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Posts posted by Illusion

  1. Yeah, I realized that after I hit the post button and applied palm to forehead in an immediate and quick fashion.


    ...I still stand by what I said on her horn though, too thick on the lines with how the hair turned out (hair is fine, the horn needs to be dealt with is all)


    Consider what I said about the background though. Although it would look simple like my image is, it would bring it out quite a bit and make the figure the immediate attention grabber to focus on.


    Thanks for the advice on the background, I'll take it into consideration :) its just I'm so tired XD and I needed a quick background :(

  2. I personally think the outlining on her horn is a bit too thick. Makes it seem really off.


    Also on the background, it's just too much orange. Not trying to self promote here, but if you take a look at my Mega Man picture on my DA page, you can see a quick example of what you could do for some simple profile views like this one and it would make it out really strongly depending on how you do it.


    Other than those two, the figure is totally fine. Reading the background of OC makes me want to watch Aladdin now. Well, best of luck to you.


    Her body/horn everything apart from her hair is from a pony creator ;)

  3. Hey guys :3


    I decided to make another OC ^^ because well... I felt like it xD The image below was created from THE HUB PONY CREATOR, but I have drawn on her hair. I'll probablies draw a proper picture of her in my style later on but this is just really to get the jist of her, a quick design really! I will also be re-doing her cutie mark because that is also from the pony creator :/ it will have to do until I think of a design.


    Her name is Enchanted, originally she was a normal unicorn when she was younger but got cursed by a jealous witch. Her curse trapped her in a crystal orb to serve as a 'genie' like creature for the rest of her life granting wishes aiding them in their own happy ending, whether they are good or evil and hoping for some pony to either wish her free or fall in love with her to release her from the curse. But sadly no pony has so far.


    When it comes to actually drawing her properly she has much more detail than this :/ For example: She will have bindings around her legs to show that she is bound to her curse. And some other stuff XD


    Please tell me what you all think of her hair mostly xD and her story so far <3




    NEW IMAGE with a better background


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