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Posts posted by Raspberry32

  1. Whoa, interesting. I've got a list lying around here somewhere...



    1.) Doritos Can't eat them anymore. Don't know why.


    2.) Having a messy room I clean my entire house almost every day. I can't stand messes. The environment around me needs to be absolutely perfect for me to be happy.


    3.) Burping Yugh, disgusting. I don't like it when other people do it, and I don't like it when I do it.


    4.) Staying awake Ha, when don't I sleep?


    5.) Leftovers I don't do leftovers anymore. The food needs to be fresh.


    6.) Bugs I used to always play with ants and ladybugs. Now, if I see anything related to them, I run and hide in my bug safety shelter.


    7.) School Do I really need to say it?


    8.) Evil Things/Violence I used to think evil death killing murderous knife wielding bloodies were "cool". Well, I was dumb as a child. Explosions. Explosions are cool.


    8.) Dogs I still love dogs, and all animals. But, they are so annoying! I can't stand the constant licking and shedding and barking and snoring and sneezing in my food! (I own pugs. Sneezing is their job.) I only accept a few dogs. My mother's mother and father own a pit bull named "Cap". He doesn't shed. He only sleeps. And barks sometimes. But not too much.



    Alright, this is enough for now.

  2. Dang, where have I been?


    Because my nose is slightly offset, I can only breathe from one nostril at a time, thus hindering my sense of smell. Most smells aren't anything great, nor do they bring back any fond memories. My memories flood back to me when I touch certain things.


    You can only breathe through one nostril? That's strange. Never heard of that. So, like, can you decide what nostril you want to breathe from? Or is it only one?


    she was in wheelchair and almost never left her home. she and my grandfather both enjoyed gardening and built and grew this giant garden, roses being her favorite, they had ALOT of rose bushes. there was a point where she couldn't go outside very much anymore because of the sun, so he would clip roses and other flowers and bring them into the house everyday so she could see how healthy her plants were. since roses were her favorite, he always clipped alot of roses. not so much an obsession as "you can't come to the garden, so i will bring our garden to you" type of thing.


    That's kind of cool. I don't really know much about gardening. Only if I were to plant food, like potatoes, or watermelon, would I know about gardening. I like food, you see.

  3. The smell of Febreeze reminds me of Super Mario Sunshine, OP. I don't remember there being a significant event that could have tied those two together, but it does. I was probably playing it right after my mom sprayed it in my room, but I don't remember any specifics


    Also, the smell of Gain brand laundry detergent reminds me of childhood in general. No other detergent has that effect except Gain. My mom would always use it when I was young, but has since stopped because it's too expensive now. I was at my grandma's house the other day though and she had a box on her washing machine and a flood of memories came back. It was rather strange, but pleasant


    Oh, and the album "Forever Young: by Alphaville reminds me of my early days as a pony fan, since I had been listening to that album non-stop when I first discovered the fandom. Strange how stuff like that happens


    Super Mario Sunshine is a game that boosted my gaming life. Very fun, very great game.


    Laundry detergent, no matter what brand, smells awesome.


    Never heard of Alphaville. Maybe I will listen to them sometime.

  4. Words

    o_o I want to see what a flower smells like! It sounds like a super power. A stupid one, but still a superpower.


    The scent of new paper reminds me of my wife's art studio. She keeps her considerable comic book collection in there, and the room always has a vague scent of the paper. Cinnamon reminds me of my cat. When he was a kitten, his fur smelled faintly of cinnamon. I don't know why! After a few months the scent gradually went away.

    Whoa... A cinnamon cat! I might just start pouring containers of cinnamon on my dogs. I like the smell of cinnamon. It's nothing special really, but it just smells good.

  5. Well, my last name...


    Wait. Is it safe for me to say my last name here? I don't see why not... I shouldn't really worry about it...




    *Knock on the door* "Oh, one sec. Gotta answer that"




    But, no, really. My last name is Asbury. A few of my friends were rhyming their last names with anything they could, and happen to come across mine. The result was "Raspberry". The "32" part just happened to be a good number for me.


