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Starlight Glimmer

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Everything posted by Starlight Glimmer

  1. As closing ceremonies had begun, Starlight smiled as it looked like things were working out. There had been a few mishaps her and there, but she was truly thankful that everypony was located and accounted for. Just in time for Dynamo to give his speech and award the participants with medals. She did however take notice of @Crypty Scribbles and @Shiny Silvermoon. The both of whom had been speaking backwards out of nowhere. She had wondered if Discord has casted a spell after he had teleported away from his final addition of chaos, but it didn’t seem that way. After thinking about this, she recalled hearing everyone tell Crypty to remove the flower that they were wearing. Along with the raining flowers that scattered around the starting area of the race. “I’ve got it!” Starlight exclaimed, grabbing everyone’s attention. “I think all of this is the effects of the poison joke. It looks like Discord added one final bit of fun in his bag of chaos when those flowers were raining down. Some might have landed on others and they were affected by poison joke.” Starlight began, levitating a quill and paper to write down a list. “If anypony is feeling out of the ordinary due to the effects of poison joke, please form a line and we’ll write your name down! This way, we can find the cure and be able to help remove the effects of the flower.” Starlight says, writing down any and all names on her list. The writing was short lived, however, as her magic began flickering on and off, before her quill and paper ultimately fell to the ground. “Uh, oh. It looks like the poison joke got to me, as well.” Starlight says, taking a deep breath as she grabbed the quill in her mouth. “Not to worry, though. We’ll make sure to figure this all out together.”
  2. Blinking in surprise, Starlight looked around curiously until looking up towards the top of the balloon. "What the..." Starlight started, but stopped as she thought she had seen @Discord sitting atop of their balloon. Had he always been there, or did he just get there. The Draconequus didn't stay there for long as he had teleported in the middle of the crowd of participants. "Discord? What are you doing here? I thought you had left to go back home after having your fun in the race." She used the word 'fun' loosely as it was mostly fun for Discord and not as much fun as the ponies that were in the race. As she listened to Discord's speech, the unicorn couldn't help in raising an eyebrow as she put two and two together. "Wait a minute. You mean you were the one that made that sinkhole and caused Fluttershy's animals to go into a frenzy?" Starlight asks, narrowing her eyes slightly upon being patted on the head. "If you were in on this, then why didn't you tell Trixie, myself or even Dynamo? It would have saved us a lot of worrying and much more of being in on the obstacles. Did Fluttershy know that you were involved in this?" Starlight knew how important Fluttershy was to Discord. If their trip to the Changeling Kingdom to rescue their friends was any indication. It still didn't answer her question of why Fluttershy didn't say anything. Unless it was more of Discord helping out in his own way, but that was more along the lines of Discord being Discord. With all of her thinking, she was brought out of her train of thought by Discord's mock gasp. "Two of our participants haven't shown up yet? Did they not cross the finish line? Who are we missing? Uh...Dynamo? Did you check the names off the list of who had made it past the finish line?" Starlight asks, feeling a bit of weight on her back from Discord appearing out of nowhere. "Uh, Discord? While I do get that you're having fun at everypony's expense. I do hate to inform you that this isn't a free pony ride. So, would you please kindly get off of me? If there's anyone missing, then who is it?"
  3. As Starlight and Trixie were still in their balloon, Starlight kept an eye on the participants that were still crossing the finish line. "It looks like everypony is close to completing the race. Sounds like a good time for us to make our landing." Starlight turned to @Trixie, who was still enjoying her chocolate milk rain flavored cinnamon nuts. Using her magic, the duo made their descent towards the starting area. Taking a few minutes, the balloon had made a safe landing in the same spot where it was placed before the race began. After tying up the balloon to make sure it wouldn't float away, Starlight and Trixie had exited the basket. All the while, carrying a score sheet that kept track of all the steps and leaves that had been recorded of the racers. "Hey, everypony! It looks like just about every one of you has finished the race and are all accounted for!" Starlight exclaimed, turning towards @Dynamo Pad with a smile. "Dynamo! It's good to see you again! I hope you the crowd got to enjoy hearing how the race had gone. Although, I will admit. Some of the race had left me with more questions than answers. I know Discord had caused a bit of mischief with the chocolate rain, turning day to night and even setting up the sign to go in different directions. However, I can't quite put my hoof on what happened with the obstacles that Pinkie and Fluttershy had set up." Starlight stated, placing a hoof under her chin as she pondered on what could have been the cause of these two mishaps.
