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Posts posted by Synniken

  1. I think people should be allowed to enjoy whatever tv-shows, movies and video games they want. I welcome your opinion, by all means, but if I say I like Friends, don't just go "omg that show sucks" with nothing to follow up with. Just say you don't like it and we'll move on. A lot of people seems to have zero understanding of how someone else could possibly enjoy a movie or a show when you personally don't.

    It's like they're all different people with different interests?? how dare they

    • Brohoof 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, SolaceFall said:

    Ratchet & Clank were the bomb 3 & Deadlocked were my favorites!!! Play the Jak & Daxter series too if you hadn't already!!

    They really are great! I feel like I vaguely remember playing Deadlocked, if it's the one that's also called Gladiator?? I want to find it and play it again!

    Omg Jak & Daxter! You just unlocked a bunch of childhoos memories for me xD I've only ever played one of the games, as well as a PSP game with just Daxter, although I don't think I ever got very far as I was very little xD I really need to look into those again!

    Have you ever played Sly Cooper? Those are some of my favourite games ever!

    • Brohoof 1
  3. I just started reading Killing Floor by Lee Childs. I recently watched the tv-series "Jack Reacher" and while I did catch that it was based on the book "Killing Floor," I didn't realize I had it, as I own the Norwegian translated version called "Syndebukk." So yeah, missed out on my first ever opportunity to read a book BEFORE watching the movie adaption :yeahno: But it's probably for the best, to be honest, as I read incredibly slowly and often miss important details regarding descriptions (of people, places, etc) and I keep having to go back and reread things, so having the movie adaption in mind to compare to is actually super helpful ^_^

  4. I frequently play Minecraft with my best friend and sometimes my brothers, but I also recently started replaying Ratchet & Clank 3 with my older brother. I've got a lot of nostalgia tied to Ratchet & Clank 1-3, but this one I've never actually finished, so that would be cool to do :D

    • Brohoof 1
  5. I like the moments when the stars finally align and I'm not only in a mood to draw, but also able to make a good drawing :yay: 

    Others include listening to music, talking to my brothers, laughing until it hurts, watching animated movies like Disney and Dreamworks, coming up with names for my characters, stupid jokes and the smallest pranks (like the knee-knock and shoulder-tap xD), and loads more little things.

    I also just generally enjoy thinking about thinks that makes me happy, so thank you for making this post :squee:

  6. Han Solo is my favourite, but Boba Fett, Darth Vader, General Grievious and Obi Wan comes pretty close B)

    Edit: I have now watched the Mandalorian, and I have a new favourite character xD I also want to add Anakin to the list, especially after watching the Clone Wars

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