    The cool part is, a lot of people call me by Raspberry. I'm used to it. I still have plenty of other nicknames, such as Jorgy, Razzleberry (-_-), Jorgina, Avon (Long story... I would tell you, but it would take up a lot of room.).


    And a lot of people on the Minecraft server I administrate call me Razzinberry, or Rasarerry (?), or just Raisin...


    The server members are a weird bunch, but fun nonetheless.

  6. *Bumps chest with fist and hold hand up high* "Bro for life!!!"



    But, really. I've been watching him forever, and his videos have got to be the most entertaining I have ever seen.


    I kind of creep on him in a way, but very rarely. His Happy Wheels and Amnesia series are what got me hooked. But, when he plays any horror games, I guarantee myself satisfaction.

  7. You're not alone at all. A lot of people have this because scent is the strongest sense tied to memory.


    I have a few things that come to mind on this topic. The smell of orange scented cleansers will always remind me of the Dean Koontz novel Hideaway. I was reading it in freshman year of high school. I had study hall in the cafeteria and they were redoing the floors. One of the chemicals they were using had the extremely strong artificial scent of orange cleaner. I will never forget smelling that stuff while reading some of the horrendous things that were going on in that book. To this day using orange scented cleaner always gives me a creepy feeling and reminds me of that book.


    The smell of primrose reminds me of my mom getting ready to go out for the evening. The funny thing about that is she's been wearing honeysuckle for a while not but it's the primrose I always remember.


    The smell of pencils reminds me of countless nights spent with my nose to the paper of my sketchbook drawing my heart out, and the smell of cheap ink pens makes me think of writing certain stories.


    One of my favorites though is the smell of oranges and tangerines. (the real scent. not those nasty cleansers). Those scents always remind me of Christmas. My mom always put an orange, tangerines, nuts, and chocolate in our stockings so now whenever I peal and orange I think "oooh, Christmas."


    I am going to go in all sorts of directions for this post...


    1.) When you said the words "horrendous" and "creepy", I got the sudden urge to read some scary stories... Just saying.


    2.) You've heard of Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe", no? I can't get that song out of my head. I love it. I played it on my guitar at least 20 times today.


    3.) You get oranges in your stockings? I always hated peeling oranges. They keep ripping.


    4.) If you listen to the ska/metal band, BAMF!, you may have heard their cover of Nikki Minaj's "Superbass". I hate Nikki Minaj, so I listen to BAMF!'s version.


    5.) "You're not alone at all. A lot of people have this because scent is the strongest sense tied to memory."


    That's deep, bro.


    I am trapped in a place far away from where I want to be.


    Every summer my family used to go on a trip out east (Virginia, Maryland, DC, etc.) I'd visit grandparents, aunts, uncles, and the like. I even made a really good friend out there, and her and I talk over facebook every now and again. However this summer, there has been absolutely no monetary income in our house thanks to the fact NOBODY IN THE ENTIRE BUCKING PLANET WILL HIRE ME OR ANYONE IN MY FAMILY. The only thing that kept me going through the school year, was knowing I'd leave this awful place, and vacation where I was born; and honestly prefer to live. But like anything good in my life, it never lasts. So all summer I was at home, pretending I was elsewhere. So many sights, so many smells, and even some tastes and sounds were always reminding me of where I wanted to be, and why I hate where I am. And I'd always get a feeling like someone just pitted my stomach, and drained my heart; and yet it always felt nostalgic in away, and even though I was broken, it brought me a smile.


    There are tons of these 'links' I have to my extended family: such as cigarette smoke (grandma used to smoke,) old cartoons (always watched cartoons in grandparent's basement,) purple otterpops (grandparents always had a freezer full of them.) But it goes even further than that, because there are things that remind me of the landscape itself: such as the smell of heavy rain (it pretty much never rains here, so when we get an 'apocalyptic flood warning' I go outside and smell the air, and dream of home; ) bright sunlight (they say the grass is greener, but the sun is also brighter; ) dryer sheets (don't know why, but smelling them makes me feel happy; ) humidity (I love humidity to be honest; it's probably a reflection of how much I love the east coast.)


