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Rhythm Red

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Everything posted by Rhythm Red

  1. I feel you, amigo. I was a big fan of both adventure time and regular show when I was younger, and now MLP. There may not be any new episodes after the shows you listed end, but the episodes that HAVE aired will always be around for us to enjoy. Don't get me wrong, I'm still sad about them ending, and I'm almost depressed about MLP ending, but just try to keep your head up and enjoy the time we have left.
  2. Seems you missed quite a bit! But don't worry, the show's only gotten better! Anyway, welcome to the forums! Have fun making new friends!
  3. Rhythm Red


    Welcome to the forums! I hope you have a great time here!
  4. I had a dream last night that I was Soarin', and I was training with spitfire, fleetfoot, and rainbow. It was actually a pretty good dream, since flying is something I've always wanted to do.
  5. I was out of state looking at a college for the past few days, so that's why I haven't been posting as much this weekend. Buuuuut I'm back now, so hello, everypony!:P

    1. King of Canterlot

      King of Canterlot

      WELCOME BACK COMRADE :muffins:

    2. Wannabrony


      Hello and welcome back! How did it go?

    3. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @King of Canterlot Thank you!:D

      @Wannabrony It went very well! I met the college's president and got a full tour of the campus. Thanks for asking!:)

  6. There, I corrected you. But on a serious note, she's one of the cutest ponies. I don't get why people find her offensive. In fact, I think most of the ones who seem to have gotten 'offended' aren't even people affected with any form of disorder. That's just am assumption, though. I think they could have handled it better when they used the name Derpy in season 2, however. I don't think it was a good call to make rainbow dash get 'annoyed' at her, for obvious reasons. That's the only problem I have with it though.
  7. Don't see much of a controversy anymore, really. The fandom is certainly still divided about Starlight and her role in the show, but it's not as bad as it used to be. It's calmed down quite a bit.
  8. I'd probably say Rainbow, Twilight, or Rarity. My favorite songs are I'll Fly and Winter Wrap Up. I'd go much more in-depth as to why, but it's late here and I gotta get to bed.
  9. I don't use either very much, so I can't state an opinion. However, I hear bad things about both. I have a friend who's on 4chan a lot, and he says it isn't all that bad, if that counts for anything.
  10. Welcome back to the forums! You came to the right place to find friends, everyone here is super cool. You'll find some in no time!
  11. If G5 is good, I'll watch that, because it would carry FiM's spirit on. But whether I end up watching G5 or not, I'll stay in the fandom. Just because FiM ends, doesn't mean that our fandom has to. When I first joined the fandom, I thought the show had ended a long time ago, only to be pleasantly surprised that it was still going! I'm sure the fandom will still be around long after FiM is over. It's gained too much of a following, and people will still discover the show, even though it ended a while ago! We'll still have plenty of people creating new G4 content, too. Plus, unrestricted creativity since no new canon will come out! I won't stop liking the show just because it's over, and I know plenty of people agree with me.
  12. I swear, I'm fed up with my chemistry teacher. She assigns a freaking ridiculous amount of homework every night. Like it takes me 1-2 hours just to finish my chemistry stuff. Can't wait till I'm outta her class.>_>

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Prospekt


      I'm glad I had a decent chemistry teacher in high school. I did kind of struggle as the year went on, but at least she was willing to 1. actually teach, 2. help students out, and 3. keep from assigning lots of homework.

    3. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Prospekt Lucky! I can't grasp my mind around anything mine teaches, and the insane workload makes it even harder. She's actually really nice, but the amount of work she assigns would say otherwise.:dry:

    4. Wannabrony


      The both of you are lucky, my chemistry teacher is extremely biased and doesn't explain any damn thing. All she tells us is to read it ourselves or watch a video.

  13. People are going to care. Even long after FiM ends, people will care. I know a ton of people who said they will continue to make G4 fan content regardless of what happens in the future. We're not going anywhere!
  14. I really love her mane. In fact, it's probably my favorite mane in the show. Does it make logical sense? Not really. But does a world of magical talking ponies make sense either?
  15. I'm a skater poneh! I'm not too good, though. Still gotta ponify one of my boards, too.
  16. Looks like I just passed 200 posts! Guess that officially makes me a butterfly.:)

  17. Beats me. I've had my mouse for probably a solid 7-10 years. Dead serious.
  18. I just have some average crappy Logitech mouse. I've had it for years, and the logo has worn off quite a bit, but it's served me very well. Afraid I don't know much about 'the best computer mice', but I don't think you can go wrong with Logitech.
  19. Listen, if you want to leave, be my guest. I won't stop you. But don't say things like that about an ENTIRE FANDOM (which, by the way, is about 99.99% full of good people) because of the actions of a SINGLE GUY. One man does not stand for the entire fandom. The fact that the whole community IMMEDIATELY turned on him should be proof enough. Am I hurt? Yeah. Am I disgusted? Absolutely. But the fandom isn't to blame. So don't try to tell me it is.
  20. To answer your question, I would recommend Netflix, personally. But there are some sites that have them for free. Anyway, welcome to the forums! Have fun meeting new ponies!
  21. This is my pegasus OC. Yep, he's blue. My original OC (and ponysona) is a gray and red earth pony with a mohawk, but this pegasus is honestly kinda my new ponysona. I use him for a lot more things than I use my earth pony and unicorn OC's for. Still has the mohawk, though,
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