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@@Umbreon, Cilla joined the crowd as they applauded the wonderful show put on my the kimono girls. She waited until everyone was gone before she left the corner she was in and started heading towards the stage. "I hope they don't mind me doing this..." Cilla thinks to herself as she pulls apart the curtains and walks through them. "Hello? I'm sorry to intrude but this is very important." Cilla hesitates before continuing. "I need to know about a group of people called Team Storm as well as information about Johto's legendary Pokemon." Cilla's voice had a tinge of nervousness in it. Here she was barging in on these women that she had never met assuming they knew anything about these Storm guys. Of course since she had already made herself known so she couldn't just turn around and leave. No, Cilla would have to stay and hope that the girls would not only give her the information she wanted, but that they would not be mad at her for interrupting them. @@Vaporeon, "Good job Rufflet, return" Sable says returning the eaglet Pokemon to it's ball. "That was easier than expected. Come on, let's hurry up and finish this job." she says as she clips Mankey's Pokeball to her belt. "So Viro, would Silver have any objection to me challenging the gyms around here? It's kind of the whole reason I came to Johto in the first place." she explains while walking by Viro.
@@Umbreon, "Nice job Rufflet, just a little more!" Sable says to her Pokemon. Now that the Mankey was trapped it was indeed time to finish this. Rufflet flies up into the air once more and suddenly starts flying back down towards Mankey at high speeds while surrounded by white streaks. Rufflet was using a new move; Aerial Ace. Between Rufflet's high speeds and the Rock Tomb that trapped Mankey, the little fighting type was hit by the attack prompting Sable to get out a Pokeball. "I'll take it from here, Rufflet." she says before throwing the Pokeball at Mankey. (I went ahead and just had Aerial Ace hit since it always hits in the games. Also Aerial Ace will be replacing Peck.) @@Umbreon, "Oh, sorry.." Cilla says embarrassed that she had walked into the middle of a show. She quickly looked around for an open seat. It seemed as if all the seats were full so Cilla simply stood in the back corner waiting for the show to end. "Hm. I can see why this place is so full, this is such a beautiful show." she whispers to Espeon. "Abigail and Elias would love it..." Cilla gasped as her eyes grew wide. She was suppose to meet the others at the Pokemon Center. Well it was too late now and frankly Cilla wanted to she this show to the end, the others would have to just wait.
ooc Starfall OOC (Non-Pony)
Vaporeon replied to Umbreon's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
I mean I can try to post again and hope to revive it or something but it does seem interest has died off. Maybe wait a while and try again because this idea has potential. -
"I'm not actually this egotistical" I don't believe you.
@@Umbreon, Rufflet stops and tries to push the Mankey away by flapping it's wings and creating a small gust of air. "Good, Rufflet!" Sable says mostly ignoring what Viro had to say. "Now go in for a Peck attack!" Rufflet once again disobey's Sable and instead flies high into the air before dive bombing the ground a few feet from Mankey causing rocks to shoot up around the Pokemon and trap it. "Uhg, do I even need to be here right now?" Sable asks upon seeing the bird use Rock Tomb. @@Umbreon,@@Leafeon, "That worked out better than expected." Cilla says as she puts Deerling's Pokeball away. She turns her head when she hears Elias' voice. Strange, she didn't notice him as she made her way over here, he must have been right behind her the entire time. "Looks like he wants a Deerling too. I suppose I'll leave him to it." Cilla thinks as she begins to head back. "I'm going to head on to Ecruteak. We can all meet up at the Pokemon Center later." she tells Elias as she passes him. With that Cilla leaves Elias to catch the Deerling, and soon arrives in Ecruteak. "Hm. I hope Abigail and Alery don't get left behind." she thinks to herself. "I'm sure they'll be fine..." Cilla begins to look around the city. It was quite beautiful with it's old yet sophisticated air. "Maybe I can go ahead and check the Dance Theater while I wait for everyone. That sound like a good idea to you, Espeon?" the Pokemon gives a slight nod clearly not caring one way or the other. "Thanks for the input." Cilla says sarcastically. Once Cilla reaches the theater she eyes the two trainers waiting outside for a moment before entering. Though she could tell something was wrong with those two it would have to wait. Getting information that could help stop Team Storm was top priority at the moment.