    I'm sure I've bored everyone to tears at this point, so I'll just shut up and dream of being away.


    ...Is this a poem?


    Good Lord, that was well written. I bet you write lyrics to many songs.


    This was a pretty intense read. I honestly don't know if what I am about to say is in any way related to what you just said, but I think the air in Florida smells good o_o...


    No, really. You should smell it sometime.


    (Thought I might add, nice avatar)

  8. I can say something like this have happened to me before. Maybe not in such a severe manner, but more of just a "warning" to me. I can't really relate, but I can understand.


    I do agree with what everybody else has been saying about the father of this child overreacting, and about how it's his fault this happened in the first place. This is overall pretty pathetic, and it just shows what kind of person he is.


    Somebody should really call him and give him a nice warm lecture. Drive up to his house, possibly have a bit of a tea party, but with extra police guests, and a little yelling.



    (Just throwing this out there, I have friends who can get this sort of information. We've done it before to a kid who created 5 websites blowing off our Minecraft server. Let's just say, he no longer has access to his Minecraft, his 4 YouTube accounts, E-mail, several forums, and we have his phone number...)

  9. the smell of roses remind me of my grandmother because she always had a huge rose bush garden and would have roses all over her house (literally everywhere) that she had clipped from her yard.


    Did she have some sort of obsession with roses? Or maybe she just happened to have them all around her house...

  10. well Dashboard is a song. So it'd be more location memories for that one, about Highway 1 in southern Florida.


    Basically, random stuff reminds me of random but connected things it seems.


    ...Got it. I thought you were talking about the smell of the Dashboard in a car or something. If it's a new car smell, then I can sort of understand.

  11. Huzzah for randomity, err randomness, or randomitynessfullness, or whatever.



    Cleva, yes. How certain smells... just yes. That is the perfect explanation for me.


    lol now this is random


    Dashboard - Modest Mouse brings memories from Highway 1 in FL back. Guess it has something to do with my family and I discovering the epicness of the Hyundai's SolarXM radio or whatever.


    You.. You are still talking about the smell stuff, right? Or are you talking about location... or something..?

  12. Once when I was around 9 I went to my relatives' house and there was an N64 set up in a room that smelled like.. I dunno, a mix of that garage smell and paint? (It was a strange smell, not sure what they were doing in that room) So anyway, every time I played the N64 there I smelled it. I was there for like 3 weeks and then left.

    Maybe a year or so afterwards I smelled something similar and instantly thought of Super Mario 64 and of the room where I played it. I still remember the smell after 5 years xD It's very strange.


    Haha. "Not sure what they were doing in that room". That's pretty awesome. I'm sure you would be happier if there was a... "sweeter"(?) smell instead of paint and... whatever it was. I'm always happier when I get reminded of something when I smell something that smells good.

  13. It's one of my favourite smells, the smell of soon-to-come rain. It tends to bring back travel / calmer memories for me (since it's a soothing smell, and i've never been trouble when traveling, except for the taking off part of flight or turbulence).


    This may sound completely off topic, but when I eat dried cranberries, it reminds me of the ocean. I don't know why. When I smell these Air Spray Freshness cans that have the word "Ocean" on them, I can relate that smell to a taste of something. And I guess dried cranberries fit the picture.

  14. well the feeling thing is just general.. general memories of travel, not anything specific but just like a blob of memories. I hope i'm making sense. And I only like make certain dates in my history colours. Like 9//11, not a colour. But say the last time I got pneumonia, i'd say blue or cyan. I have one weird brain...


    I thought my brain was weird. Oh well, I can't really call out anything to be weird.

    • Brohoof 1
  15. That's an interesting take on death. I didn't tear up or anything, but I did kind of sit there and stare at the final panel for a minute or two.


    Exactly what I was going to type up. My heart was beating rather fast when reading. I was on the verge of tears.


    After finishing, I had to sit in silence and think for a while. I'm still not moving anything but my fingers while I am typing this. That was really intense.


    I don't know what I would have done if the comic ended right after he died. I'm glad the comic ended like it did. It was a rather happy ending.