  4. Upon hearing Moonlight response, Starlight couldn't help in giving a sheepish smile. "While it is probably simple by levitating them and teleporting them back to Fluttershy's animal sanctuary, It looked like a good way to go about the obstacle at hoof." Starlight responded, but a concerned expression was soon forming on her face. "What I want to know is why did that even happen in the first place. Sure, that was the goal that was planned. Even then, that flash of light and rumble to scare the animals wasn't in the description of the plan." She spoke softly to herself. The only one that could hear her was Trixie. As the two floated along in the balloon, Starlight tried to make heads or tails on the matter. This was the third time that happened and this wasn't just a coincidence. While she tried to figure out what was going on, she got back to her position in the balloon basket as she continued to observe the race. "It looks like everyone is starting to lose some steam in their run as everyone looks to be slowing down. From all of these obstacles to even moving that tree. It looks as if the fatigue is finally catching up to everypony, but nobody is daring to give up yet! The finish line is just within sight and it's still anypony's race!" Starlight grinned as she watched Samurai go for a jumped in an attempt to do a flip. At the same time, taking notice of Moonlight, who was admiring the leaves around him. "Anarchylight is just a few feet away from taking the lead, but Titanium isn't planning on stopping just yet!" Starlight commentated, taking note of Shiny's remark of Silverspark, who was riding on the back of other participants. "Hmmm...it's kind of difficult to say. It could be that Silverspark and Brightspark wanted to hitch a ride or be near their friends. So, I'm not entirely sure how to go about this. Wait...was there any rules in the rulebook of that?" Starlight wondered, looking through their supplies in the balloon basket to see what they had a rulebook. Even though Shiny jumped off of Harry's back, Starlight was impressed that the unicorn was now leaping next to the bear. "It looks like Shiny and Harry are keeping pace, while it looks like Shiny has a spring in her step. Sounds like she's got herself a fun running buddy." Starlight smiled with a giggle, while taking note of Silver Slate catching up with the racers. "Samurai looks to be rolling down the track as he's balancing on a piece of log. I guess this would be a sort of Rolling of the Leaves." Starlight laughed as she took the opportunity of the pun. "Chatterbox and Kramathia are both starting to slow down and are feeling the exhaustion, but they're still staying strong. Don't give up, everypony! You're almost there!" Starlight commentated, giving the racer's the encouragement to stay strong. "Princess Lucky Fire has managed to get through the third obstacle and is heading back onto the course to catch up with the others. It looks like she managed to reach Samurai as the two are conversing in their trot! Felis is trying to knock even more leaves down, while Moonlight looks to be feeling the burn!" With Shiny still in her run, Starlight gasped as the finish line was inches away. "This is it, fillies and gentlecolts! We're right there! The home stretch! This is getting close and it's a true nail biter of a finale! It could be...yes, I think! The winner is...it's!" She watched as Dynamo waved the checkered flag in his hoof to signal the winner of the race.
  5. As the race continued to heat up, Starlight couldn't take her eyes away from the competition. "Anarchylight is catching up with the leaders and is trying to take the lead! However, it looks like Titanium has a thing or two to say about that! Moonlight is not too far behind and is trying to make his way towards the front of the pack! Just when you thought some of our racers were far behind, they just make a turnaround!" Starlight exclaimed, grinning in glee at the turn of events. "It looks like even Shiny is humming a fun tune as she leaps back into the race!" Placing a hoof to her chin, Starlight took the unicorn's words to both heart and consideration. "Hmmm...this does make a fair point. Even so, it's sort of difficult unless you see wings flapping. There's always a technicality on what's considered flying and gliding. Be that as it may, I still can let it slide, but still wanted to give it as a warning. As we wouldn't want anypony else to try any ideas like that, of course." Starlight winked as she understood that the race was kicked up a notch with everything that had happened. She still wondered why and how these obstacles, such as the roadblock of apples and the sinkhole had came to be, but she still couldn't put her hoof on it. As Chatterbox and Kramathia were catching up, Starlight smiled fondly at Kramathia, who looked to have found a friend in Shiny. "It looks like Felis is having trouble keeping up, but I know there will be an opportunity to bounce back! Our racers are honestly staying strong throughout this race and I know they'll all keep up the great work!" Starlight commentated, trying to encourage the racers to stay strong. "Samurai is finding his footing and is making a good pace in knocking down some leaves. Even keeping a good pace to catch up to the others!" Starlight blinked as she saw what looked like magic coming from Samurai. She was about to call out for the use of magic, but stopped as she saw what looked to be cotton candy. What was one cotton candy was made into many and even in colors of the rainbow. "How do you like that everyone? Samurai is giving out treats for the other racers to keep up their strength! While I would say magic isn't allowed, I can overlook this as I know a certain party planning mare that would approve of some cotton candy." Starlight smiled, taking notice of Silverspark, who had jumped out of the pile of leaves. "I hope that Silverspark had a safe landing as it looks like she and Brightspark are back in this! Roswell is making his way down Sweet Apple Acres and is taking the hurdle route! Meanwhile, it looks like Silver Slate is sprinting down the course to both catch up and keep up with the competition!" Just as Starlight was going to continue, she blinked from the sudden flash of light, before taking notice of the tree that fell upon the course. "Sweet Celestia! What in Equestria is going on!?" Starlight started, before trying to get back on course. "I mean, uh...oh no! Our racers have been stopped by a fallen tree and what's this? It