@@Umbreon,@@Windbreaker,@@Leafeon, "Oh..." Henry said slightly disappointed to find out that Bethany's wand was a simple stick. He was about to speak up again when the girl started crying out of nowhere. "Hey, why're you crying?" the Haunter Morph asked confused. It was then when Henry overheard Lhee has he spoke to the group, mentioning the pack of Mightyena that lived the woods. "That sounds fun..." Henry says thinking out loud. "Oh I know what'll make you feel better." he says to Bethany. "Traveling through Wolf Woods is a blast! The Mightyena there are surprisingly nice once you get to know them." he explains. "And don't worry, if anything tries to kill you I don't mind hunting it down and exacting revenge it in a rage-filled fury causing blood to fly everywhere." the boy says smiling. "Welp let's get going, shall we?" he says walking off.
@@Umbreon, "Great." Sable said passively. She was starting to wonder how this girl even got into Team Storm in the first place. She didn't seem like the type of person who would want to further Silver's goals despite what she saw at the Dragon's Den. "How many members does Storm even have? And why did Silver create it in the first place? I thought he was all buddy buddy with the champion, what's his name...Gold?" she asks while looking around Route 42. She soon spots a Mankey sitting near one of the lakes and instinctively takes out a Pokeball. "Hold that thought." she tells Viro before throwing the Pokeball and releasing Rufflet. The eaglet looks around and fluffs it's feathers with it's beak before Sable speaks up. "We're in a rush Rufflet, let's make this quick. Use Peck on that Mankey." Rufflet ignores Sable's orders, instead scraping it's talons against the ground in an effort to use Hone Claws before flying up to the Mankey and suddenly jabbing at the fighting type with it's beak with Fury Attack. "Whatever floats your boat I suppose." Sable says to herself. @@Umbreon,@@Leafeon, "Ah there you are!" Cilla says upon finding Espeon further down the route. "Don't tell me your trying to find another Pokemon for me." she sighs. Espeon looks at her trainer slightly annoyed, afraid that Cilla would scare off the timid Deerling or cause the group of Stantler to come back. "You do have quite a knack for finding cute Pokemon though...Oh what the heck." Cilla reaches into her bag for some berries, as per usual, but soon realizes she was out. "Oh dear...Uhh alright so time for Plan B I suppose." she says before slowly walking up to the small deer Pokemon. "Hello Deerling, I'm Cilla and this is my friend Espeon." she says in a quiet and soothing tone. "I'm sorry to say I do not have any berries at the moment but Espeon and I would love it if you accompanied us on our travels." she then looks over to Elgyem and the other Deerling. "It looks like your friend over there might be leaving as well. You wouldn't want to be left behind would you?" she asks while taking out a Pokeball.
Good night, sweet prince. http://www.serebii.net/wfcend.png
@@Umbreon, Sable takes a moment to inspect the train pass before looking back at Silver and nodding. She had already turned to leave when Silver spoke up again, telling her to bring Viro along. Sable winced a bit upon hearing Viro's name. The last thing she wanted was to spend the entire trip to Kanto alone with that annoying girl. She opened her mouth to speak but decided against it, not wanting to talk back to the boss on her first day. As such she gives a slight sigh and motions for Viro to follow her. "Come on, Viro let's just get this over with." Sable says walking towards the base's exit. @@Umbreon,@@Leafeon, Espeon watched as Elgyem tried to communicate with the brave Deerling. Normally she would try to butt in and convince the deer Pokemon to come with her but seeing as there were now two of the things Espeon didn't seem to care, instead going for other, more timid Deerling. "Espe~" the psychic type says happily while smiling.
