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Everything posted by FortyShadows

  1. Hello there. It's Scalee :3 Welcome to the forums. (Again, I believe.) I'm also a grammar freak, sometimes. (When it comes to chats, I'm quite the opposite.) Lastly, I don't find you boring at all, actually.
  2. FortyShadows

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

  3. (Expected a Derpy reaction pic eh?) YFW No more seasons of MLP =O
  4. Thanks for the detailed critique! ^w^

  5. I consider it melostep, when compared to Skrillex, who kind of made his own dubstep (I'm more of a classical person so melostep is what I consider it, not what others think) And more of my own creations.
  6. Sometimes, I actually end up listening to my own music. (XraYZ - Flying) But most of the time, I might just listen to this. (Vivaldi - La tempesta di Mare/Storm on the Sea) Another awesome piece, Klaypex - Rain: "Oh things change, no use holding on, because nothing stays the same" (Also, YouTube doesn't seem to be converting these links into previews...)
  7. I've gotten banned on club penguin because I was too bored and my past self (several years ago) thought swearing was cool. But since then, the only other place I've been banned on, and numerous times, was the Banned Game of MLPForums.
  8. Banned for not spelling "Bananas" properly in the sentence "Bannes for not stating that in a Russian accent".
  9. Piano playing. It takes several years to master the piano just to be able to play some pieces, including physically demanding ones: http://youtu.be/SfN7xf6JymQ?t=2m5s Look at all that sweatin. (Calorie burnin) More seriously, I'm not a sports person.
  10. Why aren't all my tracks up there? I really don't like my older pieces (about one year old) that much and feel like they don't deserve to be on there. This includes Cupcakes (Fanmusic from Fanfiction), Album for a Dashing Rainbow, which I believe is completely left-panned, and also Twilight Fantasy for piano, which I just find boring now, though I might remake the first movement of TwiFantasy, cuz Twi, cmon it's TWI.
  11. 7/10 not my style as in a bit repetitive, but interestin
  12. Copying it or tracing it? If you're just starting, I think copying (using a reference in other words) is a great idea! After you copy off of 10 or 20 references you probably get the hang of it. I'd like to see the original sketch(es) too; not every drawing has to be digital. For the twipic: -tail a bit long -snout too pointy -eyes a bit small For OC, the hooves look pointy. That part isn't easy to draw though, as is every other. Good luck on your future drawings!
  13. After all these months of not really drawing ponies, I've finally started again.
  14. Hi all! I would've been a musician posting violin on .fm except I don't have a decent mic so... I'm a composer who composes classical and electronica. I love using rondo form (ABACA) I compose piano music but never (or at least, not any that I like) violin music. For electronica I use Cubase and I've no idea what genre I compose in. I like adding programmatic elements though (such as dissonance to represent a crash), although they aren't very noticeable. I have a piano piece on EqD, but that was because it had to do with My Little Dashie (those people are really biased imho) Since Twi's my favourite pony, I composed Twilight Fantasy for violin and piano, which was a complete failure. I then composed a "continuation" for solo piano which was still a bit of a failure. =P Moar facts: My pieces used to be in the 7-8 minute range but they're way too repetitive so I cut them down to 3 minutes. Speaking of programmatic elements, I'm also a programmer who doesn't know any web languages other than the not-really-a-language html/css. Well, I hope to be able to help around here. :3
  15. FortyShadows


    Anyways, I hope you like it.
  16. Hey, you spelled "spell" and "errors" wrong. Also, thanks! GNR FTW!
  17. That second drawing...huge improvement! X3 As others have said, there are a few parts off, but not by much. Anyway, if you want to draw realistic (3d-like) ponies then you might want to try smudge-shading.
  18. You should try drawing your avatar; it looks awesome. X3 If you don't have "basic stationery items" then why not go and buy some? There's a bit of nope.avi going on there (long neck) and you should use the pony reference guide (Google Image search "mlp pony reference") Anyway, 'gratz for first drawing!
  19. Oh look you're drawing now. Welcome to the group of drawers! *Insert picture of IKEA cabinets here* Anyway, here are some tips: -Time isn't that important. A few of my sketches might have taken hours (including breaks) to get right. -Proportions can improve...so...use reference images (e.g. vectors, and this http://fim.413chan.net/art/src/134253401649-130255119873.jpg) Good luck with future sketches!
  20. Thanks, I haven't sketched in a long time and needed to. X3
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