  16. I can see why people won't give a rat's HAT! (don't worry. I don't swear. Not an unclean word shall slip my lips.)


    But, when people completely shove off the show without a second thought, it really just lights my fuse.


    Picture Time!


    Posted Image


    Who's to say these people didn't give the show a chance? I know one of them, Adam, (it seems) was at least somewhat in favor of bronies. If you watch a later episode, he is wearing a brony shirt. But, he may just be trolling us. From their reactions, and their lack of knowledge about the show, I can make a safe assumption that they did not, and will not give the show a chance.


    That black guy (Okay, listen. I don't know his name. He just happens to be black. Don't assume I am racist.), he was awesome. He doesn't care about what anybody does, or what anybody thinks about. If everybody were like him, I guarantee you 99.95% this world would be awesome.


    Oh, and Devin. That guy is my imaginary friend. Not really... But he rocks.

  17. Pictures of rather delectible looking pastries.


    Let's call them Apple Pies. They look pretty good. I've never had one, though.


    My old friend's mother used to always wear this perfume. Whenever I always went over, her mom had it on. Now whenever I smell a perfume that matches hers...I always think about how I miss my ex friend and just kinda sit there and think...:/ Dont get me wrong, the perfume smelled great..but I cannot smell it without thinking of my ex friend


    I can sort of relate to that feeling. It isn't a good one. I'd rather not really explain it all, but let's just say (and I'm going to go ahead and give a name here.) I can't go a day without thinking of Erin. She moved away a little less than a year ago. It sucks.


    The smell of after rain reminds me of the amusement park "Kennywood", because every time I've gone there, it's rained (even though the weather predicted clear skies all day...). And I've been there a good 8 or so times.


    The smell of heating units reminds me of Christmas time, because, you know, winter. Winter has Christmas.. Yeah, you know what I mean.


    Uh.. Yes, I... I get it. Winter.


    The smell of rain is something I never understood. I don't care how powerful my smelling abilities are, I have never smelled rain. My brother says he can smell when it is about to rain. It's really more of benefit to us, so we can seek shelter before we get attacked.

  18. (Readers? Didn't deem it possible...)


    Christmas tastes like mince pies


    I am going to be completely honest, I don't know what a mince pie is. I'm eating an Apple Pie now, if that has any relation whatsoever, but I have my doubts.


    I didn't know tastes could bring out some events/occurrences. I guess everybody has a different sort of way that reminds them of.. stuff. I can smell things, you can taste them, and the person I am about to reply to can feel them. I just can't see how tasting, or feeling can do such a thing, but I can't tell anybody different.






    I sort of know what you mean by colors portraying different months or seasons. I have the idea that January is blue, and February is Pink.


    I don't know how you go about "feeling" things and getting a reminder of anything. Some things feel too alike, and I would get confused on what reminded me of what.

  19. I'm talking about the scent that brings back memories. Mostly good memories. I know I might sound crazy, but what I am about to say is unfortunately true.


    I have a very, very sensitive nose. I can smell a burp the moment it leaves somebodies mouth from 6 feet away. I have to live with my nose. And most of the time, it sucks. But, I always end up finding a scent that would bring back the most... let's say "awesome" memories.


    Cheesy, I know, but bear with me.


    I am going to try and explain.


    The Scent of Assassins Creed: Brotherhood




    The first time I experienced a memory flooding back to me after I smelled something, it was with a can of Axe Body spray.


    Wait... don't leave yet.


    I remember playing Assassins Creed: Brotherhood in my brother's room all the time. I don't know why I would play it in there, it's just a natural place to play my video games.


    Anyways, his room was always full of Axe. And while I play my game, that smell of Axe floods my nose. So, you can say that Axe is a pretty much the only thing I smelled while playing the game.


    Let's skip ahead about a 6 months after the completion of the game.


    I was completely finished with the game, and wanted nothing to do with it, mostly because it got boring. I don't exactly remember where, or when, but I was sitting in my room (I think), and I was screwing around with my things. Now, my brother has switched to a new type of cologne, and no longer used Axe. But, I find an old can in my room and decide to play with it. (I had a boring life.). After spraying it, and getting the whiff of a lifetime, I suddenly just remember myself playing Assassins Creed: Brotherhood. I have gotten so used to the smell of Axe when playing, that when I smell it out of nowhere, those memories fill my mind. I know it's weird.