@@Umbreon, Sable's eyes widened when Silver mention they had caught Entei and Raikou, most likely giving him the reaction he expected. "You guys don't mess around do you?" Sable said impressed. She was no stranger to the idea of using legendary Pokemon to further one's goals but the feat of capturing two of Johto's beast trio was still quite an accomplishment. When asked if she was familiar with Kanto she responded by saying; "Not too much. This is the first time I've been away from Unova. I've only heard stories, mostly involving your pops getting beaten by a ten year old." @@Umbreon,@@Leafeon, Espeon opened her eyes and quickly dodged the Confuse Ray, anticipating it long before Stantler had fired the attack. Suddenly Espeon heard Elgyem's voice, only it was different. The Pokemon clearly wasn't talking and why did she feel connected to, not only Elgyem himself, but the Stantler and Deerling as well? Wait of course, the little alien was speaking to everyone telepathically. Well two could play at that game. Espeon's eyes started glowing blue as she concentrated and tried telling the group of Stantler that she too was harmless, simply wanting to talk to Deerling.
@@Windbreaker,@@Leafeon, Henry ignored the fact Bethany was on the verge of tears, too busy wondering how someone with a wand couldn't use magic. "You really can't use any magic? Not even the simplest of hexes?" he asked surprised. The Altaria girl then spoke up in an effort to calm down her new friend with Herny soon chiming in. "Oh yeah, there are tons of things you can do with magic. Control shadows, set people on fire, electrocute people, curse people, reanimate corpses to do your bidding..." the Haunter Morph said not realizing he was probably making things worse. It didn't help that the only form of magic he was really familiar with was dark magic. "Of course a lot of this is higher level stuff and I'd need more tomes for that anyway. Maybe I can teach you some spells or something, you must have some way to channel magic if you have a wand. It'll be fun!" he says happily.
@, Henry watched as Gallin walked away, grumbling about how weak this team supposedly was. "Wonder whats wrong with him." Henry thought. The titan of a man wasn't much for words and looked rather disappointed as he followed Lhee and the others. Still though he seemed nice enough and would be loads of fun to watch in battle. @@Leafeon,@@Windbreaker, With Gallin gone Herny decided to follow the rest of the group. He soon noticed the Altaria girl from before as it seemed she had teamed up with the Braixen Morph. Henry started in their direction, remembering the wand Beth carried. "So, you use magic too huh?" Herny asked coming from behind the fox girl. "Do you have any tomes or do you just use your wand? You know I once saw a guy transform into a Murkrow. With a little bit of teamwork I bet we could achieve something similar or die trying. Either way is fine with me." the Haunter Morph said smiling.
