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Everything posted by Synniken

  1. Good morning, people!

    1. Lord Valtasar

      Lord Valtasar

      morning deer

    2. DubWolf


      Good morning deer friend :fluttershy: . It was also morning for me 7 hours ago :wacko: ...

  2. 1 AM, I'm off to bed.


    Outside of the internet, today's been fairly uninteresting. aside from a quick ride to the grocery store.


    I hope you're all doing well and I'll see you tomorrow.

    Goodnight, everyone!

    1. MangoFoalix


      I'll see you later, my deer friend. Goodnight!

    2. The_Gobo


      just remember: Uninteresting doesn't mean 'bad' :3


  3. I turned 13 towards the end of my 7th and final year of elementary school.
  4. @Lord Valtasar Woops, my bad Hope I'm on the right page this time. Come Home - OneRepublic
  5. Well, this deer is off to bed for now.

    I don't have much to say about today, so I'll just stick to the usual.


    I hope you're all doing amazing, and I'll see you tomorrow.

    Goodnight everyone!

    1. MangoFoalix


      Goodnight my deer friend! I'll see you tomorrow! :bedeyes:

    2. The_Gobo


      Sleep well, deer :3


    3. DubWolf


      Good night deer :fluttershy: 

  6. Hey, thank you for the follow, my good sir! 'Preciate it. :D

  7. Congratulations, my friend! You sure deserve it!
  8. Million Questions - Patrick Jørgensen
  9. I'm off to bed.

    It's been a pretty fun day today. I've been to the beach and watched Jack Reacher: Never Go Back with my dad, among other things. It's been great.


    I hope you're all doing wonderful, and I'll seeya in the morning.

    Goodnight everyone!

    1. DubWolf


      Good night deer friend :fluttershy:

  10. 0:45 AM, time to go to bed.

    It's been lovely to chat with my friends on here, as always.

    I hope you're all doing well, and I'll see you soon.

    Goodnight, everyone!

    1. Ashen Pathfinder

      Ashen Pathfinder

      Good night deerie!

    2. MangoFoalix


      Have a goodnight, my deer friend! :fluttershy:

  11. Hello and good evening, my friend!

    I hope this is ok to ask, but, how do you pronounce your name? :please:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Synniken


      Oh, ok.

      Feeling slightly embarassed, as I've been pronouncing it "the Tah-Zee" for a month straight now, and didn't realize my mistake until my brother commented on it :lie:

    3. MangoFoalix


      Nah, I've know many people pronounce it differently. The way I pronounce it myself would be what I mentioned. :fluttershy:

    4. Synniken


      Got it. Will try to pronounce it right from now on, hehe.

      Thank you for the clarifiication, kind gentleman. I wish you a lovely day forward.

  12. True, obviously. I am a deer.
  13. Didn't Zecora tell Pinkie Pie to focus really hard on the spesific thing she wanted removed? And her mane and tail were probably all Rarity was thinking about while she used the potion. As to why she didn't mention she was upset about her tail as much as her mane, was probably because she was having a photo shoot with a magazine that showcased the most beautiful manes in Equestria.
  14. Well, I'm off to bed now.


    I don't have too much interesting to say about today, other than how warped the weather has been.

    The day started off as one of the hottest days of the summer, then it got really windy to the point where I could barely hold the door open without it being blown shut, and then a thunder storm arrived out of nowhere, with pouring rain, which we haven't had in weeks, and now it's back to normal :blink: :blink: 


    Anyway, as always, I hope everyone's doing well, and I'll see you in the morning.

    Goodnight, everybody!

    1. Props Valroa

      Props Valroa

      Sleep well!

    2. MangoFoalix


      I'll see you tomorrow, my dear friend! Have a goodnight! :derp:

  15. It doesn't really have a meaning, at least not that I'm aware of. It's pretty much just a nickname based on my real name.
  16. @Califorum I think your name really suits your avatar, but I can't quite explain why. It reminds me of the beach for some reason.
  17. There's this town not too far from here, by the docks, which is really beautiful to walk through at night.
  18. My mom makes this really good pasta that we refer to as "pastaretten" which literally just translates to "pasta dish." It probably has a proper name, but I don't know it.
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