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Everything posted by Rixton

  1. My point is Equestria is not Earth, aside the fact it has a different shape of lands, the entire "Solar System" they have there is completely unstable, and only bound together by magic (Celestia moves the Sun). The planet either does not have normal day/night cycle, the orbits have been never been formed. Looks like it is an artificially created place for life or might be the planet had the sad fate of an object's gravity kicked it our of it's original place (sad Kurzgesagt reference here).
  2. I'm back Ladies and Gentleman, with my redesigned robot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTep5ONE7yw
  3. I feel like my life have crashed.
  4. I feel like hopeless and weak.
  5. It's nice @Rising Dusk, @Samurai Equine from you, I have not been quite active recently, due to my studies, and you still mention me. Big hug for you two!
  6. I was bullied in elementary and secondary school, because I was a quiet and weak person, and why should not bully me than. This had made my 10-18 years a hell, and would never want to go back to that age...
  7. Mirror selfie. Honestly, completely weird thing.
  8. I'm just simply can't understand why people think if someone is interested in the other, why it cannot be told? And why it is a problem if a girl rejects a guy? Should they live a life built on lies? Humanity lived and still living a life full of useless rules, showing an ice-cold smile, if you are not acting cool and not as strong and dumb as a concrete block, than you are a failure and should go away from the scene. Anyway, it's nice to see some girls share these viewpoint.
  9. For me the show != fandom, if some people chose to be toxic, it's their decision. Ofc the last seasons were not as good as the beginning, but hey, S1 came with the feeling of something new. I never stopped watching it, and will watch the new generation too.
  10. It's very windy here, but sunny. At least my solar system is charging good.
  11. Thank you very much! It's not an industrial CNC, but will do the job. I finished assembling and setting axises today.
  12. Agreed. Since you were five? Uh, what diopter you need?
  13. I begin with my home made CNC machine. We are making this with my friend, and I have planned to submit it as a diploma work too. At first it will be only for drilling PCB boards. On the far future we will upgrade it to allow us milling stuff (like clock with pony drawing?). We are using an AVR ucontroller (Atmega328P), so no pre-made controlling will be used in this project, only some libraries. Later we might change it to the STM32 family, when we will be better in ARM programming. Yeah, ARM is not that "easy" like AVR family. Anyway, I do not want to take too much time from you with many lines, so here is the current state of the device: I'll keep updating the stuff as it completes slowly.
  14. I have tight highs, they are very good when it's freezing, but not wearing them public too, or under my trousers.
  15. Oooo, I wish here was snow too, we had only a few that melted away fast. (Here now it is cloudy)
  16. Many real guys wear the opposite gender's cloth because they like it, but not visible way. Femboys do that visible, which can look strange.
  17. Boops @Booker, @Samurai Equine, @Tacodidra, @TheTaZe, @Rising Dusk, @Twilight Luna
  18. Hello @swedishfanofmaud! Hope you will enjoy your stay on the forums!
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