If you zoom in you can see the gun is actually a modified Colt M4A1. If it is set on Full-Auto I can say that I need to see what I can get by the terrain. But if I get the proper stuff I can make my own automatic. So, if it is auto and I have no parts, I am 6/10-5.5/10. If I have parts I get 5/10-4.5/10. If that gun is burst shooting, I think I'm still 5/10-4.5/10. If it is semi, you are using the gun kinda wrong. So, I get a 4.5/10-4/10. That is not a sniper. So the ammunition I'm using is more powerful (.44 and able to change to .308) vs. yours (5.56 mm I believe). So I think we are fair. Guns take a lot of math, luckily I have enough of it.