looks like Fluttershy and her animals in the animal sanctuary are turning into a frenzy! It looks like a helping hoof is required in order to move onto the next leg of the race!" Starlight had to admit that this was one the most perplexing. A fallen tree was not what was to happen with the next obstacle. The group was to make their way towards Fluttershy's cottage to help the animals in the animal sanctuary, but this, along with the flash of light that scared the animals was unexpected. As the racers headed into the animals sanctuary, some had tended to the animals from all different kinds. Meanwhile, some had tended to Fluttershy in making sure that she was okay. "It looks like Shiny is trying to calm Harry the bear and it looks like her soothing voice is working!" Starlight was amazed at how she was able to calm down the giant bear. She remember being pulled into a hug by Harry when she was shown friendship by Twilight. She wouldn't lie that he felt scary at first, but she found Harry was such a lovable and kind bear. So, to see Shiny calming him down so easily like that was truly a sight to behold. "Hold on for just a minute, fillies and gentlecolts! It looks like Saturn is back in this race and caught up with everyone!" Starlight announced, eager to see someone else that was still in the race. As more and more of the racer's stepped in to assist, more and more of the animals were able to calm down. With the combined help of both the racers and the animals, the tree was able to be moved out of the way. Effectively allowing the racer's to proceed. "They did it, everyone! Our racers and the animals from the animal sanctuary have done it! The tree has been moved out of the way and the race is back in full swing! It won't be long now. There's just a small leg of the race left as we head into the home stretch! There's still plenty of race left and anything can happen now! Who will win! Only one way to find out!" As she mad the announcement, Starlight was surprised as Shiny was riding atop Harry as he charged down the race course. "It looks like we have ourselves a new racer joining us. However, I don't think that anyone can catch a ride with Harry the bear. If you would like to run alongside him, then I think that would be okay." Starlight called out to Shiny and the others that were potentially riding atop the giant bear.
  6. As she continued to sleep, Starlight was woken up by the feeling of something splashing upon her. With a jolt of shock, the unicorn jolted up from the floor of the basket to her hooves. “W-What in Euestria was that?” Starlight asked, looking around to gather her bearings. All around, it looked as if chaos had taken place. From snow that was lying upon the ground, to the day looking as if it was back to normal, or somewhat earlier or later than before. Starlight couldn’t make heads or tails as looked down at her to see chocolate covering her fur. “What even happened since I gave that announcement? Why am I still somewhat tired?” Starlight wondered, stifling a yawn. “How is there even snow here? Rainbow didn’t call for any snow yet, right? We’re still in Fall and especially with the Running of the Leaves still taking place? Also, Trixie? Did you bring chocolate milk up with us along with your cinnamon nuts?” Starlight turned to her best friend, her eyes widening slightly as she noticed that Trixie was also covered in chocolate milk. “Uh…Trix? Did something happen that I don’t know about?” She thought she heard the sound of chuckling, turning around quickly to see Discord disappearing out of nowhere. “Discord!” She called out to him, but he was already gone. “I should have known, but I guess this is Discord we’re talking about. I sure hope that he didn’t cause too much chaos after I fell asleep like that.” Starlight sighed as she facehoofed. Shaking her head, she grabbed her microphone, which thankfully wasn’t ruined or covered by the chocolate milk. All before trying to shake away any chocolate milk that was on her as she got back into the swing of things. “Hey, everypony! I’m truly sorry about the sudden silence. Apparently there were some technical difficulties, as well as some sort of interference from a certain chaotic friend we all know and love. Even so, it looks like our racers are back on track and heading towards their next obstacle at Sweet Apple Acres!” Starlight exclaimed, feeling ecstatic as the race was back and the racers were still raring to go. “Moonlight wastes no time and dodges the barrels with style and grace!” Starlight commentates, wincing from impact that Titanium received. “Ooooh~! That’s got to hurt. It looks like Moonlight, Shiny and the others are checking up on Titanium to see if they are doing well after that turn of events. That’s what I call good sportsmanship and I hope that Titanium is okay.” Starlight says, watching as everyone made their attempt at either the barresl or the hurdles. "It looks like most of our contestants are choosing to dodge and weave the barrels over the hurdles. Looks like we have ourselves a popular choice this year, folks!" Starlight says, smiling fondly as Shiny and everyone that competed was checking up on everyone to see that they are okay. "From what it looks like, Titanium and Moonlight are making what sounds to be taxi cart noises. It sounds to me that they're putting the pedal to the metal as they're both vying for the lead!" Starlight's ears perked as she heard the sound of somepony scream. As she looked to the source, she saw that it was Silky, who was being launched by Shiny. Starlight frowned as she was worried that she'd have to give a warning, but smiled softly. "It looks like contestant Shiny was trying to help contestant Silky with getting ahead in the race. Normally, a warning would be given as you're meant to run and not fly, but I think this one can be overlooked. GIven that Shiny's heart was in the right place. This is the only exception, however." Starlight explained, wincing as both Silky and Brightspark had crashed into Moonlight. "It looks like there was a bit of a crash landing between some of our contestants. Especially since it looks like contestant Brightspark was a part of that. I do hope that Silky, Moonlight and Brightspark was okay. That looked like a bit of a doozy as Pinkie Pie would say. Meanwhile, contestant Silverspark has mad some good leaps and bounds over the hurdles, before landing in a pile of leaves. I hope that she had a safe landing as it's never a bad idea to jump into a pile of leaves."
