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Everything posted by Meushell

  1. It sounds like this other person is a little too fixated on the Pinkie hate. That might indicate bigger issues. Regardless, Person A needed to stop when it made you uncomfortable. If they can’t respect your wish to tone it down, then they are disrespecting you.
  2. This was a well done episode, and I like the dream itself becoming less real as it went. That was really sweet. I hope the show addresses this. Either she learns to fly or she learns she’ll probably never fly. (If they have addressed it, then I’m not there yet.)
  3. I found this episode kind of boring. I do like the end result. It just seemed to take a long time to get there.
  4. Creepy episode, but definitely in a good way. Starlight was a great villain...though I still associate that name with another horse.
  5. While we know that the bad guy is going to be defeated, this method didn’t really work for me. I knew the box would be needed weapon to defeat Tirek, but I wish they had to do more than just open it. We had a great fight scene with Twilight vs Tirek, but she wins in the end, after losing her powers because she opened a box. I would have loved to see that battle being Tirek vs. the Mane Six (powered up by the box) and Discord (powered down). @Nanotek You said a lot of what I was thinking. I was reading all the other posts and thinking, “Am I the only one?” I barely remember watching MLP when I was young, and I don’t really remember it. However, I saw a clip of an old version of Tirek on YouTube, and that was intense. Creepy. Scary. Heartless. Pulled no punches in just how evil this guy was. This new version bored the crap out of me. I get entirely what they were going for, but it just didn’t work for me. Yeah. He needed to prove himself. Make him choose between his powers and his friends, and he chooses his friends this time. He really is too powerful to be one of the good guys anyway. Poor Trixie. She responds to jeering at her own show, but she’s treated worse than the guy who nearly destroyed Cantorlot twice. These ponies have strange priorities.
  6. This one is harder to judge because the games were set up through multiple episodes, but then we didn’t get to see them. I suppose that might have been boring. I don’t know. I liked the Spike plot, except for his belief that he could suddenly make fire with his mind. Even in a world of magic, that made no sense, especially the way bragged about it. Overall, it was a good episode. I enjoyed everything I saw with the games though, and I wanted to see more.
  7. I enjoyed this episode. It nice to see a real reason for a pony going crazy. I could enjoy it because it wasn’t really Rarity. Spike not speaking up was the issue. Wow. That really shows just how creepy that scene was. I didn’t catch the ponies changing, or one changing gender. I hope Spike didn’t catch that either. Otherwise, that makes him not speaking up so much worse.
  8. I enjoyed this episode until the end. I can forgive Rainbow Dash because she clearly wasn’t paying attention to what (or rather, who) she was trading away. I don’t forgive her for just bringing a rusty hose shoe in the first place. That was just stupid. They could have easily given a reason as why it was worth something. I do have an issue with Twilight even considering the trade fair. Er, Twilight, if you are questioning Rainbow going back on her deal, then why not question the book lady going back on the original deal? Book Lady seriously just wasted Rainbow’s and Fluttershy’s time. Why did she wait until the very end to change the deal? Surely, she could have found Rainbow and let her know that she was wasting her time. Was it her plan all along? At least, Fluttershy got what she wanted in the end.
  9. I really enjoyed this episode. I think my only issue was Rainbow Dash not taking the test seriously at all at first. It seemed like it anyway. Is this the first episode that establishes the Wonderbolts as military? If so, I hope to see them useful in a fight. Could they at least not be taken out in a second? At this point, Fluttershy of all ponies, could probably take them all out in battle.
  10. This was a great test for Applejack, and as others said, probably the best one. Granny Smith was amusing here, and I enjoyed watching her swim with Apple Bloom. I hope she keeps swimming with her family. I thought of this sport when I saw the episode. I started watching that video, but stopped at the “I only found women riders, so the men must have been smarter” crap. I’m not really sure what else he’d have to say anyway. I think most people would understand immediately that it’s cruel to horses.
  11. I enjoyed the episode, but I agree with it going too far when Sweetie Bell intentionally messes with Rarity’s career. The Rarity/Sweetie Bell conflict was too one sided. Rarity came off as too perfect and therefore, unrealistic. Rarity loving the praise to her costumes would have made Sweetie Bell’s anger much more reasonable. Just something to even up the conflict.
  12. That scene really stood out as a need to give Applejack a reason to dislike her. Overall, I enjoyed the episode, but that was just random. Maud having her pet rock on her the entire time they were looking is kind of hilarious. I mean, it probably wasn’t against the rules. That is something my friends and I have done when playing the Hot or Cold game.
  13. I enjoyed this episode, and Applejack’s over the topness. I can see why others don’t like it, but she didn’t annoy me like other characters do in their caricature versions. The three headed beast was strange and out of place. Why do the Apples put up with that every delivery to that town? Pay some pegasi to fly the pies over the danger. Ask Fluttershy to deal with the beast. Offer a pies for safe passage deal. Granny Smith said both deliveries were equally hard, right? I wonder what Big Mac had to deal with.
