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Everything posted by Dust-Shot

  1. Granted! Now you don't have any work forever and any company will insta-fire you! You are bankrupt! I wish there was a movie made after every pony fanfiction.
  2. I can't decide between shooting it, blowing it up in balefire, or throwing a Molotov at it... Probably Nr. 2...
  3. Hmmm... too many ponies. Gotta clear Bowser history...
  4. Granted, but a gypsy kidnaps you mistaking you for jello and eats you. I with my country way the must technologically advanced, military earful and economically stable country in the world.
  5. Accents:1. Irish 2.Australian 3. British 4. Southern Languages: Romanian, English
  6. Imagune if Twilight, RD, Flutters, Derpy and Discord drank a potion and became one. I'm top notch smarty-pantscompared to other people I know, I got in trouble many times because of me being risky, I can be very shy, unpredictable always, and a muffin-lovin' derpy person! That's me!
  7. Ahem... Excuse me? Yes, the US was supplying munitions and such, but they've been gone from the big European war theatre for a big part of the war nuking Japan. Russia did most with Germany and Italy with with Brittain in second and the US being estimated by me in 3-4. The US did not win. The allies won. It was a coordinated effort made by all countries. I would choose pegasi if we had modern weapons and tactics AKA guns. A sniper on a cloud would do a great deal, a flying heavy machine gun would do some too and the bombers would do a lot too. In what we are lacking in we can compensate trough mechanics. If there is only medieval stuff, I choose the unicorns for compensating trough magic. A teleported could teleport food and for the pegasi they could bring food in flight. And I doubt a tree could grow that fast and remain alive, not in the heat of battle. THAT RIGHT THERE is how Equestrian military should be made!
  8. I will write a fanfiction on this, tough it has been done many times. I would explode of happines. Probably trip I my hooves trying to get up, look smiling at everything, have little sorrow for the steak and get a plan for my new life. Second, I would check if I know to fly. Good. Then I'd try to grab something in hoof and learn the secret. Good. Then I'd go find myself a bridge to live under 'til I earn money for a house. After that I'd buy a home, find a mare, yadayada and be happy as f***.
  9. Oof I can't decide! If I was with Derpy I would buy a big bunch of muffins and go to a picnic and end up with us looking at the stars or lost in the forest. RD, I would go in the town, eat a pizza (vegetarian please), go at a movie, paintball, video games at my place (I think RD would enjoy a shooter)and in the end looking at the stars. (really that is the best ending you can get) Lyra? Everywhere I go! Probably taking her around to see what humans do, maybe a documentaty on us, anything related to humans!
  10. "Here, can I have this?"*takes potion and drinks it. Becomes a Pegasus.* "Sweet!" *goes to Equestria. Tells Celestia it would be a smart move to establish connections with humans. In the end, Earth and Equestria have diplomatic relations and the potion is able to change humans to ponies and vice versa. I is of smart pony(reference reference)*
  11. Let's see... Fallout: Equestria. Yeah, it would go good for a movie, but everypony dies, we have a M+ because of the Littlepip and Homage (or as I like to call her "Ownage")"tender" moment, and the whole mane cast and Princesses are dead. Hooray. For second, we have Muffins. A sequel to Cupcakes. Yay... You guessed it. Cupcakes. And don' get me started on this. A Rainbow's End. RD dies. No comment. The ONLY clean fanfic I think I ever read, was My Little Dashie. It would make great fun if Lauren just said that a fanfic was confirmed. Rainbow Dash gone for two weeks would make the fandom believe that the comfirmed fanfic was Cupcakes. And MLD would make a great emotional moment and character and world building. P.S. I didn't cry at My Little Dashie!
  12. I can count to potato. You tomato? Mato? OH CELE-*gets shot in the head and dies* This sentence was interrupted by a psychotic pineapple
  13. Mate that's the whole reason why I replace all the torture I wanted to do with fun! I have a long list! Around 75% are non-lethal(make them ssssufffferrrr) and the rest is lethal and painful. Ever burned to death? Ever bleed to death slowly? Ever been un-skinned? You may never know... (Exclusive photo! And filler!)
  14. Somepony killed Derpy? 1. Shoot drugged darts that make ponies sleep in the killer and EVERY SINGLE pony that he/she knows or is related to 2. Drag them in van to your basement 3. Tie them up 4. Fun Note: Kill the killer last 5. Bake meat in muffins; ponies won't see the difference and is a tribute to Derpy 6. Block the basement for good; leave no evidence 7. Get an alibi against the coppers The end
  15. Granted... you draw...clop... I wish for my country becoming the most advanced and military powerful country in the world.
  16. You think nothing is happening I your town. Nothing to see, nothing to do... but then you pass next to this. At least we know what happened to that spell Twilight made...
  17. Batman aside, you thing you can survive the might of the mighty Littlepip?! Hahaha, bad joke!
  18. Well, I was a hater one day. My first reaction to whenever I saw a pony was "Oh no..." or "I want it dead and in pain.". But, I was once doing a hate comment on something on YouTube, and a brony asked just why do I hate blindly without watching it? So, I watched the first episode and it was quite good. Then I kept watching, and watching, and watching. And that's how I became a brony. And after that I stumbled upon the site while looking for a place to read Fallout: Equestria.
  19. I usually just throw up... yeah... at least I feel better after that...
  20. .................... I like lasagna... So good...
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