  7. As the race continued, Starlight had taken notice that some of the racers had begun to slow down a little. "It looks like our racers are taking a small reprieve to get their strength back. The amount of time they've been running is truly admirable, but we all need a break sooner or later." Starlight commentated, taking notice of Titanium, who was way out in front. "It looks like Titanium has got a comfortable lead, but she shouldn't underestimate the competition. Moonlight, Chatterbox and even Silky, Vibrant as well as Shiny are trying to catch up to them. Even some of our runners that are bringing up the rear are still going strong. I know that the race is still young and raring to go! I hope that you're staying tuned, racing fans!" Starlight exclaimed, keeping her eyes on the racers, before squinting her eyes slightly at something that seemed out of place. She could hear the faint sound of laughter almost up above both her and Trixie. Turning her attention upward, she could see Discord, who was sitting in a chair sipping some tea. "Discord!? What are you doing here? Are you here to watch the race, or trying to join in on the commentary? You didn't show up to discuss with us, so I'm sorry that this was short notice." Taking not of the snap of his fingers, she looked around, until she saw that a number of rabbits had appeared out of nowhere. "Why would he summon rabbits to here of all places? They weren't meant to be a part of this until much later." Starlight muttered to herself, before realizing who they were going for. What the rabbits were actually chasing was not everyone in the race, but Titanium. "Is Discord crazy!? Why in Equestria would he try to sabotage the racer's like this!? Is this a game to him!?" She still knew that Discord was a changed Draconequus, but this felt a bit extreme for Discord's type of chaos. What was worse was not just the rabbits chasing Titanium, but up ahead there looked to be a collapsed cart in the middle of the road. Pulling up a pair of binoculars from within the basket, she was able to get a better inspection of the scene before her. The cart had collapsed on its side with the loss of a wheel. Not only that, but five barrels of apples had fallen out and were laying on their sides. The apples that were in each barrel lay scattered on the ground. An expression of shock and concern were growing upon her face as realization was settling in. "If everyone isn't warned of this, then there could be a really bad accident! We need to warn them!" She screamed to Trixie, while being thankful that the mic was turned off for the time being. "TITANIUM!!! If you can hear me, then you've got some company on your tail! You've got to get out of the way or lose them!!!" She called out to the mare, before taking note of Titanium's masterplan in action. With quick thinking, it looked like the mare was able to launch a majority of the rabbits back at Discord. Trying to hold in a giggle at the display between the two, it looked like the Daconequus was getting some just desserts for his earlier action. She couldn't have a chance to relax, however, as she still needed to warn the racers about the broken cart and bushels of apples laying about. Just as she was about to shout towards the racers below, she took a closer look at the accident below. "There wasn't a sign on the road before. Is this Discord's doing, or was this already planned?" Starlight says, taking note of a sign pointing to a path leading away from the race track. Even the words on the sign had confused the unicorn. "Shortcut to Sweet Apple Acres" How was it possible that this path could lead to the next location on the race? "Sweet Apple Acres is the next obstacle for sure, but that wasn't for a little while from now." Starlight pondered upon what was even going on around here. At any rate, she knew that she had to make a decision and she had to make it now. Putting the binoculars away in exchange for a megaphone, she held it in a levitation spell, before taking a deep breath to project her voice. "ATTENTION, EVERYPONY THAT IS CURRENTLY RACING! There is an accident up ahead, but there is a sign that will lead you to where you need to go! Take the shortcut and you'll soon arrive at Sweet Apple Acres!" Starlight exclaimed, hoping that everyone would take her advice.