@@Umbreon, Sable couldn't help but smirk a little upon hearing Kaleb struggle and call for help after getting caught in the Electroweb. "Hmph, serves him right." she said to herself. Umbreon watched as Galvantula rushed towards Kaleb only to be stopped by his Mightyena. "Tell your dog to back off!" Sable yelled at Kaleb despite the fact he was clearly on the ground and most likely in pain due to Galvantula's attack. Umbreon growled at Mightyena before both he and Sable heard laughter coming from another part of the room. It was Silver and from the looks of it he quite enjoyed the battle. Sable's eyes grew wide upon hearing Silver say she was in. "I-I made it?" she asked. Sable tried to restrain her excitement in an attempt to look professional but inside she was overjoyed. Finally her glory days from Plasma were back. Umbreon, on the other hand, was not very happy as he grimaced and turned away from Sable upon hearing the news. Back to the days of stealing Pokemon and plots of world domination. What's worse, this put Sable in a much more dangerous situation. What if the police caught her? What if Silver or one of the others decided they didn't like her anymore and tried to kill her off? Not to mention Sable...changed while she was in Plasma, as if she was someone else. Someone much harsher and more demanding. Still though, Sable seemed very happy about the whole thing and it wasn't like Sable was a horrible trainer or anything. Maybe she would be okay? "Thank you...Sir." Sable said not knowing how to address her new boss. "I won't let you down." she nodded back at Silver still trying to hide her grin. @@Umbreon,@,@@Leafeon, "I'm from Unova myself, Floccesy Town to be specific. I had a sister that came with me to Johto, though she ran off in another direction somewhere after leaving New Bark. She could be anywhere by now." Cilla explains unaware that Sable was about to go back to her old ways. "Anyway, I-wait where's Espeon?" she asks looking around. "Oh did she run off again? What has gotten into her?" she asks thinking out loud. "I'm so sorry about this but I can't let her run off again. Excuse me, please." she says to both boys before walking off in search of her Pokemon. Meanwhile Espeon put on an annoyed look at the sight of the Stantler. What where these things doing her anyway, shouldn't Sawsbuck be protecting this Deerling? Espeon didn't have much more time to think about this as two of the Stantler starting using Hypnosis. Espeon quickly closed her eyes in an effort to evade the attack as her forked tail stood up straight and started to twitch a bit. It seemed Espeon was trying to anticipate the Stantlers' next attack so she could counter it.
gaming Pokemon XY Gym Challenge - Shiny Eevees go to Champions
Vaporeon replied to Descant's topic in Media Discussion
Welcome back. FYI, Aged Rain wants to battle your electric team for one of his Elite 4 battles. It would be his third I believe, he's beaten my ghost team and Bolty's fairy team. -
@@Umbreon, Sable groans and hits her fist against the wall angrily. "AAHG! Would you stop doing that!?" Sable exclaims. Kaleb was right, Galvantula couldn't touch Slowbro at all and even if she did he would just heal it off. "Think Sable, think." she says quietly. Meanwhile Galvantula's eyes grew wide after seeing that yet another attack had failed. The spider screeches out in a fit of rage before turning to Kaleb and firing a flurry of Electrowebs straight at him, paying no attention to Slowbro. "No Galvantula don-...Wait a minute that's actually a good idea." Sable says the cogs with the starting to turn in her head. How had she not thought of this before? No one said she couldn't attack Kaleb himself and Sable doubted a group of thieves and criminals would care much if she broke the rules. Assuming there were any to begin with. "Keep going, girl. Go for Signal Beam." Sable calls out to the enraged spider Pokemon. Galvantula then rushes at Kaleb, hoping to use the Signal Beam at point blank range. It almost seemed like Galvantula was out for blood as she fought against the growing pain of the Toxic. @@Umbreon,@,@@Leafeon,@, "I've got everything planned out, Abigail." Cilla whispers back at the girl. "I've heard those Kimono Girls knew the boy that defeated Team Rocket. Maybe they could help us as well." she explains before both girls realize they looked suspicious. "Anyway...I suppose we should get going." she says trying to act normal. Just then Alery walks up to the group saying he had overslept. "Ah, yes glad you could join us." Cilla says with a small smile. While this is going on, Espeon notices Elgyem run (or float?) off once again. Espeon rolled her eyes, what could the little bugger be doing this time? After following him for a bit she sees Elgyem trying to talk to a Deerling. Was finding a Bonsly and a Bunnelby for Elias not enough? Now he had to get a Deerling as well? Espeon simply wouldn't stand for this. Now that she thought about it Cilla did always like Deerling back in Unova, this would be the perfect catch. As such Espeon walks up to the Deerling Elgyem was talking to and tried speaking to it herself. "Espeon! Espe~" the Pokemon says trying to put on a friendly aura for the small deer.