    How about another?


    The Scent of My Little Dashie (And My Little Pony)




    This happened right before the moment I started typing this. So, about 20 minutes ago. I walk into the main room, and have a look of things on a shelf we have. I notice these little Febreze things you plug into a wall, and the smell of wonderful fills the house. Remember, I have the nose of a dog. Unintended, I smell the Box of Febreze, and memories of myself reading My Little Dashie fill my mind.


    Wait. Stay a little longer. Don't leave.


    When I read the fanfic, there were at least 4 of those things inserted into the main room's outlets. So, you could imagine the intensity of the smell, especially if you have a Jesus nose. It just so happens that the furniture sort of captured the smell in itself. So, when I cried my eyes out in the couch, I almost drowned in Febreze.


    Same thing goes with the whole My Little Pony show.



    I'm sure you get the idea now. I tend to repeat myself constantly, so I will just stop here.


    Don't leave yet.


    I hope I'm not the only one who has these special scents that relate to an earlier event in life. So, what I want you to do, all 0 of you reading this, is to (if you can) possibly give out some of your "Special Aromas" that remind you of anything. (Or, if you want, you can call me crazy and completely make fun of me for being an idiot)


    TL;DR - I'm crazy



    • Brohoof 1
  20. LOL those memes actually made me laugh, I don't think I've ever seen someone just put text for a meme before, but you made it work lol.


    That's the first time in my life I've ever made anything work without completely disassembling it, only to lose a few screws afterwards, or taking it to a repair man. That means something.

    • Brohoof 1
  21. Ffffffwtfbbq so many new people. I really need to get me one of those pre-made intro welcomes...


    Welcome to the board and enjoy your stay ^^ Hope you remain active and make lots of friends.


    Pre-made intro welcomes. PSH!


    My welcomes are all unique. (Although, I don't really tend to welcome anybody. Maybe I should start.)


    Just a heads up, when I do welcome somebody, I usually make use of memes. Like this one/ / /.



    "I don't always welcome new members to the MLP forums. But, when I do, I welcome them with memes."


    Or this/ / /


    *Insert Good Guy Greg meme here*

    Sees a new member join the forum


    Takes time out of his day to welcome him




    But... yes. Welcome and all.

    • Brohoof 1
  22. I have a very rare and special disorder...




    Allow me to translate.














    Take now for instance. This most likely isn't the time to be joking about diseases and the sort. But you know... It's cool. I think.


    Some people think I have a mental disorder (such as ADHD. I didn't say disability.), and in all seriousness, I don't. I really just think it's fun to act all random and not make any sense. Like Pinkie Pie, for example. A rather good example, I should say. I act almost exactly like her, just in the real world. I'm like the real world Pinkie Pie. But, it's all an act, like I said.


    (And if you didn't notice before, I was completely kidding about the first disorder. It isn't real. Although, it should be. Because, I think I have it.)

  23. (Move this if there is a more appropriate section of the forum for this post to be in)


    I'm going to make this pretty short and "to the point".


    I've started to notice that my Windows Live Movie Maker isn't really displaying as it should.


    Posted Image


    (^^^ Why yes, that is a Rainbow Dash cutie mark start orb...)


    It looks as if somebody made an oil painting of it. This isn't even the worst of the blur. It gets pretty bad to where I can barely see the text/video anymore, almost as if it faded in with the white background.


    I can't find anything by searching Google. The only thing I have found was something about getting a new graphics card, and this isn't the case here.


    So, if anybody has had the same problem, and/or has found a solution to fix the image, I would really appreciate an answer.

  24. Quiet right, you did ask me what I thought, and so I replied with "I find them extremely hilarious because it's so stupid xD"


    Oh yea... Right.


    I watched it when I was younger, it never really scared me, but I did find it a little funny to be honest XD Thay're quite entertaining at first but I got a little tired of them.

    I'm starting to notice that everybody who has watched them (and enjoyed them) now finds them a little boring.

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