  8. As she continued to view the race, Starlight couldn't keep her eyes off of the racers. "This is incredible, everypony! Some of our notable racers, Moonlight, Vibrant, Titanium Chatterbox and more are still vying for first place! It’s neck and neck as everyone wants that top spot for the race ahead! That doesn’t mean we need to count out our other participants, fillies and gentlecolts! Silky, Shiny, Felis and everyone are catching up and trying to show what they’ve got! This is still anypony’s race!” Starlight grinned, blinking in surprise at the sudden sound of a popping explosion. She soon took notice of a cake concoction flying upwards and was quick to question, but soon stopped as she realized what was going on. “It seems we might have an obstacle on our hooves as our contestants make their way along the track! Our partying, planning pony, Pinkie Pie has quite the surprise in store!” She remembered the plan and was looking forward to seeing how the racers would be able to overcome the tasty treats that Pinkie had waiting in the wings. “Hey, Trixie? What kind of cake flavor do you think Pinkie Pie has cooking up this time?” Starlight asks, turning to @Trixie to get her fellow commentator’s opinion. In truth, she knew of the flavor as the both of them, along with Twiligbt and the others helped taste test some of the cake flavors beforehand. Looking back down, she looked to see Pinkie shivering, while the ground began cracking and collapsing. Some of the cake batter even landed inside the sinkhole, while some of the leaves began to fall. Mixing with the leaves in the process. “What in the name of Equestria is going on!? I mean, what a change in events! There seems to be a collapse in the ground, while this sinkhole is filling up with leaves and chocolate! How will our racers handle this development?” Starlight asks, turning to Trixie and keeping the microphone away from them. “Hey, Trix? Did you know this was going to happen? There wasn’t any changes to the obstacle, were there?” Starlight whispered, looking back towards the racers, who were either making it past the sinkhole or falling in. Thankfully, they weren’t getting hurt due to the leaves and cake mix, but she wondered what was even happening. “It looks like this obstacle isn’t slowing our racers down. In fact, it makes them even more determined and to keep going! There’s even support for those that fell in to help each other out! Now that’s what I call true sportsmanship.”
  9. As she turned back to check on her best friend, Starlight was met with the sound of crunching. She was momentarily confused until she noticed that Trixie had been enjoying a bag full of cinnamon nuts. Realizing that the sound of her crunching could be picked up on the audio, Starlight made an attempt to move the microphone away from the hot air balloon. It was all for naught as she any attempt was potentially futile. "Trixie? How did you get cinnamon nuts in the hot air balloon? Better yet, when did you get cinnamon nuts to begin with? I thought we were waiting together near the hot air balloon the entire time." Starlight pondered as she rose an eyebrow. She decided it was better to not question anything as she took notice of her best friend leaning over the edge of the balloon basket. Joining alongside her, she looked back at the racers and even the trees that began to lose their leaves. "You can say that again, Trix. It's always so magical getting to watch the leaves fall. Either as you walk, run or even taking part in the event." She smiled and marveled at the beauty beneath their balloon basket. "I'm right there with you, but next time. Could you possibly keep the cinnamon nut crunching just a liiiiiiitle bit quieter? I'm hoping that the audio didn't pick up on the earlier crunching." Starlight responded, making sure to keep her last comment at a whisper. Smiling towards her best friend, Starlight turned back to the race to see what was happening with the rest of the group. "Crypty looks to be enjoying the race, while Shiny is making leaps and bounds to catch up with the rest of the pack. Samurai managed to catch back up and is looking to keep moving in pace with Chatterbox." Starlight commented, taking notice how closely the two were together. "Kramathia looks to be taking in the sights as she runs, while Silverspark and Brightspark finally caught up to Silky! Anarchylight is keeping pace to catch up with the rest of the racers, while it looks like Princess Lucky Fire is continuing her trot and enjoying the sights. It looks like Titanium is starting to lose some steam and looks to be slowing down slightly, but it looks like she's not giving up just yet. It looks like Vibrant gave Silky a wink, before he turned his running into a dance. What kind of trickery is this? Is this some sort of strategy in order for him to claim victory?" Starlight winced slightly as both Slipstream and Silver Slate had made some crash landings. "Ooooooh~! That didn't look pleasant. It looks like Slipstream managed to slam into a tree, while Silver Slate on the other hoof crashed into some leaves. I really hope that the two of them are okay." She recalled the time that Rainbow and Applejack tripped on some rocks, but she didn't expect so many slips, trips and falls to happen. "It looks like Silky has momentarily stopped running. I hope that everything is okay." She leaned over more, but not too much to avoid falling out of the balloon basket. She squinted her eyes to get a better view, before blinking as she noticed the pink pegasus expression. One of wonder, calm, and even peaceful. Starlight chalked this up upon seeing the beauty all around them, even the racers who were giving it their all. Starlight could tell that everyone was truly enjoying themselves. Even when Silky and the other racers checked up on Silver Slate and