@@Umbreon, "Quick, fire another Signal Beam!" Sable yells immediately after Kaleb gave his command. Galvantula hesitates once again before flinching. It seems the Toxic was really taking it toll but the spider shot at Slowbro nonetheless, completely ignoring the Substitute. "He can't keeping healing forever..." Sable thought has she tries to come up with a new plan. @@Umbreon,@@Leafeon,@, "Why that's wonderful, Abigail!" Cilla says after seeing Vulpix's Pokeball. "I had a Vulpix back in Unova, they are the cutest things. We should try and find a Fire Stone as soon as possible, Ninetales is a fantastic Pokemon. she says. "Well then if everyone is ready, lets go to Ecruteak, yes?" Cilla says walking away. As Espeon follows her trainer she glares at Elgyem for a moment before swiftly turning her head away in disgust. "I hear there's a group of beautiful Kimono Girls who preform in the city. Maybe we should stop by there first." While Cilla did want to see one of the Kimono Girls' shows, she had also heard that these women befriended and tested the boy who defeated Team Rocket the second time. Maybe they would have some clue as to what was going on or how to stop these new 'Storm' guys.
@@Umbreon,@, "Aw, you no fun..." Henry said disappointed at Lhee's response to his 'offer'. "To each his own I suppose." he says with a sigh as he walks away. He looks around once again at what were to be his teammates. An Altaria Morph that couldn't hold her weapon right and was afraid of battle, an Alakazam that seemed rather judgmental (not that Henry cared much about what others thought of him anyway), a Luxray who looked to be more interested in flirting than fighting, and a Braxian that seemed about as timid as the Altaria, though perhaps he could convince her to help him with some hexes or something considering the wand she carried. All in all Henry was a bit disappointed though not very surprised. No one really shared his love of dead things, much less understood it. As such he started listening to what Lhee had to say considering he looked to be the leader of the group along with the Absol. That is until he came in. "Is that dead flesh I smell?" Henry said quietly to himself. When he turns around, Henry sees a rather large man drop a fully grown Emboar to the ground, calling it a 'gift'. "Ooooh he looks like fun!" Henry thinks as he walks up to the new arrival ignoring everything Lhee and the Absol were saying. "You killed that thing huh?" he asks the man. Upon further inspection Henry noticed fins on the man's arms as well as rough skin accompanied by battle scars, red war paint, and fairly large muscles on his bare chest. It was clear this man was half orc a Gabite Morph. "Hmm. Yep that thing's dead all right. Looking at the wounds it must have been a quick battle. Not bad." Henry says impressed. "Those are some nice scars by the way." he says looking at the man's gashes closely. "I'd say that one is from a Scyther, that one is definitely a Zangoose and uh...Ooh that one was from a Charizard." Henry says as he points to each scar. "You get around don't ya big guy? What's your name anyway? I'm Henry." he says introducing himself.
@@Umbreon, Sable growled at Kaleb's nonchalant response. Though in retrospect, trying to keep an opponent that wasn't moving very much from moving may have been a little dumb. "Try to lay down some Electrowebs around Slowbro, maybe we can give the other webs a charge." Galvantula took a moment to respond. The pain was getting worse and now she was getting a bit disoriented. Hopefully her Compound Eyes ability would compensate for her lack of concentration as she shot a few Electrowebs at Slowbro. Sable hoped that by electrifying the normal Spider Webs that were touching Slowbro she would be able to hurt him even if he used Protect. @@Umbreon,@@Leafeon,@, "Great job Drilbur!" Cilla said as she picked up Nidoran's Pokeball. Espeon also gave Drilbur a small smile. She couldn't wait to see the look on Elgeym's face when Cilla came back with a Nidoran while Eilas was stuck with a simple Bonsly, assuming he was even able to catch it in the first place. Cilla returned Drilbur and started walking back to where she assumed Abigail and Elias would be. "Ah, there are you are." She said when she arrived. "I'm sorry about leaving like that., Espeon ran off for some reason. But I did catch a happy little Nidoran!" Cilla says happily with Nidoran's ball in her hand. "Is everyone ready to head to Ecruteak?" she asks.
