I liked the picture.... and the music.... how it comes together... maybe somepony can tell me ?
  11. And sometimes new ponys appears from the shadow
  12. That was the best words I have ever heard.... "I play from my heart". Yes I hope I do too, even if there is a cold computer in the way of my heart and the music I feel inside. I will remember that and promises that I will never stop learning, and you are right, many many of todays musicians are terrible in their knowledge. I hope I fit in somewhere in the middle, not terrible and not professional.
  13. Foxy Socks, one of our dogs is looking very foxy, a little bit to much fur but quite foxy, say hello to Sammy :
  14. Yes !! I wanted it to look 100% perfect.... At work paint was the only tool at hands, sorry.... But the bad joke worked (I hope)
  15. I like logical explanations, and thats´s why religion don´t fit my world. I´m not a good writer, so you put the words exactly right. That´s how to "believe" in Celestia.
  16. To me music is art. And art is something you like or dont´t like. It is up to the viewer to decide if it is beautiful or ugly. In a painting already painted, one can not change a color scale or how the lines are drawn. The painting is there finished, and can´t be changed to something else. I started as a child to play, and every lesson I asked my techer -What is this chord called, then pusching down 5 or 6 keys that made a nice chord in my ears. My teacher looked around, scratching his head, stammered and said, well that´s to complicated to explain, maybe if you study music you may know later. So later I found that I could play the music I had in my head without knowing the theory behind. And that music theory is putting a blindfold on you, if you only plays from your head. I don´t want to play others music and I don´t care about if I don´t understand why some chords or scales are "impossible" if they sound ok to me. Nowdays I only mess with music for fun and have a technical work instead.
  17. A horse of course..... I would be happy to feed on what grows on the ground, and I would like to roam free, far away from humans. On a place they newer could reach.
  18. Thank you very much Fluttershy Friend ! , different time for different songs, the Pinkie Jam was made "live" yesterday night in maybe 3h total. But the Celestia theme you asked about is another storry, it was transcripted a couple of years ago for another project for a movie. Then the they didn´t need it, so I devoted it to Celsestia who is (for me) the highest form of creatures existing (and Fluttershy of course). Well say it was made in two weeks maybe ? Don´t remember exactly.... It takes very long time to do the solo violin, every single note needs to be altered to perfect the feeling, and that is very time consuming. Down bow, up bow different samples and velocity to get it exactly right.
  19. Hello and Welcome, Yes I´m also quite new to be active in the FAD, so take my hoof and we go into it together !
  20. I "BOOP" everypony that read this..... Boop on YOU !
  21. Thanks ! Everything that makes me HAPPY is what I need to go on, and this made my evening, thanks StrawCherry.
  22. I do not need a review (can not handle it ...) So this is just a note that there is new music out now from PEGAPONY.
  23. Anything with meat... does not meet my taste. Not because it is not tasty, I admit it is, it is more my personal thing with working with animals every day. Besides I don´t think Fluttershy could think of eating her small friends, can she ? And on the plant side ? Well, I have been in China and they have terrible tasting seaweed.... YUCK, that´s disgusting !
  24. My minis are quite beautiful arn´t they ?
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