Slipstream, Starlight smiled with a soft sigh. "It's these moments that make commentating so much fun. The action of the running, the view of the leaves falling and even the sportsmanship between the racers. This is the kind of competition I always love seeing." Starlight says, before seeing Silky rallying the other racers to catch up to Vibrant, Shiny and the rest of the pack. "Let's hear it for these racers everypony! If you can hear me, give them a big round of applause!" Starlight exclaimed, clapping her hooves to show her support. As Samurai was running, Starlight was in shock and awe as red armor began to form upon him. "Uh...Trixie? I'm not the only one that saw that, right? Samurai just used magic to summon armor!" Starlight exclaimed, wondering what kind of magic this unicorn had. "Even as he's running, he's making sure that all the animals and even the racer's that fell are safe. That's the making of a hero, fillies and gentlecolts! Even Roswell is staying strong and doing his best to keep up with the racers!" Starlight commentated, before turning back to @Trixie. Microphone extended over towards the azure unicorn. "So, what do you think of the racer's Trixie? Is there anyone that you have your eyes on that might take the win this year? Any wildcard that you think might make a surprise upset?"
  10. As the race got underway, Starlight watched as everyone was going at their own pace. Some were running like the wind, some were going at their own pace, while others found some competition with one another. “The Running of the Leaves has been having a tremendous start. It looks like contestant number 76, Princess Lucky Fire and even number 28, Samurai, are both enjoying a nice stroll down the road. While running is notable part of the event, it honestly never hurts to go at your own pace and enjoy the scenery. Fall leaves are honestly beautiful this time of year.” Starlight sighed happily, leaning her head on her hooves as she leaned against the edge of the balloon basket. After a moment, she looked at others who were trying to catch up to the pack. “Numbers 73 and 32, Silverspark and Brightspark are trying to catch up. All the while knocking down a good amount of leaves as they pass. Let’s not forget some of the other notable numbers. Number 61, Anarchylight, number 37, Slipstream, number 31, Silver Slate, number 40, Roswell, number 11, Scribbles and number 7, Tree Song. All of them are vying for the top spot and are trying to gain some ground to catch up with the others! Starlight exclaimed, keeping track of where everyone was, before he heard the sound of a gust of wind. Turning towards the front of the pack, Starlight’s jaw dropped at how fast Titanium was moving. “This is incredible! Contestant number 10, Titanium,has just about taken the lead and she just flew in out of nowhere. We can’t forget about Chatterbox, Even Vibrant was able to find his footing and is catching up to the leaders. Moonlight looks to be trying to catch up to Titanium, while also vying for the top spot. Even Silky and Shiny are trying to catch up to Vibrant as it seems both he and Silky have a sort of competitive rivalry in this race! That just goes to show that nopony is to be underestimated!” Starlight grinned with stars in her eyes. The unicorn was ecstatic as it looked like the race has truly heated up. “Hey, @Trixie! Are you seeing this?!” Starlight asked, turning back to her friend with an ecstatic grin.
  11. As she and @Trixie entered the balloon, the duo commentators had a head start to be ahead of the competition. That way, they would be able to get a good bird's eye view of the racer's, while providing live commentary as they went. Levitating the microphone she found in the balloon basket, she coughed a few times to get her voice to be loud and clear. "Welcome fillies, gentlcolts and racing enthusiasts! I'm your host Starlight Glimmer and with me I have the master of magic, the mare extraordinaire! I give you the one, the only, The Great and Powerful Trixie~!" Starlight exclaimed, making sure to roll her tongue at the emphasis of Trixie's name. Recalling the numerous times her best friend presented herself when assisting her in their magic acts. "Today is a special day indeed, our lovely audience! For you see, today is annual Running of the Leaves! You know, Trix. Even though the name itself is called The Running of the Leaves. Pinkie Pie had mentioned once that the leaves don't do the actual running. This is left by My Little Ponies." She started, looking slightly over the basket to see the runners. "Number 20 is way out in front! Look at her go! Her name is...Chatterbox. It looks like she's going to be some tough competition." Starlight stated, looking at the list to see which contestant was what number. "But what's this? Contestant number 2...Moonlight, is slowly on Chatterbox's tail. It looks like we've got some determined racer's this year!" She grinned as she was enjoying the event. Looking further back, the unicorn winced slightly as she saw both @Sir Hugsalot and @Ice Princess Silky <3 had taken tripped over their hooves. Vibrant landing in a bush, while Silky had tripped and slid on the ground. "That look like that hurt. I sure hope that contestants 6 and 5 are okay. That looked like a nasty spill they just had." She winced, before noticing @Shiny Silvermoon had went back to help them up. "What's this? Contestant number 1...Shiny, has gone back to make sure that Silky and Vibrant are okay." She explained, smiling softly at the action being displayed. "Even though this is a race and for leaves to be knocked down. It truly warms my heart at the spirit of good sportsmanship. I hope you're watching this folks as I think a round of applause is in order." Starlight smiled, clapping her hooves together to add her own applause to the potential crowd of applause.