@@Aerodynas,@@Tricksters Pride,@@Windbreaker, @@Leafeon, "You know you wouldn't have dropped that had you been holding right." a boy says to Aolani as she picks up her halberd, seemingly appearing out of nowhere. In truth he did. The boy's name was Henry and, being a Haunter Morph, he was able to appear and disappear at will. It seems he had been standing there for awhile and choose now to reveal himself. "If this had been a battle you would probably be dead by now, laying in a pool of your own blood. All red and kind of sticky. Coming out of various wounds and staining your dress a dark red. Mmmm." Henry closes his eyes and shivers a bit while describing the scene before snapping back to reality. "Uhh...Anyway you should grip your weapon better. We can't have anyone dying on us this soon!" he says enthusiastically. The boy wore a grin that was a bit off-putting considering he just went on about Aolani laying in a pool of her own blood. Henry then looked around at what he assumed were his other teammates before speaking up. "So when do we start this whole thing? I wanna get to the fun part." he says with the same large grin. The boy had pale skin and spiky purple hair as well as what looked like claws reminiscent of a real Haunter, though they were most likely gloves of some sort. He also wore a black and purple cloak and carried a dark lavender book with odd inscriptions on it. "Oh, I'm Henry by the way. I'm a Haunter morph." he says introducing himself to everyone before walking up to Lhee. @@Umbreon, "Those are some nice daggers. Ooh are they poison tipped?" Henry pricks his finger on the tip of one the the blades before tasting some of the blood that leaks out. "Yep that's poison all right. Pretty deadly too." he says smacking his lips a bit. "With a little work I could make that poison kill in a under a minute. I just need an Arbok, a Toxicroak, and possibly a human sacrifice. Summoning the power of the dark arts isn't free you know."
@@Umbreon, Galvantula glares at Slowbro as it uses Protect and makes a copy of itself with Substitute before flinching from the poison damage. "So you wanna play that game, huh?" Sable says to herself quietly. "Use Signal Beam once more on the substitute then see if you can trap the real Slowbro with Spider Web!" the giant spider nods and quickly takes care of the copy with Signal Beam before firing a barrage of webbing at Slowbro, hopefully trapping it long enough to get an attack off. @@Umbreon, "Great job Drilbur!" Cilla says happily. She then takes out a Pokeball and throws it at Nidoran, putting a slight spin on the ball as she throws it.
@@Umbreon, Both Sable and Galvantula put on a confused look as neither had seen an attack such as this. "Err...Dodge it?" Sable says unsure of what to do, maybe letting Kaleb attack first was a mistake. Galvantula quickly tries outrun the Toxic beams and dodge them, but it seems the spider (or Sable) didn't think quick enough as it was hit by the attack and became poisoned, shuddering slightly upon impact. "Huh, that didn't really seem to do that much harm." Sable says both relived and a bit confused. "Alright, Galvantula counter with a Signal Beam." Galvantula, who was now a faint purple, did as such and fired a multicolored beam at the Slowbro. @@Umbreon, "Dril?" Drilbur says confused. Just how did Nidoran do that? Unfortunately Drilbur didn't ave time to find out as Nidoran shot several poisonous barbs at the mole Pokemon. "Dri dri!" Drilbur cries out before instinctively using Dig to burrow underground. "Oh uh...Good job Drilbur!" Cilla calls out into the hole. "See if you can come up under Nidoran!" Soon there was a lump of dirt that moved towards Nidoran. Said lump disappears for a moment before suddenly bursting out under the poison type.
