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Rhythm Red

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Everything posted by Rhythm Red

  1. I decided to write a song for a creativity-based English project once. My teacher handed it back to me with a perfect grade and told me: "This is one of the best assignments I've ever recieved. You might have a future in writing music, if you're interested." She named me student of the month too.
  2. As a diehard Colts fan, it's nice seeing the Patriots lose. Good work, Eagles. I salute you!:orly:


    ... I'm going to bed. G'night, everypony!

    1. Johnny1226


      Good night red

  3. You said it. I would rather it end with 10 seasons than 9. A nice, round number. Though I could actually see them deciding to continue g4 for longer, too. EVERYTHING is still up in the air. And to me, I would be ok with any outcome. I would be very sad to see FiM end, for sure, but it has to end sometime. And I'd rather it end while it's still good. Besides, I'm going to graduate high school before MLP ends. We still have a TON of pony left. The fandom isn't going anywhere, either. I just want Twilight to still be a unicorn in g5. But hey, no matter what, we still have Dashie!
  4. That's cool! I wish I had a 3d printer. I'd be making ponies for days!
  5. I dunno, man. I think we're a bigger source of income than we tend to give ourselves credit for. I'm sure Hasbro will consider us in their G5 plans, because they wouldn't just throw away a portion of their toy sales. Remember, we were a part of the reason why FiM succeeded. And we did bring them a lot of cash they never planned on getting. I feel you. I'm new to the fandom, which makes it hard for me to deal with, but think about it... What if G5 turns out to be better? And you wouldn't want FiM to drop in quality, would you? I would rather it stay a series remembered for 9 GREAT seasons, rather than a series remembered for overstaying it's welcome. I have faith that the team behind G5 will deliver.
  6. Not really. People can think what they want to think. Basically everyone knows I'm a brony at this point, and none of them care. Maybe it's just cause I'm 6'5, though. No one wants to mess with the tall boi.
  7. Totally me. I never thought I'd get any merch, and look at me now! I recently bought myself a Rainbow Dash plushie, too. So I'm still going...
  8. There are reasons that they make sense, and reasons they don't. We don't know what's gonna happen yet, as there is still a lot of time in between now and the supposed release date of g5. Hasbro hasn't even officially announced anything yet. There are too many possibilities of what could happen with all the g5 stuff. Hasbro may even be paying attention to our reactions to see what the fandom thinks about it. We DO buy toys as well. (At least I do...)
  9. Yup. Usually my friends wake me up quickly, though, so I'm never asleep very long.
  10. I do post there (though I can't get around to posting for everypony). I do it because it will make people feel more comfortable here, and that makes them want to stay. Just doing my part to help the herd grow!
  11. Rainbow Hash Browns!
  12. Never been too into shipping, but there's a few I like.

    a. All the canon ships. Like Shining Armor and Cadence. Stuff like that that's been confirmed.

    b. Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich. They're literally the same person.

    c. Rainbow Dash and Soarin. Probably my personal favorite one, and it's not just because Dash is my favorite character, and Soarin is one of my favorite minor characters. I just think it makes SENSE for them to get together.

    4. Discord and Celestia. Extremely powerful basically-goddess. Manifestation of chaos itself. What could go wrong?

    5. Sunburst and Starlight Glimmer. I haven't even gotten to the point where Sunburst first shows up in the series, but I've seen some videos of him on YouTube.

    I dunno anything about Flash Sentry yet, so that's why Twilight Sparkle isn't on here at all. May have to do a little research.


    I guess I only like ships that seem somewhat realistic.:please:

  13. I consider myself more liberal, personally. But to be honest, I don't like political parties. THE INDIVIDUAL CANDIDATE MATTERS MORE TO ME THAN THEIR PARTY DOES. There are people in both parties that are bad, and there are people in both parties that are good. And there are plenty of conservative views I agree with, too. Once again, I'll vote for a candidate I like, regardless of their party. But politics aren't my thing. I'd much rather talk about ponies. Here's my political compass, though:
  14. You came to the right place. Everyone here is very nice! Welcome to the forums!
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