  12. Hey there, @TheRockASaurus! Thank you and and it's great to be here! You most certainly can and a day of extension is definitely okay.
  13. Hey, @Deae Rising Shine~! For the 5 specific spells, they can be simple spells that I casted in the show. If they have a name, or a number of spells I may have put together, then that can count, as well. Any and all spells I had casted are definitely acceptable.
  14. It may be challenging, but don't forget that it's great to work with friends. Don't be afraid to work together, everyone! It's always much more fun to work together as teams!
  15. Hey, everypony! I hope everyone has had and been having a wonderful September! I'm really sorry on my lateness and absence! Grading papers and looking over everything for the school year can be a bit chaotic at times. That's why having friends to be there for you and help you out can honestly go a long way. Actually, grading papers has given me a wonderful idea! Since there's still time, I thought that I could give everyone a small end of the year test! Nothing too major of a test. It's more of a exam to test your knowledge of how well you know your Headmare This trivia is dedicated to myself, Starlight Glimmer! There are ten questions in total. These questions can range from the cartoon, comics, books and any other source that's fitting for this event! Once you complete all ten questions, you can send myself, @Starlight Glimmer a message and I shall go over every answer to see how you all do! This trivia challenge shall last a week from today! If you need more time, then a day of extension shall be provided! Please let me know if you need more time in regards to the extension, of course. If there are no other questions, then the exam shall begin! Good luck, everypony! 1. When we met Starlight in season 5, she managed to escape Twilight, her friends and the rest of the villagers. Only to be seen at the end of season 5. In which episodes did we see Starlight appear that weren't the premier and the finale? Where was she in these scenes? 2. Starlight is known to be a powerful unicorn. Generating strong magic that rivals that of even Twilight Sparkle. What five spells was Starlight capable or mentioned of casting throughout the rest of the series? 3. When Starlight was to be made Headmare of the School of Friendship, she opted to have a Vice Headmare for the job. Who were the candidates and who became the Vice Headmare? 4. In the episode, The Parent Map, Starlight and Sunburst return home to Sire's Hallow for a map mission. There, we get to see Starlight's room. What were five things that could be seen from within her room? 5. In Friendship is Forever, what did Starlight and Spike create for Twilight for her ascension to becoming the Ruler of Equestria. How was this gift created? 6. In regards to Starlight Glimmer's appearance, she didn't always look the way that she did. Along with her name as "Starlight," as well. What mane style did she nearly resemble? Not only that, but what was her name originally going to be? Along with why her name had become Starlight. 7. Starlight Glimmer is voiced by the talented Kelly Sheridan. However, Starlight isn't the only character she's voiced in her career. What five characters has she voiced from either anime or TV animation? 8. In the three part comic story arc, "Chaos Theory," Discord had transformed due to the Cosmic Convergence. Changing Discord into the complete opposite of himself, known as Accord. With all of Ponyville as Accord's followers, Starlight issues him a challenge. What was the challenge and how did she try to outwit him in this challenge? 9. In Starlight Glimmer and the Secret Suite, Starlight had found a secret room within Twilight's castle. She then turned that secret room into her own secret suite. What was the room actually and what did it do? 10. Can you tell me the names of Starlight's French, German, Dutch, and Italian Voice actresses?
