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Everything posted by CoconutCake

  1. The ponies dressing up as the dragon made it a lot funnier, but the story was pretty good as well. It's not one of my favorite episodes, but it has just enough goodness in it to make it worth the watch! I never knew dragons could be so snobby, though.
  2. Vintage stuff is awesome and even better than some modern crap that's out now. There's nothing wrong with liking it even if other people are caught up in modern times. Sometimes escaping to another era is pretty therapeutic. But there's also some pretty neat stuff out now, you just gotta look in the right places.
  3. Monster green, blue, and red hold a heck of a lot of memories for me even though I don't drink energy drinks anymore... so that one would be my top choice.
  4. The last film I watched was La Belle Personne (aka, The Beautiful Person)
  5. Mainly Rocket League and CoD. My attention span is short gaming-wise, so those are my go-tos.
  6. Nausea by Jean-Paul Sartre. A little over halfway through.
  7. Absolutely not. I actually chuckled at people who were bronys back in high school (don’t worry I didn’t bully them or make fun lol.) I watched it for the first time awhile ago to see why in the world people liked it, and well, by the first episode it made total sense. A lot of the stuff I’m into besides MLP is very adult-oriented, heavy, emotional, hard-to-grasp stuff, so MLP is a really nice contrast for me. Also, from what I’ve experienced, the community is really nice!
  8. One thing and one thing only: ASMR. Most people I know don't get it at all - but my brother introduced me to it years ago and WOW am I glad he did! There's certain types of ASMR that I don't care for, though. But I think that's pretty common.
  9. Long time no see, how are you? :eager:

    1. strongwilled_pegasus


      doing just fine, and u?


  10. Apparently the CORRECT way to say it is like "Bare-ee", at least where I'm from! To me it makes no sense, because everyone seems to say it a little differently. But people always point out how I say it incorrectly (apparently) so... to each their own
  11. Great! Got some stuff done, now just chilling watching some Netflix. Kind of hungry, though.
  12. This is pretty pathetic but I speak English as a first language and I always say "bury" like "burr-y"... in my defense it’s how one side of my family always said it, guess it carried over to me. But I do try to say it properly when I’m around people other than immediate family. Sometimes lol.
  13. It’s rainy and about 60 degrees Fahrenheit. I’m really looking forward to some snow, whenever that will be. I miss the grey skies and fluffy snow!
  14. About 2000 hours total across all platforms on Rocket League. I’ve probably spent well over 2000 hours across all Call of Duty games on all platforms in my entire life (since age 12) About 1000 hours on Maplestory back in the day. Probably hundreds of hours on World of Warcraft since age 16. Others are probably around 500 hours or less. It’s hard for me to spend TONS of time on one game
  15. Top three songs as of lately: 1) Edgelord by Dorian Electra 2) Say So by Doja Cat 3) Let It Happen by Tame Impala my favorites changes every couple weeks or so. But yeah. These are my current ones on repeat.
  16. Spyro on PS4, Rayman Legends, CoD: Ghosts on 360, Counter Strike Source, and dabbling in some others. Thinking about buying Braid for 360, as well.
  17. Gonna make some French Press coffee and stay up all night!

    What’s everyone up to tonight?

    1. strongwilled_pegasus


      yay for coffee

      fine and u

  18. Still have a long night ahead of me. Enjoying the peace and quiet. I maaaaay just get some mac and cheese at the store tomorrow...
  19. I’m way too nice, and give people a lot of chances even though I claim I have no tolerance for toxic people ^^; I love salty foods I am usually always tired to some extent I have five gaming systems (Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS4, PC, Nintendo DS Lite) I’m always thirsty I have the same IQ as my dad (140) My hair and skin are a bit unusual looking together, since I got very pale skin from my mom’s side and pitch black hair from my dad’s I don’t like talking about politics and religion to people online AT ALL But, I like talking about it to close friends and family Lastly, my sister gave me tons of MLP toys that I may post on my profile sometime soon. For free! Thank goodness for having nieces and nephews!
  20. Hmm I don’t think I’ve ever posted here before... what should I say? Well.. it’s 3:39am and I sure hope you’re all doing well! Most people are asleep but... you know. Pretty excited because I’m getting myself a new turntable for Christmas! Does anyone here enjoy vinyl? Ending my rambling here lol.
  21. Hopeful. Gonna try to not let anything or anyone get to me and to stay positive!
  22. I’ve noticed that I’ve been complaining too much lately, and it seems to be negative for my mood and well-being. Today I try to not complain, not even once, and see how it works out. So, I’m thinking it’ll be tricky, but most likely worth it!
  23. About two years. I’m very blessed to have it, and unless something happens to it, I’ll have my current setup for a long time!
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