ooc Starfall OOC (Non-Pony)
Vaporeon replied to Umbreon's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Name on File: Henry Morph Type: Haunter Age: 18 Gender: Male Physical Description: Henry wears a cloak that is black on the outside and purple on the inside. He features spiky purple hair with pale white skin and is always sporting a rather large grin. While he looks mostly human he can cause parts of his body to become intangible and invisible. He also sports gloves that resemble large claws, much like actual Haunter. Personality Analysis: Henry is a very odd specimen. The boy has an unhealthy obsession with death and killing, likely linked to childhood trauma or the fact that he is, of course, part ghost. He does not only enjoy killing others but has gone on record describing countless different ways he could die a "horrible bloody death." Despite this Henry does not seem to have suicidal tendencies and is, in fact, always smiling and appears very cheerful, even while preforming unspeakable acts. Though rare some say Henry is capable of forming strong bonds and friendships, most notably with Pokemon. He has been seen several times conversing with and befriending multiple Pokemon suck as Murkrow and Duskull. In short, while he appears to have a cheerful and happy nature he is very dangerous and is likely covering up some sort of dark past or secret. Approach with caution. Combat Style: Henry prefers ranged combat and utilizes several tomes that posses magical properties. Like most Haunters he has very little physical strength and, as such, is not very adept at hand to hand combat or close ranged weapons. Unlike other Morphs it seems as if most of Henry's powers come from the tomes he wields. It is not known whether or not he can preform such abilities without them. Ability: Levitate Powers to be aware of: Shadow Ball, Curse, Shadow Punch, Giga Drain -
@@Umbreon, Sable was about to ask if the stories about the trainer named Red were true when both she and Silver were interrupted by Kaleb entering the room. Silver then led everyone out into the room just outside the office were Viro had apparently moved all the furniture to the side. "She did all this that fast?" Sable asks looking around. "Heh, that girl may be annoying but she sure is fast." Sable then turns to look at Silver as he starts talking, saying that she must fight Kaleb if she wants to join Storm. "Alright then let's get this over with." she says as she cracks her knuckles. When Kaleb send out Slowbro, Umbreon immediately steps up. "No, no, Umbreon you stay back. I have a better way of dealing with this thing." Umbreon nods and walks back behind Sable, looking a bit disappointed. "Alright Galvantula, lets make this quick." Sable says. The electric spider cries out as it enters the room, eager to participate in another battle. "By all means go first. You'll need the advantage." she says smirking slightly. @@Umbreon, "Wants wrong girl?" Cilla asks as the Nidoran chirps at Espeon. "Oh you want to battle? Well I suppose if you're alright with it..." she says, reluctantly taking out Drilbur's pokeball. "You don't mind if I use someone else for this do you Espeon?" Espeon shakes her head and Cilla promptly throws out Drilbur's pokeball, releasing the little mole. "Dril? Dril, Drilbur!" the Pokemon says looking around. Drilbur then looks down as it's stomach rumbles. "Oh you're hungry aren't you? I completely forgot about breakfast. Hold on." Cilla takes out a Pecha Berry and tosses it at Drilbur. "I don't have much more than this. We can get more after the battle, okay?" the ground type nods taking a small bite of the berry, It seems he wanted to make it last. "Now use Fury Swipes." Cilla commands. Drilbur then rushes at Nidoran before swiping the Pokemon furiously.
@@Leafeon, "What?" Sable said as the man withdrew his Pokemon and ran away. "Hey get back here and fight!" she called after him. "Bah, whatever we would have won anyway. Come on Umbreon lets head for Nimbasa and hope Elsa is still free." Umbreon nods and both head for the city, eventually arriving in Route 4. "Hm? What the hell happened here?" Sable asked looking around at all the abandoned cars. It seems there was some sort of battle here not too long ago. @@Umbreon,@@Leafeon, "No need to worry." Cilla says after Lurele apologizes. "I'll probably head over to Nimbasa as well. Maybe we'll meet again?" After Lurele left, Cilla knelt down to look at Dwebble. "Aren't you a happy one?" she giggles. "Hey, would you like to travel across Unova with me? I'm sure it would be really fun." Cilla takes out a Pokeball and sets it next to the bug type.