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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by CoconutCake

  1. I really hope I don't get charged for missing my appointment. That'll ruin my week for sure...
  2. Took my meds, cooked a nice healthy meal, had two cups of coffee, played some World of Warcraft! Then later on I'll lift some weights and cook dinner
  3. Ladybugs and stinkbugs, surprisingly. Stinkbugs are so clumsy and funny. Except when they stink
  4. It's not like the parents are forcing anything. The key word is "neutral." Once the child becomes old enough to decide what they want to pursue, what's wrong with that? I'm all for open-mindedness. It's when the parents start forcing ideas and all that is when it becomes a problem.
  5. Irritated but happy that I got some stuff done.
  6. Man. I don't know what it is is lately but the past few days have been awful for me! From big things to small things... It's like I stepped on the sidewalk crack or broke a mirror too many times. Seems as if all the bad luck I've accumulated is catching up with me all at once! :mlp_wat:

    1. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      Thats good...now you have none:)

    2. CoconutCake


      At least for awhile, haha! It is what it is~ :grin:

    3. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      Just look at the good side:) it has less stress

  7. I enjoy bodybuilding and tennis the most. I’ve been out of shape lately but I’m slowly easing back into it.
  8. I really enjoy romance (a lot, actually) but only when it’s appropriate. In action or horror movies, it does feel forced and unnecessary. But in a drama film or book, romance can fit nicely. I also enjoy fanfiction. Like, say there’s a action or horror or sci-fi movie, and then someone ELSE makes a little fanfic about it involving two characters being shipped/romantically involved. Totally okay! Because it fits. Just my opinion though.
  9. How’s it going? :grin:

    1. strongwilled_pegasus


      You came back!     I  just woke up from nap but yeah I'm doing fine how about  you?

  10. Well, guess it’s time for the hot weather to start creeping in. I’m ready! *blasts a/c, whips out the t-shirt and shorts, and avoids the outdoors*

  11. This one guy I went to school with messaged me on Facebook and strangely talked about his... experiences (which I find hard to believe even happened, he’s not exactly a knight in shining armor)... in detail! And then he proceeded to ask for pics. If you know what I mean. I was like uhhhh... no? He was trying so hard to be suave but it was failing. If you want someone to be interested in you, you don’t talk about that crap right off the bat. That’s just weird. Like I said I think it was all false and made up to get my attention. Definitely the creepiest time someone tried to get my attention
  12. Say hello to my new gaming laptop! I’ve wanted one for awhile, so along with my desktop PC, I’m all set (PC-wise)

    PLUS I saved $130 by waiting a couple weeks! Also ordered a mouse and lap desk. So stoked.

    I know it’s not AMAZING, but I only want it for average-graphics games. My desktop is what I use for high-end graphics.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CoconutCake


      Thanks! So excited! Yeah ugh I suck at consistency lol. How are you? :D 

    3. LegoDashie


      im doing great new name and new persona XD how about you ?

    4. CoconutCake


      Haha yeah I noticed that! It’s awesome  :) That’s good you’re well, I’m pretty great too! Considering how things are lately lol

  13. I’m feeling done. It seems like everyone I meet online is a jerk, and I always wonder why I take hiatuses from this site because I’m inconsistent. Everyone on here is so awesome! Why can’t I be happy just chatting on here? Maybe it’s time to just suck it up and realize where your true friends are (which is here!)
  14. Getting back into Guild Wars 2 :fluttershy: The game does take a lot of time and stuff but since things are the way they are now, why not?

  15. I feel like all I've been doing since the virus started is eating, drinking booze, cleaning, and gaming.
    Not too bad, amirite? :pout:

  16. Times are intense right now, and since we all can't get to the supermarkets when we want to, I've decided that being slightly overweight is going to work to my advantage! At least in survival in case we get short in food. Thanks, BMI. :proud:

  17. Being home all day = cleaning spree.

  18. Tired. Anxious. Guilty. Time for bed, I suppose.
  19. *puts on medical mask and takes a drink of vodka to sterilize insides* I am prepared!
    In all seriousness though, this whole virus ordeal is stressing me out. Definitely not leaving the house for awhile...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CoconutCake


      @Kujamih Ah crap... thanks for the heads up. Staying inside, then... :baconmane:

    3. strongwilled_pegasus



      how about a radiation suit?

      I think amazon is selling those


    4. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      Oh no -face palm- youve jinxed it. Now thats the thing those stupid people are gona hoard:Cozy::angry:

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