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Rhythm Red

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Everything posted by Rhythm Red

  1. Welcome to the forums! Good to hear you finally decided to get more involved with the fandom. You came to the right place to make friends. Don't worry about G5, the leaks, or stuff like that. We still have a lot of time, and the fandom will recover soon! Anyway, have fun meeting new ponies!
  2. Maybe. I doubt it will be that bad, though. Thing is, none of us ever thought we would like MLP, yet here we are! I think the same thing will happen with G5. This fandom's always had controversies, too. Some people loved twilicorn, some people hated it. Some people loved EQG, others, like myself, don't. It's not anything we aren't used to. And I doubt people will 'insult' G5 fans. It's all gonna be fine.
  3. I don't think they should go overboard with making it super gender neutral, since that may change the vibe of show, but I agree that a little bit of change could be nice. A new theme song is definitely in order, as the current one is honestly the girliest part of the show. I have high hopes. And if they are aiming for a higher-age target audience, as the leaks say, then my hopes are even higher. FiM was super successful because it was made so it could be enjoyed by people of all ages. If G5 seeks to do the same, and has the same writers (which I heard was true), then I can GUARENTEE it will be awesome. My only real worry is that G5 would divide the fandom, but that isn't gonna happen. We've been through worse.
  4. Nice, man! I'll be sure to give it a listen.
  5. It probably is better. I wish I didn't know, all it's caused me is pain. Im just trying to stay positive.
  6. Dear Princess Celestia, I wanted to let you know that... According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Your student, Barry Bee Benson. AKA Rhythm Red.
  7. Welcome to the forums! You'll have no problem making friends here. Everypony is awesome! Have fun!
  8. Heeey! My avatar is beautiful! You are also known as the scoffer of shortbread.
  9. Yeah, I guess I'm pretty good at it. Have you ever had to help a friend work up the courage to ask someone out?
  10. Because some ponies are taller and skinnier than others...? Lol. It's just like with humans.
  11. Couldn't have said it better myself. Also I'm dying of laughter. Your post cracked me up for some reason.
  12. I went to my friends house when I was younger to play sonic 06. THAT ENTIRE GAME IS THE BIGGEST GLITCH I'VE ENCOUNTERED.
  13. Nah. I find thunderstorms to be very cool actually. The only problem I have with storms is that I can't skate in the rain. Water wreaks havoc on skateboards.
  14. As a proud and loyal 'Murican, I personally would say... THE 4TH OF JULY!!! Why, you ask? Because we get the whole family over into one house, eat an insane amount of food, and then watch fireworks in the sky. This is the American Way.
  15. A... Afraid?! Me?! BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAH!!! Lol. Well, when I was a kid I used to kinda be afraid of bees. But that's because I got stung by a lot of them after bumping a hive. Not a fun experience.
  16. Welcome!! Troubled times? Ehh. The leaks suck, and the ToonKritic situation is disgusting, but outside of those two things everything else is fine. Anyway, have fun making new friends! Everypony 'round here's cool.
  17. This disgusts me. I can't even begin to imagine what the victims had to deal with. It's one of the most sickening crimes I can think of. He needs to pay for what he did. I don't care who he is. Brony, or not. I think it's unfair to say that this fandom has a 'pedophile problem', though. The fact that the vast majority of us condemn his actions says enough for me. Buy yeah, he needs to be locked up for what he did, I agree 100%. Pedophilia is pedophilia, no matter who, no matter what. Do we need to be more aware about people like this in our fandom? Absolutely. Any steps we could take to prevent future incidents like this NEED to be taken. But saying that this fandom is 'full of pedophiles' is a bit of an exaggeration.
  18. Sorry, I dunno you that well, so I don't know... Same question.
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