  16. Hey, everypony! I hope everyone's been having a wonderful September, so far! I've been really busy welcoming in our new students and making sure everyone's been doing okay with the new school term. This honestly reminds me of when Twilight first opened up the School of Friendship. The many new students, be it Pony, Dragon, Changeling and so many in between entering the school. It was both nervous and exciting in the hopes that we could help pass on the magic of friendship to all creatures and even our next generation. I even recall when I started off as the school's Guidance Counselor. Being able to help students with their problems and being their for others was truly a wonderful feeling. Eventually, Twilight offered the position as headmare. While I was unsure and nervous at first, I felt that I found where I belonged. Being able to guide my students, while also having Sunburst and Trixie by my side, I felt like the leader I truly could become. In a way, it's a part of the many memories that truly mean a lot to me. I admit that I have a rough start when I thought I lost my friend because of a cutie mark. With a help of a friend, however, I learned that there was always another way. It was because of that friend that I was able to make many more friends. I even reconnected with Sunburst and we've been close ever since. To me, it's a special memory that I always look back on and cherish dearly. Which is why I want to present the question over to those that are reading this. Do you have a special memory when you were in school? A special friend that you got to meet and became close with? A favorite class or teacher that you learned from? Even a lesson from a teacher that you hold dear that you take with you after graduating? Even a dream career you've had. Did you have a dream job that you'd like to be when growing up? Are you still pursuing it, or has it changed over time? However, talking about this is not the only thing I'd like to ask of those reading this. There's something else that I think would be a great idea! Whether you're still in grade school or in college, or have graduated. I want everyone to also respond with a lesson for other users to read. Not what they have learned, but for something to teach others. It can be tutorials or specific know how's, be it your hobbies or general life hacks. This way, you can be both a teacher to teach other readers, while also being a student and learning from your other teachers in this thread. Those that participate in this shall receive a badge! I look forward to hearing everypony's stories and lessons and advice for others to read and to learn! Here's to a continuous and wonderful Fall season!
  17. Hey, everypony! This is your Headmare at Ponyville's School of Friendship, Starlight Glimmer here, wanting to wish you a Happy September! With the Fall season just around the corner, that means that cooler days are upon us! I hope everyone has had a wonderful summer, as well as a wonderful Fall, so far! With the end of summer, things start to cool down a bit. Along with the leaves turning to all different pretty colors. From red to orange, that just means that the Running of the Leaves are fast approaching! Nothing like raking up some leaves into a giant pile and jumping into them! Even thought I usually fly my kites during spring and summer, it's never a bad idea to fly your kite in the nice brisk air. However, September isn't all about fun and games. September is usually the time when students are preparing to start the next chapter of their school lives. As Headmare of the School of Friendship, I love to welcome each and every new student. In the hopes of teaching them the lessons and values of friendship. Which is why I'd like to celebrate September as a time for fun, preparing for any challenges that come our way and trying something new! There will be many events for everypony to take part in and many fun memories to be had! Here's to a lovely September, along with the start of a wonderful Fall season, everyone!
  18. "Come on everypony, let's show some friendship and vote for the School of Friendship!" "Ya know, I don't think this is working. Also, how did Sunburst end up between us?"
  19. Hello everypony, the badges are now been giving out! Thank you for all your patient and I will present all the gifts from here as well! You are allow to reveal yourself as a member's secret santa or let them guess! Either way is fine! Thank you all for participating and it was fun spending these Holiday weeks with everpony here! For @Dynamo Pad full picture is been giving out via pm. For @Reality Check full drawing picture is been giving out via pm For @Diane Velvet For @Courageous Thunder Dash For @Cagey for @TomDaBombMLP For @Will Guide For @Astral Soul For @MintySweet For @TheRockARooster For @RaraLover For @Cash_In For @Brony Number 42 Let me know if we're missing any pony!
  20. Hello everypony! Gifts will be giving out sometime tomorrow!!
  21. We have decided to extend the event a bit more! Since we’re still waiting on one more secret Santa to reply about their gifts idea and also, we needed more time to make all the badges before giving them out! The event will be extended until Jan 3rd!
  22. I hope everyone are enjoying their Holidays, with all the fun trivia and gifts being sending out soon, I thought it would be fun to add a holiday activity, word(s) search!! Participates and completing it will earn a badge! Be sure to send the complete work over to @Sandy Claws for him to check it and so you can be rewarded! Deadline will be taken on Dec 29th! You're all welcome to work together one this. Have Fun everypony!
  23. Basically just anything what your partner likes, a thing or two! you can definitely look around their pfp to help you!
  24. Once Alice send to you who you got for secret Santa and an idea what your partner likes, send them to me!
  25. Hello everypony and Merry Hearth Warming! It has been awhile since we have celebrated our Hearth Warming Week together and Twilight wants me to host this special event, knowing how I’m not quite familiar with it yet. And it’s such a great honor getting to spent it with you all! To start with this special week before we get to the fun activities, I’m curious how do you celebrate your Hearth Warming? You’re welcome to share your plans and also, as a bonus, share your Hearth Warming decorations to get the spirit going! Don’t mind me having some popcorn while listening to you all.
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