  14. Rarity’s shining white outfit was hilarious. The breezies were cute, especially their reaction as they started blowing around. Seabreeze was an interesting character. I didn’t catch that he was a he at first. I wish they started him out a little nicer, then got more aggressive as the others didn’t listen. I felt bad for him trying to fly on his own.
  15. Pretty boring and predictable episode. Applebloom exploding that apple was kind of impressive in itself. I liked Spike and his nachos.
  16. I enjoyed this episode. It was part cute and part funny. Highlights... - Pinky while Big Mac was being announced as the previous turkey call winner for the last several years. - Zecora - Big Mac’s expression when he first started lip syncing. - The Pegasus critic guy (I think?) and his daughter. - The different ways Flutter hid, and she looked so happy. - Applejack figuring it all out. - Rarity was great in the end, and I like how everyone pointed out how much she was loved. - I like that Fluttershy learned from the whole expression, but it didn’t magically completely cure her of her stage fright.
  17. Ew to the “beautiful” shot of Applejack wiping apple juice off her mouth. I’m guessing that’s the joke, but some people seem to like that, so I’m not sure. Rarity acted silly, and the accent was cute, but she looked cute dressed as a farm gal. It’s also cute that she snapped out of it when she got mud on Applejack’s fancy outfit. Her over-the-top jealousy was too annoying though, and it brought the whole episode down. Tenderhoof was likable, and seemed a bit clueless. I enjoyed him dancing with Granny Smith in the end.
  18. Why is this year special as Rainbow’s birthday and anniversary? Wouldn’t be the case every year, or has she only been in Ponyville for a year? Wow, they turned on Pinky quickly. It does seem like they thought Cheese and Pinky would work together though. Like one party planner is great, so two will be epic. Keeping that in mind, this episode seems to be Pinky’s version of The Mysterious Mare Do Well. Watching Pinky deflate a balloon in her “They don’t want me song” was actually sad. Poor balloon. I do like that Cheese was inspired by Pinky when she was young herself, but that ending was sad. He ran away from home? Did he have no family? Did they wonder where he was? I know I’m over analyzing, but that part was kind of depressing. He could have had the same revelation without running away from home.
  19. Sometimes I like Discord when he’s being annoying to the others. This wasn’t one of those times. I would have much preferred seeing Twilight and Cadance get their day.
  20. I know the point of the lesson, but I really don’t see an issue if Rainbow switched teams. Why not? Who is she supposed to be loyal for here? Fluttershy? She’s probably only there for Rainbow Dash in the first place. For that matter, she might step it up (wing it up?) if she wasn’t relying on Dash to win. She’s a much better flyer when she has to be. Bulk Biceps? He is (suddenly) such a lousy flyer that he has no business being there. According to Twilight... “If you fly for Cloudsdale, Pinkie Pie won't have anypony to cheer for. Rarity's uniforms will never be seen. And Applejack will have slaved over those Apple Brown Betties for nothing.” I don’t agree with a word she says here. Pinkie Pie would then have two teams to cheer for. She’s more about her friends than where they live. Rarity is a nonissue. Ponyville was never guaranteed to win. They ended up barely making it. If she sewed outfits for something that might not happen, then that’s her own fault. (Besides, she could find another use for them.) Applejack’s food would not go to waste unless she decided to withhold them for some reason. (Speaking of her food, it was funny watching her try to get throw them.) Besides, Derpy would get to fly if Rainbow switched. As for Spitfire’s actions, they could have kept it the same, but improve her motive. Have it look to be about winning, but in the end, she admits she’s worried that Soarin will reinjure himself if he flies competitively so soon after being released. The Wonderbolts are about pushing their limits after all. Similar injuries have probably happened before.
  21. This was a fun episode. Pinkie and her scrapbooking was great. Pinkie’s tail is truly something. I thought she stretched it out in the end. After seeing a comment here about it being detached, I took another look. You can’t see it when she’s with the group, and while it could just be behind her and the Apples, you do see it in the picture.
  22. This is the sort of plot I don’t normally like, but I did. Suri is basically done for if she doesn’t change. She’s not famous enough to get away with what she’s doing. While Rarity would not complain, others would. Others are going to quickly see a pattern with her. I wonder though, does she have any talent in this? She took Rarity’s work and had Coco do the sewing. I think she needs to find another line of work.
  23. I enjoyed this episode, though largely because of Flutterbat. Twilight putting a spell on the bats was a stupid move on her part. Doesn’t she and the others remember what happened last time she tried to alter what creatures ate? I wonder what the bats were eating after the spell. The use of the large apple was kind of silly. It seemed like slicing a few small ones would have had the exact same effect. I know what the writers were going for, but it didn’t work for me.
  24. I’ve seen episodes after this, but we are getting more and more into stuff I haven’t seen. As for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, I have not seen anything involving them beyond being bullied.
  25. I didn’t really like this episode. I’m not big of super hero movies to begin with. Given how similar the super heroes happened to be to the Mane 6, I think the the author of the book writing them as super heroes. Hum Drum is how the author sees Spike, so Spike is basically hating a version of himself. I also suspect that Hum Drum isn’t as bad as he says. Spike is like a fan who looks down at the sidekick so much that they only see the bad in said sidekick.
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